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Spiritual Meanings

Spiritual meaning of a bat

They are capable of flight, but are not birds; they look like rodents but aren’t really rodents either: yes, we’re talking about Bats. You might have seen one of these flying around, particularly in the dusk. With about 1300 recognized species of Bats, these creatures are found in almost every part of the world. But… Read More »Spiritual meaning of a bat

Spiritual Meaning Of A Ball

Dreaming about playing football can symbolize working for a team. The symbol of the football dream indicates courage, focus and determination to achieve things in life. On the other hand, it may mean you are trying to entertain your spirit and make yourself happy. While the dream of watching a football match indicates the ability… Read More »Spiritual Meaning Of A Ball

Spiritual Meaning Of 88

Have you been seeing the 88 angel number and you don’t understand the meaning? We often see angel numbers but end up assuming them to be coincidentally appearing sequences of numbers. The truth is, these numbers are from our guardian angels, who are desperate to pass across a message to us, either to assure us… Read More »Spiritual Meaning Of 88

Spiritual meaning of 81

Angel number 81 is seen as an indication that you are on the right path, and it symbolizes spiritual guidance. It may point to your spiritual mentor, who will significantly help you in times of need or confusion. Angel number 81 brings prosperity and opportunities with itself. The number is considered a firm angel number… Read More »Spiritual meaning of 81