What do arches symbolize in the bible? An arch in a dream, denotes your rise to distinction and the gaining of wealth by persistent effort. To pass under one, foretells that many will seek you who formerly ignored your position. Continue reading for the Spiritual meaning of arches, and symbolism of arches.
If spanning a window or passageway, suggests new opportunity or direction. Your efforts are in the right direction if the arch was whole and/or attractive, but if it appeared to be broken, or damaged in any way, a new line of endeavor is suggested. To pass through a large stone arch means that your efforts to achieve distinction and wealth will be rewarded.
It is not good luck to dream of passing under an arch. Your family will criticize your actions. What condition is the arch in? The arch represents a doorway to fulfilling your highest desires and goals.
what do arches symbolize in the bible
Arches are a common symbol in Christian architecture, and they’re used to represent different things depending on their context.
When an arch is part of a window or door, it represents the doorway between heaven and earth. An arch in an open hallway or atrium is meant to be welcoming, while one that’s closed off means that you can’t pass through it.
A single-arch window or door represents the journey from life to afterlife; two arches signify the journey from death to afterlife; and three arches represent the trinity of God.

Arches are a classic symbol of spirituality, growth, and community. Arches are often found in churches, but they can also be found in other places of worship. The arch has been used for centuries as a symbol of protection and shelter, which makes it the perfect choice for a place where people gather to seek spiritual guidance and support.
The arch is also an excellent choice for a religious symbol because it has no beginning or end—it just is. This speaks to the infinite nature of God’s love, which is something we can all relate to on some level.
Finally, arches are always open-ended—they’re never closed off or finished. This speaks to the idea that religion should be accessible to everyone who wants it without any barriers or requirements (such as being a certain age or belonging to a particular group).
spiritual meaning of arches
“Arches are structures with deep resonance. They embody and symbolize many things: strength and support, lightness and openness within density, thresholds into liminal space. As an archetypal symbol, the arch is fundamentally masculine. In mythology arches & doorways are understood as thresholds in time and space (chronos/physical world) through which one passes to enter another kind of time and space (kairos/spiritual world), a concept that is deeply consonant with our ministries of both worship and hospitality.”
Wow! There’s a lot to get my teeth into there!
But there was more.
“In architecture, the arch serves to lift the eye (and spirit) upwards to a higher plane/ideal. It is also a fundamentally Johannine symbol, which may well have figured into the architect Ralph Adams Cram’s extensive use of arches throughout the monastery, as they recall Jesus’ “I AM” sayings from the Gospel of John—the Way, the door to the sheepfold, etc.”
This was all getting a bit deep for a Sunday!
And then Rob pointed out that the arch was also a Tarot symbol ( I know absolutely nothing about Tarot).
“Arch meaning in the Tarot is always speaking to us about openings, beginning and stepping through certain perspectives to see what’s on the other side.
Arch meaning also deals with initiation and ceremonies of renewal in many cultures. Walking through an archway represents the sloughing off of the old and moving into a new phase of life.
Aches are also symbolic of the expansiveness of sky. Indeed, arches were symbolic of Greco-Roman sky gods Zeus and Jupiter.
Arches also talk to us about opportunity. I’m wild over doors, windows, arches because they symbolize a universal law, which is “There is always another way.”
I have never studied the Tarot symbols but the website we were looking at pointed out that most archways in the Tarot are fitted with pillars, which convey a sense of duality.
It then went on to explain, I guess in a Tarot sense, that “this feeling of duality really plays nicely with the arch meaning because often we’re faced with some kind of contrast that prompts us to shift (move through the arch) our views.”
It went on, “Consider every subject as a two-sided coin: A light/positive or a dark/negative. These pillars symbolize the fact that everything in our existence holds both “yes” and “no” energy.
The arch meaning, then, represents our point of decision. The arch is place where we have reached our epiphany and we’ve internally confirmed our plan of action after weighing the balance of choices available to us.”
Rob found this quite fascinating and pointed out that I was ‘reinventing’ myself as an artist and was choosing a new path (albeit one that runs along side my original path – taken literally it could indicate that I am choosing to leave my conventional world. I am not – just not brave enough or indeed would want to. There is good stuff going on in my non-artistic life).
More from this Tarot site:
“The arch meaning also deals with protection. From a structural perspective, archways allow motion while serving as a foundation to buildings. This is a metaphor in the Tarot. In this light, archways encourage forward motion.
Arches are a lasting symbol that says “Move forward and your world will not crumble – only expand. Protection is here.”
And finally it suggested to ask these questions:
- If I were to boil this situation down to two choices, what would they be?
- What kind of openings for opportunities can I see in my life?
- There is always another way. What other options can I see?
- Am I prepared to move into a new light? See from a new perspective?
- Am I ready to cross over from one phase into another in my life?
Now this is all new to me, and I am not sure I particularly want to get into tarot cards (though some of the images can be quite beautiful). But does anyone out there have any knowledge on Tarot or indeed symbolism generally and contribute more to this information on arches? It does feel as though there is scope here for more research and work.
symbolism of arches
Arches are a symbol of strength and support, which is why they are often used in religious buildings. They represent the journey we go through during life—from birth to death—and also serve as a reminder of how we can rely on others to get us through tough times.
Arches are a beautiful and enduring symbol of the Christian faith. The arch represents the passage from death to life, from darkness to light, and from evil to good. Its shape is also reminiscent of the shape of a rainbow—a sign of God’s covenant with mankind.
In Christian tradition, an archway may appear at the entrance to a church building or on top of its door. As you enter through this arch, it symbolizes that you too are now entering into a holy place where God dwells among us.