Most biblical scholars believe that Paul wrote 13 New Testament books—seven to Christians in Galatia, Philemon, Titus, and two to Timothy; one to the believers in Corinth; two epistles to the churches of Thessalonica; and one to the church in Rome. Paul was not one of the original 12 Apostles of Jesus, he was one of the most prolific contributors to the New Testament. Of the 27 books in the New Testament, 13 or 14 are traditionally attributed to Paul, though only 7 of these Pauline epistles are accepted as being entirely authentic and dictated by St
Paul wrote 14 of the 27 books in the New Testament. The books are Romans, I and II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I and II Thessalonians, and Philemon. He also refers to two letters to Timothy (the one Paul stayed with on his third missionary journey) in which he speaks about “my son Timothy” in 4:1. Since the book of Acts is mainly about the work of Paul and others among the Christians in Asia Minor after his death, there is some debate over whether Paul could have written both books.

What Are the 13 Books of The bible that Paul Wrote In Order?
Paul, also known as the Apostle Paul, is one of the most prominent figures in the early Christian church. His writings have had a significant impact on the formation of Christian theology and the interpretation of the Bible. Throughout his life, Paul wrote a total of 13 letters, which are now included in the New Testament of the Bible. These letters, also known as epistles, were written to various individuals and Christian communities. They address theological principles, offer guidance on Christian living, and provide encouragement to believers.
The 13 books of the Bible that Paul wrote, in the order they appear in the Bible, are:
- Romans
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Galatians
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians
- 1 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timothy
- Titus
- Philemon
These letters provide insights into Paul’s teachings, his relationship with different Christian communities, and his passion for spreading the Gospel.
ng an eyewitness to Jesus’ ministry and his subsequent role in leading the early church.
Did Paul write 2/3 of the New Testament?
Yes, it is accurate to say that Paul wrote approximately two-thirds of the New Testament. Out of the 27 books in the New Testament, Paul wrote 13 epistles, which amount to roughly 48% of the total books. Therefore, Paul’s contributions significantly shaped the theological and practical teachings found in the New Testament.
What are the 14 letters of Paul?
The 14 letters of Paul include:
- Romans
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Galatians
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians
- 1 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timothy
- Titus
- Philemon
- Hebrews*
*Some scholars attribute the book of Hebrews to Paul, while others believe it was written by a different author.
These letters, rich in theological and practical insights, provide guidance, encouragement, and instruction to early Christian communities and individuals. They continue to shape Christian beliefs and practices today.
How Many Books In Bible Did Paul Write
Although St. Paul was not one of the original 12 apostles of Jesus, he was one of the most prolific contributors to the New Testament. Of the 27 books in the New Testament, 13 or 14 are traditionally attributed to Paul, though only 7 of these Pauline epistles are accepted as being entirely authentic and dictated by St. Paul himself. The authorship of the others is debated, and they are commonly thought to have come from contemporary or later followers writing in Paul’s name. These authors likely used material from his surviving letters and may have even had access to letters written by him that no longer survive. Read on to learn which Biblical books St. Paul is known to have authored and which ones he probably did not write himself.
Letter of Paul to the Romans
While he was in Corinth around 57 CE, St. Paul wrote the sixth book of the New Testament, the Letter to the Romans. It was addressed to the Christian church in Rome, whose congregation he hoped to visit for the first time on his way to Spain. The epistle is the longest and doctrinally most significant of St. Paul’s writings and is more of a theological treatise than a letter. In it he acknowledges the unique religious heritage of the Jews (prior to his conversion, Paul was a Jewish Pharisee) but asserts that righteousness no longer comes through the Mosaic Law but through Christ.
First and Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians
The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians and the Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians were both written by St. Paul. The first letter was probably written about 53–54 CE at Ephesus and addresses some of the problems that arose in the new Christian community that he had established in Corinth during his initial missionary visit (c. 50–51). The second letter was written from Macedonia about 55 CE and applauds the Corinthians’ response to his first letter and reaffirms his apostolic authority. The letters deal with a church of Gentile Christians and are therefore the best evidence of how St. Paul operated on Gentile territory.
Letter of Paul to the Galatians
St. Paul is the author of the ninth book of the New Testament, Letter to the Galatians. The letter was likely written between 53 and 54 CE and addresses division within the Christian community about whether new converts needed to be circumcised and follow the prescriptions of the Mosaic Law. He reaffirms his teaching that Jewish law is no longer the exclusive path to righteousness and argues that Christians have a new freedom in Christ. The letter is very forceful and specific in dealing with the problems concerned and is the only epistle without kindly ingression, thanksgiving, or personal greetings appended to the final blessings.
Letter of Paul to the Ephesians
Although the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians has been attributed to St. Paul, it is more likely the work of one of his disciples. Scholars think the letter was probably written before 90 CE and that the author consulted St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians as a reference. Of the 155 verses in Ephesians, 73 have verbal parallels with the Colossians. When parallels to genuine Pauline letters are added, 85 percent of Ephesians is duplicated elsewhere. The term “deuter-Pauline epistles” usually refers to this and a number of other contentious letters, indicating that they were most likely written by St. Paul’s followers after his passing.
Letter of Paul to the Philippians
The Letter of Paul to the Philippians is believed to have been written by St. Paul while he was in prison, probably at Rome about 62 CE. According to several scholars, the canonical work is likely a later collection of fragments of Paul’s correspondence with the congregation in Philippi. Apprehensive that his execution was close at hand, yet hoping somehow to visit the Philippians again, St. Paul explains that he welcomes death for Jesus’ sake but is equally concerned to continue his apostolate.
Letter of Paul to the Colossians
The authorship of the Letter of Paul to the Colossians is debated. According to some academics, St. Paul wrote the letter during his imprisonment in Rome around 62 CE. Others contest the epistle’s Pauline authorship on the grounds of its distinctive vocabulary and contend that Paul’s followers wrote it after his passing. Given its similarities to the Letter of Paul to Philemon, some have suggested that a later Paulinist simply changed details to meet a different situation.
First and Second Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians
The first Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians was likely written by St. Paul from Corinth about 50 CE. However, the second letter is possibly deuter-Pauline in origin, though this is debated. Second Thessalonians is obviously an imitation of the style of First Thessalonians but seems to reflect a later time. Additionally, given that there is notable ambiguity about the proximity of Christ’s Second Coming, its authorship by St. Paul is doubted.
First and Second Letter of Paul to Timothy
Neither of the two Letters of Paul to Timothy are thought to have been written by St. Paul. Linguistic facts—such as short connectives, particles, and other syntactical peculiarities; the use of different words for the same things; and repeated unusual phrases otherwise not used by Paul—offer fairly conclusive evidence against Pauline authorship and authenticity. Generally speaking, both epistles are “trito-Pauline,” which denotes that they were most likely written by followers of the Pauline school between 80 and 100 CE, a generation after his passing.
Letter of Paul to Titus
The authorship of the Letter of Paul to Titus is disputed. Given many of the similarities in content and style to the two Letters of Paul to Timothy, it is possible that this work is also a trito-Pauline epistle, written a generation after the death of St. Paul. In fact, the three letters together are often called Pastoral Letters, as they were written to instruct and admonish the recipients in their pastoral office rather than to address the specific problems of congregations like many of the other Pauline epistles.
Letter of Paul to Philemon
Although some sources date it earlier, St. Paul most likely wrote the Letter to Philemon while incarcerated in a Roman prison around 61 CE. The brief epistle was written to Philemon, a wealthy Christian of Colossae, on behalf of Onesimus, Philemon’s former slave. While passing no judgment on slavery itself, Paul exhorts Philemon to manifest true Christian love that removes barriers between slaves and free people.
Letter to the Hebrews
While the Letter to the Hebrews has traditionally been ascribed to St. Paul, the work does not contain a salutation with the name of the author. The book is still included in the Pauline corpus in the East but not in the West. Given that the thoughts, metaphors, and ideas of the Hebrews are distinct from the rest of the New Testament, most scholars doubt that it was written by St. Paul or his followers. There have been many suggested authors over the years, and it’s possible that a Jewish convert among the second generation of Christians experiencing persecution wrote the work.
The Apostle Paul was a champion of spreading the Gospel message after his radical conversion experience when he encountered Jesus. He traveled to numerous cities and countries, preaching the good news of Jesus Christ. Paul also corresponded with and supported various churches by way of letter.
But just how many books of the Bible did Paul write? Thirteen books of the New Testament are attributed to him. The books written by Paul were actually letters he wrote to congregations and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ during his ministry years. Paul began most of his letters with a similar greeting to the one found in the letter to the church of Galatia, “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Galatians 1:3).
The thirteen books written by Paul are: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.
When Did Paul Write These Books?
Paul wrote these thirteen books over the span of his ministry. He wrote to churches and individuals while he was in a variety of circumstances. For example, he wrote while he was on missionary journeys, after completing his travels, or even while he was imprisoned. While staying in Ephesus, Paul wrote to the church of Corinth.
“After I go through Macedonia, I will come to you—for I will be going through Macedonia. Perhaps I will stay with you for a while, or even spend the winter, so that you can help me on my journey, wherever I go. For I do not want to see you now and make only a passing visit; I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord permits. But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost” (1 Corinthians 16:5-8).
Information like that has helped scholars piece together when and where Paul was when he wrote the books attributed to him. In his writings, readers gain a sense of Paul’s deep love and care for the growing Christian church and the ways he helped people become saved and grow in their faith. Writing letters allowed Paul to continue urging others on in their faith. From another letter, readers learn that Paul wrote a second letter to Timothy from prison.
“For which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound!” (2 Timothy 2:9).
Paul described himself as a prisoner in a letter to Timothy. This letter was written near the end of Paul’s life, before he was sentenced to death and executed. Paul wrote these thirteen letters, which have become part of the New Testament, as early as the year 50 AD, and up until his death, when he became a martyr for Jesus. Paul is believed to have died sometime around the year 67 AD.
Did Paul Write All These Letters Himself?
From the letters themselves, we know that Paul had help from a scribe to write letters to churches or individuals. This was common practice in Paul’s time. The scribe would have written, as Paul spoke out loud, what he wanted to include in the letter. In the letter to the Romans, the scribe identified himself.
“I, Tertius, who wrote down this letter, greet you in the Lord” (Romans 16:22).
It is fascinating that the scribe was also a Christian who wanted to relay his greetings to fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. In other letters, such as the one Paul wrote to the church of Colossae, Paul indicated that it was his own hand that wrote the actual words of the letter.
“I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you” (Colossians 4:18).
Though Paul worked with scribes to create these letters, we have assurance that regardless of how the letter came to be written down that all Scripture is God-breathed (see 2 Timothy 3:16).
Man signing a letter, Evangelical leaders sign an statement urging other evangelicals to be kind and take the high road
Photo credit: Unsplash/Scott Graham
Why Are Paul’s Personal Letters Considered Scripture?
An important part of Paul’s ministry was to keep in touch with Christians and churches, to encourage them in their faith and to help them avoid heresy or get persuaded to believe anything other than the true Gospel message that was preached to them. He did this by visiting and writing letters. It remains unclear how many letters outside of the thirteen epistles in the Bible that Paul wrote. However, we do know that Paul wrote letters that did not end up in the Bible. In the first letter to the Corinthians, Paul referenced a previous letter he had written to them.
“I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people” (1 Corinthians 5:9).
Though we do not know for sure outside of this letter Paul mentioned, it is possible that Paul wrote other letters to churches and individuals that did not become part of the Bible. However, certain letters were highly circulated, transformative, and became recognized by the early church as holy Scripture. These letters are now part of the New Testament.
We know that not every letter Paul wrote became Scripture, such as the letter Paul mentioned that he had formerly written to the church in Corinth. Perhaps this other letter did not have the same level of impact and transferability to congregations beyond Corinth. Ultimately, it remains unknown why this other letter to the Corinthians was not recognized as Scripture. Peter, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, referenced Paul’s writings.
“Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction” (2 Peter 3:15-16).
This is helpful to know that even as Paul’s letters were circulating, it was apparent that they were God-breathed. Peter believed that Paul’s letters were in fact holy Scripture and urged others to view them in the same light and with the same reverence. It is no surprise, then, that thirteen of Paul’s letters became part of the Bible.
Is There a Central Theme of Paul’s Letters?
Paul’s letters had common elements to them, such as an introduction, the writer’s name and who the letter was addressed to, a greeting or thanksgiving, and the body of the letter which conveyed the reason(s) why Paul was writing and the information he wanted to relay to the readers. Paul usually ended his letters with a farewell.
In some of his letters, Paul included lists to demonstrate or expand on what he was teaching. For instance, Paul wrote lists of sinful behaviors (see Galatians 5:19-21 or Colossians 3:5-6), lists of the fruit of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23 or Ephesians 4:2), lists of descriptions (see 1 Corinthians 13:4-8), or how Christians should live (see 2 Corinthians 6:4-10).
Paul’s letters address many themes and topics, such as marriage, Christian living, sinfulness, righteousness, and grace. Paul wrote about suffering, joy, discipleship, forgiveness, and that Jesus was coming back. Other themes Paul addressed were unity in the body of Christ, dying to the flesh, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Central to all Paul’s letters is the overarching theme that we are saved by faith in Jesus.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8).
Paul went to great lengths to declare that Jesus is the Lord and Savior, the promised Messiah, to the Gentiles and the Jews alike. Paul originally rejected the Gospel, persecuted the church, and believed Jesus to be an imposter. When he experienced a conversion, Paul undoubtedly made it his mission to follow the call of Jesus to go and make disciples of all nations. Paul had a passion to make sure that every person knew that one cannot earn salvation, rather it is a gift from God through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
What Percentage Of The New Testament Did Paul Write
What Happened to Paul?
During his Christian life, Paul went on missionary journeys, empowered other believers to have faith, rejected heresies and preached the truth of God. Paul corresponded with churches and individuals and wrote letters that eventually were recognized as part of the Holy Bible. In his final years, he was imprisoned in Rome and was sentenced to death. He was a great supporter of many fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and believed that God was with him no matter what he faced (See Romans 8:38-39).
“The time for my departure is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:6-8).
Even near the end of his life as he faced death, Paul fully trusted that God was with him and that it had been an honor to serve God. Paul died a martyr for Jesus, one who helped advance the growing Christian church and ultimately, the kingdom of God.
A Life Devoted to Christ
Paul wrote numerous letters to churches and individuals during his ministry. Though some were just that – personal or communal letters – others were recognized as Scripture and became part of the Bible. Thirteen books in total are attributed to Paul in the New Testament. Paul wrote about many theological issues and did his best to encourage his audiences to persevere in faith.
Paul’s passion for Jesus and his love for people is evident in both his writings and that he gave his life to advance the Gospel so that more and more would come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.