Why was the book of eli removed from the bible? The book of Eli was removed from the Old Testament because it did not meet the standards of the Council of Nicea. The Council convened in 325 CE and was tasked with determining which books should be included in the Bible, and which should be removed. The Council of Nicea determined that a work would only be considered canonical if it met three criteria: it had to be written by an apostle or by someone directly associated with an apostle; it must not contradict anything else in Scripture; and it must be accepted by the majority of Christians as canonical.
Most of the excluded books were not left out because they were heretical; rather it was because the author was not well known or they were regarded as shallow. Most of these books were still considered useful to read, just not as important as the canonical books.
The book of Eli failed to meet these requirements: it was written by two unknown authors—one very early in history, and one even earlier—and did not have significant acceptance among Christians until after the formation of Christianity as we know it today. Find more about the book of Eli based on the bible,& book of Eli controversy in this article.
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Why Was The Book Of Eli Removed From The Bible?
Eli in the Bible was a Jewish priest living in the days of the judges and serving God at the tabernacle in Shiloh, a city near the hill country of Ephraim (1 Samuel 1:1, 3). Eli is best remembered for his blessing on Samuel’s mother and for his part in Samuel’s first prophecy.
Eli had two wicked sons named Hophni and Phineas; they also served in the tabernacle but did not know the Lord (1 Samuel 2:12). They violated the Law by keeping and eating meat from the sacrifices that was not allocated to them. They also had sex with the women who served at the doorway to the tent of meeting (1 Samuel 2:22). The bad behavior of Eli’s sons was apparently widely known (1 Samuel 2:24), and the report came back to Eli. When he found out about these things, he rebuked his sons but failed to make them stop, allowing them to continue to profane the tabernacle (1 Samuel 2:25).
It’s a frequent misunderstanding that the Bible was edited to omit a book called Eli. This myth originates from the movie “Book of Eli,” which we’ll address in a moment.
There’s a common misconception that there was a book called Eli that was removed from the Bible. This misconception comes from the movie ‘Book of Eli’, which we’ll discuss shortly.
The truth is that there was never a book or writing called the Book of Eli.
Books excluded from the Old Testament (in protestant Bibles) are the deuterocanonical books, including Haggai, the Book of Tobit, Wisdom, 1 and 2 Maccabees and so on. There’s no Book of Eli among these books.
There are also writings that are excluded from the New Testament in virtually all Christian Bibles. These include the Didache, the Apocalypse of Peter, the Apocalypse of Paul and others.
Again, the Book of Eli is not among these apocryphal books.
In other words, the Book of Eli is not and has never been a part of the Bible. So no such book has ever been removed from the Bible because it never existed in the first place.

Why did Book of Eli destroy Bibles?
In the age gone by, Bibles were burned by the bushel. They caused the War that tore a hole through the sky, the people said. It’s a book of evil, the people said. It must be destroyed—wiped from the face of the earth.
What Is The Book of Eli Based On
Now, if you go looking in your Bible for the Book of Eli, you won’t find one. He’s a biblical character, but his story is tucked into 1 Samuel. A really old high priest and civil judge in Israel, Eli is best known as his role as a father figure who helped raise Samuel, the first of the major prophets.
Why is the book of Eli so important?
The Book of Eli is not to far from a Christian movie and in this film, the Bible plays a very important role. This film encompasses all the themes, including beauty, order, and relationships out of chaos. When he discovers that Eli has a Bible, he is obsessed with the power that it will give him over the people.
What is the message of Book of Eli?
Carnegie believes having the Bible will give him the words to rule by. He knows there’s power in it—power in the words, and he wants it for that power. Eli knows this and fights to protect it. His mission, his ministry, is to take the Bible west to a place where God wants it to be.
Is Fahrenheit 451 a prequel to The Book of Eli?
The Book of Eli is a sequel to Fahrenheit 451. After the nuclear war, Guy Montag met up with all the other people who had memorized parts of the Bible, and they entrusted Eli with remembering the whole thing.
What happened in the Book of Eli?
Eli (Denzel Washington) is carrying a book that will save humanity and give people something to believe in. He goes to a town to recharge his ipod battery & while in a bar easily but brutally kills at least 7 people while waiting for his battery and water to be refilled.
What was Eli’s sin?
He sinned in that he honored his sons above God (1 Samuel 2:29), and therefore his sons hearkened not unto the voice of their father. He thought too much of his sons to punish them when they needed it. He would rather displease God than punish the child.
Who Wrote Book of Eli?
While some say the strong Christian themes are undeniable, the film’s co-director Allen Hughes downplays any religious undertones. Unequivocally Christian, writes The New York Post’s Kyle Smith: The Book of Eli is not only a well- done action picture but an overtly, unabashedly Christian one
What happened to Solara in The Book of Eli?
Solara catches up to Eli and leads him to the town’s water supply, hoping to accompany him on his travels, but he traps her inside and continues alone. Solara escapes and is ambushed by two bandits who attempt to rape her, but Eli reappears and kills them.
Book of Eli Controversy
Denzel Washington plays a blind man who believes that God has called him to transport the last copy of the Bible across the nation in the post-apocalyptic biblical thriller “The Book of Eli.” Is “The Book of Eli” an engrossing tale about the power of faith or a cartoonish, exploitative distortion of Christianity? (Watch “Book of Eli” movie trailer.)
This is a gripping God ‘n’ Guns hit: “The Book of Eli” is a boon for believers, says John Nolte in Breitbart’s Big Hollywood. It’s not a “hyper-reverent snoozer” like “The Blind Side,” but an action-packed hit for God lovers. This movie is long-awaited proof that the “Pagans of the Pacific” are capable of creating films Christians want to watch.
“‘Book of Eli’ delivers God, guns, and guts.”
But there’s more violence than values. Devout filmgoers will soon realize that “the brand of Christianity on display in ‘Eli’ is as warped as they come,” says S.E. Cupp in the New York Daily News. Washington’s character is a “crusader” who defends the Bible by “beheading, stabbing, shooting and head-butting” anyone who gets in his way. Only “violent, fundamentalist” Christians will relate to this “Hollywood caricature.”
What does Eli mean?
Eli is a Hebrew name that means “high” or “elevated.” It could also mean “my God” when it’s a derivation of other biblical names such as Elijah, Eliezer, and Elisha. Origin: Eli is a name of Hebrew origin. Gender: Eli is typically a name given to boys.
Is there going to be a book of Eli 2?
‘ The Book of Eli can’t have a sequel.’
[A] visually stunning, thought-provoking film that features a mesmerising performance from Denzel Washington at its heart. October 24, 2019 | Rating: 3/5 | Full Review… The Book of Eli unfortunately deadly serious, and not in a good way.
How old is Solara in The Book of Eli?
Solara is a character in the movie The Book of Eli. This character is played by Mila Kunis. Solara was born about 3 years after the Nuclear War at some point from 2027 to 2033. Shes about 27 years old When the events of the Book of Eli are going on.
Where does Elijah first appear in the Bible?
In this context Elijah is introduced in 1 Kings 17:1 as Elijah “the Tishbite.”. He warns Ahab that there will be years of catastrophic drought so severe that not even dew will form, because Ahab and his queen stand at the end of a line of kings of Israel who are said to have “done evil in the sight of the Lord.”.
Elijah first appears in the Bible in 1 Kings 17:1. God sent Elijah, a prophet, to the Israelites to speak. He was also known as “the Tishbite,” which means “the man of God who comes from Tishbe.”
In 1 Kings 17 – 18, Elijah meets with King Ahab and Queen Jezebel and tells them that they will die because they have not obeyed God’s laws. Later, he informs Ahab that he won’t pass away but instead will become food for dogs and birds. However, after Ahab dies, his son Ahaziah takes over and asks for help from Baalzebub, the god of Ekron. As punishment for this act, God sends an angel to kill him (1 Kings 22).
The Book of Eli Movie

The Book of Eli is a 2010 American post-apocalyptic neo-Western action film directed by the Hughes Brothers, written by Gary Whitta, and starring Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis, Ray Stevenson, and Jennifer Beals. The story revolves around Eli, a nomad in a post-apocalyptic world who is told by a voice to deliver his copy of a mysterious book to a safe location on the West Coast of North America. The history of the post-war world is explained along the way, as is the importance of Eli’s task. Filming began in February 2009 and took place in New Mexico.
The film was released in theaters in January 2010. Alcon Entertainment financed and co-produced the film with Silver Pictures, while it was distributed by Warner Bros. in the United States; international sales were handled by Summit Entertainment, with Sony Pictures Releasing International distributing in a large number of international territories.
Thirty years after a nuclear holocaust, Eli travels on foot across the wasteland of the former United States. He demonstrates uncanny survival and fighting skills, such as hunting wildlife and defeating a group of highwaymen. Searching for water, he arrives in a ramshackle town ruled by a warlord named Carnegie, who seeks to control the people through the power of a certain book, which his henchmen have been unable to find.
Eli barters with a store owner, the Engineer, to recharge the battery of his portable music player. At the town bar, he is attacked by a gang of bikers but swiftly kills them all. Impressed, Carnegie invites Eli to join his employ, but Eli declines. Realizing Eli is a literate man like himself, Carnegie forces him to stay the night under guard. After Carnegie’s blind mistress Claudia brings Eli food and water, Carnegie orders her daughter Solara to seduce Eli, but he rebuffs her. Solara sees Eli has a book, and he offers to share his food, saying grace before they eat. In the morning, Carnegie overhears Solara repeating the prayer to her mother and realizes Eli has the book he has been seeking: a Bible.
Eli sneaks away, but Carnegie and his henchmen confront him in the street. When Eli refuses to give up the book, Carnegie orders him killed; the ensuing battle leaves Eli untouched, but many henchmen are dead and Carnegie is shot in the leg. Solara catches up to Eli and leads him to the town’s water supply, hoping to accompany him on his travels, but he traps her inside and continues alone. Two bandits try to rape Solara after she escapes, but Eli reappears and kills them. Continuing toward the West Coast, Eli explains his mission: His book is the last remaining copy of the Bible since all other copies were intentionally destroyed following the nuclear war. He says that he was led to the book by a voice in his head, directing him to travel westward to a place where it would be safe and assuring that he would be protected and guided on his journey.
At an isolated house, Eli and Solara fall into a trap but manage to allay the suspicions of the residents, George and Martha, who invite them in for tea. Realizing that George and Martha are cannibals, Eli and Solara attempt to leave just as Carnegie and his men arrive. In the ensuing shootout, George, Martha, and many of Carnegie’s men are killed, and Eli and Solara are captured. Threatening to kill Solara, Carnegie forces Eli to surrender the Bible before shooting him and leaving him dead, departing with his caravan. Solara escapes, destroying one truck with a hand grenade and driving back in another to find Eli. With his remaining vehicle low on fuel, Carnegie returns to town.
Solara finds Eli, and they drive until they reach the Golden Gate Bridge and row to Alcatraz Island, where they find a group intent on preserving what remains of literature and music. Eli tells the guards that he has a copy of the Bible. Taken inside, Eli dictates the New King James Version of the Bible from memory to Lombardi, the sanctuary’s leader.
In the town, the engineer opens Eli’s locked Bible, which Carnegie discovers is in Braille, revealing Eli to be blind. Claudia, feigning ignorance of Braille, tells Carnegie that his leg wound has become infected and the loss of his enforcers has led the people to run amok. At the sanctuary, Eli has died, but not before reciting the entire book. A printing press begins producing copies of the Bible, and Lombardi places one on a bookshelf between the Tanakh and the Quran. Offered sanctuary on Alcatraz, Solara chooses instead to return home, taking up Eli’s machete and other possessions.
- Denzel Washington as Eli
- Gary Oldman as Bill Carnegie
- Mila Kunis as Solara
- Ray Stevenson as Redridge
- Jennifer Beals as Claudia
- Evan Jones as Martz
- Joe Pingue as Hoyt
- Frances de la Tour as Martha
- Michael Gambon as George
- Tom Waits as Engineer
- Chris Browning as Hijack Leader
- Malcolm McDowell as Lombardi (uncredited)
In May 2007, Columbia Pictures and Warner Bros. signed the Hughes brothers to direct The Book of Eli, based on a script by Gary Whitta. (The brothers had last directed the 2001 film From Hell.) Subsequently, Anthony Peckham rewrote the script, and in September 2008 Denzel Washington won the lead role. The following October, Gary Oldman was cast to star alongside Washington. Principal photography began in February 2009 and took place in New Mexico. Alcon Entertainment financed the film and co-produced it with Silver Pictures.
Jeff Imada choreographed the complex fight scenes, which feature the Filipino martial art of Kali. Washington trained for months with Dan Inosanto and Imada for his role.
Box office
The film was released in North America on January 15, 2010, in 3,111 theaters. It took in $11,672,970—$3,752 per theater on its opening day. By the end of its opening four-day holiday weekend, it grossed $38,437,553—$12,355 per theater. It ranked number two, behind Avatar. On its second weekend, it placed third, with Legion taking its number two place and grossed $15,732,493—$5,057 per theater. By its third weekend, it dropped to number five and made $8,908,286—$2,897 per theater. The film has grossed $94,835,059 in the United States and Canada and $62,256,659 in other markets, with an estimated worldwide total of $157,091,718