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Prayer To St Barbara For Surgery

Have you ever considered offering a prayer to St Barbara for surgery? Does this prayer exist? Well, does the prayer have any real effect on the surgery results? Today we look at the story of a sceptical journalist and discover the truth about this surgery prayer. Defining What This Article Is About Prayer For Successful Surgery For Someone

Hello. My name is Peter, and this is my first prayer to St. Barbara for surgery after many to come. As you can see for yourself, I’m currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer. I haven’t had the best of luck when it comes to cancer – my uncle died of lung cancer and my grandmother died of brain cancer, so I found out that this could be hereditary quite quickly.

Are you or someone you know seeking the intercession of St. Barbara? You’re not alone. St. Barbara is one of the most frequently requested intercessors to in times of need, and surgery is no exception.

Prayer To St Barbara For Surgery

Dear St Barbara, please intercede on my behalf. I pray to you and ask that you heal me of this illness. Please help me be well again. Protect me and keep me safe from all harm. Amen.

Saint Barbara is the patron saint of miners and those who work with explosives. She is also the patron saint of artillerymen, gunners, military engineers, firemen and women, paratroopers, police officers, and anyone else who may be called upon to work in dangerous or difficult conditions.

Because of her patronage of miners and other workers with explosives and firearms, she is invoked against sudden death by means of these implements. She has also been known to protect people from lightning.

Saint Barbara, who suffered much during your life on earth, help me to bear my pain courageously and patiently. Be my support in my time of need. May I be able to face any trial that comes my way with strength and faith in God. Amen

St. Barbara, the patron saint of explosives, is a favorite among miners in Austria, who pray to her for protection before going on the job. She’s also known as a protector against fire and lightning.

It’s not surprising that many people seek her help when they’re undergoing surgery.

This prayer was written by Pope John XXIII, who served as pope from 1958 to 1963:

“O most glorious Virgin and Mother of fair love, St. Barbara, protect me from all perils of war and battle; defend me from sudden death and from all other dangers which threaten my life.”

“I entrust myself to your powerful patronage that I may be preserved from all perils of sickness; obtain for me a happy deliverance from them and grant that I may live out my days in health.”

Prayer To St Barbara For Surgery

St. Barbara is the patron saint of miners and metallurgists, and is invoked against lightning, fire, and explosions. She is also known as the Patron Saint of Gunners. She is considered to be a powerful intercessor in desperate situations.

Saint Barbara, you successfully defended yourself against the evil intentions of your father who wanted to marry you off by locking you in prison. You were tortured with many torments but remained steadfast and have become an example to us all as we face all kinds of dangers in our lives, especially those that threaten our spiritual progress.

We ask that you pray for us, so that we might remain steadfast in our faith. Amen

Saint Barbara, the patron saint of miners and gunsmiths, was born in Sirmium (now Sremska Mitrovica) in Serbia. As a teenager, she was forced to marry an officer in the Roman army. The marriage was unhappy and her husband beat her. After he tried to rape her one night, Saint Barbara fled from home and hid in a cave near the river Mlava.

Saint Barbara prayed for protection from her abusive husband and help from God. She promised that if she survived the ordeal, she would serve God all her life. When her husband found her hiding place, he dragged her back home. She again escaped, this time taking refuge at a convent near Salonika where she became a nun at age 18.

Her father was so angry that he had her tortured and beheaded on December 4th 304 A.D., just three days before Christmas. She is often depicted holding a palm branch and standing on broken potsherds which symbolize both how she died as well as how she lived — even though it seemed like everything was breaking around her, she still remained strong and faithful to God!


God of Health and Wholeness,
We gather this morning to pray
For our dear friend (insert name)
as we desire for her to be restored
to the balance of good health.

We pray for a successful surgery and for the
Medical staff who will be working with him/her
so that, he/she may fully recover,
and return with renewed zeal
to the daily life that we share.

Prayer For Successful Surgery For Someone

Prayer For Successful Surgery For Someone

Prayer for Successful Surgery for Someone

Dear Lord, I pray for [insert person’s name], who is scheduled to have surgery today. Please surround him/her with your loving presence, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer for Successful Surgery For Someone

The following prayer is said in times of surgery and recovery. It is said by the patient, or by a family member or friend. It is an example of how this prayer can be used.

Prayer for Successful Surgery for Someone

Dear God, please protect my body during the surgery today. Please guide the surgeon’s hands and give him/her wisdom and skill to perform the surgery safely and successfully. Please let there be no complications during or after this procedure. Please heal me completely so that I may go home soon! Amen

Lord, thank you for all the blessings that you have bestowed upon me.

I pray for the grace to be able to get through this surgery and recover fully without any complications.

I ask that you heal me completely and let me be able to walk out of the hospital in good health.

I pray that my body will be restored and made whole again.

Give me strength during this time and give me peace of mind.

Our Heavenly Father, we come to you today to ask for your divine guidance. We pray for the safety and well-being of our loved ones. We know you are the Almighty God who cares for us, who loves us and who hears our prayers.

We believe that you will protect our loved one from any harm in this life. We thank you for all the good deeds that have been done by our loved one in this life. We ask for your mercy and blessing upon him or her as he or she goes through a surgery today.

May his or her surgery be successful, may he or she be healed and may he or she continue to live a long life full of joy and happiness because of your love and care for him or her.

We thank you Lord for bringing us together; we thank you Lord for this day; we thank you Lord for all things good. Amen

Dear God,

We come to you today to ask for your love and healing for our friend. We pray that you will be with them during their surgery tomorrow and guide the doctors so they can do a good job. We know that you are in control of all things and we trust that everything will go well. Please help our friend to feel safe, secure and loved by sending angels to comfort them during this time. May they feel your presence surrounding them and providing peace during this time of uncertainty. Guide them through their recovery with healing hands, words of encouragement and strength so they can return home healthy, happy and whole. Amen


(insert name), with abounding hope and faith,
We now place our hands upon you
as we call forth the healing power of God.

Divine Healer and Lord of Wholeness,
Together we place ourselves in Your Hands.
Give our (insert name) peace of mind and renewed heart,
Free him/her from fear and worry and give him/her 
Courage and hope.

Bring healing to the weakened parts of his/her body
and through this prayer comfort him/her with your
Love and mercy.


(insert name), may you be blessed
With the power and love of God,
And the affection of those who love you.
We pray in Jesus name.


Going into surgery can stir up a lot of anxiety and fears in our hearts. As Christians, one way to calm our restless hearts is to pray to God before surgery.

What can Christians pray before surgery? Christians can pray for protection, health, and safety before surgery. Christians can also ask the Lord to guide the surgeon’s hand and give doctors and nurses wisdom on how to proceed before the operation. We can pray scripture over our loved ones and ourselves to remind us of who God is and what He has promised us. Christians can also pray and ask for reminders that the Lord is with them before going into surgery.

There are many prayers we can pray for our loved ones, family members, friends, acquaintances, and ourselves before going into surgery. Here are 10 prayers Christians can pray before surgery.

1. Prayer to Pray Before Surgery

Here is a prayer you can repeat before a surgery.

Dear God, today, I am facing a surgery that makes me feel anxious and afraid. I ask for Your protection as I enter the surgery room and the doctors work on my body. Please guide the surgeon’s hand as they perform the task that is set before them. Give them wisdom in every decision they make and help me to rely on You for strength.

Let me feel Your presence go with me as I go into the doctor’s office today. Be with me as You have promised. You have promised never to leave nor forsake me. Stay with me when I wake and go through the healing and recovery process.

Thank You that I do not have to fear anything because You are with me. Please allow this surgery to go well and let me serve You all the rest of the days of my life. Help me to endure until the end when Jesus returns. I trust You, Lord, in every season and every moment. Be with me today, in Jesus’ name,


God promises He will be with you in every circumstance. He knows and understands your worries and your fears. He has promised to never leave you or forsake you in your time of need.

Memorize and repeat this verse as a reminder of His promises to you.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10 ESV

2. Prayer of Surrender Before Surgery

We can pray for our loved ones and friends before they go into surgery. You can repeat this prayer before surgery and then pray into what God is putting onto your heart.

Dear God, I surrender my loved one to You today. Thank You for the gift that they are to me. I trust You are in control over everything and that You will be in the surgery room with them when I cannot.

You are the Creator and Author of life. Nothing is sustained without You. Our very next breath comes only from You. Keep my loved one in the palm of Your hand today.

No matter what happens, I trust in You, for You are my God. Please let this surgery go smoothly and without any complications. Let the healing process be quick, restful, and without pain. In Jesus’ name,Amen.

Surrendering our family, friends, and ourselves to the Lord shows that we absolutely trust Him with who He says He is and have faith that He will do what He says He will.

We must daily surrender to His plans and His ways and remain confident in Him and His promises.

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act.

Psalms 37:5 ESV

3. Prayer of Thanksgiving Before Surgery

Below is a prayer of thanksgiving to say before a surgery.

Dear God, thank you for being with me today before I go into surgery. In Your Word, You have promised that it is You who goes before me. Even though I cannot always feel You near to me, I know and trust that You are here.

Thank You for the surgery that is happening today. Thank You that when I am unconscious in the operation room, Your Presence will be surrounding me and comforting my mind. I am so thankful that You are always with me.

Thank You for the doctors and nurses who will be working on me. Bless them today and let me be a reflection of Your grace towards them. May You receive all the glory for how well this surgery goes today.

Thank You for taking care of me. Thank You for promising me that You will be with me and will not leave me or forsake me. Remind me of this truth constantly. Thank You for Your precious promises. In Jesus’ name,Amen.

When we acknowledge the Lord and thank Him for who He is, it brings into our remembrance all that He has done in our lives. It also reminds us of how wonderful and faithful He is to accomplish all that He has already set out to do.

We can give thanks to Lord daily. Not only for the things that He has already given us but for the things that He has promised us. Prayers of thanksgiving can be incorporated into every area of our lives.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV

4. Prayer Acknowledging God’s Sovereignty Before Surgery

Here is a prayer you can say about how God is sovereign before surgery.

Dear God, I know that You alone have created and are in control over all things. The outcome of my surgery is one thing that I cannot control, and often, my anxiety and worries get the best of me.

I need to feel Your presence today and be reminded of the truth: that You have everything in Your hand. Today, I commit myself to Your sovereignty as I lie under the surgeon’s hand and my body begins the healing process.

Lord, I believe You are Sovereign over all things and my Healing Physician. Help me to rely on Your strength and not my own. In Jesus’ name,


Reminding ourselves that God is sovereign helps us to relax and trust in Him. Because He is in control of all things, we do not have to fear what the future holds for us. Instead, we can let Him be both Lord and Savior over every area of our lives.

“I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You.

Job 42:2 NKJV

5. Prayer for Your Spouse Before Surgery

Having your spouse go through surgery can bring up lots of fears and anxieties. If your spouse is having surgery, here is a prayer you can say.

Dear God, today my spouse is going in for surgery. Help me to support them well in every step of the process and be a reflection of Your unconditional love to them during this time. Thank You for bringing them into my life and for the constant reminder of Your love they are to me.

Please give the doctors wisdom today on how to do my spouse’s surgery. Please heal my spouse quickly and give them grace for themselves in this next season of healing.

Let Your presence be near to them right now. Give them peace as they prepare for surgery and remind them that You are with them. Thank You for comforting us both today with Your Presence. In Jesus’ name,


The Lord knows how precious your spouse is to you. He is the one who fills your heart daily with His unconditional love so that you can show Christ’s love to them. He will be with them when you cannot during the little time you are separated.

They are in His safe and caring hands.

“Those who know Your name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.”

Psalms 9:10 ESV

6. Prayer for Your Child Before Their Surgery

God knows how anxious you are about having your child go into surgery. You can go before God with your fears about the surgery. Here is a prayer you can repeat:

Dear God, I commit my child into Your hands as they prepare to go into surgery. Thank you so much for all of the fun times we have shared and for the joy they bring into my life. Please take care of them while I am separated from them for a little while.

Heal whatever is ailing them and guide the doctor’s and nurse’s hands to skillfully, carefully, and quickly do what they need to do. Help my child to not be afraid and to feel Your hand resting upon them as they are left alone with strangers in a strange room.

Protect them and watch over them and keep them healthy. Let their healing process be quick and without any further complications. Thank You, Lord, for being with us both today. In Jesus’ name,


Prayer For Successful Surgery And Recovery

Dear Lord,

Please bless our family member as he undergoes surgery. Give him strength and courage to get through this difficult time and allow him to recover fully. Help us all to be patient and supportive of his needs. In Your name we pray, Amen.

Dear God, we come to you today to ask for your blessing on this surgery. We pray that you will keep our loved one safe and healthy. We ask that you guide the surgeons’ hands and lead them in the right direction. We pray that they will do a good job and fix what needs to be fixed. We know that there is no medical cure for what has gone wrong with our loved one, but we trust that you have a perfect plan for their life and all of our lives. Please let them go into surgery knowing that we love them very much and are praying for their recovery. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come to You today with a prayer request. We pray for (name of person) who is having surgery today. Lord, we pray that You would touch this doctor’s hands and the hands of all who are involved in this procedure. We pray that all would be successful. We ask that You would allow no complications to occur during surgery. We thank You for Your love and mercy and ask that You surround our loved one with Your healing power during this time. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Heavenly Father,

We thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ. We are grateful that He died on the cross so that we can be forgiven and have eternal life.

We pray for all those who are having surgery today. We ask that You would keep them safe and protect them during their surgery. Please give them strength and courage to be strong through this difficult time in their lives. Please comfort them as they go through this surgery and help them know that You are always with them even when they cannot see You or feel Your presence at times like these.

We ask that You would heal their bodies and minds without any complications or problems during the surgery or after it is done. Give them peace, joy and comfort during this time so they can rest easy knowing that everything will come out right in the end no matter what happens during or after this procedure. In Your name we pray amen.”

Dear Lord,

I come to you with a prayer request for my grandson. He is scheduled to have surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN on October 10, 2018. He has been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma. This is a very aggressive type of cancer and he has been receiving chemotherapy since December 2017. The doctors have done extensive tests to determine where the tumor is located and have determined that he needs surgery to remove all of it. The surgery will be performed by Dr. Robert Lawler who specializes in pediatric oncology at the Mayo Clinic. The surgery will take place at 5:00 AM Central Time and will last approximately 6-7 hours depending on how much tumor tissue they can remove without further damaging his body or organs such as his heart, liver, kidneys and lungs which are already compromised due to the chemotherapy treatments he has received over the last 9 months. We ask that you pray for God’s protection over our grandson during this procedure so that he will be able to recover quickly once it is over so that we can bring him home again soon after his recovery period which should take about 3 weeks according

Dear Saint Barbara,

Please pray for me as I go into surgery. Please be with me and protect me during the procedure. Please guide my doctors and surgeons to make sure that everything goes as well as possible. Please let my body heal quickly and without complications. Please help me stay calm and relaxed throughout the whole process. And finally, please let me know if there is anything else that you need from me to help this process happen smoothly. I will do what I can! Thank you so much for your help, Saint Barbara!

St Barbara, please look down on me in my time of need.

I have a surgery coming up, and I am worried about it. Help me feel more confident that everything will go well.

Please give me strength to deal with any pain or discomfort after the surgery.

Please protect my family as well during this time, as they are also very worried about me.

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