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Prayer To Loose The Band Of Wickedness

Army of the Lord, we have a problem. It’s Satan’s influence, and it shows up in our lives as a band or wickedness that holds us back from accomplishing God’s best. Kick this band of wickedness off your life with the power of prayer and receive God’s favor today!

  This is for all to use.  I pray this coverstion for band of wickedness enable you to read and reciepe the word of God daily in order for those who are physically, financially and sexuallity abused by religious leaders may be free from these heinous crimes.  May God loose the band of wickedness pull down the spirit of witchcraft enmit its evil on this planet by their satanic evil words and behavior towards those who are not able to defend themselves from financial, physical and sexual abuse as they uses thier powers to make millions upon millions while they makes underlings slave wages while they turn thier backs on children suffer heartbreak and pain at the hands of their children whom some them beg others to protect them where Gods will is made known but ignored. I pray to loose the band of wickedness around my mother’s leg and shoulder, in the name of Heavenly Father. Talked about; Isaiah 58 application, Prayer Against Wicked Leaders.

Prayer To Loose The Band Of Wickedness

The Wickedness Mind Control Prayers are a number of prayers that we can pray to loose the band off wickedness. Sometimes these wicked mind influence attacks will come in the form of voices. It’s said that some people hear voices that aren’t there, which is known as auditory hallucinations and it’s a sign of a mental health issue like Schizophrenia or just an indicator that the person is going a bit crazy. A person does something which is very wicked and bad. That person is about to hit somebody, or is already hitting somebody. That wicked and bad thing he or she did is connected to the person. It is like a band around his or her neck. He or she needs this band to be cut off. The band can be cut off if we pray. When the band is cut off, that person will do any wicked and bad things again.

Part of the reason why people fall into sin is because of the bond that joins their sins together. A band of wickedness holds them together and allows them to be worse than what they are expected to be. The Bible calls these bands of wickedness the ropes that prevent you from being able to do what you wish to accomplish. This prayer will deliver you from wickedness so God can use you in any way He wishes.

Fasting and Prayers are the most potent weapon of spiritual warfare. Any believer that wants to be in control in the school of power must be given to regular fasting and prayer. The devil cannot be resisted by mere words, He can only be resisted by raw power, and every time we fast and pray, we command raw power from God. Today we shall be engaging in fasting and prayer against the wickedness of the wicked. The world we live in today is filled with wickedness, and until we arise and resist the wickedness of the devil through aggressive prayers, the devil will continue to win, but that can never happen.

When we talk about the wickedness of the wicked, we are talking about the evil that is done in the world today by satanic agents. People are become increasingly selfish, cunning, and manipulative. The world today is filled with human oppressors, people who will not let you see the fruit of your labour. You must stop them before they stop you. This fasting and prayers are for believers who are victims of intense wickedness, those who are being tormented and oppressed by wicked people. You must rise up and pray. You cannot overcome the devil by keeping quiet. A closed mouth is a closed destiny. If you are a victim of wickedness, rise up and declare a fast, ( maximum 3 days, from 6am to 6pm), pray this fasting and prayer against the wickedness of the wicked. Release your faith and declare an end to wickedness in your life and family. As you pray this prayers, i see every evil and wickedness in your life come to an end in Jesus name. Every evil man or woman tormenting your life shall come under divine judgement in Jesus name. Pray this prayers today in faith and receive your deliverance.

1. Father, i thank you for i know that You are A Prayer answering God In Jesus name

2. Father, i come boldly into your throne of grace today and i receive mercy and find grace in the time of need.

3. Father, Arise and defend me from all my enemies in Jesus name.

4. Father, show yourself mighty before every wicked person in my life in the name of Jesus

5. I command every evil hidden thing in my life to come to the surface now in the name of Jesus

6. I shed off every embodiment of evil, in the name of Jesus.

7. I shed off every garment of evil, in the name of Jesus.

8. Let every plan of the wicked against me come to an end now in Jesus name

9. Every evil gathering of wicked people against my progress, scatter by fire in Jesus name

10. Father, i declare the frustration of every devices of the enemy against my progress in Jesus name

11. Oh Lord, open the independent wells of blessings upon my life and destiny in Jesus name

12. Let every desire of the wicked upon my life return back to there heads in Jesus name

13. Fire of the Living God, consume all the plans of wickedness against me in Jesus name

14. I receive my divine visitation now in the name of Jesus Christ

15. I release warring Angels to resist all those resisting my progress in the name of Jesus

16. I rebuke every powers behind stagnation in my life in Jesus name

17. I command the total nullification of every verdict of the devil in my life in the name of Jesus

18.Every evil agent working against my progress, i declare today that all your evil plans shall rebound on your heads in Jesus name

19. I curse every curses sent against me and i return them back to their senders now in Jesus name

20. Every evil altar, workng against me, catch fire in Jesus name.

21.I command every blessing confiscated by ancestral spirits to be released, in the name of Jesus.

22.I command every blessing confiscated by envious enemies to be released, in the name of Jesus.

23.I command every blessing confiscated by satanic agents to be released, in the

24.I command every blessing confiscated by principalities to be released, in the name of Jesus.

25.I command every blessing confiscated by rulers of darkness to be released, in the name of Jesus.

26.I command every blessing confiscated by evil powers to be released, in the name of Jesus.

27.I command all my blessings confiscated by spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places to be released, in the name of Jesus.

28.I command all demonic seed planted to hinder my progress, to be roasted, in the name of Jesus.

29.Any evil sleep undertaken to harm me should be converted to dead sleep, in the name of Jesus.

30.Let all the weapons and devices of my oppressors work against them in the name of Jesus.

Isaiah 58 application

Isaiah 58 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. It is a chapter that should be memorized by every Christian and applied to their lives. This chapter is about prayer, fasting, and justice for the poor.

Isaiah 58 starts off with God saying that He hates what His people are doing. In verse 1 He says, “Cry aloud, spare not; lift up thy voice like a trumpet; tell My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.”

In verse 2 He says, “Yet they seek Me daily, and delight to know My ways.”

In verse 3 He says, “As a burnt offering” (meaning a sacrifice), “and as incense (meaning worship) offer unto Me.”

In verse 4 He says, “They draw near unto Me with their mouth” (meaning lip service), “and with their lips do honour Me” (meaning talk about how great God is).

Then in verses 5-6 it talks about how they love to pray all day long but never fast so that they can see what it’s like to go without food for a day or two so that they can feel what it’s like for someone who has no food at all.

The prophet Isaiah was one of the most influential prophets in the entire Bible. His writings and teachings are found in the Book of Isaiah, which is the longest book in the Old Testament.

Isaiah was a man who lived many years before Christ’s birth, but God spoke to him about the coming Messiah and gave him a powerful message for his own day. The words that came from his lips were so powerful that they still speak to us today.

One of the most important messages of Isaiah is found in chapter 58. It deals with our behavior as believers and how we should live our lives before God as His children. It also deals with how we should respond when we see wicked leaders who don’t care about what God wants them to do, but only care about themselves and their power over other people’s lives.

Prayer Against Wicked Leaders

O God, Creator of all things, I humbly pray that You will remove the wicked leaders from their positions and replace them with those who are righteously appointed.

I pray that You will break the power of these evil people over my life, and I ask that You would protect me from their attacks on my life.

I ask that You would give me wisdom to know how to respond to their evil deeds, so that I can be an instrument in Your hands to bring them down.

Please help me understand that Your timing is perfect, and even though it may feel like the enemy’s plan is succeeding, victory is assured for those who remain faithful to You. Help me remember that this is not about me; it’s about Your glory!

O God, the Father of all mercy, who alone canst turn the hearts of kings and princes to the love of justice: send down upon them the Spirit of thy grace; grant them to know and fear Thee, that they may rule over Thy people according to Thy laws; give peace and prosperity unto all nations under their rule; preserve them from every vice; and grant them grace constantly to remember their Creator in their daily actions.

We beseech Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, to look with favor upon those who are now entrusted with the government of nations, that they may be imbued with heavenly wisdom, and know how to rule justly over nations; that they may learn by experience that there is no true happiness in this world which is not founded on justice and virtue; that they may learn by experience that God’s judgments are right and just; that they may never forget to do good; but always follow after justice, mercy and truth.

We beseech Thee also, O blessed Mother Mary, who wast chosen by God to be His Mother on earth, obtain for us from Him pardon for our sins by our prayers before Him through thee. Amen!

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