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Prayer For A Supernatural Anointing For Fresh Fire

Not everyone has a fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost in this day and age. I’m amazed one day to the next that I have what I do it seems like some days. I wish to share this anointing with others and in truth I want more of it myself right now.

Prayer is intense and persistent. There is nothing half-hearted about it. This kind of prayer – that sets things aflame like nothing you have ever seen – only comes from the Spirit of God who lives inside you and uses your voice to speak His supernatural fire into existence. You see, the fire on earth is not from God… Isaiah 30:27 Behold, the name of the LORD comes from afar, burning with His anger, And in thick rising smoke; His lips are full of indignation, And His tongue as a devouring fire; Learn about; Deliverance by fire prayer, Prayer points for tongues of fire.

Prayer For A Supernatural Anointing For Fresh Fire

Dear Lord,

I pray for a supernatural anointing for fresh fire. I believe that the Holy Spirit has called me to be a conduit of your power and grace, and I ask that you would give me the courage and strength to step into my calling. Please help me to see beyond the present moment, so that I may have wisdom in how to accomplish what you have called me to do. Give me the courage to stand firm in my convictions and speak up for what is right. Help me to discern when it is time to take a stand and when it is time to step back and let others lead the way.

I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen

In the name of Jesus, I pray for a supernatural anointing for fresh fire that comes from heaven in me.

Prayer For Fresh Fire On The Altar

I ask that you would give me a passion to reach the lost and to engage with skeptics. I pray that my heart would be drawn to share your love with others, and that I would have the courage and boldness to do so.

I ask that you would give me a hunger for the Holy Spirit’s presence, because without it I could never accomplish any of these things. Please fill me with your presence, Lord.

Give me boldness and courage so I can boldly proclaim who you are and what you’ve done when speaking with those who don’t believe in you. Help me to speak with wisdom, kindness, patience and love when sharing about your faithfulness in my life or theirs with others who don’t know Christ yet themselves either!

I also pray for supernatural wisdom in making decisions about how best to share about Christ’s love without compromising myself or others’ safety or reputations as well!

Lord, we come before you right now to ask for supernatural anointing for fresh fire. We pray that you would pour out your Spirit on us and give us the power to do what we need to do, so that your kingdom will come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

We pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Father, I come before you today with an open heart and a humble spirit, asking for your help.

I need fresh fire, Father. I cannot do this on my own. I am not enough, and I never will be. But you are all that is needed—you are enough and more than enough.

I ask that you come down in your power and reveal yourself to me in such a way that I will know beyond doubt that it is you who has been working in me all along. I want your touch to be undeniable; I want it to be unmistakable; so unmistakable that nobody can deny the presence of God when they see me shine with the light of Christ Jesus.

Father, give me supernatural anointing today so that people will say “what’s going on here?” And then give me the courage to speak the truth: “This is what it looks like when God shows up.”

Dear God,

I pray that you would anoint me with fresh fire. I want to feel your burning love in my heart and soul so that I can spread it to the people around me.

I ask for the gift of prophecy and discernment so that I can hear from you and see what needs to happen in order to bring about change in the world. Help me use my words wisely, especially when others are speaking out of ignorance or fear.

Help me listen for your voice in all circumstances, so that I may be led by you into truth and righteousness.

Deliverance by fire prayer

Dear Jesus,

I come before You as a vessel ready to be filled with Your anointing. I am asking that You would fill me with fresh fire and supernaturally empower me for this time in my life. I ask that You would give me the ability to speak words of wisdom and knowledge, and impart Your Word in such a way that my listeners will be changed. Help me to overcome any obstacles in my path, so that I may serve You better and get closer to my purpose.

In Jesus’ name I pray, amen

Father, you are the author and perfecter of our faith. You have called us to be a holy nation, and we pray that you would renew our dedication and devotion to You. We recognize that there are times when we may feel weak or lacking in motivation or inspiration to accomplish the tasks you’ve set before us.

We ask for Your supernatural anointing upon us today, so that we might be a light unto the world through our words, actions and attitudes. We don’t want to be distracted by the cares of this world or our own selfish desires; instead, we want to reflect your glory through everything we say and do.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

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