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Prayer To Bless Anointing Oil

The Prayer To Bless Anointing Oil is a time-honored way to offer praise and thanksgiving to the Lord. By blessing this oil, you join the hundreds of thousands of people who have found that prayer oil has changed their lives. Check below for bible verses to pray over anointing oil and prayer to anoint your home with oil.

Anointing oils are used to bless or consecrate objects or people. Anointing Oil is considered a sacred oil, meaning it is a holy oil that is designed to be used by believers in preparing them for spiritual blessings and help them to receive the Holy Spirit.

You can have trouble finding the proper information online, so we’ve provided the greatest and most recent information on how to bless oil for prayer and anointing oil prayer for protection. Learn more by reading on. We at churchgists have all the details you require regarding the prayer used to bless oil for anointing. Learn more by reading on.

prayer used to bless oil for anointing

Anointing oil is typically used as a means of sanctifying yourself before the Lord. Consisting of a prayer that is recited during this time, this sacrament is performed in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Here are some of the best prayers to say when annointing with anointing oil.

Glory and Praise Prayer
Lord, your word says that when we are sick, we should call the elders of the church to pray and anoint us with oil in your name. Father, we are setting this oil apart so that it can be used to anoint the sick in our congregation. Let your healing power rest upon it so that when we use it for your glory. The sick will be healed, and your name will be praised. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

The Perfection of Your Finished Work Prayer
Lord Jesus, thank you for taking our place at the scourging post. It is because of your sacrifice that our bodies are healed, renewed, and restored. Lord, let this anointing oil be a symbol of the perfection of your finished work at the cross. As we use it on the sick, let it speak of your healing power. May those that are struggling with emotional pain, addictions, physical pain, and rejection be freed from their bondage. Let your grace and strength be upon those that are anointed with this holy oil. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Freedom Prayer
Father God, thank you for giving us this gift of oil that we can use it to administer healing on the sick. Holy Spirit of God, come upon this oil, let it be filled with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. Let everyone who gets anointed with this oil find freedom from any manner of sickness and disease. May they be freed from bondage and captivity. Lord, help them to start walking in their newfound freedom for the glory of your holy name. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.

Healing and Wholeness Prayer
Holy Lord, as we use this holy oil, let it be a symbol of our faith in your ability and power to heal and make us whole. May our lives be full of blessings, good health, and wholeness. God deliver us from evil and preserve us in your goodness and mercy. Holy Spirit, just the way you raised Jesus from the dead with your resurrection power, resurrect every dead cell, organ, and functions of the body of those who will be anointed with this oil. Father, the sick will be healed from the crown of their heads to the soles of their feet. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Tangible Representation Prayer
Gracious Father, we come before you today, asking you for the powerful presence of your Spirit as we use this oil. As we apply it, help us to remember that it is only a symbolic representation of our faith in your sacrifice and healing power. We believe that as we use this oil, your son Jesus heals our bodies and answers our prayers. Let your healing virtue flow in us that we may become whole again and glorify your name. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Consecration Prayer
Father, we gather here today to consecrate your servants whom you have seen fit to be our leaders. As we put this oil on their heads the way Moses anointed Aaron and his sons, may your Holy Spirit fill this place and each of these leaders with his presence that they may be full of power and wisdom to lead us in a way that is pleasing to you. As they take up their roles, let nothing but the love of Christ dwell in their hearts. Help them to work as unto you, Father God, and not men. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.

Love Prayer
Lord, let everyone that this anointing oil touches be filled with your Holy Spirit. Lord, forgive their sins and release them from all kinds of sufferings that they are going through. Fill their hearts with your unconditional love and cover them with your wings of love. Keep their hearts free from fear and doubt and help them to focus on the sacrifice that Jesus made at the cross. God help them to stand firm in the healing that Jesus purchased for us at Calvary when the devil comes to steal their healing through lies and fear. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Strength Prayer
Spirit of the living God, take control and breathe in this oil so that your resurrection power may flow in the bodies of people that we will anoint with it. Strengthen the bodies of the sick that they may be able to get up and glorify the true living God. Illuminate their minds so that they may break free from stress and depression. Break any strongholds that the devil has planted in their minds and help them to walk in total freedom. Kindle your fire in the hearts and grant them peace forever. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.

Breaking Spiritual Burdens Prayer
Dear Father, I anoint your servant with this oil that has been set apart as holy. Let your servant be free today from every evil burden that has been weighing him down. Lord, I stand upon the authority that you’ve given us believers through your son Jesus, and I declare and decree that your servant is free from all spiritual burdens. Thank you for setting him free from poverty, sickness, depression, failure, bitterness, and sinful patterns. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Restoration Prayer
Lord, as I anoint your children with this oil grant them peace and joy. Forgive and release them from the control of the enemy. As this oil touches their forehead, let them experience full restoration. Help them to submit to your will even when it is hard and contrary to their expectations. Close every door that they have opened for the enemy in their lives knowingly or unknowingly. Remove bitterness and any form of darkness from their hearts and fill them with your love and peace. Lord, give them beauty for ashes and let everlasting joy be theirs. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.

bible verses to pray over anointing oil

Anointing oil, also referred to as blessing or consecrating oil, is an act that turns standard oil into a great spiritual symbol and tool. The process is fairly straightforward. The oil is put in a special, small container and then a blessing is said over it. Once the oil is ready, you can use it in a variety of different ways.
Blessing the Anointing Oil
Check with your judicatory or a religious authority for specifics. Each denomination has its own guidelines governing the way that oil is blessed for anointing purposes, as well as the way that anointing oil is used.[1]
The most common restriction regards who may bless or anoint the oil. In some denominations, such as in Catholicism, only a priest or similar clergyman can bless the oil. Some denominations even limit which clergymen are authorized to consecrate oil.[2]
It is also important to note that some denominations, such as the Latter Day Saints, also have guidelines and laws concerning what oil should be consecrated and how it can be used afterward.[3]

Purchase olive oil at your local grocery store or online retailer. You can use any type of olive oil that is available. However, it should be olive oil instead of another type of oil since it has greater traditional and biblical significance because it is mentioned in religious texts.
Unless you are told otherwise by a religious authority, it is not necessary to buy special oil for anointing.[4]
Extra-virgin cold-pressed olive oil is the purest variety available, so many people prefer to use that when shopping for an anointing oil. You can find this oil in the vast majority of grocery stores.
If desired, you can buy scented olive oil from a religious or secular store. Oil that has been perfumed with frankincense and myrrh is both popular and spiritually significant because they are referenced in the bible.

Fill up a small, special container with oil. Find a small vial, bottle, or other container that you like the look of or that has special meaning for you. It needs to have a lid that closes tightly and does not leak. Make sure it is clean and the pour the olive oil straight into this container. This oil will become the anointing oil.
You can buy a special oil stock at a religious bookstore or online, or you could use any small bottle.
The most common vial is a short metal container with a screw-on lid, with a sponge placed inside to help hold the oil in. However, less expensive plastic oil stocks are also available.
Even a brown glass bottle with a dropper or a roller cap could be used.

Add essential oils to the olive oil, if you like. While you can anoint plain olive oil, some people add essential oils that have religious significance. Anointing the body with perfumed oil was once used to refresh the body. If done to someone else, the act was considered one of hospitality. The oils used can vary but consider adding one drop of each of these, as they are mentioned in religious texts, such as the bible:

Ask God to bless the oil. You can bless the oil without the supervision of a religious authority figure unless your denomination requires otherwise.Your prayer should be firm and one made in good faith.
Your prayer may ask God for spiritual blessing and cleansing of the oil, so that it may bring glory to God. It is a prayer of dedication. This oil will not be used for any common household purpose.
For instance, the prayer might be something like, “Heavenly Father, I ask for Your blessing upon this oil in Jesus name. Consecrate it for Your holy purpose and for Your glory. May this be done in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
If your denomination prohibits you from anointing oil, ask your religious leader if they will provide you with anointed oil or if they will bless oil that you have procured.

Store the oil at room temperature. The best way to keep the oil fresh is to store it at room temperature. Put the container in a dark area when you are not using it, such as a cupboard. Refrigeration is not recommended.
If you refrigerate the oil, it will start to look cloudy. This is not harmful, though, and the oil can still be used even if it has gotten cloudy.

Understand the power behind anointing oil. Anointing oil is a symbol of your faith in God and of God’s ability to cleanse and make things holy. There is nothing mystical or magical about the oil itself, even though anointing oil can be a powerful tool of the faith. As with all other spiritual tools, the real power comes from God.
Without faith, anointing oil will not have any positive effect. You can use oil to help strengthen and demonstrate your faith, but you cannot use it to replace faith.
Anointed oil has been used for a wide variety of things historically. Ancient Israelites once rubbed consecrated oil on the leather of their shields to prepare for war. Some anointing oils were used for medicinal purposes, while others were used to prepare bodies for funerals and burials. These oils were also used to purify the body or consecrate an individual for a specific purpose or calling within God’s plan.

Anoint yourself by applying the oil to your skin. While there are different ways to anoint yourself, the most common is to wet your right thumb with a little of the oil and make a Sign of the Cross on your forehead. Among other things, you can do this when you pray, when you are troubled, or when you are sick.[7]
You can also anoint yourself by drawing a cross on your forehead while saying, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
After anointing yourself, you can continue with your prayers as you usually would, regardless of whether it is a prayer for healing, repentance, thanksgiving, or anything else.
Alternatively, if you are injured or ill, you could cross yourself with the anointing oil over the damaged area of your body while praying for healing.

Anoint others if they ask you to do it. Just as you can use the anointing oil on yourself, you can also use it to aid others who are troubled or ill. Pray over the other person as you anoint them with the oil.[8]
When anointing someone else, wet your right thumb with a little of the anointing oil and use it to draw a cross in the middle of the other person’s forehead.
As you draw the cross, state the person’s name and say, “I anoint you with oil in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Follow this with any prayers that are appropriate to the specific circumstances. This includes prayers for physical healing, spiritual healing, consecration, and general blessing.

Use anointing oil in your home. Anointing oil is commonly used when blessing a new home or a home that has faced some form of spiritual problem. Anoint your home by putting a small dab of oil on your finger and then touching the frame of every door in every room with it. [9]
You do not need to get a lot of oil on your door frames and you can touch them anywhere you like. Just a tiny bit from your finger will do.
As you anoint each frame, pray that God fills your house with the Holy Spirit, and that everything that happens in the house will be done in accordance with God’s will.[10]
The idea behind anointing your home is that you are turning it into holy ground for God.

prayer to anoint your home with oil

Lord, we ask you to bless this oil. We ask that it bring healing and peace to all who are anointed with it. We pray that this oil will bring comfort to those in pain and suffering, and that it will bring joy to those who need a lift. We pray that the anointing of this oil will be used to strengthen and encourage others to continue on their spiritual journey, helping them to grow closer to you.

We ask that this oil be used in accordance with your will and purpose for our lives, for your glory alone. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Dear Lord,

We thank you for the anointing oil. We know that the oil is a sign of your presence and blessing. We praise you that we can use this oil to bless others, to show them your love and mercy.

May this oil be used to heal and bless those who need it most. May it bring about peace and comfort wherever it is used. May we be worthy stewards of this gift from you, so that all who are blessed by our use of it will know how much they are loved by you.


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