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Genealogy Of Mary Mother Of Jesus In The Bible

    Genealogy Of Mary Mother Of Jesus In The Bible. The genealogy of Mary mother of Jesus in the Bible began with Adam and Eve and ended with Joseph, husband of Mary, who was betrothed (engaged) to her. A lengthy time-frame, but a worthy study showing fulfillment of prophecies made in the “old” or Jewish Testament relating to the “new” or Christian Testament. In the third chapter of Luke, the genealogy begins with Jesus, the son of Joseph, and follows his line back to Adam who was the first son of God. Seventy-seven generations are recorded. The genealogy in Luke is recorded with Joseph’s name, but this lineage was Mary’s line.

    It’s a question that has confounded scholars for centuries: What tribe was the mother of Jesus from?

    The answer is not so clear-cut. The Gospels tell us that Mary’s lineage was traced back to King David, but it doesn’t say anything about which tribe she belonged to. We know she was part of the royal line of David, but we don’t know if she was a Levite, a Judahite or even an Israelite.

    The genealogy of Mary in the Bible is one of the most fascinating and controversial stories in the whole Old Testament. Visit this article to find out more!

    Are you interested in obtaining valuable information on how is Mary related to king David, who is the father of Mary, the mother of Jesus, was Mary descended from David? Churchgists is the right stop for you to obtain all the relevant information you need.

    Genealogy Of Mary Mother Of Jesus In The Bible

    Genealogy of Mary Mother of Jesus in the Bible

    Mary, the mother of Jesus, holds a special place in Christianity as the one chosen by God to bear His son. The Bible provides us with some insight into Mary’s lineage, tracing her ancestry back to King David.

    Genealogy from the Gospel of Luke

    1. Heli
    2. Matthat
    3. Levi
    4. Melchi
    5. Jannai
    6. Joseph

    Genealogy from the Gospel of Matthew

    1. Abraham
    2. David
    3. Solomon
    4. Rehoboam
    5. Abijah
    6. Asa

    Comparison of the Genealogies

    | Gospel of Luke | Gospel of Matthew |
    | Begins with Heli | Begins with Abraham |
    | Traces lineage to Joseph | Traces lineage to David |
    | 77 generations from Adam | 42 generations from Abraham |

    Significance of the Genealogy

    The genealogy of Mary in the Bible highlights her connection to the royal line of King David, fulfilling the prophecy that the Messiah would come from David’s lineage. It also establishes Mary’s place in the history of Israel, showing her as a descendant of the great patriarchs and kings of the Jewish people.

    The genealogy of Mary, the mother of Jesus, provides us with a deeper understanding of her background and role in the story of salvation. By tracing her lineage back to King David, the Bible emphasizes Mary’s importance in the plan of God and her unique position as the mother of the Savior.

    Mary’s lineage

    Note that the point of divergence between the royal lineage of Mary and that of Joseph is that he descended from David’s son King Solomon, and Mary from David’s son Prince Nathan.

    God → ADAM → Seth → Enos / Enosh → Cainan → Mahalalel / Mahalaleel → Jared → Enoch → Methuselah → Lamech → NOAH → Shem → Arphaxad / Arpachshad → Shelah → Eber / Heber (father of the Hebrews) → Peleg → Reu → Serug → Nahor → Terah → Abraham → Isaac → Jacob → Judah → Perez → Hezron → Ram → Amminadab → Nahshon → Salmon → Boaz → Obed → Jesse → KING DAVID and Queen Bathsheba → Prince Nathan → Mattathah → Menan / Menna → Melea → Eliakim → Jonan → Joseph → Judah → Simeon → Levi → Matthat → Jorim → Eliezer → Jose (Joshua, Jesus) → Er → Elmodam → Cosam → Addi → Melchi → Neri → Shealtiel → Zerubbabel → Rhesa → Joannas / Joanna → Judah → Joseph → Semei → Mattathiah / Mattathias → Maath → Naggai → Esli → Nahum → Amos → Mattathiah / Mattathias → Joseph → Janna → Melchi → Levi → Matthat → Heli → MARY, mother of Jesus → The 2nd Adam, JESUS THE CHRIST, the God-Man (wholly God and wholly human)

    What Tribe Was Mary The Mother of Jesus From

    Mary is from the Tribe of Judah. So was Joseph. Both are from the family of David. Mary was descended from Solomon, I do believe. Joseph, on the other hand, was descended from one of David’s other sons. Joseph and Mary’s other (at least) 6 children were of the same lineage. Jesus’ brothers were James, Joses, Simon and Judah. Scripture also mentions that Jesus had sisters.

    Little is known of her personal history. Her genealogy is given in Luke 3. She was of the tribe of Judah and the lineage of David (Psalm 132:11; Luke 1:32). Elisabeth, who was a member of the Aaron family, was her spouse (Luke 1:36).

    Matthew 1:1 The book of the history of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham…

    3 Judah became father to Peʹrez and Zeʹrah by Taʹmar…

    16 Jacob became father to Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ.

    Jacob, mentioned here as Joseph’s father, is really Joseph’s father-in-law. Jacob is really Mary’s father; therefore, she is of the tribe of Judah. Joseph, also, was from the tribe of Judah.

    Luke 3:23 When Jesus began his work, he was about 30 years old, being the son, as the opinion was,of Joseph,son of Heʹli,…

    :33 son of Am·minʹa·dab,son of Arʹni,son of Hezʹron,son of Peʹrez,son of Judah, 34 son of Jacob,son of Isaac,son of Abraham,son of Teʹrah,son …

    Was Mary Descended From David

    There is no scriptural support for the idea that Mary is descended from David.  There is no scriptural support for the idea that Mary is not descended from David.  The scripture does not say one way or the other.  Neither does the Apocrypha, which is accepted by Catholics (but not by Protestants).  The only firm information we have from scripture is that Mary is a relative of Elizabeth (Luke 1:36), and that Elizabeth is a descendant of Aaron (Luke 1:5).  Since everybody’s got two parents, that doesn’t rule David in or out.
    Now, two lineages are given for Jesus.  We are all familiar with the one in Matthew 1:1-17, which says unequivocally that “Jacob begot Joseph.”  A second lineage is given in Luke 3:23-38.  Both go back to David.  A straightforward reading makes it look like both of them are for Joseph.  Since Joseph was legally the father of Jesus, Jesus is legally the descendant of David.  Jesus himself answered to the title “Son of David” without bothering to give a pedigree chart (e.g., Matthew 9, Matthew 20).  Thus ends the lesson, as far as scripture is concerned.   For reasons that are not documented in scripture and that scholars do not completely agree on, the two lineages vary slightly.  I will hit the high points of the disagreement below.

    Jesus’ Davidic ancestry is mentioned in both his Matthew 1.6 and Luke 3.31 genealogies. Furthermore, it was widely believed and written about during New Testament times that the Messiah would come from the House of David. Both family trees make it clear that Joseph is a Davidic ancestor. However, Mary’s Davidic ancestry is not mentioned anywhere in the New Testament. But because of her marriage to Joseph, Mary and Jesus are now technically members of the House of David. What you’re thinking of as Davidic ancestry is not quite right. Again, significant Old Testament passages such as Jeremiah 11.10., Jeremiah 23.5, and Psalm 132.11. indicate Jesus’ Davidic lineage, suggesting that Mary was also of the same.

    The fact that the groom (Joseph) traditionally chose his bride (Mary) from among members of his own ethnic group lends support to this. If Jesus’ origin is not human but divine, then this explanation, which assumes Joseph’s non-participation, is consistent with that. Beginning with Tertullian (after 220) (De carne Christi 21, PL 2, 833) and continuing on through Ambrose, Jerome, Hesichius of Jerusalem, Pope Leo the Great, and most explicitly Paschasius Radbertus (after 859; Exp. in Matthaeum, lib. 1, cap. 1, PL 120, 77-80, 89), post-biblical tradition views Mary as a descendant of David. The Litanies of Loreto include the advocation “Tower of David,” which refers to a lesser-known structure in ancient Jerusalem that is cited in the Song of Songs to describe the beauty of the bride (4, 4).

    Genealogy of Mary, Mother of Jesus Catholic

    Beginning with Jesus, son of Joseph, the genealogy in Luke 3 traces his ancestry all the way back to Adam, the first son of God. The story spans 77 generations. Even though Luke includes Joseph in the family tree, Mary’s ancestors are the ones being traced here. Luke 3:23 And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli.”.” Luke lists Joseph as the son of Heli rather than Mary because he was the head of the household at the time. Because David’s son Nathan was her ancestor, Mary was also considered to be a member of the house and lineage of David.

    From Abraham to David, the names in Joseph’s and Mary’s family trees are identical.

    Both Joseph and Mary were related to each other through their families. They all proved that the Messiah would come from the house and lineage of King David, as predicted by the Bible. Mary’s bloodline gave Jesus the right to the throne of David, while Joseph’s line gave him the legal right.

    Two men have been proposed as Mary’s father, Joachim and Heli.  I’ll talk about Joachim first, because he’s a lot easier.

    Joachim:  Two books held in considerable esteem by parts of the very early Church are The Gospel of Mary and The Protoevangelion, also called The Gospel of James.  These books are not scripture, and they are not even included in the Apocrypha.  Both of these books say quite clearly, several times, that the parents of Mary were Joachim and Anne.  The Gospel of Mary says that she was of the family of David, and that her father was from Nazareth and her mother was from Bethlehem.  The Roman Catholic Church considers St. Joachim and St. Anne to be saints because of the ancient tradition that they were the parents of Mary; nevertheless, the official Catholic website says about them,

    Clearly, information in early books can be true even if not canonical, but I think your sister-in-law is on shaky ground, since she is going well beyond the position of the modern Catholic Church in tracing either Joachim or Anne back to David.

    Heli:  The argument for Heli is more complicated, and we have to learn some Greek and a Law.  There are two ways in Greek of describing someone as the son of someone else.  The first is to say (in Greek, obviously), “Joe the son of Bill.”  The other is to say “Joe of Bill.”  This latter form, ”Joseph of Heli,” is used in Luke 3:23-28:

    The difficulty is that “of” can also mean “the [any other close relative] of.”  So some ancient and not-so-ancient scholars concluded that since the two lineages differ, “Joseph of Heli” in Luke 3:23 means “Joseph the son-in-law of Heli,” and that therefore this is Mary’s lineage.  Since Heli descends from David, by this argument, so does Mary.  Note that this is the position of John Wesley.  (I’m not much of a Biblical scholar, but I’ve done a lot of writing and a ton of editing.  For what it’s worth, I find this argument a little hard to swallow.  Luke is the best-educated and the most precise of the four Gospel writers.  I have trouble believing that he would use “of” to mean two different things in the same sentence.) 

    What Qualified Mary to Be The Mother of Jesus

    Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary, who was just a young girl at the time. She had been engaged to be married to Joseph, but they were not yet living together as husband and wife. When Mary showed up at her cousin Elizabeth’s house, Elizabeth said that Mary was blessed because she believed God would do what he told her he would do. JESUS is God in the flesh. In Matthew 1:16, Joseph was told that “Mary will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus.” As soon as she heard this news, Mary went to visit Elizabeth who lived about 90 miles away. There were no airplanes or cars back then so it took Mary four or five days walking to get there. Gabriel also spoke to John’s father Zechariah

    Jesus is God, the second person of the Holy Trinity.

    Jesus is God, the second person of the Holy Trinity. Jesus is not a separate entity from God but rather one with Him and part of a greater being. The term “Trinity” refers to three distinct persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (see Genesis 1:1-2; John 1:1-3; John 20:28).

    The Bible teaches that all Christians are called to be holy as Christ has called us (1 Peter 1:15-16). We can only be holy by drawing near to God through prayer and worshiping Him through our actions (Psalm 86:11).

    Mary’s Life Before Jesus

    Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary.

    Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary.

    You may know this already, but the virginal conception and birth of Jesus is one of Christianity’s central tenets and forms the foundation for much of its theology. In fact, it’s found in both Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:26-38. It can be traced back even further as well, including in 2 Samuel 7:12-14 (KJV), which says that an angel visited David to tell him about God’s plan for him through his son Solomon (who would be born from Bathsheba).

    The Bible also tells us where angels come from: they’re created by God. We’ll get into more detail about this later on when we talk about what angels are made of; but first let’s talk about who they are…

    When Mary showed up at her cousin Elizabeth’s house, Elizabeth said that Mary was blessed.

    When Mary showed up at her cousin Elizabeth’s house, Elizabeth said that Mary was blessed. She praised God and sang a song about how wonderful it is to be pregnant with God’s child.

    Elizabeth was six months pregnant with John the Baptist when she started talking to Mary, who had just recently gotten pregnant with Jesus. She wasn’t just happy because she got to see her cousin, but also because she knew that this was proof of all the good things that were going on in her life!

    JESUS is God in the flesh.

    Jesus is God in the flesh.

    The Word became flesh. To be able to be born on earth as a human being, Jesus had to give up his divine glory and become a man. The Bible says that Jesus was born of Mary and that Mary was chosen by God to be the mother of His son (Luke 1:26-38). He came into our world through her womb and was conceived by the Holy Spirit.(Matthew 1:18-23; Luke 2:11)

    Jesus is one person with two natures–a perfect human nature and a divine nature.(Colossians 2:9; John 1:1-2) He lived on this earth for 33 years but never sinned nor did He need anyone else’s forgiveness for any wrongs he had done.(Hebrews 4:15) Even though he was tempted in ways we cannot comprehend,(Hebrews 4:15), because Jesus was 100% God and 0% man, He could not have committed any sin because there could never have been any sin in him since he did not exist before coming here as a human being(John 8:58). Nonetheless, Jesus willingly took upon himself all our sins so that we might not ever have to feel them again!

    In Matthew 1:16, Joseph was told that “Mary will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus”

    The name Jesus means “Savior.” It is a Greek translation of the Hebrew name Joshua, which means “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation.” Jews and Christians both used the name Jesus in the first century A.D., but it wasn’t until much later that Christian parents began to frequently give their children this unusual name. The Latin form Iesous was also not very common until after Constantine’s conversion to Christianity in 312 A.D.. Even then, only educated people or those who could read Latin (the language of the Roman Empire) continued to use it.

    The Hebrew form Yeshua/Yeshua first appears in Greek as Iesous around 280 B.C.. This form originated at least 100 years earlier as an abbreviation of Yahshua (see Isaiah 7:14). Both names mean “Yahweh saves.”

    As soon as she heard this news, Mary went to visit Elizabeth who lived about 90 miles away.

    As soon as she heard this news, Mary went to visit Elizabeth who lived about 90 miles away.

    Mary was a virgin and did not have any children. She was from the tribe of Judah, from the city of Nazareth, from the town of Bethlehem and from the family of David and therefore also Aaron (the first high priest).

    There were no airplanes or cars back then so it took Mary four or five days walking to get there.

    As mentioned earlier, Mary’s visit to Elizabeth was not just a casual visit but an important one. It is believed that this was their first meeting and they were cousins. There were no airplanes or cars back then so it took Mary four or five days walking (90 miles) to get there.

    Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months before returning home.

    Gabriel also spoke to John’s father Zechariah.

    Gabriel also spoke to John’s father Zechariah, who was a priest and a descendant of Aaron. Zechariah was not married at the time, as his wife Elizabeth was barren. Gabriel told him that he would have a son, who would be named John.

    After this happened, an angel appeared to Mary and told her she would give birth to Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:20). The angel went on to tell Mary that her cousin Elizabeth had conceived a child in her old age without having sexual relations with her husband Zechariah (Luke 1:36-38). Elizabeth had been unable to conceive due to her husband’s infertility (1 Samuel 15:11-12).

    The genealogy of Mary through which Jesus had descended can be traced through Luke’s gospel as described above.

    The genealogy of Mary through which Jesus had descended can be traced through Luke’s gospel as described above. The genealogy of Jesus through Mary can be traced through Luke’s gospel.

    Now that you know about her birth, let’s take a look at what happened to her between her birth and death?

    Characteristics of Mary, Mother of Jesus

    If you knew you only had moments left to live, who would you speak to? What would you say? What loose ends would you want to tie up? It is often in the crucible of such pressing situations that priorities are revealed.

    Jesus, during the intense agony of the crucifixion, dedicated some of His last words to tenderly express concern for His mother, Mary. Noticing Mary standing nearby, Jesus directed her attention to His disciple John, saying, “Woman, behold your son!” (John 19:26). Turning to John, He added, “Behold your mother!” (verse 27). Even in this excruciating moment, Jesus ensured that His mother’s physical well-being would be looked after.

    Who was this remarkable woman who had been tasked with rearing, providing for and looking after the Son of God?

    Sadly, many people’s familiarity with Mary is summed up in an oft-repeated but seldom thought about prayer, the Catholic “Hail Mary” prayer: “Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, blessed is the fruit of thy womb.” To learn about the many problems with praying to Mary, read our article “Should You Pray to Mary?”

    Although many people have improperly elevated her persona, the real Mary of the Bible was a remarkable woman. What can we learn from the life and story of Mary, the mother of Jesus?

    A challenging introduction
    Mary, or perhaps Miriam, was a descendant of King David. Most scholars consider the genealogy in Luke 3:23-38 to be the lineage of Mary.

    Mary is first introduced in the Bible as “a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph” (Luke 1:26-27). Her betrothal to a respected member of society was vital. Life was precarious for women in Judea and Galilee in the first century. They were often viewed as chattel with few or no inherent rights. Marriage was the path to some degree of liberty and dignity and, in many cases, was necessary even for survival.

    Mary’s betrothal to Joseph was more than a modern engagement. According to William Barclay, betrothal “was absolutely binding. It lasted for one year. During that year, the couple were known as husband and wife, although they had not the rights of husband and wife. It could not be terminated in any other way than by divorce” (The New Daily Study Bible, 2001, Vol. 1, p. 22).

    Mary’s life—which up to this point appeared to have followed traditional expectations—was shockingly overturned. Luke explains that the angel Gabriel was sent by God with what must have been astonishing news.

    “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS” (Luke 1:30-31). Mary’s response:How can this be, since I do not know a man?” (verse 34)—affirms the miraculous nature of this conception.

    One can imagine the shock such news must have produced within Mary’s family and community. Being “found with child” outside of a marriage covenant was scandalous. Mary probably faced ridicule, social ostracism and likely scorn from others. One can imagine the gossip and sideways glances she must have endured.

    In fact, Mary’s betrothed, Joseph, had determined to privately divorce her (Matthew 1:18-19). But God supernaturally intervened to provide Joseph with the understanding and perspective needed to preserve the family unit (verses 20-25).

    Clothed in humility and meekness
    Mary’s response to this life-altering news reveals much about her character. Mary was clothed in humility and meekness. There was no “Of course I’m the one!” response to this remarkable news. Instead, we find Mary glorifying God while acknowledging her own humble place in comparison (Luke 1:46-49).

    Mary’s faith in God was vibrant and powerful. It served to shield her during the challenging events that poured unexpectedly into her life.Furthermore, in what could have been perceived as a slight had she been motivated by pride, after Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced God’s plan (Luke 1:26-38), it appears that all further communication was delivered through her betrothed, Joseph (Matthew 1:20-24; 2:13, 19, 22). A prideful person could have argued, “Well, I’m the chosen one; God should tell me directly.”

    Of course, humility and meekness were necessary traits for the Messiah’s mother. God can work with those who have “a contrite and humble spirit” (Isaiah 57:15) because they are pliable and yielding to the will and plan of God. God is able to do great things in and through the humble (James 4:6, 10; 1 Peter 5:5-6). In Mary, God found a humble, meek servant—a young lady determined to obey God and yield to His purpose.

    A woman of courage
    Mary’s meek spirit did not mask a weak or timid individual. Instead, Mary was a woman of courage and strength.

    Because students of the Bible know the rest of the story, it can be difficult to fully appreciate the perilous situation Mary found herself in after Gabriel’s astonishing news. Mary did not have any promise that Joseph would stand by her, yet she courageously shared the news (Matthew 1:18-19).

    The miracle in her womb brought considerable risk to Mary. She risked shame, abandonment, abuse and even stoning. The very real possibility of being “put away” would have had devastating consequences on her life.

    Mary apparently faced these difficulties with courage. Her courage to tell Joseph was just the beginning. Imagine how Mary might have started that conversation. She then perhaps had to share the news with family, friends and the community. How many people believed her fantastic account?

    Such courage is deeply rooted in a relationship with God (Joshua 1:7, 9). It does not form overnight. Rather, it reflects a lifetime of building a relationship with God.

    Mary’s courage was further bolstered through positive, uplifting relationships with other faithful individuals. Her relative Elizabeth is described as “righteous before God, walking in all the commandments” (Luke 1:6). Mary sought encouragement and support from Elizabeth as she navigated this challenging time (verses 38-41, 56).

    Shielded by faith
    Mary was also a woman of faith. A careful reading of Luke 1:26-38 shows that Mary didn’t seek proof from Gabriel when she received his startling news. Instead, she asked for an explanation. Her question was how (not whether) God’s plan would come to fruition. This is an important distinction, as it highlights Mary’s trust and belief in God and His ability to miraculously follow through.

    This stands in contrast to Zacharias’ response when Gabriel announced that Zacharias and Elizabeth would have a child (Luke 1:5-18). Zacharias struggled to believe this news (verse 18). As a result, Zacharias was made mute for the duration of Elizabeth’s pregnancy “because [he] did not believe” Gabriel’s announcement (verses 19-20).

    Mary had pleased God with her trust and faith (Hebrews 11:1, 6). Mary’s faith in God was vibrant and powerful. It served to shield her during the challenging events that poured unexpectedly into her life.

    Mary had the necessary faith to believe Gabriel’s announcement and act on it.

    Mary’s faith and trust were not situational. She heard so many promises about her Son’s future.

    For example, Gabriel announced, “He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:32-33).
    Simeon prophesied that Jesus was “a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your [God’s] people Israel” (Luke 2:32).
    The prophetess Anna spoke openly of the redemption that would come through Jesus (verses 36-38).
    Mary must have been intrigued by these promises and, like many of Jesus’ followers, likely anticipated Jesus would soon restore the national glory as the promised Messiah and the heir to the throne of David. Yet, as the months of Jesus’ public ministry went on, it became clear that a great deal of understanding had been left out. How did that impact Mary?

    Mary was widowed and lived to see her Son brutally beaten and crucified. At the end of Jesus’ physical life, Mary was a silent witness to the crucifixion. There is no indication that her faith and trust faltered. Her example of faith is incredible.

    Who was Mary, the mother of Jesus?
    Mary was not the divine, serene, angelic or mystical being so often portrayed in medieval artwork.

    Instead, Mary was in many ways like everyone else. She was a sinner who needed a Savior and anticipated His arrival. Yet she was a very special lady, greatly blessed by God, who endured incredible testing and served in a remarkable way.

    One can imagine the stories Mary will be able to share after she’s resurrected to eternal life at Jesus’ return—anecdotes of tragedy, humor and joy. As Mary said, “Henceforth all generations will call me blessed” (Luke 1:48).

    It is unknown how long she lived after Jesus’ crucifixion. Yet there is much for Christians to ponder. What was it like for Mary to be part of the Body of Christ years after His death and resurrection? Was she well-treated, or was she persecuted by the Jews around her? No one really knows. Legend and lore have long corrupted her story, and the truth in this regard is unknowable.

    What we can know is that Mary was a remarkable woman. The brief biblical insights into Mary’s life provide a wonderful example for Christians of all ages. We can all profit by following Mary’s example of humility, courage and faith.


    The genealogy of Mary through whom Jesus descended, can be traced through Luke’s gospel, as described above. If the Gospel of John records the genealogy of Jesus and the Gospel of Matthew records Joseph’s lineage, then who is Mary? The answer to this question could be found in Luke’s gospel, chapter three.

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