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Alcoholics Anonymous Prayer For The Day

I am a recovering alcoholic. I have not had a drink for 14 years, and I go to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings every day. I have been sober for so long that it feels like a part of who I am now. In fact, it’s not even something I think about anymore—it’s just who I am. One thing that helps me keep my sobriety is prayer. Each morning, before I go to work, I say an AA prayer. It’s simple and short, but it reminds me that there is hope and purpose in my life: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on Alcoholics Anonymous Prayer For The Day. Read on to learn more. We at churchgists have all the information that you need about Alcoholics Anonymous Prayer For The Day. Read on to learn more.

Alcoholics Anonymous Prayer For The Day

Strong and loving God, help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that you and I together cannot handle.

God is always with you, and nothing can happen to you today that you and God together cannot handle. There is power in prayer. Everything that happens today is God’s will for your life. God is the strength and power in your life.

Everything that happens today is your will. I believe that with all my heart. Help me remember that you are the strength and power in my life — without You I can do nothing. But with You, I can face anything that may come my way today. I am ready and willing to face whatever problems come up today with the knowledge that You will be right beside me in everything I do. Nothing happens by chance or accident — my life is planned by a loving God who knows what’s best for me. Help me remember this as I face each day of my life, one day at a time.

Today, you should know that everything that happens is your will. Today I believe that with all my heart. Help me remember that you are the strength and power in my life — without You I can do nothing. But with You, I can face anything that may come my way today. I am ready and willing to face whatever problems come up today with the knowledge that You will be right beside me in everything I do. Nothing happens by chance or accident — my life is planned by a loving God who knows what’s best for me. Help me remember this as I face each day of my life, one day at a time.”

Alcoholics Anonymous Morning Prayer

Prayer is an important part of recovery. It can help you become a better person, and it can help you face challenges in your life. Prayer can also help you be grateful for the things that God has given you, and it can help you better understand God’s love for us.

A Prayer for Morning by Anonymous

“God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”

The Serenity Prayer and Me

AA Step Prayers and More

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

Our Fellowship’s Serenity Prayer can be recited either in the first (I, me) or third (us, we) person. When we recite it together at the end of a meeting, it seems to me to have even greater power than when I say it alone, often in the dark, often when I am most afraid. Either way, when I really need it and mean it, it never lets me down. I have chosen to write it out here in the first person, as a reminder to myself that I am by nature a selfish person. I am instinctively, “resentful, selfish, dishonest or afraid” (BB p86). I am also, when left to my own devices, “restless, irritable and discontented” (BB p. xxviii). These things are not, in my experience, unrelated; self centred fear is at the root of my restlessness and irritability. The fear, the restlessness, the discontent, I used to treat with alcohol; and the treatment, the medicine (booze), very nearly killed the patient, me.

I can only assume I first came across this life saving prayer when I attended my first meeting; my memory of those times is a bit hazy. At some point early in my journey to recovery, it did begin to penetrate. In particular, the first line did. For a very long time in AA, I clung to the first line of the prayer “with all the fervour with which the drowning seize life preservers” (12&12 p.23). It wasn’t hard for me to pray for serenity, because serenity was what I had been looking for from a bottle and a glass, a pill, or whatever else seemed to offer me a momentary escape from my own often tormented head. I may not have been able to describe serenity back then – after all, I had’tt experienced much of it, except in its artificially induced, chemical form; but gradually the promises, “We will comprehend the word serenity, and we will know peace” (BB p. 83) began to come true for me. As I experienced some serenity in my life, being an alcoholic I naturally wanted more. So in times of stress, which were many, I prayed for it. I prayed for enough serenity to get me through each day, without a drink and without succumbing completely to anxiety. And guess what? It worked, it really did.

For an equally long time, I glossed over the other two lines in the prayer, because I didn’t really understand them. I’m not sure I knew what courage was. Through working the Steps with a sponsor, I came to know, that all my life I was beset by paralysing fears, fears that my pride wouldn’t even let me acknowledge. But courage, what was that? Dutch courage I had plenty of, enough to numb my fears and allow me, for a while anyway, to bluff my way through life. So what is courage? My dictionary defines it as ‘The ability to face danger without fear.’ But I am not happy with that definition. AA experience has taught me that, through the programme of recovery we can, “commence to outgrow fear” (BB p. 68), but it takes a long time before, “an evil and corroding thread” with which “the fabric of our existence was shot through” (BB p. 67) can be completely removed. So courage is not the complete absence of fear; rather, it is the ability to overcome fear, and to keep moving forward, in the Twelve Step recovery programme, and in life. For this alcoholic to face his fears, to grow in sobriety, and to move forward, it was necessary to pray for courage. Just as my defence against the first drink had to come from a power greater than myself, so did the courage I needed to live a sober life, one day at a time. And there, buried in the middle of our Serenity prayer, is a request to that higher power, to give me the courage I needed, and previously lacked.

Now we come to the third line of this miraculous prayer (miraculous because it works), “The wisdom to know the difference”. If I have struggled to define or understand serenity and courage, what chance did I have with wisdom? I thought I was pretty smart when I first staggered into AA – an undiscovered genius, was how I sometimes saw myself – but all the evidence said different. If I had acquired any wisdom at all in the 41 years before, on my knees, I picked up the phone to AA, it hadn’t done me much good. I arrived smashed to bits, broken and bewildered, completely lost. Not much evidence of wisdom in action, not up to that point anyway.

Now with hindsight, and with what I have learned from listening to and identifying with other alcoholics in recovery, I can recognise that the beginnings of wisdom, for me, came when I admitted complete defeat. Only when I conceded that I knew absolutely nothing, could I begin to learn. The search for wisdom could begin only when I conceded I had none. And it’s been a long search, but wisdom, I have discovered, is available when I am willing to ask and to look for it. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous is packed with wisdom, the wisdom that comes with experience; wisdom too, I think, that has come from reliance on the same Higher Power which grants us Serenity and courage when we need it most, and when we humble ourselves sufficiently to ask for help.

Personally, I am in no doubt that when those early AAs in Ohio and New York sat down to record their experiences in a book, countless copies of which have now been printed and reprinted, an unseen hand held the hand that moved the pen. That is my belief, but I have no wish to be controversial or to impose that belief on others. So I’ll finish with the hope that anyone who has read this far will join me in saying…

God, grant us the Serenity to accept the things we cannot change,
The Courage to change the things we can
And the Wisdom to know the difference

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