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Back To School Prayer For Kids

Parents, do you want your kids to have a good academic year? Then you’ll need the help of God. So what are you waiting for? Invite Him in to your home by praying for your children. Here’s a Back To School Prayer For Kids, short prayer for first day of school or beginning of school year prayer for students that will help them start their school year off on the right track.

As the children head back to school after summer vacation, pick this post for a prayer for kids. This article can be used by pastors to deliver an inspiring message to kids coming back to school. It has quotes from famous people and verses from the Bible that are designed to inspire and motivate kids to learn faster. The prayers in this writing will help those kids who are struggling through the academic year.

There is no doubt that life is hard these days. As parents, we face issues that our own parents never dreamed of. Our children face challenges and pressure which are more severe and difficult than many other places around the world. When you read this prayer, I encourage you to think of your children going back to school in the fall.

Churchgists has provided a well detailed information on the aforementioned and so much more. You will find these details very useful in whatever course you intend to use them for.

Back To School Prayer For Kids

I give my child(ren) to you today and everyday. Keep him/her and his/her schoolmates safe and protected, Father God. I ask that this school year you would use every person, every experience and every lesson to shape him/her into Your image, to grow in his/her fruit of Your spirit. God, grow in his/her heart.

Back to school time is a great time for prayer.

Back to school time is a great time for prayer. You can pray for yourself, your family, and your teachers. You can also pray for the other students in your class that are going through the same thing as you.

It’s important to remember that this is also a great time for both fun and learning. Don’t forget to have fun and learn new things every day!

Short Prayer For First Day Of School

Welcome to the new school year! We know that you’ll have an amazing time, and we want to wish you the best of luck.

But before you go, let’s take a minute to pray for each other.

We’re going to start by praying for all of our friends who are going through hard times right now. We love you, and we know you’re going to get through this. You’re strong and smart, and we believe in you. Please remember that there are people who care about you and want to help if you need it.

Next, let’s pray for those students who don’t have everything they need this year—you know who they are—and ask God to help them get everything they need.

Now let’s pray for our teachers and make sure they know how much we love them too!

Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on short prayer for first day of school, prayer for teachers and students returning to school during covid, back to school prayer for teachers, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.

I grew up as a Southern Baptist, but I am now an Episcopalian who is drawn to the beauty and traditions of the Catholic Church. My prayer life has changed greatly over my lifetime, and that is okay. As Christians, we are all on our own journeys with God. If you are not sure how to pray for your children as they begin school, here is a prayer you can use. It goes something like this:

Dear Lord,

You will be with me. God is with me every step of my days, and He is always with me. God has been with us since the beginning of time, and He will always be with us. In the same way, he has been there in your life and he will be there when you go to school tomorrow (and all day).

God is always there for you in any situation or activity that you are doing. God is always there when you are at school because He loves each one of us unconditionally as children who were created by Him as unique individuals made just for this world!

We would like to pray for our children.

We would like to pray for our children.

Prayer is important because it helps us connect with God and share our feelings with him. Prayer is also a way to communicate with others, including our children. It’s important that we have a relationship with God and we can pray for each other in times of need or joy!

For all the students who are about to start school today

  • Pray for the students who are about to start school today.
  • Pray for their safety.
  • Pray for their health, both physical and mental.
  • Pray they are happy, no matter what happens during the day or at home before bedtime.
  • Pray that they succeed in all of their endeavors throughout the year at school and beyond!

and for all the teachers who are guiding them on their educational journey.

Teachers are a great example of how to live. They are kind, helpful and they treat others with respect. This is something you should always remember as a student in school or at home with your family. You need to learn how to be kind and respectful towards the people around you because it makes everyone happier if there is more kindness in the world!

You may also find that your teacher helps you when you’re having problems at home by giving advice or speaking with other adults on your behalf (for example, talking with our parents about something that is worrying us). Your teachers care about all of their students so much that they want us all to succeed no matter what challenges we face during our educational journey!

We ask that you be with each student in the classroom,

We ask that you be with each student in the classroom,

Wherever they may be.

We pray for the children who need to learn how to read and write,

That they will feel your love and encouragement every step of their days.

We ask that you be with the students who are struggling in school,

And help them find ways to overcome their challenges.

helping them to learn valuable lessons.

You can help your children learn valuable lessons in learning to learn.

Some of these lessons may include:

  • Learning to learn is important.
  • Learning from others is an excellent way to learn.
  • Making mistakes is an important part of life, and we must all try to accept it gracefully and move on from them as best we can.
  • Failure is a part of life too, but it shouldn’t stop us from trying again and again until our dreams are realized or abandoned like the many failed experiments that came before them!

We thank You for making us Your children first and foremost and we ask You protect each one of these precious children right now.

God is with you. God loves you. God will protect you throughout the day, leading and guiding your steps. He will provide for all of your needs and wants, now and in the future. And He will be with you throughout this school year, every step of the way!

God is also with your friends and family members who aren’t in school at this time (such as grandparents or other relatives). They have their own jobs to do—just like teachers have theirs—but they’re still part of our lives too! We’re blessed by their presence in our lives, so let’s remember to tell them “thank you” today as well!

As they begin a new day of school, let them know that You are leading the way.

As your children begin a new day of school, let them know that God is with them every step of the way. Let them know that God has a plan for their lives and that He is there in school with them. Let them know that you trust Him to guide their teachers and friends as they learn about life, love and the world around us. You can do this by praying for your child or children each morning before they go off to school:

Say something like this:

  • Dear Lord, thank You for my child(ren). We praise You for bringing him/her (them) into our family! Please help her/him (them) have an excellent day at school today! In Your name we pray, Amen.*

Remember that God hears every prayer we pray—even if it’s only one sentence long—and He answers every single one!

God is with you every step of your days, including school

God is with you every step of your days, including school. He is with you when you go to the classroom and when you sit down in your desk. He is with you when the teacher asks a question, and he is also with you when she doesn’t ask a question because she already knows what answer will be written on the board before anyone else can finish writing their answers.

God is even there when it’s time for lunch break and everyone gathers around tables outside because they’re too loud inside. God is there too as each person touches their sandwich or piece of fruit and says thanks before taking a bite (or two). And God isn’t just there during lunch; he’s also at recess where kids run around chasing each other or playing tag until one person becomes “it” and then goes chasing others until someone else becomes “it.”

And after school ends at 2:30 PM, God stays behind until everything has been cleaned up so there aren’t any messes left behind from paper airplanes stuck between chairs or crayons smudged across desks and walls—and sometimes even ceilings! But God doesn’t mind because he knows all about cleaning up after children who should have been in better control over themselves instead of making such messes everywhere!

Prayer For Returning To School After Covid

The following is a collection of prayers related to the start of school. As both a professor of worship and a parent of two school-age children, I tried to imagine the sorts of things that parents and kids, teachers, school administrators, and community leaders might be feeling in light of the unpredictable realities that face them this fall.

My hope is that, in praying these prayers, they will sense in palpable and deeply personal ways the care-filled love of the Good Shepherd who knows them by name. In the end, the goal is simply to pray as one can and when one can, trusting always that the Spirit prays in and for us when we can no longer find the right words or even the will to pray.

A prayer for a new day.

O God, you who make things new, again and again, enliven the thoughts of my mind, revitalize the cells of my body, and cause a fresh outburst of praise to surge in my heart so that I might taste the Life that is truly life this day. In the name of the one whose face is like the shining sun. Amen.

A prayer for children going to school.

Dear Jesus, you who promise to be with me always, I pray that you would be with me today as I go to school. Bless my going and my coming. Bless my learning and my playing. Please protect my heart from fear. Please keep me safe. Please give me good friends. Give me joy this day, and thank you for loving me from head to toe. In your name. Amen.

A prayer for children schooling at home.

Dear Jesus, you who promise to be with me always, I pray that you would be with me at home today as I do my schoolwork. Please help me to do my best, help me not to feel alone, and help me to be with patient with my family. Give me joy this day, and thank you for loving me from head to toe. In your name. Amen.

A prayer for high school and college students.

O Lord, you who promise to be with me always, be with me this day as I begin my schoolwork. Keep me in health, I pray, and keep me from harm. In all that I do and say, may I love you with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength, and may I love my neighbor as myself, so that I might fulfill your purposes for me and your calling on my life as a student. In Christ’s name. Amen.

A prayer for parents.

O Lord, you who promise to guide us through the wilderness and to protect us through the storm, we ask that you would make us wise when we cannot clearly see the way forward, make us brave when we feel afraid, make us strong in the face of our weakness, and make possible what to us seems impossible, so that we might joyfully entrust ourselves and our children into your tender care in these trying and troubling times. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

A prayer for teachers.

O Lord, you who are the Good Teacher, I ask that you would help me to love my students well this day and to be patient with things that don’t go according to plan. May I help my students to feel afresh the wonder of our subject matter, to be humble in the face of ignorance, to be gracious with themselves in the light of mistakes that they may make, to delight in things newly discovered, and to love the truth with all their hearts and minds, so that they might be wise and compassionate citizens of this world that you so love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

A prayer on behalf of teachers.

O Lord, you who have called and equipped the teachers in our community, we pray for them today. Watch over them, provide for them, guide them, sustain them. May you be their sun and shield, so that they might do the work that you have entrusted to them and sense your care in these uncertain times. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

A prayer for school administrators.

O God, you who have promised wisdom to all who would ask it, we pray today for school administrators, that you would grant them clarity of mind, unity of spirit, strength of will, a heart of wisdom and the gift of your truth-bearing Spirit, so that they might be enabled to make decisions that lead to the flourishing of their teachers, staff, and students and to the wellbeing of the whole community. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

A prayer for frustrated school-related relationships.

O Lord, you who told us that we would have trouble in this world, we confess to you our worries over things that we cannot control, our distress over things that seem wrongheaded, and our frustration with those who oppose us on things that we hold dearly. Grant us the ability to bear with one another in love, and may the peace of Christ guard our hearts, so that together we might trust your leading and walk in the way of unity that only the Spirit of God can make possible. Amen.

A prayer for the time of pestilence.

O Lord, you who are the refuge of the poor and needy, we ask that you would save us from the pestilence that stalks in the darkness and the plague that destroys at midday. Be our sun and shield. Be our fortress. Be our comfort this day. May we not fear any evil but rather trust in your might to save and your wisdom to guide, so that we might rest always in the shadow of the Almighty. In the name of the one who heals our diseases. Amen.

A prayer for nightly care.

O Lord, you who guard me through the watches of the night, I entrust to you all that I said and left unsaid this day, all that I did and left undone, all that I wished this day could have been but was not, and I ask that you would grant me your peace, so that I might trust you in all things. In the name of the one who holds my life in tender care. Amen.

Beginning Of School Year Prayer For Students

Dear God,

Thank you for the gift of learning.

Please help me to be a good student this year.

I know that my parents and teachers expect me to learn the most important things in life.

Help me to be kind and helpful to others at school, especially those who are younger than me.

Please help me to be friendly and understanding with my friends at school.

I know that sometimes it can be hard for us all to get along with each other, but I want to make sure that we always try our best to get along with everyone at school.

I will do my best not to hurt anyone’s feelings by saying things that might hurt them or make them feel bad about themselves. Please help me make sure that I am always kind and considerate towards others when they come into contact with me throughout my day at school today!


Amen. Now, let’s go to school and make the best of this day!

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