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Prayer To Bring Child Back Home

Dear God,

Please bring my child home. I miss him so much and I don’t know what to do. Please give me the strength to hold on through this hard time. Thank you for everything, God.

Prayer To Bring Child Back From The Dead – A father prayed to God and begged him to bring back his son whom he had lost dearly. The father was too devastated to go about his daily work as he still mourned the loss of his son and this made him stay home and feel sorry for himself every day. On one of these days, he heard a sweet voice that seemed to tell him that his son was coming back. Though he wept with grief, he could not believe God would answer his prayer. He tried to forget what happened but the sweet voice came back more times and each time, filled him with the promise that his son was returning.

Right here on Churchgists you are privy to a litany of relevant information on What should i pray over my child, How to write a prayer for a child, and so much more. Take out time to surf through our catalog for more information on related topics. You don’t want to miss this!

What should i pray over my child

Today we will be dealing with a prayer for my daughter to return home. The devil has found his way into the hearts of many young girls these days, and you will be surprised at the terrible things they do. Some of them will just elope from their parent’s house without prior notice. Funnily, when something like this happens, the pressure is always upon the mother because one of the African proverbs states that when a child is good, it is for the father, and when a child is bad it is for the mother.

This prayer guide titled prayer for my daughter to return home will change the heart of your female child and bring them back home. God is ready to deliver your daughter from the evil power that has come to possess her causing her to elope the house. As recently as last month, news went viral of a young lady kidnapped in Benin Nigeria, West Africa. The family of this young lady took to different media platforms, both the traditional and new media, to announce their missing child. They spent hundreds of thousands on television and radio adverts across Nigeria. Several days after, the lady returns home safely, only to discover that she had eloped with her secret boyfriend.

Today, the Lord will deliver your daughter from the evil spirit that has been sent out by the devil to possess a female child that has an excellent potential. I decree by the authority of heaven, the hands of God will bring back your daughter safe and sound in the name of Jesus. You remember the story of the missing axe. The axe was borrowed to chop down a tree that was to be used for building a hut. All of a sudden, the axe fell into the river, and they lose sight of it. It took the power of God to bring back the lost axe. That same power will bring back your daughter. I decree that in the name that is above every other, the spirit of God that quickens the mortal body will go right now and touch the heart of your daughter wherever she is right now.

As you begin to use this prayer guide, I decree that your daughter will not have peace of mind until she returns home in the name of Jesus. And if she had been kidnapped, I call on the spirit of Jehovah to forth and search for her, let the spirit of God cause a war to happen in the camp of her abductors, and let her be free in the name of Jesus.

Prayer Points:
Lord Jesus, I come to you today concerning the life of my daughter, who has gone missing for some days now. I pray that by your mercy, you will help bring her back home safe and sound. I decree that the angel of the Lord will go forth and guide her, they will protect her wherever she might be so that she doesn’t get hurt, let a ray of your light brightens her part, and by your power, you will bring her home safely in the name of Jesus.

I decree Lord Jesus, the bible says declare a thing, and it shall be established. I decree by the authority of heaven that my daughter is freed from the evil spirit that possesses the life of young girls. The evil spirit that causes them to disobey their parents, the evil spirit that takes over their lives and direct them on things to do. The demonic spirit that gives them the courage to run away from the house a feeling of remorse, I destroy such spirit by the fire of the holy ghost.

Lord Jesus, I want you to dominate the heart of my daughter wherever she may be right now. Just like the king could not sleep because of Modecai, just like the king could not sleep because of Daniel. I pray that you will cause her heart to be troubled. Wherever she may be on this planet surface, I pray that you will take away her peace of mind, cause her mind to be disturbed, and let her become homesick in the name of Jesus. Lord, do not let her have rest until she returns home in the name of Jesus.

Father Lord, the power that searches and brings forth the lost axe, I decree that the spirit go forth and search for my daughter. The light of Jehovah should shine forth and bring her out. Lord God, I’m so devastated, my heart is wearied. I pray that by your mercy, you will forgive her sin and bring her home safe and sound in the name of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, I pray that you will cause a war to happen in the camp of whoever has abducted my daughter, and until her release, do not let them have peace of mind. I decree that by the power of the most high, you will bring back my daughter in the name of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, you are the master of recovery. Nothing is ever lost where you are. I humble myself before you today. I pray that you will protect her wherever she has been taken. I pray that you will cause their kidnappers to sleep off. You will cause them to lose guard and cause the freedom of my daughter in the name of Jesus.

Lord Jesus, let your angels guide my daughter where she has been taken, cause a ray of light to shine upon her, and not be harmed by her abductors. I decree that you will create a mighty confusion that will necessitate her freedom in the name of Jesus. I pray that you will direct the heart of the Police patrol team to the den where my daughter has been taken, and you will cause her freedom to be perfected in the name of Jesus.

I pray for all missing female children. I pray that you will comfort their parents during this painful situation. I pray that your hands will forth and cause their Freedom to be achieved in the name of Jesus.

How to write a prayer for a child

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for our very special child she is a true blessing. Please God return her home to her family, safely and quickly rescue her from the grasp of that corrupt agency that wishes her harm. Protect her while she’s away from us and provide a safe path for us. impress upon the hearts of those who have influence to insure her prompt return to her family who love and care for her and know all her complex needs.

Lord please return our child back she was unjustly stolen from us. i trust in you Jesus and claim victory over this agency for my child and future children.

While writing my book, 10 Secrets to Becoming a Worry-Free Mom, I discovered that one of the most intense concerns a mother has for her children, apart from her concerns for their physical safety, is her concern for their spiritual condition. We fear our children will turn their backs on their faith and all they were taught and needlessly stumble through life.

That situation can not only be fearful, but it can make us feel so helpless.

I asked hundreds of moms to share with me their secret to maintaining hope for a wayward child, even if the situation looks hopeless. Their answer is always the same. Their hope is in God, not their child, and God’s ability to turn that child’s heart back toward home.

Here is how you can maintain hope while praying for your child who has gone astray:

  1. Pray Scripture over them.
    Janice, who witnessed her daughter self destruct into drugs and a dangerous lifestyle for several years, saw God turn her daughter’s heart around. But, she said, her only comfort during the season of her daughter’s rebellion was praying Scripture over her daughter. Isaiah 49:16 was especially encouraging to her.

“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.”

While that verse prophetically refers to the nail prints in Jesus’ hands, it symbolizes to us that Jesus knew each and every person by name that He would die for; those nail prints were like an engraved name on His hand.

“What a comfort to know that my daughter’s name was engraved in the hand of Jesus,” Janice said.

  1. Pray by focusing on God’s character.
    One mom whose son went AWOL during his term in the military said she found comfort and hope in God’s Word, especially the verses that talk about God’s character.

“One of the most prevalent Scriptures I have prayed over my son is Psalm 139 – what peace knowing that God is there with him in the dark, in the light, waking up, going to sleep, going out, coming in.”

From Psalm 139 alone, we can be encouraged knowing that God is One who:

Searches us and knows us from the inside out (verse 1)
Knows our every action and thought (verses 2-3)
Knows what we will say before we say it (verse 4)
Follow us everywhere we go (verses 8-12)
Formed us and watched over us while we were in the womb (verses 13-15)

Wrote out our life story in His book before we even lived it (verse 16)
Thinks innumerable thoughts of us (verses 17-18)
Knows our anxieties (verse 23)
Convicts us of our offense and leads us in the right direction (verse 24)
That Psalm reminds us that God is more intimately acquainted with our child than we will ever be. And that He is tracking their whereabouts when we can’t.

  1. Pray for your child to discern God’s voice.
    A mom of six children told me “I always pray for God to be loud to my children.”

Children will hear our voices in their heads. And they may try to shut out that voice at times if their hearts are hardened. Children will also hear their friends’ and peers’ voices, and the voice of the enemy seeking to lead them astray. But we want God’s voice – the the voice of His Holy Spirit – to be louder than anyone else’s voice.

Insert your child’s name in this prayer and pray it often:

Lord, help _ to listen to what You say, and to treasure Your commands. Tune ____‘s ears to wisdom, and help _ concentrate on understanding (Proverbs 2:1-2, NLT). Instruct ________in the way of wisdom and lead __________ along straight paths (Proverbs 4:11).

  1. Pray for wisdom to know when to speak and when to be silent.
    There will come a time when your words will fall on deaf ears, but God’s never will. Pray for wisdom so you know when to speak, and what to speak, and when to be silent so God can speak. Here’s a way to pray for that right now:

Lord, Your Word says “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5). Lord, I need that kind of wisdom to know when to speak to __ and when to be silent. “Do not let any unwholesome talk (lecturing, judging, or accusing) come of (my) mouth, but only what is helpful for building (my children) up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Eph. 4:29). Let me also be “quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for (my) anger doesn’t bring about the righteous life that God desires” (James 1:19).

  1. Praise God for what you don’t yet see.
    There are three verses in the Bible that clearly spell out God’s will for us as individuals, as parents, and as children of God:

“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

It couldn’t be said any simpler: 1) Be joyful – always; 2) Pray – continually; and 3) Thank God — for all circumstances, not just the ones you are comfortable with

Thank God often for something in your child’s life that you wouldn’t ordinarily be thankful for, as a way of trusting His work in your child’s life. It’s also a way of acknowledging that He’s in control and a tangible way of waiting expectantly for God to come through.

  1. Pray for their eventual return.
    Insert your child’s name into the following verses as a way of praying for their heart condition and return to God’s loving arms:

Create in _____ a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within him/her (Psalm 51:10). Though you have made __ see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore _‘s life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring __ up. You will increase ____‘s honor and comfort _ once again (Psalm 71:20-21). Thank You that Your word says I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  1. Pray for the softening of your own heart.
    The Bible says we all like sheep have gone astray (Isaiah 53:6). We check out other pastures. We wander off, not realizing how far we’ve gone until we look around and realize we’re lost and there are wolves lurking in the bushes, waiting to devour us. Yet Jesus told a story likening our God as a forgiving Father who watches the road, waiting for our return, and then runs to meet us (Luke 15). Pray that you will be the kind of parent who will one day warmly welcome your child back into your arms, with forgiveness and graciousness, as well.

Time to Trust
As we surrender our children to God through prayer, we can trust that they are in His hands and He’ll do whatever work He wants to do in them for His glory. We can worry or we can pray. We can stress or we can trust. We can lose sleep by trying to control their every step or we can rest in the One who is already in control of their lives, whether they are acting like it or not.

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