why do i still dream about my first love

Have you ever woken up in a pool of sweat, feeling your heart racing, only to realize that you are still dreaming about the girl who broke up with you six years ago? If you’ve been there, I feel your pain. I know what it’s like to be tortured by the memory of your high school sweetheart. The trauma that she caused you may seem like it is going away, but don’t get too comfortable. Instead of thinking, “why do i still dream about my first love,” we need to:

Why do I still dream about my first love? Well, maybe it was because he saw me after only a few months of our break up and he said: “I realized you were so much more than a fling. Such as shame I’ve been ignoring your calls…” Scared of being hurt again I woke up and ran down the hall to my sister. She was doing her college homework. I told her: “He said we…” and she said: “You have to forget him.” So I did. For almost a year. We saw each other in high school, but that didn’t mean anything to me anymore…

Why do I still dream about my first love?

Why do I still dream about my first love?

We all have exes, and we all have first loves.

They may be the same person, or they may not be. Either way, it’s normal to have some lingering feelings for them—even if you’re happy in your current relationship!

If you find yourself dreaming about your ex or first love a lot, try getting some closure on how you feel about them. You might want to talk with them about why you broke up or what went wrong so that you can understand why they still pop into your mind at night.

If you really just want to move on from them and focus on what’s right in front of you, that’s okay too! You’ll get there eventually.

It’s simple: because it defined me. It changed me, and it taught me everything I needed to know about how to be a human being. My first love was everything to me, and it was the most important thing in my life. When we were together, things were perfect, and when we were apart, it felt like there was nothing else in the world but us and our connection. The feelings that came with that connection were so strong that they have continued to live on inside of me, even long after our relationship ended.

It’s not that I’m still dreaming about him—I don’t think about him all that often anymore—but rather, it’s the memories of our time together that keep coming back to me when I sleep. These memories are what make up who I am today: they’re what shaped my worldview and influenced the way I think about life, love, friendship… everything really. These memories have been replaying themselves in my mind for decades now; long after he’s gone from this world and all traces of him have faded away from history books or photographs (if he ever even existed at all).

I think it’s because we all want to find that person who will be our forever. The one who makes us feel like there is nothing in the world that can pull us apart, and that no matter what happens in life, we’ll always have each other.

We dream about them because we want the relationship to work out. We want to see them again so badly, and we want things to be as they were before. We want to be with them again and make it work this time around, but they’re gone and they’ll never come back.

If you’re still dreaming about your first love, don’t give up hope! There are plenty of fish in the sea—and maybe even some who will make you happier than the last one did!

What it Means When You Dream About Your First Love

1. You want them to acknowledge your worth.

First loves are intense, and if yours happened when you were in your teen years, it was probably even more intense.

If your first breakup was a devastating one that ended on poor terms, dreaming about your ex might be an unconscious attempt at wish fulfillment.

If you feel as if your first love stopped acknowledging your worth at one point, then you might still have the desire in the back of your mind for them to see how far you’ve come and how much you’ve accomplished. Your subconscious wants to prove yourself to this person and make them realize they made a mistake by dumping you. Pride can be quite the devil.

2. You’re projecting your past love onto your current love.

If your first love did something incredibly hurtful, such as cheating, then you are probably wary or even scared that other men will do the same thing to you. Your current partner may be the type who would never cheat on you, but because your ex did, you’re subconsciously expecting it to happen again.

If you have a dream about your ex hurting you the way he did the first time, or about your current partner hurting you the exact same way your first love did, then you’re projecting your past experience onto your present one.

3. You just can’t forget them.

Dreaming passionately or longingly about your first love may startle you, but if you think about it, it’s not that crazy. Your first love will always be a part of you, which means that there is always the chance that it will seep into your dreams.

People dream about all sorts of things that have happened in their lives, reliving or even rewriting those memories. If you have a dream that you’re making love with your first boyfriend, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you want him back or that you don’t love your current partner.

The feelings you had for your first love were strong, and that kind of love doesn’t disappear forever, no matter how long it’s been or how “over it” you are.

4. You still have unresolved issues.

Your first love (and your first breakup) probably left you with all kinds of wounds — wounds that may still be open. Your first boyfriend may have delivered a serious blow to your self-esteem, and that kind of a hit can hurt for a long time.

Humans try to work out their subconscious or complex emotions in their dreams. If you’re still struggling with loving yourself or developing a sense of self-confidence, then it’s not unusual that the source of that problem (AKA your ex) would appear in your dreams.

5. You’re having problems in your current relationship.

If you’re currently having relationship problems, your unconscious mind may resort to dreaming about a time and place when you felt extremely happy or loved. When a person is made to endure something painful or trying, it is a natural coping mechanism to revisit a positive memory and even over-idealize it.

In this case, dreaming about your first love may just be your unconscious mind’s way of handling your current problems. However, if your relationship has been on the rocks for a while, a dream about your first love may be trying to show you what desirable qualities your new man is lacking.

6. You’re still looking for closure.

When a passionate relationship comes to a close and you lose someone important to you, it’s hard to bounce back. Someone you used to spend all of your time with is gone and suddenly there is a void in your life where that person used to be. That empty feeling is what prompts people to want closure.

If matters between you and your first love ended abruptly or badly, you may feel like the only way you’ll get over it is if you can somehow tie it up in a neat little bow. But life doesn’t work out like that. You have to realize that other people won’t give you closure. The only kind you’ll get is the kind you can give yourself.

So if you’re having persistent dreams about your first love years after you broke up, you may want to consider taking a closer look at those old emotions.

7. You’re afraid your current relationship won’t last.

People learn from past experiences. If you’re feeling like your present relationship is going off the rails, it would make sense that your unconscious mind would start comparing it to your first relationship. How did that relationship end? What mistakes did you make? What mistakes did he make?

Your mind tries to draw parallels to help you sort through your current predicament. Identify the main source of emotion in your dream and ruminate on it for a little while. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something from your dreams after all.

Why do I dream about my first love over and over for the last 10+ years?

Your first love makes the deepest impression. It is all new to you and you are learning what it is all about. It will be like the benchmark for everything that happens after. The yard-stick you use to measure each succeeding love affair.

10 years isn’t so long. Those memories will remain for the rest of your life.

The first time I fell head over heels in love with a woman. Something far bigger and more powerful than mere lust, it completely knocked me for a loop. I didn’t know which way was up or what to do. Though I tried, and kept trying, for several months.

Unfortunately, the young woman I had fell in love with was selfish and uncaring of my feelings. She just used my attentions as a big ego boost for herself. All she ever did was flirt with me and then put me off with the old, “Let’s be just friends” routine. It ended up being one of the most painful experiences of my life.

An experience I’ve never completely gotten over. I still think about her quite often. And it’s been 32 years!

If you ever get the chance, watch the movie, “Citizen Kane”. About half way through there’s a scene where an older business executive is telling a young reporter about having seen a woman standing at the railing of a ship 40 years before, while he was standing on the dock below. He explains that she never saw or was even aware of him watching her. He only actually got to look at her for maybe a minute or two. And yet, 40 years later, a month didn’t go by that he didn’t think about her at least once.

That is how men are built emotionally and psychologically. There is no cure.

First Love Dream Meaning

In order to interpret correctly what the first love means in a dream, the dream book takes into account all sorts of details, both from what one saw in a dream and from real life. Interpretation of the plot will help predict the mood and well-being of the sleeping person and mentally prepare him for unexpected greetings from the past.

Miller’s dream book offers a variety of explanations for the first love dreams. To see that a former beloved woman is happy in the family circle happens under the influence of dissatisfaction.

When the school passion gives you kisses and has sex with you in a dream, this means stunning news hurries to you. If you happen to see her in a strange setting or new look, a fateful meeting is ahead.

If you dreamed of separation, this is a sign that existing feelings are at stake. The scandal and the fight with the object of children’s love indicates willingness to have a serious relationship.

Interpreting why the first love is seen in a dream, the clairvoyant Vanga sheds light on the current relationship with the opposite sex. School falling in love in a dream symbolizes tendency to sacrifice and sometimes excessive attachment.

If a passion was imagined, which did not exist in reality, the sign portends separation. If you happen to see a bright image unsightly and vulgar, a quarrel threatens because of the disrespectful behavior of the sleeping person. When a symbol does not cause any emotions, it can be considered that your life is a success.


The conclusion of the entire matter is; it’s normal to have dreams about your first love.

Dreams are a way for our minds to make sense of the world and what’s happening in it. It’s not surprising that we dream about the people who have had a profound impact on us and our lives. In this case, your first love is someone who has been important to you, even if you no longer see her as such.

You should also know that it’s completely normal for your dreams to change over time—for example, if you had one dream about your first love when you were 18, and then another dream about her when you were 28, those are both normal occurrences.

The main thing is to understand that dreams can be tricky: they’re often symbolic or abstract depictions of things going on in our lives. And while they may seem like random thoughts at first glance (like how I’m always dreaming about my ex-girlfriend), there’s usually some sort of meaning behind them.

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