In Kabbalistic tradition, the Red Bracelet (leather, cord, or string) has been used for centuries as a tool of protection from the threat of the “Evil Eye.” The “Evil Eye” refers to the unfriendly stares and unkind glances we sometimes get from people around us. It is the belief that when people look upon us with jealous eyes and wish us ill will, it affects us, stopping us from maximizing our potential in life. This page also explains the Kabbalah bracelet prayer meaning.
The Red String Bracelet and other handmade Kabbalah jewelry have recently become popular as celebrities such as Madonna, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Paris Hilton, Brittany Spears and Avril Lavigne have been spotted sporting them in public. But the Red String Bracelet is much more than a trendy fashion statement. It represents an ancient means of Kabbalistic protection and blessing. You will also read about how to bless a red string bracelet on this page.
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on Translation How To Say The Ben Porat Prayer In English, Kabbalah Bracelet Prayer Meaning, Why We Wear The Red String Bracelet. Read on to learn more.
Ben Porat Prayer Meaning
The Hebrew Bible’s (Old Testament) book of Genesis is where the Ben Porat Prayer first appeared. It is based specifically on a blessing that the patriarch Jacob (sometimes called Israel) gave to his son Joseph. Genesis 49:22 records this blessing.
“Joseph’s branches run over the wall; he is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a spring.”
“Joseph is a fruitful son” or “Joseph is a fruitful tree” is how the Hebrew phrase “Ben Porat Yosef” (בֶּן־פֹּרָת יוֹסֵף) is translated. This passage from the Bible serves as the foundation for the “Ben Porat Prayer.”
In Jewish tradition, parents frequently say or invoke this line as a blessing for their children, especially on Friday evenings over Shabbat (Sabbath) dinner. Invoking Jacob’s blessings upon their own children through prayer, they ask for goodness, safety, and strength for them.
Inspired by the biblical blessing of Joseph, the Ben Porat Prayer is a sincere declaration of a parent’s love and hope for their child’s prosperity. In Jewish homes, it is a deeply important custom that is treasured for its relationship to the biblical story.
When leaving the house, people specifically chant the Kabbalistic red string protection prayer known as “Ben Porat Yosef,” which calls for the defense of Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael, the four arch angles.
“I place Uriel in front, Raphael behind, Michael to my right, Gabriel to my left, and the Shekhina above, in the name of GOD (YHVH). Ben Porat Alei Ayin, Ben Porat Yosef.
Some people, however, believe that the red string bracelet with Kabbalah is merely an accessory—an additional way to dress stylishly and distinctively. According to Kabbalistic tradition, receiving negative vibes or the “Evil Eye” from someone prevents us from experiencing true happiness in life.
For ages, people have employed the crimson string of Kabbalah to defend themselves from this evil energy. Due to its application and mystical power, the red string of Kabbalah has gained popularity among notable individuals in recent years. It’s not necessary to spend a lot of money on a bracelet when you can get a red Kabbalah string for very little money. Even if opinions vary, it is possible to obtain Kabbalah protection by following a few easy measures.
Translation How To Say The Ben Porat Prayer In English
Kabbalistic Means Of Blessing And Protection
Tradition says that a red string (or leather cord) is used for making the red string bracelet.
The Red String to be used must have been wound around the stone marker over the Hebrew Matriarch, Rachel’s grave seven times. As the cord is wound, the user recites the 33rd Psalm from the Hebrew Bible and the mystical prayer Ana B’Koach and Asher Yatzar.
Then, the red string, leather or cord is cut into bracelet size lengths and is worn on the left hand as a symbolic request for protection and blessing.

“Rachel” And The Red String Bracelet
The name “Rachel” comes from the Hebrew word, “rachil”, which means “lamb.” This symbolizes the virtue of humility. We are to learn from this that we must be humble in the presence of G-d like a lamb stands in humility before its master as it is sheared. “Rachel” also represents “speech.” This is also a form of humility as speech has no power in, and of, itself.
All that speech does is reveal the thoughts of the orator. So too, we should submit ourselves to the Will of G-d as we are powerless in comparison to His awesome power.
In the Bible, we learn that Rachel did not envy Leah’s good fortune (only her good deeds). As such, we are taught to pray that no one envy our success. We learn that Rachel’s prayer for a child was answered; and, therefore, we are supposed to pray that the barren be blessed with children. Rachel was cured of her affliction.
We pray, therefore, that the sick be healed.
Other Symbols Of The Red String Revealed
The Concept of a String and the Color Red. This is to remind us that each day, a thread of G-d’s grace is poured out upon us. We see that G-d renews the world for one more, new, day. The red string bracelet symbolizes that this “thread of G-d’s grace.” The Hebrew word for “red,” adom, reminds us of the unique relationship between us and G-d. For example, adom is related to many words such as adama “earth, blood,” and adam “man.” Red also reminds us of the need to return to G-d by repentance, as it is written “If your sins be as crimson, they will be as white as snow.” So, wearing a Kabbalah Bracelet with an authentic Red String is not only a means of protection, it is a means of remembrance.
Seven Times and the Left Hand. The “seven times” represents the need for G-d’s protection over us seven days of the week. It also symbolizes the seven emotions, and the seven G-dly emanations (sefirot). As for the “left”, the left heart is full of blood and is the egocentric, weaker, part of a person’s soul. When we wear the string around the left hand, we are reminded that we must constantly fight against our selfish and egocentric urges.
The 33rd Psalm. The number 33 correlates to the concept of the “teshuva,” as the Bible states that the evil King Menashe repented for 33 years before G-d received him.” The time period between the 33rd day between Passover and the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) is a period associated with the hope that circumstances will improve for the better. The Psalm itself also consists of three parts: the introduction, the middle part, and a conclusion praising G-d for his deliverance
You can get the full text of the Psalm and the Prayer below.
The Text Of The 33rd Psalm
Sing joyously to the L-rd, you righteous ones.
It is fitting for the upright to offer praise.
Extol the L-rd with a harp; sing to him with a ten-stringed lyre.
Sing to him a new song; skillfully play songs of jubilation.
For the word of the L-rd is just; all His deeds are done in faithfulness.
He loves righteousness and justice; the kindness of the L-rd fills the earth.
By the word of the L-rd the heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth all their hosts.
He gathers the waters of the sea like a mound; He stows away the deeps in vaults.
Let all the earth fear the L-rd; let all the inhabitants of the world tremble before Him.
For He spoke and it came to be; He commanded, and it endured.
The L-rd has annulled the counsel of nations; He has foiled the schemes of peoples.
The counsel of the L-rd stands forever, the thoughts of His heart throughout all the generations.
Fortunate is the nation whose G-d is the L-rd, the people He chose as a heritage for Himself.
The L-rd looks down from heaven; He beholds all mankind.
From His dwelling-place He watches intently all the inhabitants of the earth.
It is He who fashions the hearts of them all, who perceives all their actions.
A king is not saved through a large army; a warrior is not rescued by means of great strength.
A horse is a false guarantee for victory; with all its great strength it offers no escape.
But the eye of the L-rd is directed toward those who fear Him, toward those who hope for His kindness; to save their soul from death and to sustain them during famine.
The Ana B’Ko’ach Prayer – A Kabbalistic Prayer And Meditation To Increase Good In Your Life
We implore You by the great power of Your right hand, release the captive.
Accept the prayer of Your people; strengthen us, purify us, Awesome One.
Mighty One, we beseech You, guard as the apple of the eye those who seek Your Oneness.
Bless them, cleanse them; bestow upon them forever Your merciful righteousness.
Powerful, Holy One, in our abounding goodness, guide Your congregation.
Only and Exalted One, turn to Your people who are mindful of Your holiness.
Accept our supplication and hear our cry, You who know secret thoughts.
This is a beautiful meditation set to the Ana B’Ko’ach prayer. Meditate on the Hebrew characters as you listen to the music. I meditate on this prayer daily when I first awaken. It really sets the tone for my day.
Why We Wear The Red String Bracelet
The Red String Bracelet serves as a channel to help manifest our desire for connection and protection from G-d. Wearing the Red Bracelet (leather, cord or string) signifies your intent to receive G-d’s protection and blessing; and, your intent to become a better person, by performing acts of goodness and kindness and humility.
Remember, humility is not only an attribute of G-d, its the sign of a G-dly person.
Anyone who dons the red string bracelet with the awareness of Rachel the Matriarch and these powerful meditations is surrounded by the full force of protection she manifested in our physical world.”>
Learn To Practice Kabbalh The Right Way – There is much more to Kabbalah than the red string bracelet
Kabbalah is a divine technology that you can use to change your life. The Red String Bracelet is only a small part of the practice. The key to success with Kabbalah is to learn about, and practice meditating, on the 72 Names Of God. Read below to learn more about harnessing the power of these Divine Names.
Kabbalah Bracelet Prayer Meaning
Wearing a thin scarlet or a crimson string (Hebrew: חוט השני, khutt hashani) as a type of talisman is a Jewish folk custom which is practiced as a way to ward off misfortune which is brought about by the “evil eye” (Hebrew: עין הרע). The tradition is popularly thought to be associated with Kabbalah and religious forms of Judaism.
The red string itself is usually made from thin scarlet wool thread. It is worn as a bracelet or band on the left wrist of the wearer (understood in some Kabbalistic theory as the receiving side of the spiritual body), knotted seven times. The person has to knot it seven times while saying the kabbalah bracelet prayer.
How To Bless A Red String Bracelet
How to Properly Tie a Red String Bracelet
This is a comprehensive guide on how to properly wear your red protection bracelet:
First, picture yourself wearing the bracelet with the goal in mind.
What are you hoping to accomplish by wearing the bracelet?
Do you want to safeguard yourself from unfavorable circumstances?
Is it possible that you just want to improve your luck?
Think of your objective as you wrap the red string around your wrist.
Next, put the bracelet on your left wrist.
To be on the receiving end, look at your left wrist.
The power of the bracelet’s protection is taken in through the hand.
Wearing the red string on your left wrist will afford you the greatest degree of safety.
The third action is to pray or bless.
Say a prayer or make a blessing for the bracelet’s protection as you put it on.
Your blessing should reflect your goals for the bracelet.
An example blessing is as follows:
Say it with me now: “I am safe from any potential harm or negative energy.”
Consideration Number Four: Connect with the Bracelet’s Energy
Take some time after donning your red thread bracelet to tune into its vitality.
Feel how it envelops you and keeps you safe.
Let the bracelet’s good energy permeate your entire being.
Wearing a red string will give you a sense of safety and security.