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Prayer For Evangelism

Prayer for Evangelism is said to be the most important prayer. Every Christian should pray for the growth of Christianity and salvation of sinners. But it isn’t always easy. It’s discouraging, for instance, when you see lives that are hurting, or when the needs at home are great. You know the old saying: It’s hard to expect others to pray for those that they do not know; it’s harder to expect them to care about those who are not like themselves.

You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on prayer-for-evangelism, prayer for evangelism team. We at Churchgists have all the information that you need about prayer for evangelism and soul winning. Read on to learn more.

Prayer Evangelism: Part 3 - Pray for Boldness — Josh Williamson - Evangelist

Prayer For Evangelism

Dear God,

I pray that you may grant me the grace of evangelization. I have been called to spread the gospel, and I know that I will only be able to do so if you grant me this grace. Please help me to not be afraid of what others might think of me or say about me; instead, let them see your light shining through me in all that I do.

Help me to use my words wisely and to give others the chance to hear about your love for them. If they are not ready for this message yet, please help them grow into a place where they can accept your love freely and without fear.

Lord, please reveal yourself to those who need you most today! Let us spread your message far and wide so that every person can experience your presence in their life and know that they are loved by you!

Dear God,

Please give me the strength and confidence to complete my evangelism project. I know that my efforts will not be in vain because you are with me every step of the way.Amen

Prayer For Evangelism And Soul Winning

Dear God,

We thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ. Through his life, death and resurrection we have been given hope for life after death. We pray that our lives will be a living testimony of how much God loves us. We pray that we will never be ashamed to tell others about his love for them. We pray for boldness to share the gospel with those who have not heard it yet. May we not be afraid of what others might think or say about us but rather trust that you are at work in their lives as well as ours. Help us to see the good in everyone around us and share your love with them through our words and actions so that they too can experience this joyous life we have found in knowing you personally through Jesus Christ! In Jesus name we pray!

Father, we come before you today with open hearts and minds. We want to do your will and bring your love to those around us.

We pray that you would help us to see the needs of others and understand how we can best reach out to them in ways that are meaningful and useful, not only for their lives but also for ours. Help us to have the courage to be honest about our own feelings, thoughts, and desires as we seek out ways to share the Good News with others.

We ask this in Jesus’ Name, Amen

O God,

We pray for the souls of all people, including [name], who is currently lost. We ask that you would open their hearts and minds to the truth of your Word and bring them into the fold of your church.

We pray that you would grant us opportunities to share with them the Good News of Jesus Christ, so that they may be saved from eternal damnation and spend eternity in your presence.

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Prayer For Evangelism Bible Verses

Looking through the scripture, the Lord has commanded us(as Christians) to go and win souls for the kingdom, and ensure that the souls remain as it is written in John 15:16, “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you”, this is why, it is important that we get out of our comfort zones and seek for souls to be won for Christ.

However, as important as it is to preach the gospel, it is also crucial that we pray for great harvest of souls, remember scriptures say in Mark 11:24 “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them”. Also, if you have noticed a high level of witchcraft and unbelief in a location outside of your environment, you should say these prayers aggressively, before you step out to preach to the people in that area.

Father we release ourselves as vessels for soul winning, please help us through the power of the Holy Spirit to win souls for you, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I bind every territorial strongman that is standing against mass conversion of souls into Christianity in this environment, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

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