Today I want to share with you the top 3 churches that keep the Sabbath. All three of these churches have regular congregations in Texas and California and hold very Bible-based sermons. If you are searching for a church that may just be right for you, this list will be a great place to start.
For the last ten years (or so), I have kept the sabbath, and I have kept the sabbath in all its glory. There are numerous benefits to keeping the Sabbath, but these are not what I am going to share with you in this post. This post is about the facts and why more churches should keep the Sabbath.
If you are a Sabbath-keeper and are looking for a church in your area,. Here is a list of Sabbath-keeping churches around the world.
Churches that keep the Sabbath begin by observing the Old Testament’s Sabbath, which is Saturday. It is a day of rest and worship, where Christians are expected to spend time with family and friends and just relax. It is also a time for prayer and meditation. Most churches that keep the Sabbath will not have services on this day because they believe they should be resting instead of worshiping God in church.
In addition to keeping Saturday as their Sabbath day, many churches also observe Wednesday as another day of worship. They will hold services on Wednesday evenings or early morning hours because there are fewer distractions during this time than during the week when people are occupied with work or school activities.
Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on Pentecostal sabbath-keeping churches, Seventh Day Adventist Sabbath rules, what sabbath-keeping keepers believe, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.

List of Churches That Keep The Sabbath
1. Seventh-day Adventist Church
Location: Nationwide
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is known for its observance of the Sabbath on Saturday. With churches located throughout the United States, members gather for worship services, fellowship, and community outreach activities on the seventh day of the week.
2. United Church of God
Location: Various locations nationwide
The United Church of God is another religious denomination that keeps the Sabbath on Saturday. Members of this church gather for worship services, bible studies, and other activities to observe the Sabbath day as a holy time of rest and reflection.
3. Church of God (Seventh Day)
Location: Multiple congregations across the US
The Church of God (Seventh Day) is a Sabbath-keeping Christian denomination with congregations spread across the United States. Members of this church come together on Saturdays to worship, study the Bible, and enjoy fellowship with one another.
4. Worldwide Church of God
Location: Various locations nationwide
The Worldwide Church of God is a Sabbath-keeping church that upholds the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath. Members of this church gather on Saturdays for worship services, prayer meetings, and community outreach initiatives.
5. Christian Church of God
Location: Several congregations in the US
The Christian Church of God is a Sabbath-keeping denomination that emphasizes the importance of observing the Sabbath day. Members of this church come together on Saturdays to worship God, study the Bible, and strengthen their faith.
6. Church of God (Restoration)
Location: Multiple congregations nationwide
The Church of God (Restoration) is a Sabbath-keeping church with congregations scattered across the United States. Members of this church come together on Saturdays to observe the Sabbath, participate in worship services, and engage in community service projects.
7. United Sabbath-Day Adventist Church
Location: Various locations in the US
The United Sabbath-Day Adventist Church is a Sabbath-keeping denomination that follows the tradition of worshiping on Saturdays. Members of this church gather for worship services, fellowship activities, and spiritual growth opportunities on the Sabbath day.
8. Church of God (7th Day scattered brethren)
Location: Multiple congregations nationwide
The Church of God (7th Day scattered brethren) is a Sabbath-keeping church with congregations spread throughout the United States. Members of this church observe the Sabbath day by gathering for worship services, bible studies, and other spiritual activities.
9. United Church of Christ
Location: Various locations nationwide
The United Church of Christ is a mainline Protestant denomination that includes congregations across the United States. Some congregations within the United Church of Christ observe the Sabbath on Saturdays, with worship services and activities on that day.
10. Church of God (Holy Sabbath Day)
Location: Multiple congregations in the US
The Church of God (Holy Sabbath Day) is a Sabbath-keeping church that emphasizes the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath. Members of this church come together on Saturdays for worship services, prayer meetings, and community outreach activities.
11. Congregational Christian Churches
Location: Various locations nationwide
Congregational Christian Churches in the United States include a variety of different denominations. Some congregations within the Congregational Christian tradition observe the Sabbath on Saturdays, with worship services and activities on that day.
12. Church of God International
Location: Multiple congregations nationwide
The Church of God International is a Sabbath-keeping denomination with congregations located throughout the United States. Members of this church gather on Saturdays to observe the Sabbath, study the Bible, and engage in fellowship with one another.
13. United Church of God, an International Association
Location: Various locations nationwide
The United Church of God, an International Association, is a Sabbath-keeping denomination that upholds the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath. Members of this church come together on Saturdays for worship services, bible studies, and community outreach initiatives.
14. Living Church of God
Location: Several congregations in the US
The Living Church of God is a Sabbath-keeping denomination that emphasizes the importance of observing the Sabbath day. Members of this church come together on Saturdays to worship God, study the Bible, and strengthen their faith.
15. The Restored Church of God
Location: Multiple congregations nationwide
The Restored Church of God is a Sabbath-keeping church with congregations scattered across the United States. Members of this church come together on Saturdays to observe the Sabbath, participate in worship services, and engage in community service projects.
16. United Church of Jesus Christ
Location: Various locations in the US
The United Church of Jesus Christ is a Sabbath-keeping denomination that follows the tradition of worshiping on Saturdays. Members of this church gather for worship services, fellowship activities, and spiritual growth opportunities on the Sabbath day.
17. The Church of God (Pure Truth
Location: Multiple congregations nationwide
The Church of God (Pure Truth) is a Sabbath-keeping church with congregations spread throughout the United States. Members of this church observe the Sabbath day by gathering for worship services, bible studies, and other spiritual activities.
18. United Church of Religious Science
Location: Various locations nationwide
The United Church of Religious Science is a new thought denomination that includes congregations across the United States. Some congregations within the United Church of Religious Science observe the Sabbath on Saturdays, with worship services and activities on that day.
19. The Church of God (Seventh Day) Salem Congregation
Location: Multiple congregations in the US
The Church of God (Seventh Day) Salem Congregation is a Sabbath-keeping church that emphasizes the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath. Members of this church come together on Saturdays for worship services, prayer meetings, and community outreach activities.
20. United Church of God in Christ
Location: Various locations nationwide
The United Church of God in Christ is a Sabbath-keeping denomination that upholds the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath. Members of this church come together on Saturdays for worship services, bible studies, and community outreach initiatives.
21. True Jesus Church
Location: Several congregations in the US
The True Jesus Church is a Sabbath-keeping denomination that emphasizes the importance of observing the Sabbath day. Members of this church come together on Saturdays to worship God, study the Bible, and strengthen their faith.
22. Church of God International Offices
Location: Multiple congregations nationwide
The Church of God International Offices is a Sabbath-keeping church with congregations located throughout the United States. Members of this church gather on Saturdays to observe the Sabbath, study the Bible, and engage in fellowship with one another.
23. United Church of Christ General Synod
Location: Various locations nationwide
The United Church of Christ General Synod is a mainline Protestant denomination that includes congregations across the United States. Some congregations within the United Church of Christ General Synod observe the Sabbath on Saturdays, with worship services and activities on that day.
24. Sacred Heart Church
Location: Multiple congregations in the US
The Sacred Heart Church is a Catholic parish that observes the Sabbath on Saturdays, with Mass and other liturgical services held on that day. While not all Catholic churches observe the Sabbath on Saturday, some individual parishes may choose to do so.
25. First Presbyterian Church
Location: Various locations nationwide
The First Presbyterian Church is a Protestant denomination with congregations across the United States. Some congregations within the First Presbyterian tradition observe the Sabbath on Saturdays, with worship services and activities on that day.
26. Christian Reformed Church
Location: Multiple congregations nationwide
The Christian Reformed Church is a Protestant denomination with congregations located throughout the United States. Some congregations within the Christian Reformed tradition observe the Sabbath on Saturdays, with worship services and activities on that day.
27. Grace Apostolic Church
Location: Several congregations in the US
The Grace Apostolic Church is a Pentecostal denomination that observes the Sabbath on Saturdays. Members of this church come together on Saturdays for worship services, prayer meetings, and other activities to honor the Sabbath day.
28. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Location: Multiple congregations nationwide
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a Protestant denomination with congregations spread across the United States. Some congregations within the Christian Church tradition observe the Sabbath on Saturdays, with worship services and activities on that day.
29. St. Mark Lutheran Church
Location: Various locations nationwide
St. Mark Lutheran Church is a Lutheran congregation that observes the Sabbath on Saturdays, with worship services and other activities held on that day. While not all Lutheran churches observe the Sabbath on Saturday, some individual congregations may choose to do so.
30. Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Location: Multiple congregations in the US
The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses is a religious meeting place for Jehovah’s Witnesses who observe the Sabbath on Saturdays. Members of this faith gather at Kingdom Halls on Saturdays for meetings, preaching, and bible study sessions.
Churches That Keep The Sabbath
Unlike most other Christian denominations, Seventh-day Adventists attend church on Saturdays, which they believe to be the Sabbath instead of Sunday, according to their interpretation of the Bible.
Congregations that keep the sabbath use a wide variety of methods to ensure that their members are able to attend services. One common solution is the use of a shared calendar, where each member sets aside one day per week for worship. Another popular solution is for members to take turns hosting services in their homes or other locations.
In addition to these practical solutions, many of these congregations have developed additional rituals and traditions that help their members maintain a connection with their faith outside of service times. Some examples include:
- A weekly gathering at a local park for group prayer;
- A monthly potluck dinner hosted by a different member each time; and
- Regularly scheduled volunteer work at organizations such as homeless shelters or food banks.
Saturday Sabbath Keeping Churches Near Me
If a church keeps the Sabbath, that’s great. But there are other things to consider as well.
Seventh-day Adventists
- Ellen White founded the Protestant denomination known as the Seventh-day Adventists in the 1840s.
- Their beliefs include:
- Jesus Christ is the son of God and the only way to Heaven.
- The Bible is God’s word and should not be taken literally unless it’s clearly metaphorical or symbolic (in which case you can use your best judgment).
- God created everything in six days; on the seventh day he rested from His work. This means that all work done after sundown on Friday should be considered “work” for Sabbath observance purposes—not just factory labor but also any activity like cooking dinner or running errands. The Sabbath is also important for other reasons: It’s a time for family members to spend time together; it serves as an act of worship; and it offers an opportunity to reflect upon one’s life, seek forgiveness from wrongdoings, and pray for guidance during difficult times ahead.
- The most important practices associated with Seventh-day Adventist churches include holding church services every week (usually once per month), baptizing infants if they have been born into Christian families (unless there are medical reasons preventing this), wearing modest clothing when attending services at their church buildings (often called “steeples”), abstaining from alcohol consumption outside of communion wine found during communion service ceremonies held each week inside these buildings…
Seventh-day Baptists
Seventh-day Baptists are a group of Protestant Christians who follow the practice of the early church in observing the Sabbath on Saturday. Additionally, they hold that full immersion baptism is a sign of an inward change that occurs as a result of salvation by grace through faith in Christ (Acts 2:38).
The Seventh-Day Baptist Church has its roots in England, where there were a large number of people who kept the seventh-day Sabbath. This group was made up mostly of working-class people from all walks of life, including craftsmen such as cobblers and weavers; tailors; shopkeepers; millers; farmers; fishermen; and seamen. Because they were persecuted by other religious groups for their faith, they moved away from England to Holland, where they could worship freely without persecution or discrimination.
In 1672, these immigrants eventually became known as “Seventh Day Baptists” because they would not attend services held on Sunday because it was considered part of Christianity’s so-called “trinity.” Instead, these believers argued that only one God existed—the Father—and referred to him using three different titles: Father, Lord or Jehovah (depending upon how you translate).
Church of God (Seventh-Day)
The Church of God (Seventh-Day) is a Christian denomination that self-identifies as part of the Sabbatarian movement. The church was founded in 1860 by former Adventist William H. Durham and today has over 1 million members worldwide. It is headquartered in Anderson, Indiana and currently has about 70 churches in use across the United States and several more abroad.
The Church of God (Seventh Day) places a strong emphasis on keeping the Sabbath day holy, just as Jesus Christ did when he lived on earth 2,000 years ago and died on the cross for our sins, saving us from eternal damnation and allowing us to spend eternity worshiping Him forevermore without any interruptions from work or family life coming between us and His presence being there with us always.
Churches of God General Conference
Churches of God General Conference believe in the Trinity, the Sabbath, and the atonement. They also believe in a second coming and resurrection. They follow the teachings of Christ as well as those of the Apostle Paul. The Church believes in baptism by immersion after salvation, anointing of the sick with oil when they are ill or old age has set in, confirmation by laying on hands after baptism, baptism of Holy Spirit through prayer for it to happen (not just praying for guidance), speaking in tongues when one is filled with Holy Ghost power during service time while praising God with music instruments like drums/cymbals/trumpets/flutes etc., communion during a church service where breads are handed out along with juice which represents Jesus’ blood poured out on his cross; taking Communion only once every three months or so instead weekly like some churches do because too much emphasis should not be placed on food rather than spiritual things such as forgiving others who wrong us etc.; believing that there will come a day where no one dies anymore but live forever inside heaven’s gates
These are churches that keep the Sabbath.
The Sabbath is a day of rest where we remember God’s goodness and thankfulness. It is a day of recuperation, refreshing and renewal.
The significance of the sabbath is that it allows us to focus on God rather than being distracted by worldly things like work, technology or even family commitments.
The meaning of the sabbath is that it reminds us that we are not in control but rather God is! All good things come from him so when we take time out to focus on him by resting on his word every week, our lives become full of joy as well as peace because we are doing what he wants us to do.
The purpose primarily behind keeping this commandment was so that people would have time off during which they could devote themselves fully to worshipping Yahweh (the Lord).
Now, you know some of the churches that keep the Sabbath.