Who was adam’s first wife in the bible? Adam’s first wife was Lilith, who was described as a beautiful and powerful demon. The Bible does not give any details about her existence or her relationship with Adam. what happened to adams first wife? and why isnt lilith in the christian bible?
In fact, the only time Lilith is mentioned in the Bible is when God created Eve from Adam’s rib (Genesis 2:21-22). It is believed that she was banished from Eden for refusing to obey Adam and for trying to kill their children. This story may have been inspired by a legend about Lilith being Adam’s first wife before Eve.
However, there are many sources outside of the Bible that describe Lilith as Adam’s first wife. In fact, some Jewish folklore says that Lilith and Zohar were both created at the same time by God, but they were born with horns on their heads (which means they were not yet fully human). They were then thrown out of Eden because they refused to obey God’s commands; however, they refused again when He sent an angel named Raphael to try and persuade them into submission (see Genesis Rabbah).
In one version of this story, it states that Lilith eventually became pregnant with 100 demons before she left Eden forever (see Alphabet of Ben Sira).

Who Was Adam’s First Wife In The Bible
According to Jewish folklore, Lilith was Adam’s first wife. Though she is not mentioned in the Torah, over the centuries she has become associated with Adam in order to reconcile contradictory versions of Creation in the book of Genesis.
Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About
Many people heard the story about Adam and Eve. However, they rarely understand the story of Adam’s first wife, whose name is Lilith. In some religious texts, Lilith is believed to be the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
While less is known about Lilith than Eve, she is still a significant part of historic religious tests. She is believed to be the first woman and considered the first real feminist in history and created as an equal to Adam.

what happened to adams first wife
People often feel that Adam came before Eve. If you remember, Eve was created from a rib of Adam’s as this meant man was always supposed to protect a woman. While this story remains biblically correct, Lilith’s story proves that man and woman were created at the same time.
This proof shows up during the same time the Bible proves Lilith existed. In Genesis 1: 27, the King James version states, “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

2. Lilith Show The Equality Between Man And Woman
Many people believe because Lilith was created at the same time as Adam, she is the main symbol of equality for women. She was not created from Adam, but as part of God’s image. God created Lilith in the same way and during the same time he created Adam. However, this is not the only reason Lilith is a symbol for feminists.
She is also a symbol because she left Adam due to the subservient role that Adam and God were trying to make her follow. Lilith felt there was more to her life than being in Adam’s shadows.

3. She Received Her Background During The Middle Ages
The first time Lilith’s background became public was in the Alphabet of Ben Sira during the 8th and 10th centuries. Not only does this story state that Lilith was Adam’s wife before Eve, but it also describes the reason for their separation and gives her the name Lilith.
Because of this text, Jewish scholars were able to piece together that Lilith is discussed in Genesis 1. Furthermore, they realized why people don’t consider Lilith in a positive way.

4. Lilith Came Before Eve
While some people believe that The Bible references Lilith more than once, she is undoubtedly mentioned in Isaiah 34:14. However, some people also state she is part of the book in Genesis, specifically Genesis 1, who suggests that God created man and woman at the same time.
While some people refer to this as Eve, other people believe this woman can’t be Eve as Eve is in Genesis 2 and created from Adam’s rib. Therefore, there had to have been a woman before Eve, which would be Lilith.

5. Isaiah 34:14 Mentions Lilith, But Not Always By Name
People believe the only mention of Lilith is Isaiah 34:14. The King James Version states, “The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.”
The Darby Bible Translation has the name Lilith as it states, “And there shall the beasts of the desert meet with the jackals, and the wild goat shall cry to his fellow; the Lilith also shall settle there, and find for herself a place of rest.”

6. Incantation Bowls Have Her Name
During the ancient world, people would use something called an incantation bowl in order to incapacitate demons. This was also a popular belief among the Jews, who would often use these type of containers during exorcisms. The name Lilith is inscribed in several incantation bowls.
One of the inscriptions state, “The evil Lilith, who causes the hearts of men to go astray and appears in the dream of the night and in the vision of the day. Who burns and casts down with nightmare, attacks and kills children, boys, and girls.”

7. She Typically Appears In Dreams
Lilith is believed to be a night demon. Because she is known to be a demon who seduces others, she is thought to cause men to pleasure in their dreams that can cause them to act out the wishes of their desires.
This means that Lilith can be the cause of a cheating man. However, Lilith has not only reached out to men as some incantation bowls show that she has entered the dreams of children, where she would try to get them to do bad things.

8. Some Believe Lilith To Be A Seductress
The Talmud, which gives us the Babylonian representation of Lilith, states that not only is she evil, but she is also a seductress. This text says that Lilith shows up when men are sleeping. She is declared to be a demon with wings and has long flowing hair.
Furthermore, these texts state that Lilith visited Adam when he was separated from Eve, which was during the time when he fathered not only female and male demons but also ghosts.

9. Some People Believe She Is The Serpent In The Garden Of Eden
When you look at Michelangelo’s painting in the Sistine Chapel, many people believe you can see Lilith. “The Fall of Man” shows a woman who has the tail of a serpent which is wrapped around a tree. There are other texts which describe Lilith.
For instance, the Kabbalah states, “And the Serpent, the Woman of Harlotry, incited and seduced Eve through the husks of Light which in itself is holiness…For Evil Lilith…came to Adam against his will, and became hot from him and bore him many demons and spirits and Lilin.”

10. She Is Portrayed In Many Forms
No one really knows what Lilith looks like because she is portrayed in different forms throughout history. Other than a serpent, she is depicted as a half-demon and half woman while other people have stated she looks like a gorgeous woman.
People wouldn’t imagine her to be evil by her looks. Most descriptions note that she is known for her beautiful, long hair. However, no matter how people have described her looks, they all state that she is a very strong and powerful woman.

11. Lilith Stalks Children
One of the most frightening myths about Lilith, especially for parents, is she is believed to stalk children. Whether she stalks all babies or not is unknown. However, she often received the blame for babies dying in the womb or shortly after birth.
Many people also believe that she will prefer young boys over girls; however, there is no direct reason for this. She simply goes after children who are only a few days to a couple of weeks old because she believes this is one of her callings.

12. She Is Believed To Be Adam’s First Wife
Lilith is believed to be the first physical woman created by God, even before Eve. Therefore, she is stated to be the first wife of Adam. Unfortunately, the couple would have a falling out, which would ultimately cause Lilith to follow the devil instead of God.
Once God realized that Lilith would not return to Adam, he created Eve through one of Adam’s ribs. This meant that Eve would be Adam’s new faithful companion. Some scholars believe that Lilith would spend her days after Eve’s creation trying to end the relationship between the pair.

13. God Punished Lilith For Her Failed Relationship With Adam
According to scholars, God and his Heavenly angels tried everything they could to convince Lilith to go back to Adam. Unfortunately, she would refuse. While God worked to give Adam a different faithful companion, he also knew that Lilith had to be punished for her ways.
Therefore, God told Lilith that 100 of her children would be sentenced to death. He would take one of her children every day. However, not even this punishment would send Lilith back to Adam.

14. She Is Primarily A Jewish Figure
If you haven’t heard of Lilith before, or just knew of her as a demon, this is because she is primarily a Jewish mythology figure. She first came around in the Middle Ages through Jewish texts. In fact, it wasn’t until the last few centuries that other cultures have started to discuss Lilith.
In the early 1900s, Greco-Roman mythology mentions a Lamia, which translates to Lilith. In this mythology, they see Lilith as more of a vampire and is known to seduce men. In German literature, Lilith first shows up in the late 1700s.

15. Lilith Shows Up In English Literature During the 19th Century
During the 1800s, Lilith started showing up in English literature through sonnets, stories, and paintings. One of the first recounts occurs in the Notes on the Royal Academy Exhibition, which is a pamphlet review. This review published a sonnet called “Lilith” by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
In this sonnet, Rossetti describes Lilith as being Adam’s first wife, whom he loved dearly. However, Lilith didn’t have the same desires as Adam. She is compared to a snake with cravings for other men and freedom.

16. Jewish Mothers Used Protect Their Children From Lilith
While many cultures and religions have only learned about Lilith within the last few centuries, many others have known about the story of Lilith since the middle ages. Most people did not feel that Lilith is a positive example for their children, especially their daughters.
Right after the Middle Ages, if you were to visit the home of a Jewish mother, you would have seen amulets with the inscription “Lilith – abei,” which means, “Lilith begone.” By doing this, mothers were able to protect their children from Lilith.

17. Since the 19th Century, Lilith Has Become Popular In Books Across The World
While many people don’t know about Lilith, she is a popular figure in books. The first mention of in a book you can read today is written by George MacDonald in 1895. His book, simply titled Lilith, takes a positive view of her story.
Other books you want to check out are C. L. Moore’s 1940 story Fruit of Knowledge, which is written in Lilith’s point of view and Stephen Brust’s 1984 novel To Reign in Hell. Lilith is the main character of this novel and the love interest of Lucifer and Satan.

18. Lilith Is Making Her Mark In Popular Culture
Books aren’t the only form of popular culture Lilith is making her mark in. She is also portrayed in movies. Some of the most popular films are Supernatural, 30 Days of Night: Dark Days, Evil Angel, The Chosen, and there is also an opera called Lilith which focuses on her after Adam’s funeral when she is confronted by Eve.
Lilith is also portrayed or given honors in several video games, such as Darksiders, Darksiders II, DmC: Devil May Cry, and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. In video games, Lilith is often portrayed as a dark demon-type character.

19. Some Stories Say Lilith Was Made From Earth By Adam
While most people talk about Lilith being created from God at the same time he created Adam, other people don’t believe this. Some people say that the book of Genesis discusses how Lilith was created from the Earth. It further states it wasn’t God that created her but because of Adam’s loneliness.
Another reason for Lilith’s creation is because Adam needed to find a way to create new life. Unlike Eve, Lilith has many unknown pieces to her story. No matter how much research and analyzing scholars do, they have yet to give Lilith one account.

20. Dead Sea Scrolls Associate Her With Demons
During the 1940s and 1950s, 800 scroll texts washed up from the Dead Sea on the West Bank. Today these texts are known as the Dead Sea Scrolls and discuss Lilith. Not only are these scrolls biblical writings, but they also include Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek prayers, apocryphal works, and legal documents.
These scrolls associate Lilith with demons. Some parts are also used during exorcisms, which state, “And I, the Sage, sound the majesty of His beauty to terrify and confound all the spirits of destroying angels and the bastard spirits, the demons, Lilith… and those that strike suddenly…”

21. Lilith Is The Reason For Unexplainable Woes
After God punished Lilith by ending the lives of her first 100 children, Lilith came to the conclusion that she is meant to cause sickness to infants. This is one reason why Jewish mothers used to protect their babies with amulets above their beds.
Other than the amulets, Lilith would spare any children who were named after angels. If not, she hovered over girls for 20 days and boys for eight days. Because of this myth, Lilith faced blame for the death of infants. She also became a symbol of sadness and unfortunate events.

22. Some People Believe She Rules Beside Satan
The core book of Kabbalah, also known as the Zohar, portrays Lilith as a dark temptress. Many people who follow this book believe that she bores demonic children by “nocturnal emissions” of men. They also think she kills children by strangling them.
The Zohar describes Lilith as ruling beside Satan and sometimes taking a human form in order to seduce men or kill other people. According to the Zohar, Lilith disguises herself as the Queen of Sheba in order to attract King Solomon. However, her disguise became discovered when someone saw her as a hairy monster.

23. She Is The First Feminist
By now, you are aware that Lilith is not only considered to be evil in most religious accounts but she is also seen as the first feminist. The main reason for this is because Lilith left Adam as she desired her own freedom. She did not want to bow down to Adam’s wishes.
Lilith became a modern-day feminist during the feminist movement of the 1970s. During this movement, women started protesting and fighting for their own freedom, just as Lilith did. Women wanted to make their own choices, which included sexual partners.

24. Lilith Wants You If You Dream About The Same Woman
Lilith is known as a seductress, and there are many signs that point to Lilith is pursuing you. One of the first signs is you continue to have sexual dreams about the same woman. This can be a woman you recognize or don’t. However, people give warning as they say this is not the woman you believe it is.
No matter what the woman looks like, it is known to be Lilith in disguise. If she knows you have a love interest, she will show up as her. She could also portray herself as the woman of your dreams.

25. Lilith Can Shapeshift Into A Fly If You’re A Pregnant Woman
Lilith doesn’t enjoy the company of women. She is also known to cause emotional pain and suffering to new mothers and pregnant women. In fact, many people believe that if you are pregnant and are often plagued by flies, it is Lilith.
Lilith can shapeshift in a fly and will spend her time flying around a pregnant woman’s bedroom. She will become annoying and frustrating, just like most flies. Therefore, there is no direct way to know if the fly pushing your limits is Lilith. Consequently, it is always best to get rid of the fly.

26. Lilith Controls People Around You
Lilith is a demon who is known to rule beside Satan. She has red hair and is very persistent in her efforts to seduce men or get to your children. She doesn’t care about the costs because she is the demon known for unexplainable woes.
One of the ways she will try to get what she wants is by controlling the people around you. This is often known as demonic possession; however, Lilith can make this temporary. If you notice people around you start acting strange, it might be Lilith.

27. Lilith Might Be Around If You Are Constantly Seeing Snakes
Lilith is connected with snakes from the beginning. In fact, many people believe she is the serpent which convinced Eve to take a bite of the apple. Since then, Lilith has often shown herself by shapeshifting into a snake. Lilith might be a snake if one of two things happens.
First, there is one specific snake which is messing with your head. For instance, you are typically not afraid of snakes. However, this particular snake makes you beyond uncomfortable and even frightened. Second, you see a bunch of snakes around your home or in one location.

28. Lilith Might Pursue You If You Are A Mother Or Pregnant
Lilith is known to pursue a lot of people. She will seek a man she wants, an infant, a pregnant woman, or a mother. If you are pregnant, Lilith might be in your location if you are always bothered by a fly in your bedroom or because you are about to give birth.
Lilith wants your children. She believes she is the demon who is supposed to take away children and cause you pain and suffering. Therefore, if you are a mother or about to have a baby, you are a target for Lilith.

Ms. Wardwell from “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.” Bustle.
29. She Is The Main Character In “The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina”
If you are a Netflix fan and interesting in watching a darker Netflix series, you will want to check out “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.” This show is a darker take on the 1990s television show, “Sabrina: The Teenage Witch.”
The Netflix show portrays Sabrina’s aunts as Satanists who need to follow the rules for witches. At the end of the first season, you learn that Ms. Wardwell, Sabrina’s high school teacher, is none other than Lilith, the demon who wants to sit beside Satan. In fact, you later find out she is trying to win this role.

30. Lilith Is The Mother Of Vampires In “True Blood”
Another television show to catch if you are interested in Lilith is HBO’s “True Blood.” When it comes to True Blood, it is believed that Lilith is the mother of all vampires, but not the first vampire. Throughout the series, you learn that God created Lilith before he created Adam and Eve.
This makes Lilith the first creation of God. Also, because Lilith is the mother of vampires, this makes God the first vampire. However, you won’t correctly see Lilith portrayed in the series until Season 5.
Adam’s first wife was Lilith.
Lilith was said to be a shapeshifting demon that lived in the Garden of Eden before Eve was created. She refused to lie beneath Adam during sexual intercourse, so God banished her from the Garden and replaced her with Eve.