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10 Virgins In The Bible

What would you do if you were promised virgins upon your death? That’s the question a bunch of people on the Internet (and some radical extremist groups) are asking, and the answer is pretty disturbing. I don’t know about you, but this article is the best thing that could’ve happened to my productivity today. Let’s… Read More »10 Virgins In The Bible

Why Did Benny Hinn Apologize To Christians For False Teaching

Why did Benny Hinn apologize to Christians for false teaching? A well-known Israeli Christian televangelist, Pastor Benny Hinn, apologized to his members in a video posted an hour ago on Facebook for his false teachings on prosperity, sowing of seed and monetizing the gospel. Check out Benny Hinn’s latest news and Benny Hinn’s teachings. According… Read More »Why Did Benny Hinn Apologize To Christians For False Teaching

Jon Tyson biography

Let us review the Jon Tyson biography, jon tyson: books and jon tyson theology. Jon Tyson is a writer and editor who has worked in publishing for more than 15 years. He has written for a wide range of publications, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe,… Read More »Jon Tyson biography

3 Ways God Answers Prayers

What comes to mind when you think of prayer? For some, you might think of a religious building or structure. For others, you may think of money. There are many different ways prayer can be done. However, prayer isn’t something that should be taken lightly. Prayer is something of the utmost importance because it gives… Read More »3 Ways God Answers Prayers