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Paul In The Bible Story

Paul was a Jew from the Diaspora and a Pharisee by affiliation who had a vision of the risen Christ. His vision inspired him to preach the “good news” of Jesus’ imminent return from heaven and the establishment of God’s kingdom throughout the eastern Roman Empire. Paul was born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia,… Read More »Paul In The Bible Story

Prayer For Black Males

Dear God, We pray for the souls of black men. We pray that they are given a chance to survive, grow and thrive in this world. We ask for mercy for them because they are our brothers, fathers and sons. We ask for strength for their families so that they can be strong in times… Read More »Prayer For Black Males

Prayer for Birds

Prayer is the art of communication and prayer for birds continues more of the same. Prayer for birds is an extraordinary skill which requires an extreme amount of concentration, training, and diligence to acquire. It takes a great amount of perceptiveness to use it in prayer for all the species. Dear God, I pray for… Read More »Prayer for Birds

Prayer For Prophets

Prayer for Prophets is a resource on prayer, giving and the prophetic movement. It was founded in response to the Spirit of God releasing a burden on the church for prayer for and about prophets—for their health, protection and fulfilment. You can have trouble finding the proper information online, so we’ve provided the greatest and… Read More »Prayer For Prophets