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Church Gists

Software For Church Services

Free church worship presentation software, live streaming church website and live church android app are some of the most important aspects when we have to do with church. This is why we have decided to share some best free church worship presentation software and free presentation app on our blog. Cloud syncing is at the… Read More »Software For Church Services

Short harvest poems for church

Short poems for Pastor Appreciation Day are the perfect opportunity to celebrate your pastor who you do appreciate. Short poems for church are simple, gentle and spiritual. These short poems also showcase how much you appreciate all the hard work your pastor has put into the church. Short poems for church appreciation day is one… Read More »Short harvest poems for church

RCCG 12 Million Capacity Auditorium

The Central Auditorium of RCCG is the perfect place to host your church services and other gatherings. The auditorium seats 12,000 people, has a restroom facility, was designed with sound in mind, has environmentally friendly features and green cleaning products and more. President T.B Joshua has announced RCCG’s 12 million-capacity auditorium, which is possibly the… Read More »RCCG 12 Million Capacity Auditorium

Short Dramas For Church

Short Nigerian Christian drama script. The story of a couple who were married in secret and are now under great pressure to disclose their relationship to their families. It is a comedy drama but has a serious message at the end. A look at dramatic and inspirational short dramas on Christian love and faith, they… Read More »Short Dramas For Church