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Fertility Prayer For A Friend

I know that prayer can help with fertility struggles and I wanted to offer this fertility prayer for a friend. As you know, your wife has been struggling to get pregnant for the past year and a half. I know her struggle has been emotionally trying on your marriage and relationship. I know she is tired of it feeling like nothing is happening, and that is frustrating.

I pray for my friend. I pray that she will be able to conceive a child, and that she will be able to carry that child full term. I pray that she will be able to become a mother and love her child as much as she did before they were born.

I pray that the doctors are wrong, and that her body will be able to carry the baby through the entire pregnancy. I pray that all of the tests they do on her come back negative, and that the doctors can find nothing wrong with her body or mind.

I pray for strength and courage for my friend who is struggling with infertility right now. She needs all of our prayers, but especially yours today!

Right here on Churchgist, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on fasting and praying for a baby,psalms to read to get pregnant, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

Prayer For Conception & Pregnancy

Fertility Prayer For A Friend

Lord, we thank you for the privilege of praying for our friend.

Lord, we thank you for the privilege of praying for our friend.

We pray that your Spirit will be with them and guide them to make the best decisions in their life and marriage. We ask that you would give them wisdom and discernment in all they do, so that they can follow your path and walk in integrity before you. We pray that the plans you have for their life will come to fruition quickly, so that they may feel secure about their future together as husband and wife. We pray also for their health, both physical and mental; for healing from any sicknesses or injuries; and protection from any danger or harm which may come their way.

We thank you for the gift that she is to us, and for the gift that she wants to be for a child.

We thank you for the gift that she is to us, and for the gift that she wants to be for a child. We are grateful that she feels called by You, Lord, to be a parent and raise another soul in Your image and likeness. And we ask that You bless us with patience as we wait upon Your timing in this process. In Your son’s name we pray, amen!

We ask you to help her to trust in your guidance as she makes decisions about her health and her future.

You are here to bring her closer to You, and you know that she is not alone. We ask you to help her to trust in your guidance as she makes decisions about her health and her future. As she learns how to love herself and put herself first, we pray that you will remind her of the great things you have planned for her life. We know that because of Your love for this woman, every decision that she makes will be for the good of all. You see what no one else can see: the bigger picture of what is best for this person’s health and happiness now and in their future. Through their struggles, we pray that they may find peace in knowing there is nothing more important than trusting in Your guidance during these difficult times. Because You already know everything that will happen tomorrow, please open our eyes so we can understand why things happen as they do today!

Help her to know that You see all of who she is and You love all of who she is.

  • Help her to know that You see all of who she is and You love all of who she is.
  • Remind her that You are with her in every season of life, even when it’s hard. Let her know that You are always at work in the background, tenderly shaping each moment until it perfectly aligns with Your will.
  • Tell her that You have a plan for her life and this time has been allotted for the purpose of fulfilling it!

Remind her daily of Your presence with her and Your care for her.

Remind her daily of Your presence with her and Your care for her.

Let her know that she is not alone, but never let her feel as if she is being smothered by You. Keep the lines of communication open between you, even if it means that you must use another person to get a message to your friend. Let this be someone who will encourage both of you in your spiritual growth, such as a pastor or teacher at church or even a close family member.

Give her peace when the worries creep in.

When you’re in the midst of infertility, it can be easy to get caught up in the emotions and feelings that surround this journey. You may find yourself feeling alone, or experiencing a sense of isolation from those around you. In these moments, remember that you are not alone. Many women have struggled with infertility and achieved their dream of becoming mothers through prayer, medical treatment or adoption; as such, there are many resources available to help guide your friend through this process.

If she is struggling with her fertility issues or has decided to pursue adoption as an alternative option for becoming pregnant (or even if she has already adopted), encourage her to reach out for support from other women who have walked similar paths. Women’s organizations like Resolve (the National Infertility Association) offer peer-to-peer counseling services where members can talk with others who have experienced similar challenges. These programs provide invaluable assistance by helping patients cope with stressors such as denial and feelings of failure associated with infertility diagnoses; moreover they also provide emotional support for patients undergoing treatments such as amniocentesis or IVF who experience anxiety about possible complications due to genetic abnormalities found during testing procedures

Encourage her as she takes steps toward a healthy body to prepare for parenthood.

When it comes to your friend’s fertility journey, encourage her as she takes steps toward a healthy body to prepare for parenthood. It can be easy to forget that emotional and spiritual health are just as important as physical health. Your friend may be taking the correct actions, but if she is struggling emotionally or spiritually, it could be affecting her ability to conceive. Encourage her not only in terms of physical health (e.g., eating right, exercising) but also in terms of mental wellbeing (e.g., keeping stress levels low).

Remind your friend not to give up on herself or her dreams of being a mother someday – even if they haven’t been realized yet! Fertility treatments can take time because they require patience from both parties involved before results are seen in full force.”

May she be aware of your presence with her at every moment along this journey.

  • May she be aware of your presence with her at every moment along this journey.
  • May you surround her with the comfort and support of family, friends, and faith communities as she prepares for childbirth.
  • May your grace guide her in the moments when she feels alone or afraid.

Prayers are powerful tools in our lives that can help us through times of struggle and uncertainty. They give us strength when we are weak and comfort when we feel lonely or frightened. Let your friend know that you are here for her in this difficult time by praying for her regularly, both independently and alongside other people who may be concerned about her well-being as well. By doing so, you will show yourself to be a true friend who cares enough about someone’s health to put aside their own needs so they can focus on hers instead!

Fertility prayer can bring comfort while waiting on God’s timing.

As you wait on God’s timing, your prayer should remind you that God is in control of all things and that His timing is perfect. If the person you are praying for has been trying to conceive for a long time, it can be easy to lose hope, especially if they have been through multiple miscarriages or unsuccessful surgeries.

God loves us and wants us to know Him better every day. He cares about us deeply and will never abandon us as we walk this journey together. He is with us in times of waiting—not just when we get what we want (or don’t get what we want), but all the time!

As you pray for your friend or loved one, remind yourself that God is good and faithful—so He will provide what they need in order to get pregnant.

miracle prayer getting pregnant

You are the God of my fertility. I pray and hold faith to your word for a supernatural conception and healthy full pregnancy.

I beg that You plant a seed into my womb Lord. Not just any seed, but a holy and healthy seed of God.

You said to go forth and be fruitful. So God, I ask this day that You open my womb, so that I can bring forth a child and even children.

Just as You opened the womb of Sarah after so many years, I believe that You are and will do the same today. I have the faith that You will keep Your promises to Your children.

I know You will quench my desire. Lord, even as Hannah was without a child, You give her a son after her prayer unto You. You heard her supplication. And this day I know my prayer will not be void unto You but it will be heard and answered.

Lord, even as you remembered Rachel and she conceived, listen to my prayers and me and my family. Enable me to conceive and bare child.

Genesis 30:22 Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and enabled her to conceive.

You said to ask and it shall be given. This day I ask for fertility in the womb. I break the spirit of barrenness and I come against every attack of the enemy to prevent my pregnancy.

2 Corinthians 4:18 “We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

Genesis 25:21 “Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The LORD answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant.”

psalms to read to get pregnant

Most women want so badly to be mothers.  They never want to struggle with infertility at all but fertility struggles are very real for so many women.  If you are not one of those women, you probably know someone that has struggled.  God offers so many words of encouragement, truth, and hope in Psalms for fertility.  

I have found some of the best psalms to speak truth into the lives and hearts of any woman that may need hope during a season of infertility or struggles surrounding fertility.  God has so much for us and loves us beyond measure, keep reading and let me share that with you. 

13 of the Best Psalms for Fertility

Psalm 37: 4-7

Take delight in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the Lord;
    trust in him and he will do this:
He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn,
    your vindication like the noonday sun.

Be still before the Lord
    and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when people succeed in their ways,
    when they carry out their wicked schemes.

Reminding ourselves to delight in God and trust him while waiting patiently for him to answer the desire of our heart will keep us anchored in discouraging times.  Remember that the Lord invites us to rest in him. 

Psalm 55: 22

22 Cast your cares on the Lord
    and he will sustain you;
he will never let
    the righteous be shaken.

Do not underestimate how freeing it is to give our cares to God.  He will hold us up and help us keep going when we only want to fall apart or give up.  We can stay firmly planted in his truth and purpose by giving him our burdens. 

Psalm 113:9

He settles the childless woman in her home
    as a happy mother of children.

Praise the Lord.

This beautiful Psalm for fertility speaks directly to the heart of a woman longing to be a mother.  While this is not a promise that every woman will be a mother by traditional means, he can and will give every woman joy in the waiting. 

Psalm 130:5

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,
    and in his word I put my hope.

This psalm speaks to so many areas of life, but to the woman waiting to become a mother, it is honey to the soul.  We wait and we hope in his word.  Hang on the truth of who God is during uncertain times. 

Psalm 127:3

Children are a heritage from the Lord,
    offspring a reward from him.

Children are a gift and if you are still waiting for that gift to arrive, please know that God sees you in your waiting and has a purpose and a plan.

Psalm 27:14

14 Wait for the Lord;
    be strong and take heart
    and wait for the Lord.

My favorite part of this verse is to let our heart take courage.  We can be strong while we wait.  We can have courage in our hearts to know that God’s plan is better than ours.

Psalm 147:3

He heals the brokenhearted
    and binds up their wounds.

When you feel like your heart might break in half from the disappointment of waiting to become a mother, take heart because God can and will heal your brokenness.   He is waiting with so much more than a band aid to heal your wounds. 

Psalm 4:8

In peace I will lie down and sleep,
    for you alone, Lord,
    make me dwell in safety.

God gives a peace that goes beyond the peace of the world so that you can lay down and sleep in peace.  In the midst of heartache and disappointment God alone will keep you safe and give you rest.

Psalm 13:5

But I trust in your unfailing love;
    my heart rejoices in your salvation.

This is such an amazing Psalm for fertility.  In times that feel like motherhood is so far away we can trust the loving kindness of our creator while we rejoice in his salvation. 

Psalm 25:4

Show me your ways, Lord,
    teach me your paths.

When we don’t understand what is going on, we can ask God to teach us.  To show us what he is doing.  To help us understand and give us peace. 

Psalm 43:5

Why, my soul, are you downcast?
    Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
    for I will yet praise him,
    my Savior and my God.

The writer of this psalm understood despair and heartache but he praised God and hoped in him.  He did not let despair bring him down.  This is a great example of how we should handle our distress and sadness when we are waiting for a positive test result. 

Psalm 56:8-9

Record my misery;
    list my tears on your scroll[a]
    are they not in your record?
Then my enemies will turn back
    when I call for help.
    By this I will know that God is for me.

God is for you.  He sees every tear you cry and records it.  He knows how much you are hurting.  But God is still for you.  

Psalm 138:8

The Lord will vindicate me;
    your love, Lord, endures forever—
    do not abandon the works of your hands.

His purpose and plan  for your life may not be the same as what you would want for your life.  That is okay because his love endures.  He will complete the work he has started in your life for his glory.  Take heart in those truths.

Praying with Psalms for Pregnancy

Praying God’s word back to him is a tried and true way to pray.  God’s word is truth and his will absolutely.  You can’t go wrong with praying scriptures.  Praying the psalms for fertility is a good way to gain peace and understanding in the waiting.  I want to leave you with a few examples of praying the psalms using 5 of the psalms above.

Psalm 56: 8-9

Lord, I know that you see my tears.  You have kept a record of them and you see the wanderings of my heart and mind.  Father I know that you are for me, even when I doubt, even when I have questions.  Thank you for seeing me and for being for me.  Amen.

Psalm 25:4

Father, I don’t understand what is going on or what you’re doing in my life.   Help me to understand.  Teach me your paths and show me your ways.  Amen. 

Psalm 27:14

Father, give me a heart of courage that hopes in you and trusts in what you have for my life.  Help me to do what your word says, to be strong and wait for you.   Amen.

Psalm 147:3

Lord, you see how broken my heart is and the distress of my circumstances.  I trust your word when it says that you heal the brokenhearted and bind up our wounds.  I know you will do this for me.  Amen

Psalm 13:5

Lord, no matter what happens in my life, no matter what your plan is for me, I trust in your loving kindness.  My heart will rejoice in the salvation you have given me so freely.  Amen.

These simple prayers just give an example of praying the psalms for fertility and during the struggles that come along with trying to become a mother for some women.  Your prayers don’t need to be long or full of words, God knows what is in your heart and his spirit intercedes for you.  

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