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What is the sanctuary in a church

    To understand what the sanctuary in a church is all about, we first have to define the word sanctuary itself. According to Online-Dictionary , a sanctuary can either be a place of shelter, safety and protection, or it can also be a holy space, consecrated to God. Both definitions are true of churches.

    The sanctuary is the innermost part of the church building, and serves as its focal point. It is sometimes also known as “the holy of holies”. In traditional Christian churches, the main sanctuary is behind the altar. The sanctuary is normally used for the sacrificial act at Mass and for celebrations of the sacrament of reconciliation. In many churches, especially United Methodist, American Baptist and Lutheran congregations, there may be an entrance from the nave into the sanctuary through a side door or a removable decorative screen, called a rood screen or rood retable. The word comes from the Latin “sanctuarium” (“holy place”).

    The sanctuary of a church is the place where the most important elements are located. It is the part of the church where the congregation gathers for the service and it is also called chancel or choir.

    The sanctuary is the part of a church where services are held. It is separated from the rest of the building by an iconostasis, which is a wall that has icons on it. The altar, which contains relics (objects with special religious value), and the pulpit are also typically in this area

    In a church, the sanctuary is the area where priests or other clergy conduct services. The word “sanctuary” comes from the Latin word for “holy.” It is typically located at the front of the church, and its walls are adorned with images of Jesus and his apostles. There is usually an altar at one end of this space, where the priest stands to deliver his sermons.

    What is the sanctuary in a church


    The sanctuary is the most sacred part of any Catholic church. Just as there are different places in a house—like the kitchen, living room, and bedrooms—there are different places in a church that serve specific purposes. The sanctuary is where the tabernacle is located (and sometimes the altar is too), which means that it houses what Catholics believe to be Jesus himself (in the form of consecrated bread and wine). In addition, you may have noticed a light kept burning near the tabernacle at all times, even when there’s nobody in church! That light signifies that Christ is truly present in this space.

    It’s the most sacred part of the church.

    The sanctuary is the most sacred part of the church because that’s where Jesus lives with us. It’s a place of prayer, worship, and peace. It’s also a place of love—a place where you can feel loved by God and others as well. It’s where we come together to celebrate all that is good in our lives: relationships with family members, friends and co-workers; accomplishments at work or school; fun times with hobbies or sports activities—and so much more!

    It must be separated from other parts of the church.

    The sanctuary is the part of the church where Christ dwells with us, and it must be separated from other parts of the church. The most obvious way this is accomplished is by means of an altar rail (also called an altar step), which can be seen in many churches today. The priest stands behind this rail to minister to us during worship services and sacraments.

    Another way that sanctuary spaces are set off from others in a church building is through use of screens or curtains (such as those used at St. Peter’s Basilica).

    Only certain things can be placed in it.

    The sanctuary is a special place in the church where only certain things can be placed. These include:

    • Altar – The altar is where the bread and wine are blessed during Mass, and it also contains relics (parts of a saint’s body) that give people graces through their intercession with God.
    • Tabernacle – This is where the Blessed Sacrament (Jesus’ body) is reserved after Mass until it is consumed at another time. It may also contain other items like relics or pieces of consecrated host (the bread used in Communion).
    • Tabernacle veil – You need special permission to touch this veil, which covers up what’s inside your tabernacle. If you’re not sure if something is allowed there, ask a priest!

    It is where the altar and the tabernacle are.

    The sanctuary is the area that surrounds the altar and tabernacle. The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in a tabernacle in this area.

    The priest celebrates Mass at the altar, which is usually placed in the sanctuary.

    The altar and tabernacle are considered reserved places.

    It is considered a reserved place. That is, it’s a space that cannot be entered by anyone but those who have special permission from the bishop or pastor. The altar and tabernacle are reserved places because they contain the Blessed Sacrament, which is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ who was crucified for our sins on Good Friday (hence “good”).

    The altar is where Mass is celebrated every Sunday and holy day of obligation; however, you can also find altars in chapels all over campus and even in some classrooms at Notre Dame! If you ever see an altar in your local church (and other Catholic churches), approach it with reverence—it’s the place where God comes down to meet us face-to-face at Mass!

    Reserved because they house the Blessed Sacrament, or consecrated communions.

    The sanctuary is a sacred place in the church. It is reserved because it houses the Blessed Sacrament, or consecrated communions, which are used for Holy Communion. The altar and tabernacle are located here as well as the sanctuary light that burns candles near the Blessed Sacrament during Masses.

    In general, during Masses when priests are celebrating mass in front of a congregation of believers and nonbelievers alike, you will see them wearing vestments that represent Christ’s passion and resurrection (e.g., white alb on top with amice around neck). They often use incense (salt) to symbolize God’s presence within us while they perform certain rituals such as blessing water before its distribution among parishioners during Baptism ceremonies or weddings outside Mass settings; this is done so that these people might also receive blessings from God when they’re baptized/married through their own free will rather than coercion by others who may not share their beliefs nor understand them fully enough due to lack thereof knowledge about how Christianity works!

    The blessed water is kept there too.

    The blessed water is kept there too.

    During the Easter Vigil, which takes place on Holy Saturday night, a priest blesses this water as part of his first blessing for the new church year. The blessed water is used to bless people and places (like homes) during special services throughout the year. It’s also stored in a special container called a stoup so that people can dip their fingers into it when they want to be baptized or absolved of sin.

    This is just one example of why churches have such beautiful decorations and art: because they’re meant to serve as reminders of spiritual things—and even tangible things like sacraments can help us remember them!

    The sanctuary light is kept burning 24 hours a day to signify that Christ is truly present in this space.

    The sanctuary light is the only light that is allowed to be on in the sanctuary. It symbolizes Christ’s presence and His love for us. If a sanctuary light goes out, it must be fixed immediately because it represents Christ and His love for us.

    When you go to Mass, pay attention to what happens in the sanctuary and when!

    When you go to Mass, pay attention to what happens in the sanctuary and when!

    • The sanctuary is the most sacred part of the church. It is where God’s presence resides—the tabernacle (where we keep the Blessed Sacrament) and altar.
    • The sanctuary light is kept burning 24 hours a day. This reminds us that Christ has never left us since He ascended into heaven—he is always with us as our Savior and Lord!

    The sanctuary is a special place in the church where Jesus lives with us!

    The sanctuary is a special place in the church where Jesus lives with us! The altar is where the priest celebrates the Eucharist. The tabernacle is where the Blessed Sacrament is kept 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Above all, it’s important to remember that Jesus never leaves your side. He loves you more than anything!

    The sanctuary light is kept burning 24 hours a day as an invitation for anyone who wants to worship God and find him there at his throne of grace in this holy place called “sanctuary”.


    In the sanctuary, we have a special place to remember that Jesus is always with us, whether we are near or far from church. He lives in the Blessed Sacrament and waits for us to come visit him and pray to him even when we can’t be physically present. We hope you will take some time today or tomorrow to think about how important this part of the Mass is. Maybe it will inspire you to spend more time there next Sunday!