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amidah prayer in english pdf

The Amidah (literally: standing) prayer is one of the most important prayers in Judaism. It is a series of recitations, often considered to be the prayer that touches upon every aspect of the relationship between God and man.

amidah prayer in english pdf

Amidah Prayer in English

May our hearts be open to receive your gift of life.

May we feel the warmth of your love in every breath we take.

May we be grateful for all that you have given us, and use those gifts wisely.

Amidah Prayer

The Amidah prayer is said while standing and facing Jerusalem. It consists of 19 blessings, each one beginning with the word “Baruch” (Blessed). The 19 blessings are divided into three sections, each containing six blessings. In the first section, we pray for the coming of the Messiah. In the second section, we pray for ourselves and our daily needs. In the third section, we thank God for all of His blessings and ask Him to bring us closer to Him.

The Amidah prayer is the most important prayer in Judaism. It’s a series of eighteen blessings, which can be found in the Siddur, or Jewish prayer book. The Amidah is said three times a day—morning, afternoon and evening—and it’s recited standing up and facing Jerusalem.

The word “Amidah” means “standing.” The name originates from the fact that this prayer is said while standing.

The Amidah is called an “‘amidah” because it begins with an opening blessing and ends with a closing blessing. The rest of the prayers are called “sheva berakhot,” or seven blessings—because there are seven sections to this prayer. Each section has its own unique blessings, but one blessing common to all seven is “Blessed are You, Lord our God…” which is said during every part of this prayer except for the first section (where it’s replaced by another blessing).

Amidah Prayer

God, the Master of the universe, who alone does wonders, and whose glory fills all the earth. You bring forth bread from the earth and wine to gladden the heart of man, who are made in Your image. You cause grass to grow for the cattle and plants for man’s use that his heart may be inclined towards You. May our mouths water at Your goodness and may our souls be satisfied with the fruit of our lips which praises You. Blessed are You Lord God!

Amidah Prayer

May it be Your will, Lord our God and God of our fathers, to bring us near to You at all times. May we be worthy to stand in Your presence at all times. Grant that we may merit to behold the glory of the Shechinah, and listen to the voice of Your angels. May we be worthy to enter into Your presence with the sounding of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. May we merit to enter into the gates of Jerusalem in our lifetime. And may we merit to see Your Temple rebuilt speedily in our days, Amen.

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