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ogun prayer to destroy enemies

Classic African Ogun Prayer: Use this in ogun spiritual works to remove enemies or weaken them.

  • ogun prayer to destroy enemies
  • Ogun is a powerful spirit in Yoruba, Santeria, Voodoo and many other sister religions and mystical paths. Practitioners on these paths pray to Ogun because he can clear obstacles to spiritual growth. He can also help with everyday situations like seeking employment and defending against enemies, especially other sorcerers trying to influence your life in a negative way. Here are 3 prayers to Ogun you can use daily to receive his blessings:

    1. Prayer for work

    This is a popular prayer to Ogun for finding a job or for making more money:

    Ogun bless me with fortune
    To do more than I was destined
    For the good of myself and others
    Ogun provide me with opportunity
    To multiply and grow
    For the benefit of all

    2. Prayer for protection

    Ogun can help you become invisible to your enemies and prevent negative influences from other magicians. Ogun provides protection from the astral realm, influencing events before they come into existence in physical reality. You can use the following prayer for protection:

    Ogun bless me with protection
    Of your shield, lance and aura of light
    So all enemies revert their gaze
    Ogun bless me with refuge in light
    By your powers left out of their sight

    3. Prayer for spiritual growth

    Spiritual growth can be blocked by fear of what happens on the next stage of development. It can also be a case of feeling shame because people around you don’t understand your desire to grow out of your present identity. Ogun has guided thousands of spiritual seekers to greater heights of understanding, love and wisdom.

    Ogun release my heart
    From black spite holding it captive
    Ogun protect my soul
    From wicked spirits and ignorance of men
    Ogun destroy my temptations
    Transcending the limits of flesh and blood
    Ogun nourish my hungry soul
    With firmament’s sunlit glory

    Final Word on Prayers to Ogun

    Your prayers are as much about saying the right words as they are about feeling the correct emotions. Don’t just go through the motions as you pray. Instead, try to actually feel the energy that is produced by the words passing through your mind and body. These sensations are important for any spiritual practice.

    I recommend choosing one of these prayers depending on your goals and praying in the morning and the evening until you are satisfied with the gifts Ogun bestows upon you.

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