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Spiritual Meaning of Month of August

    Get updated information on spiritual meaning of month of august We at Churchgists have all the information that you need about the spiritual meaning of August.

    August is a special month for many people, and it has great significance in their lives. It is the month when one can do great deeds and get benefits. It is also the time to make resolutions and start new things in life. There are many reasons why people celebrate this month with great enthusiasm.

    This month is considered to be a good time for starting new projects because it brings good luck and fortune to those who start something new during this period. It is also believed that if one starts something new during this period, their dreams will come true soon after they start working towards achieving their goals.

    There are several ways in which one can make use of this auspicious month to achieve success in life. One such way is by performing pooja or puja at home or office premises during August every year. This helps in bringing peace and prosperity into your life by attracting divine blessings from God Almighty.

    Another way through which one can make use of this auspicious month for achieving success in life is by setting aside some money every year towards charity work or donating food items

    What does the month of August celebrate

    Letting go: August’s spiritual significance

    1. Give up the tendency of criticizing other people and yourself. When we judge, we fail to perceive things as they actually are. We cease recognizing and embracing reality as it is. Peaceful living comes from putting ourselves first and ceasing to judge others.

    The truth is that when we let go of our judgment, we start to perceive them as fellow citizens of the earth and experience a sense of unity with everything around us.

    One has to go within and look past outward appearances.

    1. Let go of past hurts and memories. It’s time to let go of the things that are weighing you down and allow your heart and mind to see things more clearly.

    August’s Spiritual Significance and Significance of Birth Stones

    The birth stones for August are Sardonyx and Peridot.

    Sometimes called the “Evening Emerald” because of its pale green hue, peridot (discovered in volcanic ashes and sometimes thought to be the tears of Pele, the volcano goddess) represents courage and is considered to assist those who carry it:

    Develop their capacity for foresight and inner vision
    Combat pessimistic ideas
    Overcome feelings of jealousy
    It’s also claimed that wearing this priceless stone encrusted in gold will shield the person from nightmares.

    In addition to being a stone of strength and protection, sardonyx is said to draw luck and friends and offer stability and enduring happiness to relationships and marriages. It is said to help improve one’s integrity, vigor, endurance, and willpower.

    Spiritual Significance and Interpretations of August 3August’s Spiritual Symbolism and Significance of Flowers

    There are two flowers that are associated with August: poppy and gladiolus.

    The gladiolus, so named because of the shape of its leaves, which resemble a sword (or “gladius”), is claimed to have been the emblem of Roman gladiators and to stand for power, readiness, and love at first sight.

    Opium, which was utilized in the ancient Mediterranean world to induce sleep and relieve pain, is produced by a natural species of poppies found in the Mediterranean region. In actuality, this flower was connected to both the god of dreams, Morpheus, and the god of sleep, Hypnos, by the ancient Greeks. Morpheus is the name of the narcotic morphine, which we use today and is derived from opium.

    August spiritual days

    According to Greek mythology, Alcyone, the “King of the Winds” Aeolus’ daughter, plunged herself into the sea after she discovered her husband had drowned. The gods repaid her dedication by changing her into a kingfisher. Then, during the seven days leading up to and following the winter solstice—when, in mythology, the female kingfisher lays her eggs—her father forbade her from blowing wind during the “Halcyon Days.”

    August’s spiritual connotation is “letting go”; give up the tendency to judge both yourself and other people.
    When we judge, we fail to recognize reality as it is. We cease recognizing and embracing reality as it is. Peaceful living comes from putting ourselves first and ceasing to judge others.

    The truth is that when we let go of our judgment, we start to perceive them as fellow citizens of the earth and experience a sense of unity with everything around us.

    One has to go within and look past outward appearances.

    Give up on painful memories and the past. You deserve to be free of your burdens and have fresh perspective flowing through your heart and head.

    Spiritual Meaning of Month of August

    The 8th month of the year, August, was named after Augustus Caesar, the first Emperor of Rome. Originally, the month was named Sextilis. Even with that change, the name Augustus was considered auspicious as early as 8 BCE. However, the use of the term August proper really didn’t become popular until around 1550. The Latin term Augustus means set apart or esteemed, which gives us two potential ideas about the meaning and symbolism of August.

    It was 700 BCE when August became the 8th month since January and February moved to the beginning of the year on the new calendar system. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, August brings us into late summer and early Fall. In the Southern Hemisphere they are finishing out Winter.

    As with several other months, skygazers can look forward to various meteor showers. There is Kappa Cygnids (the date varies) and the Alpha Capricornids, that started in July and ended on the 10th. Additionally, the famous Perseids meteor shower takes place up until the 24th of August.

    Horse Spirit Totem Power Animal Symbolism Meaning 1200x630

    Besides his opulent name, we can derive other meanings and symbols for August by looking more closely at his notable historical figure. His original name was Gaisu Octavios, and he was from a family that made quite a living off of horsemanship.
    The Romans saw the Horse as a sign of victorious wars, power, authority, respect, fertility and longevity. The animal was sacred to Mars, a God of battle.

    Upon the death of his great-uncle Julius in 44 BCE, his name became Augustus Cesar, as designated by Julius’ will. Augustus worked with Mark Anthony to find and defeat those who assassinated Caesar, an honorable endeavor. With that matter closed, Rome became a republic with several dictators. Mind you, the ambitions of dictators are rarely temperate. By 31 BCE, Augustus had moved Rome back toward a free republic with a Senate, Magistrates and assemblies. While indisputably the autocratic military leader, Augustus stayed away from titles that suggested anything associated with the monarchy. He instead chose “First Citizen” as his designation.

    The beauty of Augustus (and the month named after him) is that he brought peace out of a very conflicted area that lasted 200 years. Augustus inspired growth, reform, a stronger infrastructure and various city services, including firefighters. With this in mind, we can think of this month in terms of civility, reorganization, improvements and overall development, be it within ourselves or in our communities.

    Spiritual Significance of The Month of August

    The month of August is significant for many reasons. It is a time for celebration, a time to begin new endeavors and also a time to reflect on the things that you have accomplished thus far. August is also known as the month of abundance. This is because it is during this time that the harvest season begins in many parts of the world. The spiritual significance of this month is that it strengthens our connection with nature and helps us to understand how important it is to be grateful for the fruits of our labor.

    Many cultures around the world have always regarded August as a lucky month. In India, it was believed that if you prayed to Goddess Lakshmi during this period, she would grant you all your wishes! In China, people celebrate their ancestors during this period, as they believe they will receive blessings from them if they do so during August. In Japan, too, people celebrate their ancestors in order to honor them and ask for their blessings on behalf of their families.

    In Hinduism too, August holds great significance as it marks the beginning of Navratri or Durga Puja, which lasts for nine days, starting from Ashtami until Navami.

    What Does The Month of August Represent

    The month of August is a time for relaxation and reflection. It’s the perfect month to take a break from your routine and reconnect with yourself.

    August is a great month to take a vacation, whether it’s a staycation or an actual trip. Whether you want to spend your time at home doing nothing in particular or get out and explore somewhere new, there are endless opportunities available.*

    August is the eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar and one of the most devotional months of the year for many religious people. The word August is derived from Augustus, which refers to the Emperor Augustus.   August has 31 days and ends on the 301st day of the year. The month has some importance, both historically and religiously. August meaning: The Meaning of August: In society, August is the month of mating. It is considered that a person attracts others by his or her glance; however, love can be not in a human being but in the whole world. The month of August is a time to reflect on the spiritual aspects of life, including gratitude and self-improvement. This is a great time to start a new exercise routine or get back into a regular meditation practice. August is also associated with healthy eating, which can often be a challenge for people who are trying to lose weight. Food choices should be made with care, and it’s important to avoid overindulging in junk food during this month. August is the eighth month of the year.

    This month is named after a Roman emperor who was born on August 1, 63 BC. The word “august” means “majestic” or “venerable.” August is known for its warm days and cool nights, so it’s a great time to be outdoors. It’s also a good time to get outside, because some people believe that certain spirits are more active in August than at other times of the year. Some people even believe that there are ghosts with specific names attached to each day of this month. If you want to know more about these days and how they relate to ghosts,

    August Zodiac Sign Spiritual Meaning

    Leo Zodiac Star Sign Traits, Personality, & Characteristics Description 1280x960

    The astrological sign of Leo the Lion takes up the first two-thirds of this month. Leo is quite a lover and comes off as regal, even with tussled hair. People born under this sign seem to never run out of energy or positivism. It is nearly impossible to dampen Leo’s spirit. Where other people say a glass is half empty or half full, Leo replies that the glass is refillable!

    One of the most endearing qualities of the Zodiac sign of Leo is that they shoot from the hip. They are honest and forthright, all be it a bit blunt. In any case, you never have to second-guess their motivations or opinions.

    Virgo Zodiac Star Sign Traits, Personality, & Characteristics Description 1280x960

    By comparison, Virgo, the Virgin, is the person behind the curtain. They don’t like grand overtures or brazen personalities. The Zodiac sign of Virgo is the problem solver of the stars.
    People born under this sign are watchful and meticulous; every detail matters. Add to this a keen mind and practical processes, and it’s no wonder that they tend to do very well, even when circumstances change.

    Virgo has no time for silly fantasies. There is no such thing as “gray” areas or decisions in the Virgo lifestyle. This gives the Virgin clarity that leads to reliable, yet modest, advice.

    August Holidays

    Any time during August, you can honor Children’s Eye and Health Safety, Happiness Happens, Neurosurgery Outreach, National Water Quality, National Win with Civility, or What Will Be Your Legacy Month? If you are looking for menu ideas, this is Get Aquainted with Kiwifruit Month, Peach Month and Sandwich Month.

    Celebrations whose dates move slightly every year include National Night Out on the first Tuesday, International Beer Day on the first Friday and both Friendship Day and International Forgiveness Day on the first Saturday. The 2nd Sunday in August is International Lefthanders’ Day, the 3rd Friday is Hawaii Admission Day; and the 3rd Sunday is Grand Parents’ day in Hong Kong.

    In terms of fixed holidays, Lammas is August 1, National White Wine Day (August 3), National Underwear Day (August 5), International Cat Day (August 8), International Youth Day (UN) (August 12), and the Feast of the Assumption of Mary (August 15th). In the 2nd half of the month, there is Bad Poetry Day (August 18), World Mosquito Day (August 20), International Strange Music Day (August 24), Women’s Equality Day (August 26), More Herbs Less Salt Day (August 29), and Love Litigating Lawyers Day (August 31st).

    August Flower: Gladiolus & Poppy

    The Latin term for gladioli was sword, because of their unique shape. Additionally, in Roman times, victors in the gladiator’s arena were showered with gladiolus flowers. The prowess required to win such games gives the flower the meaning of strength. Additionally, this may be why gladiolus were used at funerals as a symbol of remembrance in both Western and Eastern customs.

    Because of the sedative nature of poppy extract (opium), this flower’s meaning is rest, sleep, peace and sometimes death. The Greeks and Romans specifically used red poppy as gifts for the deceased, left on grave sites in the hopes the spirit would remain at peace.

    Poppy appears in global myths and stories. In Persia, it’s said that a poppy marks someone who died for the sake of true love. The God of Sleep in Greece, Hypnos, carried poppies. Rituals honoring Nyx, Persephone and other similar Divine figures included poppies in the sacred space

    What Does The Month of August Celebrate

    Numerology 8 Number 8 Symbols Meanings 1280x960

    August’s Month Number is 8. In Numerology the sacred number eight is special because when you turn it on its side it becomes infinity. Beyond that 8 represents peace and symmetry. August brings us improved decision making abilities particularly on the 8th of the month. It also symbolizes plenty, and a double 8 increases joy two fold.

    In China 8 is a lucky number because the word itself sounds like the Chinese term for prosper. A bit of trivia associated with this cultural respect for 8 is that the 2008 Summer Olympics hosted in China opened on August 8 at 8:08 pm (and 8 seconds). On the Chinese New Year the 8th day is when all the gods gather in Heaven.

    Eight is associated with Scorpio, the planet Saturn and the Justice Card of the Tarot. It is a fortunate number for those born under the Zodiac Sign of Capricorn. Other fun facts about 8 include that stop signs have 8 sides, Oxygen’s atomic number is 8 and in computer programming a byte of information contains eight bits.

    August Colors

    The color associated with the month of August is Orange. This is an enthusiastic hue filled with joy, motivation and determination. Orange blends red and yellow together so you get red’s high energy and yellow’s joyful nature.

    Orange vibrates with health, positive emotions, compassion and emotional recovery. This color can be a tad dramatic, intense and very outgoing when red figures heavily into the mix. Physically Orange increases our hunger (take note restaurant owners) and enhances our activity levels. Emotionally it boosts mental acuity, including our ability to make sound choices

    August Symbol: Bear

    In the Native American Zodiac Bear rules from August 3 until beyond the end of the month. Bear represents stability and reason. People born under this sign have huge hearts and a strong nurturing nature. Bear seems huge, but is really very patent and modest.

    When Bear appears as a guide in your life he brings a message of healing. You have moved into a time when you need to focus on self-care. Your Bear teacher will guide you on directing personal energy in the most effective way to achieve wholeness. Beyond this Bear counsels that a time of solitude is in order. Get away from chaos, and pay attention to the space that acts as your personal cave.

    As a Spirit Animal, totem or guide, Bear is a historian with many tales to share. They have watched, seen and heard much including many details of your life that you missed. Bear shares these truths in peace so do not attend with fear. When given proper respect Bear offers courage, wisdom and the amazing gift of gratitude.

    August Full Moon

    The Full Moon in August goes by the name Sturgeon Moon among the Algonquin Tribes. This is when fish in nearby lakes seemed most abundant. Other common names for the August Moon include Barley Moon, Green Corn Moon, Fruit Moon and Grain Moon, all of which allude to the forth-coming harvest season.

    August Facts

    • Cinemax came to cable TV (1980).
    • First Census taken in the US (1790).
    • The USS Nautilus moved under the Arctic ice cap (1958).
    • The US Department of Energy was created by President Jimmy Carter (1977).
    • The atomic bomb destroys Hiroshima (1945).
    • The Great Train Robbery takes place in England (1963).
    • US Congress charters the Smithsonian Institution (1846).
    • Space shuttle Enterprise takes its first flight (1977).
    • Rocky Horror Picture Show opens (1975).
    • Woodstock opens in New York State (1969).
    • Michael Phelps wins eight gold metals in the Olympic Games (2008).
    • Charles Darwin publishes the theory of evolution (1858).
    • Devil’s Island French penal colony closes permanently (1952).
    • World Council of Churches forms (1948).
    • David Letterman first appears on his CBS talk show (1993).

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