Many people find that spiritual meaning comes from some of the worst things that life throws at them. Stress can become a big factor in one’s life, which leads to gastritis and is the reason why a large part of the people who suffer from gastritis are stressed. Finding ways to bring meaning into your life and into your own personal growth is important because this will help you make better decisions on a daily basis and especially when it comes to relationships.
The word Gastritis comes from Greek in origin, where “Gastro” means stomach and “itis” which is suffix for inflammation. The condition is characterized by inflammation of stomach lining due to many reasons. In a normal case, the lining or the epithelium of the stomach heals itself and restores its normal function after an infection or irritation. Gastritis can result with damage to the stomach if caused by a disease that lasts for more than 8 weeks which leads to permanent damage. Below are 4 possible spiritual meaning of gastritis.
1. Purification and Cleansing
Just as gastritis is a condition where the stomach lining becomes inflamed, spiritually, it can signify a need for purification and cleansing. In many cultures, stomach issues are often associated with holding onto negative emotions or experiences. Gastritis can be a physical manifestation of the need to release and let go of toxic emotions and energies.
2. Nourishment and Satisfaction
In a spiritual sense, the stomach is often seen as the center of nourishment and satisfaction. Gastritis may indicate a lack of fulfillment or nourishment on a deeper level. It could be a sign that one is not feeding their soul with what it truly needs, whether it be love, joy, or spiritual connection.
3. Digesting and Processing Emotions
Just as the stomach digests food, it also symbolizes the ability to digest and process emotions. Gastritis may be a sign that emotions are not being properly digested and are causing inflammation and discomfort. It can be a reminder to take the time to acknowledge and work through emotions in a healthy way.
4. Self-care and Self-love
Gastritis can also be a message from the spiritual realm to prioritize self-care and self-love. Neglecting one’s own needs and well-being can lead to physical ailments like gastritis. It may be a reminder to listen to the body and take care of oneself on a holistic level.
One Bible verse that is relevant to this topic is 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, which states: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
Spiritual Meaning | Illustration |
Purification and Cleansing | An image of a person releasing negative energy through meditation |
Nourishment and Satisfaction | An image of a person surrounded by nourishing foods and positive energy |
Digesting and Processing Emotions | An image of a person journaling and reflecting on their emotions |
Self-care and Self-love | An image of a person practicing self-care activities like yoga or meditation |
Spiritual Meaning Of Gastritis
The spiritual meaning of gastritis is a condition in which the lining of your stomach becomes inflamed. This inflammation can cause pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. It is often associated with stress and anxiety.
In the medical world, gastritis is sometimes referred to as “gastric ulcer” or “duodenal ulcer.” These terms are sometimes used interchangeably with gastritis; however, there are some important differences between them.
The symptoms of gastritis include:

- Intense burning pain in your upper abdomen that worsens after eating
- Nausea and vomiting (sometimes with blood).
- Stomach acid reflux (heartburn).
- A sensation of bloating or fullness after eating only small amounts of food.
Gastritis is a condition in which the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed. Gastritis can be caused by infection and stress, as well as by certain medications.
The symptoms of gastritis include nausea or vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, and heartburn. A doctor can diagnose gastritis based on the symptoms and with a physical examination.
Treatment for gastritis includes taking antacids to reduce the acidity in your stomach. If you have an infection causing your gastritis, you will need antibiotics to treat that infection.
Gastritis is an often distressing and uncomfortable condition involving inflammation of the stomach lining. Symptoms can include upper abdominal pain, and sometimes, nausea, vomiting, and/or a feeling of fullness soon after eating. While there are many potential causes of gastritis, infection with a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori is one of the most common ones. Excessive nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) or alcohol use are additional common causes of gastritis.
Types of Gastritis
The symptoms of gastritis can come on suddenly and last for a short time. This is called acute gastritis. Others have chronic gastritis, which means symptoms persist for months or even years.
Gastritis can also be categorized as erosive or non-erosive based on how severely injured the mucosal lining of the stomach is.
- Erosive gastritis is more severe than non-erosive gastritis, as it wears away the stomach lining, leading to the formation of sores called erosions. If left untreated, these sores can penetrate deeper into the stomach mucosa and form painful ulcers.
- With non-erosive gastritis, the stomach lining is changed as a result of the underlying inflammation; however, there is no wearing away of the lining, so no erosions or ulcers develop.
Gastritis Symptoms
The most common symptom of gastritis is upper abdominal upset or pain, often described as an uncomfortable burning or gnawing sensation.
Besides pain, other potential symptoms of gastritis include:
- Belching
- Abdominal bloating
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea or vomiting
- Feeling of fullness after eating only a small meal
Blood in your vomit or dark or tar-colored stools may be a sign of bleeding in the stomach, as gastritis can promote ulcers (sores within the lining of the stomach) to form.
Additional signs and symptoms of bleeding in the stomach (all of which stem from related iron deficiency anemia) include:
- Fatigue
- Trouble breathing
- Dizziness
- Weakness
- Pale skin
- Fast heartbeat
If you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of bleeding in your stomach, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Severe or worsening abdominal pain is another indication to seek attention right away.
Chronic gastritis is much more likely to lead to complications like ulcer formation and iron deficiency anemia from bleeding. Rarely, some people with chronic gastritis go on to develop gastric cancer.
There are multiple possible causes of gastritis. One of the most common causes is an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), which can result from poor handwashing habits and other causes.
Other potential causes include:
- Drinking too much alcohol
- Smoking
- Prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
- Infection with another bacteria, a virus, or fungus
In addition, gastritis may develop after major surgery, traumatic injury, burns, radiation, or a severe illness. Certain diseases, such as pernicious anemia (an autoimmune disease) and chronic bile reflux, can also cause gastritis.
Sometimes, the precise cause of a person’s gastritis remains unknown.
While your primary care practitioner may run some tests and diagnose you with gastritis, they may also refer you to a gastroenterologist—a medical professional who specializes in diseases of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines—for further evaluation. This is particularly likely if your diagnosis is not certain, or if your gastritis is severe or persistent.
If gastritis is suspected after a careful medical history and physical examination, blood tests and, potentially, a set of X-rays called an upper gastrointestinal (GI) series are likely next. Additional testing, such as an upper endoscopy, may be needed thereafter.
For persistent symptoms of gastritis, upper endoscopy has now replaced the upper GI series as the primary diagnostic test.
Blood Tests
In order to evaluate for iron deficiency anemia from potential stomach bleeding, your healthcare provider will order the following blood tests:
- Complete blood count (CBC)
- Iron tests, including a ferritin level (ferritin is a protein that stores iron)
Your healthcare provider may also check your vitamin B12 level to help diagnose pernicious anemia. With this condition, the immune system misguidedly attacks a vitamin B-12 binding protein (intrinsic factor) made by stomach cells. Sometimes, a person’s immune system attacks the stomach cells themselves.
As a result of this attack, vitamin B-12 absorption is impaired, causing low blood levels. Another blood test used to diagnose pernicious anemia is autoantibodies to intrinsic factor (IF).
Lastly, a blood antibody test may be used to evaluate for H.pylori infection, although other tests (see below) are more sensitive and specific.
Upper GI Series
For this, you first drink barium, a chalky white substance mixed with water. The barium coats your esophagus, stomach, and the first part of the small intestines so a healthcare provider can visualize the digestive tract when performing the series of X-rays that follow.
Various gastritis-related abnormalities can be seen with an upper gastrointestinal series, including ulcers and inflammation.
Upper Endoscopy
If the diagnosis of gastritis remains unclear, and/or if your symptoms are severe or persistent, an upper endoscopy may be performed.
During an upper endoscopy, a gastroenterologist eases an endoscope, a thin tube containing a tiny camera, through your mouth (or occasionally nose) and into your stomach. With the camera, they will check for inflammation and may remove a tiny sample of tissue for testing. This is called a stomach biopsy.
Other Tests
Besides these, other tests may be performed to support or confirm a diagnosis of gastritis:
- A breath test may be recommended to test for H.pylori. With this test you drink a special liquid and your exhaled breath is then examined to see if breakdown products of the bacterium are present in the stomach.
- A stool antigen test may also be recommended to test for Helicobacter pylori. With this test, a scientist will look for an antigen that is normally located on the surface of the bacteria.
- A fecal occult blood test looks for blood in a stool sample; a positive test (meaning blood is present) suggests that there is some sort of bleeding within the digestive tract.
Differential Diagnoses
Many other health conditions can cause symptoms similar to those found with gastritis, including:
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
- Peptic ulcer disease (which may also be a complication of gastritis)
- Gastroparesis
- Gallbladder disease
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
- Pancreatitis
- Gastric cancer (which may also be a complication of gastritis)
In addition, non-gastrointestinal conditions can be mistaken for acute gastritis, such as:
- Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
- Pregnancy
Acute coronary syndrome, such as unstable angina or an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack), is a gastritis-mimicker that requires emergent diagnosis and treatment. An electrocardiogram (ECG) and cardiac enzymes (a blood test) are required to distinguish perceived stomach pain from heart-related pain.
This is why a comprehensive evaluation with all of the above tests is often needed to confirm your diagnosis.
Treatment of gastritis first entails addressing the underlying cause.
For example, if alcohol or NSAIDs are the culprits behind your gastritis, then stopping them is essential.
If a Helicobacter pylori infection is the cause, your healthcare provider will prescribe you a two-week medication regimen that usually consists of two antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor (PPI).
Stomach acid irritates the inflamed tissue in the stomach. PPIs such as Prilosec (omeprazole) and Nexium (esomeprazole) work by reducing stomach acid, thereby easing gastritis symptoms and promoting tissue healing.
Once the underlying gastritis culprit disappears, your pain and other symptoms should subside. Of course, be sure to see your practitioner before stopping any medicine or starting any gastritis treatment on your own.
Once identifying and eliminating the underlying cause (if known), an acid-reducing medication may be recommended.
Besides a proton pump inhibitor, a histamine blocker, like Pepcid (famotidine) or Zantac (ranitidine), may be recommended. Sometimes, an antacid is included in your treatment plan for rapid relief.
April 1, 2020 Update: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the recall of all medications containing the ingredient ranitidine, known by the brand name Zantac. The FDA also advised against taking OTC forms of ranitidine, and for patients taking prescription ranitidine to speak with their healthcare provider about other treatment options before stopping medication.
Keep in mind, these acid-reducing medications are generally only recommended for a short period of time. This is especially true for the proton pump inhibitors, as they have been linked to adverse health effects with long-term use.
Besides avoiding or minimizing the potential causes of gastritis (e.g., smoking, regular NSAID use, and excessive alcohol intake), researchers have looked into whether preventing H.pylori infection is possible, considering how often this bacterium is the cause of gastritis. According to a study published in 2014, improvements in hygiene reduced rates of infection in children.
Since infection with Helicobacter pylori is often acquired during early childhood and often spread from person to person through the fecal-oral or oral-oral route, teaching parents and their children to practice good hygiene habits may help prevent future gastritis.
Besides washing your (and your child’s) hands regularly with soap and water, other hygiene habits include:
- Ensuring your water comes from a safe, clean source
- Eating food that is properly washed and cooked
- Not sharing utensils, toothbrushes, glasses, or cups
- For mothers of infants, avoiding putting your mouth on your child’s pacifier or bottle, or tasting their food.

What Are Spiritual Causes of Gastritis?
According to holistic medicine, each disease occurs as a result of our physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. For each particular disease, there are hidden spiritual causes that need to be resolved. The same appears with gastritis. Apart from its physical reasons such as the presence of Helicobacter pylori in our digestive tract, continuous usage of pain relievers (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.), alcohol, autoimmune or some other disease, gastritis has spiritual causes that lie hidden. Doctors usually point at stress as the one of the greatest factors that contribute to gastritis. But, there is more than stress behind its appearance. According to Dr. Ruediger Dahlke, stomach receives all the impressions that come from the outer world. Therefore, people who suppress their feelings usually have problems with digestion. One of the main functions of the stomach is the ability to produce acid to digest food. One of the main functions of the stomach is the ability to produce acid to digest food. In his book “The Healing Power of Illness”, Dr. Ruediger explains that often people who have trouble coping with anger have high stomach acid. To find out more about gastritis and its spiritual causes, the article “Anxiety, Solar Plexus and Essential Oil” links stomach area with the solar chakra and describe possible problems that occur when this chakra is out of balance.
The solar plexus chakra, the energetic vortex of dynamism and willpower (its animal association is the ram), is charged with assisting one in comprehending his or her emotional life, accepting one’s unique place in the life stream, clarifying the dynamics of ego, self-esteem and self-love.
On a psycho-spiritual level, this chakra is deeply involved in the mechanics of: self-sufficiency, self-image, personal power, issues of responsibility, sense of security and safety. Dysfunction of the third chakra manifests, in part, as an inability to fully acquire and adequately sustain personal power.
Only when it is open and balanced can one have a deeply fulfilling emotional life wherein one can be expansive, outgoing, and sociable, have a sense of belonging and fitting in and be able to experience the sweetness of being alive.
As we have seen, we need to learn something in order to heal ourselves. It seems that illness has some message to transmit and helps us become whole again. Therefore, Dr. Ruediger Dahlke suggests to open up to life and accept our emotions, especially anger. To really reach maturity, means learn how to manage our emotions and handle conflicts. People with gastritis usually do not have a lot of self-esteem and could not handle stress and conflict well. They are immature in the emotional sense and do not want to leave childish dependence. Surprisingly, they can look independent, ambitious and even aggressive on the surface. But, beneath that, they need to move on and leave the ideal world behind them.
The Spiritual Meaning Of Stomach Pain
Problems digesting food may indicate tension in our relationships. The spiritual meaning of stomach pain is linked to how we absorb and digest the world around us.
Stomach pain, also called belly pain, is incredibly common. A recent national survey by AbbVie found that 72 percent of Americans are living with gastrointestinal problems at least a few times every month, and over half of those are not seeking help from a doctor. These might include gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. We know there are problems with the North American diet, and of course there might be underlying diseases at play, but what is the spiritual meaning of stomach pain?
Food & Relationships
When we talk about the digestive system, we’re talking about processing food—taking the outside world into our bodies and transforming it from outside material to inside material. When you think about it, eating is a fascinating practice in connecting with the world around us. In order to survive, in order to make muscles, fat, brain cells, and everything else in our bodies, we need to consume plant or animal products from the world outside of us.
Food is unavoidably created through community—even the most innocent foods, like carrots, are grown and harvested by someone who is helped by someone else, whose produce travels from the ground to the grocery store to your plate. Even if you grow your own carrots, you need access to water, soil, and the time and money to grow those carrots. Everything is interconnected.
For this reason, problems with food usually indicate some tension or strain on relationships. This might be about community, closeness, or simply a feeling of not belonging in the world. When we can absorb and digest the food from the world around us, our diet is spiritually strong; we are connected to everything. We feel safe.
Stress & the Spiritual Meaning of Stomach Pain
Our guts are often the first place stress shows up. In the classical fight-or-flight response, energy leaves the digestive tract and sends that energy elsewhere, such as to the limbs and muscles to prepare to run or fight. Digestion takes a lot of energy, and when we’re rushing around and feeling stressed, the body can’t digest our food properly.
Diarrhea and constipation are often directly caused by a stress response. Commonly, diarrhea is related to fight-or-flight: the body ejects the contents of the digestive system so that it can focus on the immediate task at hand.
Constipation, on the other hand, is related to the “freeze” response. Fight and flight are two stress reactions, another is freeze. It can look like numbness or depression: think of the animal that “plays dead” in order to avoid a predator. It might look relaxing, but, internally, stress hormones are coursing through that person’s blood. Feeling depressed is a form of stress, though we don’t often think of it that way.
Have you ever felt sick when things were going wrong in your life or when you were having a conflict with someone you loved? Stomach pain is sometimes an indication that something is unresolved and unprocessed. The stomach is the place where we break down our food and transform it into our bodies. When the stomach hurts, we are having trouble digesting an emotional experience. Addressing that emotion gets to the spiritual basis or meaning of stomach pain.
Rebalancing the Stomach
Meditation is a powerful way to help rebalance the stomach, partly because it helps so much with reducing the stress response. There are many ways to meditate, but the best way is the way that feels most comfortable and easeful for you.
A meditation to soothe the stomach is great in Constructive Rest post. Lie on the ground with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Let the feet widen so that the knees can fall together. This helps to relax all the muscles in the belly. Place your hands on your belly and breathe deeply.
Focus on breathing into the stomach area. Try to relax as much as you can. Notice what arises as you allow yourself to breathe into your stomach. Observe without judgment or trying to fix or change anything. Simply notice what your stomach is trying to tell you. You may like to write down what you experience and anything your stomach is trying to communicate to you. Spend at least five minutes here, and try to do this daily for a little while, which may help to repattern the stress response in your body. However possible, honor the requests and needs of the stomach for a few days, and see if you feel any better.