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Number 4 Meaning In The Bible

What does the number 4 mean spiritually? The Number 4 meaning in the Bible has several meanings. The number 4 in the Bible represents creation, and is interpreted based on its position. Other symbolisms or titles of the number 4 include foundation, testing, temptations, and creation, and it is depicted by a variety of images… Read More »Number 4 Meaning In The Bible

Number 23 Meaning In The Bible

It’s the number 23 meaning in the Bible—literally. We’re here to make that easier for you. There are many things that come in twos and two makes two. There are some whose source of power comes from the number twenty-three. There are many who found enlightenment through this number, which is referred to as a… Read More »Number 23 Meaning In The Bible

Number 22 Meaning In The Bible

Bible is a sacred book, and it carries with it many secrets of nature. One such number that has amazed people for ages is the process by which this number can be looked upon as the secret to all mathematics. This number is referred to as number 22 meaning in the bible, and further explanation… Read More »Number 22 Meaning In The Bible

Number 22 In The Bible

In the canon of scripture, the number 22 has a special significance. God made His covenant with Moses. He wrote his law on two stone tablets and gave them to the Israelites in Exodus 34:1-4. These were called the Ten Commandments. And at the head of the Ten Commandments was an admonition—”Remember”, “22nd day” (Exodus… Read More »Number 22 In The Bible

Number 13 In The Bible

No, the number 13 is not banned from appearing in the bible. Although it is pretty strange that there are 13 letters in its name. Or maybe it’s just my faith in numerology coming through again. The number 13 is a topic that has inspired thinkers, writers, scholars and theologians for thousands of years. To… Read More »Number 13 In The Bible

Number 11 Meaning In The Bible

The Bible is full of hidden meanings and symbolism, describing it as a treasure of heavenly knowledge. Number 11 meaning in the bible is quite exciting to know more about this sacred book which reveals many mysteries associated with the eternal life. Some are even saying that number 11 meaning in the bible is the… Read More »Number 11 Meaning In The Bible

Novena Prayer For Miracles

Novena prayer for miracles: Today, we will review the powerful novenas never known fail and miracle prayer for the impossible. O ardent Rosae, who wield the sword of the Holy Spirit, Thou knowest the how, when and where of all things. Pray that I might rage against Thy goal of exalting God’s glory in all… Read More »Novena Prayer For Miracles

Norse Prayer For Healing

All you have to do is pronounce the prayer three times and your illness will be healed. This is a reconstruction of a prayer for healing found in many Icelandic manuscripts. It has been used with good results in my household. In this post, we will discuss Norse prayer for healing, norse god of mental… Read More »Norse Prayer For Healing