The concept of the “spiritual meaning of STD” relates to a deeper interpretation and understanding of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) from a spiritual or metaphysical perspective. Rather than viewing STDs solely as physical ailments resulting from biological factors, this perspective delves into the symbolic or energetic implications behind these conditions.
Essentially, the spiritual meaning of STDs suggests that these diseases carry metaphorical messages or lessons for individuals to learn, grow, or awaken to on a spiritual level. While this interpretation may not negate the physical realities of STDs, it seeks to explore their potential spiritual significance and the profound impact they can have on an individual’s personal growth and journey.
STD or STI is the most common communicable diseases across the globe. Its treatment and prevention need to involve a holistic approach. The spiritual meaning of std is beyond the physical symptoms, it is about our relationships, work, and lives.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that STDs are fun. Or even remotely good for you. But have you ever wondered what the spiritual meaning of std is? It’s a question that has crossed my mind many times, especially when I was first diagnosed with herpes at age 18 (which was followed by gonorrhea and chlamydia later on). And I’m not alone! Google searches for “STD demons” and “STD demonology” are up over 30 percent from 2018 compared to 2017. So today, we’re going to explore this question together: What is the spiritual meaning of std? If you’re ready to learn more about your demons—and maybe even get rid of them once and for all—keep reading!

spiritual meaning of std
- STD stands for sexually transmitted disease.
- STDs are caused by a variety of bacteria and viruses, which can be transmitted during sexual activity with an infected person.
- STDs are not caused by demons, nor do they possess the ability to influence your mind or actions in any way.
- They can be cured with antibiotics, though some will require a stronger course of treatment than others.
Demon STD

STD is an acronym for sexually transmitted disease, which is a term used to describe any illness that can be transmitted through sexual activity. Although the term “demon” can sometimes be used as slang for STDs, it’s important to note that an STD and a demon are two different things.
STDs are caused by bacteria or viruses that cause infections in your body’s mucous membranes (the moist tissue around your genitals). They may also spread from skin-to-skin contact with other parts of your body—for example the mouth or anus—or through oral sex.
Although certain people might try to convince you otherwise, there are no demons involved in causing STDs!
STDs and demons
You might be thinking, “I know that STD stands for sexually transmitted disease, but what does STD mean spiritually?”
Well, first of all: demons are not real. But the physical infection caused by a virus or bacteria known as an STI is real and can have painful consequences. An STI is never caused by a demon or curse or bad luck or witchcraft; rather, it’s caused by human beings who engage in unsafe sex with multiple partners (or people who don’t know their sexual partners well at all).
This means that you cannot get an STD from someone else simply by being in their presence—no matter how many times you kiss them or shake hands with them! If a person has an active case of herpes (or any other common STIs), it will not appear on their skin like red spots or rashes do when they’re contagious; rather, symptoms appear only during periods when sores are present.
What is a demon STD?
STD is a sexually transmitted disease. STD is an infection that is passed from one person to another through sexual contact. STD causes can be either a virus, bacteria or parasite. A sexually transmitted infection (STI) is any bacterial, fungal or viral infection which can be spread through sexual contact.
STD stands for sexually transmitted disease. It is an infection that is passed from one person to another through sexual contact. STD causes can be either a virus, bacteria or parasite.
STD stands for sexually transmitted disease. It is an infection that is passed from one person to another through sexual contact. STD causes can be either a virus, bacteria or parasite. A sexually transmitted infection (STI) is any bacterial, fungal or viral infection which can be spread through sexual contact.
Demons and STDs
In the case of STDs, no demon or spirit is involved. They are caused by bacteria and viruses, which can be transmitted in a variety of ways. Some people get an STD because they engage in risky behavior; others do so by accident. Many people who have STDs don’t realize that they are infected until symptoms appear. There is no reason to blame yourself for getting an STD, nor should you feel ashamed or guilty about it. You should also not let anyone else make you feel bad about your condition—whether it’s due to their own ignorance or prejudice against people with STDs (or both). If someone tries to tell you that having an STD means that your soul has been taken over by demons or spirits, tell them those claims are patently false and they need some education on how these diseases work!
There’s no scientific basis for the idea that STDs are caused by demons.
There’s no scientific basis for the idea that STDs are caused by demons.
The myth that STDs can be cured by performing an exorcism has been around for over a hundred years, but it’s not supported by any evidence from science. Science is based on evidence, and there’s no evidence that the presence of an STD is caused by an evil spirit or demon. If you’ve been diagnosed with an STD, then it’s best to consult with a medical professional about treatment options rather than trying to perform your own exorcism.
Spiritual Meaning: Std is a spiritual illness that can be cured by the use of religious symbols such as the cross or crucifixes. The symptoms include fatigue, nightmares and fear of death.
We hope that this blog post has helped you learn more about std and its spiritual meaning. If you have any questions or comments please leave them below, we love hearing from our readers!
Chlamydia Spiritual Meaning
The word Chlamydia is derived from the Greek meaning cloak-like mantle. The term was coined based on the incorrect conclusion that Chlamydia are intracellular protozoan pathogens that appear to cloak the nucleus of infected cells. Thus, this genus designation is symbolic of the difficulties encountered in discovering the true nature of these important pathogens.
It is now known that the chlamydiae are actually prokaryotic organisms, and what was originally thought to be the hooded cloak is in fact a cytoplasmic vesicle containing numerous individual organisms and is termed an inclusion
(1). There has been a great deal of interest and effort devoted to understanding more about chlamydiae because it is clear that Chlamydia trachomatis infections continue to be a problem both in the developing world, as a leading cause of preventable blindness (trachoma), and in industrialized countries, as a major sexually transmitted disease (STD) pathogen and significant cause of pelvic inflammatory disease and tubal factor infertility in women
(2). The association of genital infections by C. trachomatis with increased risk for cervical cancer and HIV transmission reinforces the need to gain deeper appreciation of the means and mode of chlamydial pathogenesis (3). The more recent recognition of Chlamydia pneumoniae as an important community-acquired respiratory pathogen and its association with common chronic afflictions such as asthma and cardiovascular disease provide additional documentation of the importance for improved understanding of the pathogenic potential for these organisms
(4). Lack of a gene transfer system for chlamydiae has hampered definitive pathogenesis investigations for these organisms. Most studies have used traditional cell biology and biochemical approaches, often coupled with microscopic or ultrastructural observations for visual validation of the results
(5). Studies of this kind have provided useful insights on chlamydial growth and development, mechanisms of pathogenesis, and generation of immune responses, but, in general, work on chlamydiae has been hindered by the more descriptive restrictions imposed by the limitations in available technology. Reverse genetics has occasionally yielded functional confirmation for a few chlamydial gene products, but these types of studies depend on producing, cloning, and expressing a chlamydial gene or set of genes in a heterologous system, relying on sufficient similarity between the chlamydial gene and the heterologous organism to permit complementation for appropriate mutants
(6). When reverse genetic studies work, the results can be gratifying, but relying on this strategy imposes severe restrictions in the actual amount of useful data that can be gleaned, and they necessarily deal with one or only a few chlamydial genes at a time.
Transcriptional profiling can be used to determine events resulting in production of infectious bacteria.
Fortunately, chlamydiae do offer a few experimental advantages. They have small genomes (≈1 Mb) and therefore are easily sequenced. At least six complete genome sequences are available for three of the chlamydial species
(7–9), and more sequences are planned and are being produced by a variety of interested research groups. Annotation, analysis, and comparison of chlamydial genomes have provided a few surprises (e.g., they have the genes required for production of peptidoglycan, but no peptidoglycan is present in the fully infectious form of the organism) and some important insights into possible pathogenic mechanisms
(10). One key clue for understanding chlamydial pathogenesis is that they have the genes needed for assembling a type III (pathogen to host) secretion apparatus. This is an important finding because in other pathogens this mechanism is used for the direct injection of pathogen proteins into the cytoplasm of host cells
(11). This results in changes in the host cell physiology that contributes in manifold ways to pathogen survival or host pathology. The specific mechanisms elicited depend largely on the nature of the effectors injected
(12, 13) but often involve modulation of signal transduction pathways (e.g., proor antiapoptotic events, inflammatory activity, immune response capacity), motility, or trafficking
(14, 15). Genome sequences for chlamydiae have also demonstrated how phylogenetically remote this organism is from other life forms
(16), and has provided the necessary information for construction of genome transcript maps that will be essential for truly understanding the steps that are necessary for successful intracellular chlamydial growth and development, and how these activities relate to the pathogenesis of chlamydial disease. In this issue of PNAS, Belland et al.
(17) have provided a well controlled study of how genomic transcriptional profiling of C. trachomatis can be used to gain definitive insight of developmentally regulated events that are necessary for successful completion of the intracellular growth stages that result in the production of infectious progeny.
spiritual meaning of herpes
Metaphysical Causes of Illness List
Abdominal Cramps Spiritual Meaning | Paralysing fear that stops you from living the moment |
Abscess Spiritual Meaning | Focused on feeling hurt and revengeful |
Accident Spiritual Meaning | Being unable to speak up for yourself / feeling powerless |
Aches Spiritual Meaning | Yearning for love and to be loved |
Acne Spiritual Meaning | Disliking yourself |
Addictions Spiritual Meaning | Yearning to love yourself but not knowing how |
AIDS Spiritual Meaning | Losing all hope, feeling you are not good enough. May also mean you’re carrying sexual guilt |
Alcoholism Spiritual Meaning | Rejecting yourself, and feeling that everything is useless |
Allergies Spiritual Meaning | Feeling powerless against someone / being ‘allergic’ to someone |
Amenorrhea Spiritual Meaning | Unaccepting yourself as a woman / disliking yourself |
Anemia Spiritual Meaning | Lack of joy in life |
Ankle Pain Spiritual Meaning | Being inflexible and blocking your ability to be happy |
Anxiety Spiritual Meaning | Lack of trust in the flow of life |
Appendicitis Spiritual Meaning | Fear of life |
Appetite Spiritual Meaning | Fear and protection issues |
Arthritis Spiritual Meaning | Feeling unloved |
Asthma Spiritual Meaning | Feeling suppressed, feeling unable to breathe and to live |
Athlete’s Foot Spiritual Meaning | Feeling frustrated, unaccepted, and unable to move forward easily |
Back Pain Spiritual Meaning | Lack of finances and financial support (lower back pain), guilt from the past (middle back pain) and lack of emotional support (upper back pain) |
Bad Breath Spiritual Meaning | Feeling angry and revengeful |
Baldness Spiritual Meaning | Trying to control every aspect of your life whilst feeling fearful and tense |
Bedwetting Spiritual Meaning | Fear of parent/s |
Bell’s Palsy Spiritual Meaning | Not wanting to show your true feelings |
Belly Fat Spiritual Meaning | Anger at being denied nourishment |
Big Toe Pain Spiritual Meaning | Guilt surrounding your thoughts on the future |
Blackheads Spiritual Meaning | Anger over small things |
Bladder Problems Spiritual Meaning | Anxiety and fear of letting go |
Bleeding Spiritual Meaning | Losing the joy in your life |
Blood Spiritual Meaning | Represents joy in life |
Bloody Nose Spiritual Meaning | Losing the joy in your life |
Body Odor Spiritual Meaning | Disliking yourself and at times being afraid of others |
Bones Spiritual Meaning | Represents the universe |
Brain Tumor Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to change old patterns |
Breast Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to take care of yourself / putting everyone else before you |
Breathing Problems Spiritual Meaning | Feeling you are a burden to others / refusing to live fully |
Bronchitis Spiritual Meaning | Wrong family environment that includes arguments and yelling |
Bruises Spiritual Meaning | Punishing yourself |
Bulimia Spiritual Meaning | Hating yourself with passion |
Bunions Spiritual Meaning | Lack of joy in life experiences |
Cancer Spiritual Meaning | Long term resentment / grief / deep secret |
Candida Spiritual Meaning | Demanding and lacking trust especially in relationships |
Carpal Tunnel Spiritual Meaning | Anger and frustration for injustices |
Cellulite Spiritual Meaning | Punishing yourself and bottling up anger |
Chest Pain Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to feel joy in your heart and life |
Chills Spiritual Meaning | Needing to retreat |
Cold Sores Spiritual Meaning | Fear of expressing anger |
Cold Spiritual Meaning | Feeling mentally confused |
Colon Cancer Spiritual Meaning | Holding on to the past and refusing to let go |
Colon Spiritual Meaning | Holding on to the past and refusing to let go |
Conjunctivitis Spiritual Meaning | Not liking what you are witnessing in life |
Constipation Spiritual Meaning | Being stuck in the past and refusing to let go and move on |
Cough Spiritual Meaning | ‘Barking’ at the world trying hard to get the attention of others |
Crying Spiritual Meaning | Expression of sadness and fear as well as joy |
Cysts Spiritual Meaning | Going through negative past experiences over and over in your mind |
Death Spiritual Meaning | Leaving life, refusing to go on |
Dementia Spiritual Meaning | Unable to deal with the world the way it is / Feeling hopeless and angry |
Depression Spiritual Meaning | Feeling hopeless about life or a situation in particular |
Diabetes Spiritual Meaning | Feeling a great need to control oneself, wishing you have taken a different path than the one you chose |
Diarrhea Spiritual Meaning | Running away due to fear / feeling rejected |
Dizziness Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to look at your current situation |
Ear Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to hear |
Earache Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to hear what you need to hear or what is around you such as arguing parents |
Eczema Spiritual Meaning | Mental outbursts to blockages in life |
Elbow Spiritual Meaning | Change in plans / a need to accept new situations |
Endometriosis Spiritual Meaning | Feeling negatively about life including disappointment, insecurities and frustrations |
Epilepsy Spiritual Meaning | Rejecting life due to ongoing struggles |
Eye Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to see in relation to past, present and future |
Eye Twitching Spiritual Meaning | Feeling that you are being watched by others |
Fainting Spiritual Meaning | Fear of coping with life |
Fatigue Spiritual Meaning | Lacking love in daily actions and life in general |
Feeling Numb Spiritual Meaning | Going brain dead emotionally |
Fever Spiritual Meaning | Accumulation of anger |
Fibroid Spiritual Meaning | A blow to the feminine aspect within |
Flatulence Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to consider new ideas |
Flu Spiritual Meaning | Fearing social negativity and beliefs |
Food Poisoning Spiritual Meaning | Letting others take control over your own life |
Foot Injury Spiritual Meaning | Letting guilt stopping you from stepping forward in life |
Fungus Spiritual Meaning | Letting the past take control over your present |
Gallstones Spiritual Meaning | Condemnation and pride |
Gout Spiritual Meaning | A need for domination |
Hands Spiritual Meaning | The way one deals with experiences |
Hay Fever Spiritual Meaning | Feeling emotionally congested |
Headache Spiritual Meaning | Criticising and invalidating oneself |
Heart Spiritual Meaning | Representing love and security |
Heart Attack Spiritual Meaning | Squeezing happiness out of your heart due to circumstances and situations |
Heart Problems Spiritual Meaning | Choosing stress and strain over joy due to overdue emotional problems |
Heartburn Spiritual Meaning | Excessive fear |
Hemorrhoids Spiritual Meaning | Feeling angry and frustrated |
Hernia Spiritual Meaning | Broken relationships blocking creative expression |
Herpes Spiritual Meaning | Sexual guilt, self-punishment |
High Blood Pressure Spiritual Meaning | Emotional problems not dealt with for a long time |
High Cholesterol Spiritual Meaning | Fear of accepting joy in your life / closing your life to happiness |
Hives Spiritual Meaning | Hiding small fears / overblowing small issues |
Hyperthyroidism Spiritual Meaning | Raging at feeling rejected |
Hypothyroidism Spiritual Meaning | Feeling hopeless and stuck |
Indigestion Spiritual Meaning | Feeling anxious / dreading something |
Inflammation Spiritual Meaning | Fear-gripping inflamed thought patterns |
Ingrown Toenail Spiritual Meaning | Feeling guilty about moving forward |
Insomnia Spiritual Meaning | Lack of trust in the flow of life |
Intestines Spiritual Meaning | Related to absorption and elimination of emotions |
Itching Spiritual Meaning | Feeling unsatisfied and remorseful |
Itchy Nose Spiritual Meaning | Feeling annoyed with certain aspects of yourself |
Kidney Problems Spiritual Meaning | Feeling disappointed and shameful |
Kidney Spiritual Meaning | Feeling disappointed and shameful |
Kidney Stones Spiritual Meaning | Accumulation of undissolved anger |
Knee Pain Spiritual Meaning | Being inflexible and stubborn, refusing to give in |
Knee Problem Spiritual Meaning | Being inflexible and stubborn, refusing to give in |
Knee Spiritual Meaning | Being inflexible and stubborn, refusing to give in |
Laryngitis Spiritual Meaning | Experiencing fear or anger about speaking up |
Left Ear Pain Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to hear what you need to hear or what is around you such as arguing parents / Could be related to guilt on a feminine aspect of yourself |
Left Eye Twitching Spiritual Meaning | Feeling that you are being watched by others, possibly in connection to a female figure in your life |
Left Eye Twitching Spiritual Meaning Female | Feeling that you are being watched by others, possibly in connection to a female figure in your life |
Left Eye Twitching Spiritual Meaning For Female | Feeling that you are being watched by others, possibly in connection to a female figure in your life |
Left Eye Twitching Spiritual Meaning Male | Feeling that you are being watched by others, possibly in connection to a female figure in your life |
Left Eyebrow Twitching Spiritual Meaning | Feeling that you are being watched by others, possibly in connection to a female figure in your life |
Left Knee Pain Spiritual Meaning | Being inflexible and stubborn, refusing to give in, possibly in relation to a feminine aspect of yourself or a female in your life |
Left Shoulder Pain Spiritual Meaning | Carrying guilt over your shoulders whilst blocking joy from your life / Could be related to a feminine aspect within yourself |
Left Side Neck Pain Spiritual Meaning | Feeling guilty with regards to being flexible in your decisions, possibly due to a feminine aspect or female in your life |
Left Side Of The Body Spiritual Meaning | Represents the feminine and all aspects of it |
Leprosy Spiritual Meaning | Unable to handle life due to feeling you are not good enough |
Leukemia Spiritual Meaning | Seeing no use in taking initiative and being creative |
Liver Problems Spiritual Meaning | Over-complaining |
Liver Spiritual Meaning | Primitive emotions / Controlling anger |
Lockjaw Spiritual Meaning | Feeling the need to control yet hiding feelings |
Low Blood Pressure Spiritual Meaning | Lack of love usually experienced as a child |
Lower Belly Fat Spiritual Meaning | Anger at being denied nourishment |
Lump In Throat Spiritual Meaning | Not trusting the flow of life |
Lupus Spiritual Meaning | Preferring death over life when not able to stand for oneself |
Migraine Spiritual Meaning | Criticising and invalidating oneself |
Miscarriage Spiritual Meaning | Fear of the future due to incorrect timing |
Morton’s Toe Spiritual Meaning | Feeling stuck about small details surrounding the future |
Multiple Sclerosis Spiritual Meaning | Hard-hearted and inflexible attitude |
Nail Biting Spiritual Meaning | Eating yourself away, at times due to spite of a parent |
Nail Spiritual Meaning | Representation of protection |
Narcolepsy Spiritual Meaning | Wanting to run away from your current situation |
Nasal Congestion Spiritual Meaning | Unable to recognise your self-worth |
Nausea Spiritual Meaning | Rejection of an idea or life situation |
Neck Pain Spiritual Meaning | Feeling guilty with regards to being flexible in your decisions |
Neck Spiritual Meaning | A representation of flexibility |
Nose Bleed Spiritual Meaning | Losing the joy in your life |
Nosebleed Spiritual Meaning | Losing the joy in your life |
Nose Spiritual Meaning | A representation of recognising oneself |
Numbness Spiritual Meaning | Going brain dead emotionally |
Osteoporosis Spiritual Meaning | Loss of mental mobility |
Ovarian Cyst Spiritual Meaning | Being stuck in the past, refusing to give birth to new ideas |
Pain Spiritual Meaning | Guilt leading to self punishment |
Pancreas Spiritual Meaning | A representation of the sweet aspects of life |
Parasites Spiritual Meaning | Letting others take over your power |
Parkinson’s Disease Spiritual Meaning | Feeling the need to control everything and everyone |
Piles Spiritual Meaning | Feeling angry and frustrated |
Pimples Spiritual Meaning | Accumulation of anger |
Pink Eye Spiritual Meaning | Feeling angry and frustrated about a present situation |
Pneumonia Spiritual Meaning | Desperation due to emotional pain that cannot heal |
Poison Ivy Spiritual Meaning | Feeling unprotected and unable to defend yourself |
Post Nasal Drip Spiritual Meaning | Victimising yourself |
Psoriasis Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to take responsibility for personal feelings |
Rash Spiritual Meaning | Hiding small fears / overblowing small issues |
Rheumatoid Arthritis Spiritual Meaning | Criticising authority |
Right Eye Twitching Spiritual Meaning | Feeling that you are being watched by others, possibly in connection to a male figure in your life |
Right Eye Twitching Spiritual Meaning For Female | Feeling that you are being watched by others, possibly in connection to a male figure in your life |
Right Eye Twitching Spiritual Meaning For Male | Feeling that you are being watched by others, possibly in connection to a male figure in your life |
Right Side Spiritual Meaning | Letting go / related to the masculine aspects of oneself or a masculine figure |
Ringing In Ears Spiritual | Refusing to listen to your inner voice |
Ringing In Left Ear Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to listen to your inner voice, possibly due to a female figure around you |
Ringing In Right Ear Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to listen to your inner voice, possibly due to a male figure around you |
Ringworm Spiritual Meaning | Allowing others to control you |
Root Canal Spiritual Meaning | Destruction of root beliefs |
Runny Nose Spiritual Meaning | Begging and crying for help |
Scabies Spiritual Meaning | Letting others control your thinking |
Sciatica Spiritual Meaning | Fearing finances and what your future holds |
Scoliosis Spiritual Meaning | Lack of integrity / Allowing fear to keep you stuck in old ways and old thinking habits |
Seizures Spiritual Meaning | Running away from your current life situation/s |
Shingles Spiritual Meaning | Excessive sensitivity leading to fear and tension |
Shoulder Pain Spiritual Meaning | Carrying guilt over your shoulders whilst blocking joy from your life |
Shoulders Spiritual Meaning | A representation of living life in a joyous way |
Sinus Problems Spiritual Meaning | Feeling irritated about someone in your life |
Sinusitis Spiritual Meaning | Feeling irritated about someone in your life |
Skeleton Spiritual Meaning | Represents the structure of your life |
Skin Problems Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to take responsibility for personal feelings |
Sleep Paralysis Spiritual Meaning | Consciously and/or subconsciously terrified of a situation or a person |
Snoring Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to let go of old patterns |
Solar Plexus Spiritual Meaning | A representation of your reactions and intuitions |
Sore Throat Spiritual Meaning | Unable to express yourself / holding anger within |
Spiritual Meaning Of Hives | Hiding small fears / overblowing small issues |
Spiritual Meaning Of Loosing Teeth | Being undecided for too long |
Spiritual Meaning of Wisdom Teeth | Not allowing yourself to think and create a base of thought |
Spiritual Reasons For Skin Problems | Refusing to take responsibility for personal feelings |
Spleen Spiritual Meaning | Excessive obsessions |
Stiff Neck Spiritual Meaning | Inflexibility |
Stomach Pain Spiritual meaning | Harboring excessive fear and guilt |
Stomach Problems Spiritual Meaning | Excessive fear |
Stomach Spiritual Meaning | A representation of nourishment and dealing with ideas |
Stroke Spiritual Meaning | Giving up on life |
Stuffy Nose Spiritual Meaning | Not acknowledging your own self-worth |
Stuttering Spiritual Meaning | Feeling insecure, holding yourself back from expressing yourself |
Suicide Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to see a way out |
Teeth Spiritual Meaning | A representation of decisions |
Thrush Spiritual Meaning | Being angry about making the wrong decisions in life |
Thymus Spiritual Meaning | Feeling that life is out to get you |
Thyroid Spiritual Meaning | Related to humiliation |
Tinnitus Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to listen to your inner voice |
Toes Spiritual Meaning | A representation of small details regarding the future |
Tongue Spiritual Meaning | A representation of enjoying life to the full |
Tonsillitis Spiritual Meaning | Crippled emotions |
Ulcer Spiritual Meaning | Feeling you are not good enough |
Upper Back Pain Spiritual Meaning | Lacking emotional support |
Upper Middle Back Pain Spiritual Meaning | Carrying a heavy load full of guilt from the past |
Uterus Spiritual Meaning | A representation of creativity |
Varicose Veins Spiritual Meaning | Being in a hateful situation, feeling discouraged and over burdened |
Vertigo Spiritual Meaning | Refusing to look at your current situation |
Vitiligo Spiritual Meaning | Feeling you don’t belong |
Vomiting Spiritual Meaning | Rejecting ideas in a violent way due to fear of the unknown |
Warts Spiritual Meaning | Expressing hate / acknowledging the ‘ugly’ |
Webbed Toes Spiritual Meaning | Feeling stuck with minor details about the future |
Wisdom Tooth Spiritual Meaning | Not allowing yourself to think and create a base of thought |
Yeast Infection Spiritual Meaning | Denying your own needs and refusing to support yourself |