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greek orthodox prayer to conceive

Greek Orthodox Prayer To Conceive within Marriage : A blog around conception and the benefits of prayer along with some tips.

One of the most important things you can do to conceive is to pray. Our Greek Orthodox prayers for conception are specifically designed to help couples find success when they are trying to have a child.

We have created this special prayer for you and your partner as a way to express your gratitude to God for all of his blessings, including your fertility. If you are struggling with infertility or have been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant, we hope that this prayer helps you take the next step towards healing and happiness.

God, who nourishes and protects all life, hear our prayer.

We pray for a child, the fruit of our love. We ask that you bless this woman to conceive and give birth to this child.

We pray for peace in her body and soul; that she may be able to withstand any difficulties that come her way during her pregnancy with strength and grace; that she may be able to deliver safely; and that she may be able to bring up her child with love.

Grant us the wisdom to know what is best for our family. Give us the strength to do what is right for us all. Help us to remember that every child is a blessing from God.

O Lord, look upon me in compassion and let my prayer be heard. Hearken to my supplication, O God of my salvation.

Incline Thine ear to me and hear me with Thy mercy, O Thou Who art good and ready to forgive; who hast appointed repentance for sinners.

Now I call on Thee and beseech Thee from the depths of my heart: Show me a sign of Thy goodness and give me a token of Thy grace, that I may know Thou art near at hand, O Lord my God. Let it now be known unto Thee that I have sinned greatly in thought, word, and deed against Thee: forgive me, therefore O God Who alone lovest mankind; visit mine iniquities upon me; purify my soul by Thine abundant mercy; deliver me from all evil; grant me life everlasting; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Oh Lord, we pray to you for a child. Grant us the desire of our hearts, and fill our minds with joy and hope. We ask you to bless this union with your presence, so that it may be blessed in your sight. As the barren woman who was blessed by God, we pray that you will receive our prayers with favor and answer them with grace and mercy. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen

Saint George,

We pray to you for conception, for fertility and for a successful pregnancy. We ask that you bless us with a child who will be born in the fullness of time and grow up to become a fine young man or woman.

Saint George, you are known as the dragon slayer and we believe that your power over evil can be used to protect our future children from those things which would harm them.

We ask this of you in Jesus’ name. Amen!

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