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Order of Church Service Template

This order of church service template includes all elements that you need to organize a religious service: opening prayer, welcome, calling of attendees, reading scriptures, sermon, offering, closing prayer and bowing. This church template is useful both for smaller religious gatherings and for those major services in renowned chapels with hundreds of flock members. Check… Read More »Order of Church Service Template

Ordaining A Pastor

Ordaining a pastor is not an easy job. There are plenty of things you should consider before you make the decision. If you don’t do that you’ll regret your decision in the future. You should read this article first to help you NOT make the same mistakes I did… Ordaining a pastor is one of… Read More »Ordaining A Pastor

Oracle In The Bible

Oracle in the bible is the fascinating study of one of the most famous books ever written. The book inspired some of the greatest thinkers in history, such as Shakespeare and Voltaire. But, do you know that it also has a lot to do with computers? Four types of oracles in the Bible are: Call… Read More »Oracle In The Bible

Oppression In The Bible

 Oppression in the bible is a topic that abounds criticism and debate. Oppression in the bible is defined by many as the presence of an unjust hierarchical power structure. An oppressive situation is any situation that is unequal, unfair and lacking in freedom. It may also be described as one of “the effects of rampant,… Read More »Oppression In The Bible

Responsibility of a pastor

Pastor’s Guide To What You Should Bring On A Trip To The Holy Land: A blog that details the items a pastor should bring on trips. The responsibilities of a pastor are extensive, but they are also rewarding. As a pastor, you will be responsible for leading a congregation in worship and prayer. You will… Read More »Responsibility of a pastor