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Prayer and Bible Studies

Spiritual Meaning Of Mouth Sores

What Is the spiritual meaning of mouth sores? The common, chronic swelling inside your cheek, on or near your tongue or just under your tongue is called glossitis. This condition can be disfiguring and uncomfortable. According to my research, it has several different causes and an over rushing list of home remedies. Would you like… Read More »Spiritual Meaning Of Mouth Sores

Spiritual Meaning Of Dandruff

Dandruff is one of the skin conditions that causes great discomfort to you. The most common symptoms associated with dandruff include flaking and itching of the scalp. The condition can be embarrassing sometimes, but people who have had it would say that the feeling is not as bad as the embarrassment they feel. Dandruff can… Read More »Spiritual Meaning Of Dandruff

Family Trees In The Bible

Genesis 5:1–12 lists the generations of Adam’s descendants. The book of Ruth is a family tree that traces Ruth’s lineage back to Judah and Perez, and then to King David. Matthew 1:1–17 traces Jesus’ lineage from Abraham through David. And the list goes on and on. But why? Why were there so many people in… Read More »Family Trees In The Bible