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Spiritual Meanings

Spiritual Meaning of Gemma

What does the name Gemma mean? Spiritual meaning of Gemma: The word Gemma is a Latin word that means “a bud, a bulbous tumor”, [1] However, there is more than one meaning of Gemma in this case. When we’re speaking about Gemma’s spiritual meaning, there are different interpretations of what it represents. There are multiple… Read More »Spiritual Meaning of Gemma

Spiritual Meaning Of Geese

There are many spiritual meanings of geese that have been passed down through folklore over the years. To prevent their souls from flying away to the underworld, Ancient Egyptians would constrict the legs of geese so they couldn’t fly away. Flying waterfowl are associated with the weather and water, which give them a mythological connection… Read More »Spiritual Meaning Of Geese

Spiritual Meaning of Gavin

Spiritual Meaning of the Name Gavin- Gavin is a male first name of Irish and Gaelic origin. Gavin could mean “young warrior”. The name “Gavin” has a meaning of “God’s victory” and also means “protected by God”. It is derived both from phonetic and geographical origins, ultimately coming from the Irish village of Gaván and… Read More »Spiritual Meaning of Gavin