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Good Night Prayer For Kids

Good night prayer for kids is the most beautiful way to end the day. It automatically refreshes your mind, bodies and souls. Now you need not worry about anything as it is a great prayer by itself.

Good Night Prayer For Kids

Good night prayer for kids is a good way to make the child feel secure and safe. The child can sleep well and go to sleep without any fear. The prayer is said before going to bed. It will help the child to know God is watching over them and will protect them from all evils.

Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on simple prayer for kids, childrens bedtime prayer songs, daily prayers for children, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.

Good Night Prayer For Kids


I pray the Lord my soul to keep. May God guard me through the night, And wake me with the morning’s light. Amen.

In this world, it’s more important than ever to teach your children how to pray and instill in them a desire to spend time talking with God. As you’re helping them learn practical prayers, such as how to pray before meals, don’t forget the importance of prayer at bedtime. A good night prayer for kids can serve as a reminder that God is all around us, protecting and loving us, even in our sleep. Here’s one of my favorite prayers for the nights when I’m tucking my little ones into bed:

Dear Lord,

Dear Lord,

I pray for protection from all evil and harm. I pray for blessings in my life, so that I may have the strength to face any challenges that come my way. Surround me with love and care tonight as I sleep, Lord. Give me restful sleep so that tomorrow I can be ready to face what comes my way. Help me dream of a bright future where Your presence is ever present in my life! Amen!

I bring my children before you now.

Here are some ways you can use this prayer to start a conversation with your child about God.

  • As you go through each line, ask them what they think God might want for them or their family. You could also ask if there’s anything else that needs to be included in the prayer.
  • Point out how God is present all around us and in everything we do. This can help kids see that he is more than just an invisible force who hears our prayers: he’s also a loving Father who wants us to know him and make him known.
  • Remind them that Jesus said when we pray, “Let not your hearts be troubled.” (John 14:1-3) We’ll always have problems, but in those times we should remember that the power behind our prayers is greater than any problem on earth or in heaven!

I ask that you would protect them from all harm.

I ask that you would protect them from all harm. Protect them from all dangers and evil things that may hurt them or cause them harm.

I pray that the Lord will hold their hands in the dark, when they can’t see anything around them; I pray You would guide their steps as they walk through life.

I also pray that You will comfort my children in times of trouble and keep them close to Your heart at all times. I ask these things in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Keep them safe and secure in your hands.

As you tuck them in for the night, remind them that the Lord is their defense. He will keep them safe and secure in his hands.

Tell your kids that God is with them always, and he will protect them from all harm.

daily prayers for children

Bless them with your love and peace.

Bless them with your love and peace

  • Blessing is a prayer of thanksgiving to God for His blessings on our lives.
  • Blessing is a prayer of petition for the things we need in life, including health, happiness and prosperity.
  • Blessing is a prayer of adoration for His greatness, love and mercy towards us as sinners who do not deserve anything from Him except eternal damnation and hellfire if we do not repent from our sins now before it’s too late!
  • Blessing is a prayer of supplication for protection against evil forces that may try to harm us physically, emotionally or spiritually (or all three).
  • Blessing is also a form of intercession wherein we pray on behalf or another person who needs help – like when someone has lost his way in life but can still be found; or when there are people suffering from illness but they cannot be healed due their own negligence over time; or when there are people who have gone astray away from God’s path but still longs to find their way back again through faith in Jesus Christ alone!

childrens bedtime prayer songs

Surround them with your protection and keep them safe.

God is the only one who can protect you. He is your strength and hope, your salvation, refuge and shelter. When you feel weak in your life, God will be there to help you stand up again. When you feel hopeless about a situation in life, God will give you hope of a brighter future through his promises. When things don’t seem to go according to plan for whatever reason or no reason at all, God can turn those situations around for His glory and using them for good purposes which benefit others rather than harming yourself or others around us such as when someone dies unexpectedly or unexpectedly gets sick but then recovers due to prayer offered up by family members etcetera…

Give them a restful sleep and fill their dreams with joy and hope.

Dreams are a way to communicate with your subconscious. They can be positive or negative, depending on what is going on in your life at the time. Dreams are how we process our daily lives and help us make sense of them.

One study found that dreaming about falling, for instance, may represent feelings of inadequacy or lack of control over one’s life; while dreams of flying could symbolize having a high self-image or feeling free from responsibilities.

Research has also shown that dreams can help children process their fears: if they dream repeatedly about being chased by monsters or other scary figures (which happens often), these visions may actually be helping children deal with real life situations such as being bullied at school by classmates who pick on them because they’re different from others in some way (like being overweight). The same goes for dreaming that they’re surrounded by friends instead—it might mean they don’t feel comfortable sharing their thoughts with people around them!

I put my hope in you! Amen

The word amen is a biblical word used to emphasize the meaning of something. It has been used for centuries as a way to express agreement, or as a prayer that means “so be it.” For example:

  • “Amen!” is often said at the end of a prayer in order to indicate that the person praying believes in what they are saying and wants it to happen.
  • “Amen” is also commonly said after someone says something they agree with, such as when you say “amen” after someone gives an important speech or if you’re responding positively to something another person has said.

It can also be used as part of sentences like “I believe in God, and I’m not afraid,” where the word amen adds emphasis or shows support for what was just said (making this a good translation).


Lord, my children are a precious gift from you. I pray that you would protect them from harm and surround them with your love and peace. Make their dreams happy and filled with hope for tomorrow’s adventure!

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