Fish have been a staple of religious symbolism for thousands of years. Some scholars believe that fish were one of the first animals to be domesticated by humans, and they’ve been used in religious and spiritual practices ever since.
When you dream of fish, it’s important to consider what the dreams might mean. The number of fish in your dream can tell you different things depending on how many you see, so think about this as well when you’re trying to decipher what your dream means.
Multiple fish: If there are multiple fish in your dream and they’re swimming freely around each other without any barriers between them (like a tank), then this may mean that you feel like all of your relationships are healthy and free from conflict.
If there are barriers between them (like glass walls), then this may mean that you feel like something is blocking your relationship with someone else–or maybe even yourself! Here are some common interpretations:
A single fish: This can represent fertility or sexuality, but it can also indicate loneliness or isolation if there is no water around it or if there are no other sea creatures around it either (like starfish or crabs).
Dreaming of Fish: Exploring the Spiritual Meanings
Dreams can often be a window into our subconscious thoughts and feelings. When it comes to dreaming of fish, there are several spiritual meanings that can be attributed to this symbol. By exploring these interpretations, we can gain a deeper understanding of what our dreams may be trying to tell us.
1. Abundance and Prosperity
In many cultures, fish are seen as symbols of abundance and prosperity. In the Bible, there are stories of Jesus feeding thousands of people with just a few loaves of bread and fish. This miracle is often interpreted as a symbol of God’s abundance and generosity. When you dream of fish, it may be a sign that abundance is coming your way, whether in the form of material wealth or emotional fulfillment.
2. Emotions and Relationships
Fish are creatures that swim in the depths of the ocean, symbolizing the deep emotions that lie within us. When you dream of fish, it may be a reflection of your own emotional state or the state of your relationships. Multiple fish swimming freely may indicate that your relationships are healthy and harmonious, while barriers between the fish may represent obstacles or conflicts that need to be addressed.
3. Transformation and Renewal
Many cultures view fish as symbols of transformation and renewal. Just as fish can swim freely between different worlds (water and air), they symbolize the ability to adapt and evolve. When you dream of fish, it may be a sign that you are entering a period of growth and transformation in your life.
4. Spirituality and Faith
In some spiritual traditions, fish are seen as sacred symbols of spirituality and faith. The fish is a common symbol in Christianity, representing Jesus Christ and his followers. When you dream of fish, it may be a sign to strengthen your spiritual connection and trust in a higher power.
Overall, dreaming of fish can have a multitude of spiritual meanings that are deeply personal to each individual. Whether it symbolizes abundance, emotions, transformation, or spirituality, it is important to reflect on the context of the dream and how it relates to your own life.

Spiritual Meaning of Fish in The Bible
That the creeping things of the waters, or fishes, signify memory-knowledges, is plain from Isaiah:–
I came and there was no man; at My rebuke I dry up the sea, I make the rivers a wilderness; their fish shall stink because there is no water and shall die for thirst; I clothe the heavens with blackness (Isaiah 50:2, 3).
[2] But it is still plainer from Ezekiel, where the Lord describes the new temple, or a new church in general, and the man of the church, or a regenerate person; for every one who is regenerate is a temple of the Lord:–
The Lord Jehovah said unto me, These waters that shall issue to the boundary toward the east, and shall come toward the sea, being led into the sea, and the waters shall be healed; and it shall come to pass that every living soul that shall creep forth, whithersoever the water of the rivers shall come, shall live, and there shall be exceeding much fish, because those waters shall come thither, and they shall heal, and everything shall live whither the river cometh; and it shall come to pass that fishers shall stand upon it from En-gedi to En-eglaim, with the spreading of nets shall they be; their fish shall be according to its kind, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many (Ezekiel 47:8-10).
Fishers from En-gedi unto En-eglaim, with the spreading of nets, signify those who shall instruct the natural man in the truths of faith.
Fishes in the Word signify memory-knowledges, which spring from things of sense. For memory-knowledges (scientifica) are of three kinds: intellectual, rational, and sensuous. All these are planted in the memory, or rather memories, and in the regenerate man are called forth thence by the Lord, through the internal man. These memory-knowledges which are from things of sense come to man’s sensation or perception when he lives in the body, for he thinks from them.
The rest, which are interior, do not come so much to perception until man puts off the body and enters the other life. That fishes or the creeping things which the waters produce, signify memory-knowledges, may be seen above (AC 40); and that a whale or sea monster signifies the generals of these knowledges (AC 42). Moreover the same is evident from the following passages in the Word. In Zephaniah:–
I will make man and beast to fail; I will make the fowls of the heavens and the fishes of the sea to fail (Zephaniah 1:3),
where the fowls of the heavens denote things of reason, and the fishes of the sea lower rational things, that is, man’s thought from sensuous memory-knowledges.
[2] In Habakkuk:–
Thou makest man as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping thing that has no ruler over them (Habakkuk 1:14),
where making man as the fishes of the sea means that he is altogether sensuous. In Hosea:–
Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the wild animal of the field and the fowl of the heavens; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be gathered (Hosea 4:3),
where the fishes of the sea denote memory-knowledges from things of sense. In David:–
Thou hast put all things under his feet; all sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field, the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas (Ps. 8:6-8),
speaking of the dominion of the Lord in man, the fish of the sea denote memory-knowledges. That seas signify the gathering together of knowledges (scientificorum seu cognitionum), may be seen above (AC 28). In Isaiah:–
The fishers shall lament, and all they that cast a hook into the river shall mourn, and they that spread a net upon the faces of the waters shall languish (Isaiah 19:8);
fishers denoting those who trust only in things of sense, and out of these hatch falsities; the subject being Egypt, or the realm of memory-knowledge.
Symbolic and Spiritual Meaning of Fish
As you read scripture you will see a common symbolic theme when it comes to fish. The major one is that fish symbolize people or souls.
It’s such a strong and clear symbol that even in our modern culture we use fish idioms to reference people’s personalities or traits.
For example “fish out of water.” Is referring to a person who is in unfamiliar, and often uncomfortable, surroundings.
Another meaning fish can contain is the meaning of provision or supernatural provision. In the New Testament we see many miracles that involved fish.
- The multiplication of the fish and loaves (provision for food)
- Jesus telling the disciples to cast their nets on the right side of the boat (provision for food) – John 21:5-6
- A Coin in the fish’s mouth (provision to pay for taxes) – Matthew 17:27
Biblical Meaning Catching a Fish in A Dream (Fishing Dream)
When we look at fishing in scripture we are reminded of Jesus famous words in Matthew 4:19
Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19 NKJ
We see this through out the gospel that fish symbolize men. And fishing is essential meaning…”Catching people.”
This could look like…
- Evangelism
- Pulling people out (out of darkness, a situation, etc) Bible Verses: Mark 1:17, Luke 5:5-10, Matthew 13:47-49
Outside of a Biblical context we see this idea of fish and fishing meaning people as well. For example when it comes to finding a significant other.
We say things like, “there are plenty of fish in the sea.” If someone lacks emotions we call them a “cold fish.”
What would be good to note in your dream is how were you fishing and where. These questions can be helpful to see more clearly what the Lord is saying to you.
Here are some more questions to ask yourself:
- Was it with a fishing pole? With bait?
- With a net?
- With a spear?
- With your hands?
- Was I in a boat, dock, shore…etc?
- Fishing alone or with others?
- What was the body of water? Lake, sea, pond…etc?
These different locations and how you fish can have a huge impact to what the dream means. For example dreaming of catching a lot of fish in a small pond could represent, that your small start up business will flourish and be fruitful.
Biblical Meaning Eating a Fish in a Dream
Fish was a popular and common food source in Biblical times. Jesus also performed the multiplication of loaves and fishes twice to provide for thousands of people.
So, your fish dream could very well mean that Lord will bring provision. But this depends on your dream. If the dream is of you ferociously eating fish it could mean your words are hurting people.
Can you see how those are two completely different understanding of how fish are symbolized in the dream?
I don’t the know specific of your dream. You will have to pray and seek wisdom for the Lord to give you His interpretation of why you were eating fish.
Remember to ask questions too…
What was going on in the dream? What were you sensing and feeling? What kind of fish were you eating? etc…
Cooking or Cooked Fish Dream
Along the lines above cooked or cooking fish could represent provision is coming or being prepared. Some good questions to ask is, who was cooking the fish? Was the fish given to you or someone else?
Cutting Fish in a Dream
Cutting a fish could mean many different things. It could piggy back on cooking of fish and have the symbolic meaning of provision is being prepared for you.
Cutting and cleaning a fish could also represent cleaning of the soul or dealing with deep inner things.
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12
Biblical Meaning Fish Swimming
If your dream consists of fish swimming around or you swimming with fish. This could have multiple meanings from a Biblical standpoint. It could mean you joining a community. For example going to a new church or taking a class.
The school of fish could also represent a people group. It’s important to note where these fish swimming.
- Was it in a river, ocean, lake, or was it in an aquarium?
- Were the fish in danger or swimming peacefully
- Anything specific about these fish? Were the same? Did the have a specific color?
Biblical Dream About Fish Out of Water
I think most of us are familiar with the metaphor, “A fish out of water…” Meaning someone is feeling out of place or not fitting in.
Having a dream of a fish out of water could mean that very metaphor (God sometimes uses modern metaphors and idioms to speak to us) or it could mean someone is struggling and is need of help since a fish needs water to survive.
When I was younger my dad had koi fish in a pond at our house. And every once in a while a big koi fish would jump out of the pond to catch bugs.
If we didn’t notice or were not there to help it back into the pond it would die. If we happened to be there you would see this poor little fish gasping for air and struggle to try to get back into the water. We of course would quickly rescue it and all would be well.
Good questions to ask for this…
- Was the fish struggling or was the fish dead?
- Was the fish near water or far away?
- Did you help or try to help the fish?
- Did the fish survive?
Biblical Dream About Dead Fish
A fish out of water is one thing and a dead fish is another. Dreaming about dead fish could mean various things. It could mean the end of relationship/friendship, someone walking away from the Lord, someone having extreme struggles and more. This is one I would encourage you to pray a lot about especially if the Lord is highlighting it.
How to Interpret Fish in Dreams
Now that we have looked at those 6 types of fish dreams. How can we go about finding the meaning or interpretation.
First lets not forget these 3 IMPORTANT keys:
- Not all dreams come from God. Yes, God speaks to us in dreams, but there are times when our dream comes from our soul, body, or the enemy.
- Seek out the Bible for understanding symbols in your dreams.
- The interpretation comes from God. (Genesis 40:8)
Well I want to share some key steps you can take to help you interpret a dream with fish in it. You will see a lot of questions through these steps. This is to help you break down your dream and see what it could mean.
1. Write the dream down (or record it audible) and make note of anything prominent in the dream. (People, colors, objects, sound, location, etc…)
And especially anything that the fish does…
Key Fish Dream Questions To Ask:
- What type of fish was it?
- Was the fish small or large?
- What color was the fish? Example was it a black, brown, or blue fish?
- Was this fish in water, out of water, or dead/cooked?
- What was the fish doing?
- How did the fish make you feel?
- Was the fish able to speak or convey information to you? If so write that down.
Special note on colors. For example black fish or red fish could have a double or richer meaning to their symbol because of their color. You can learn more about colors at: The Ultimate Guide to Colors in the Bible
- Look into the Bible about symbols you saw in your dream like the fish. Make note of this information and if something is quickened in your spirit than write that down.
- Begin to pray about the dream and ask God to bring clarity about what the fish symbolizes. If you sense anything from God write it down.
- This is a good time to share the dream with a family member or a good friend. You want this person to be someone who know the Lord and knows the Word. Tell them what your sensing and feeling about the dream. Ask for their thoughts and counsel. I would encourage you to ask for prayer during this time as well.
- Pray over what you feel the dream and the fish could mean and take action if you feel the Lord is leading to you.