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Short prayer for Tithes and Offering

Dear God,

There is so much to be thankful for in this world. Let me just start with you, because I need to thank you for the life that you have given me, and the people in it. I thank you for the opportunity to help others through my work at [company name] and for the experiences that have led up to this point in my life. Thank you also for being able to help others who are less fortunate than myself and who need our help more than ever. Please give me strength and courage as I continue to grow into the person that I know you want me to be. In Jesus’ name, amen

Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. Help me to remember that it is a gift from you. I pray that I am able to fully enjoy it, and use it to your glory. Give me the strength and courage to do what I need to do today, and help me to prioritize the things that matter most. Forgive me for any wrongs I have done or said in your name. Help me not to be afraid of making mistakes, but instead allow them to teach me something new about myself. In Jesus’s name, Amen

14 Great Offertory Prayers - Prayers for Special Help

Short prayer for Tithes and Offering

Most merciful Father, we offer you our gifts and ourselves in grateful response for the infinite blessings that you have given us.

  • We offer you our gifts and ourselves in grateful response for the infinite blessings that you have given us.
  • We recognize that we are all sinners, but we ask for your mercy and forgiveness.
  • Do not expect to pay for your sins with money; rather, may it be given for the benefit of others who need it more than we do.

We pray to You for the needs of all people, especially for those who are poor and suffering, for their consolations and salvation.

We pray to You for the needs of all people, especially for those who are poor and suffering, for their consolations and salvation.

We ask for Your grace upon us so that we may offer to You our lives in service.

We pray that all people may come to know Your love and be drawn into a deeper relationship with you through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Grant us, O Lord, to serve Thee with a generous heart, and to love with a perfect love both You and our neighbor; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee forever and ever. Amen.

Scripture: “Grant us, O Lord, to serve Thee with a generous heart, and to love with a perfect love both You and our neighbor; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee forever and ever. Amen.”

This prayer is translated from the Latin Vulgate Bible. It was originally written by St. Ambrose (340 -397 AD), who lived in Milan during the time of Emperor Theodosius I (347-395). His biographer Paulinus relates how Ambrose would often talk about money matters with his friends because he believed that people should not be ashamed of such matters but should discuss them openly as part of daily life–something we could all benefit from doing today!

It has been suggested that this prayer was written during one of three moments when Ambrose refused an increase in his salary as archbishop: once after being elected bishop when he refused an increase from 200 gold coins per year to 300 gold coins per year; again upon becoming archbishop when asked if he wanted another 400 gold coins annually; and finally at some point later on when asked again if he would like 500 gold coins annually instead of 300.

This prayer is meant to be said at the offering time of Mass on Sundays or during any gathering.

This prayer is meant to be said aloud during the offering time of Mass on Sundays or during any gathering.

It is also a good prayer to say at home while you are preparing to make your tithes, offerings and almsgiving.

After all, we need God’s blessing upon our giving so that we can put into action what St Paul says: “Each one should give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

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