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What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone You Haven’t Seen For A Long Time

    Many people will dream about old friends and classmates from all the way back in elementary school. It can be a little strange, especially if you haven’t seen or heard from a particular person in years. Does it mean that you should rush to get back in touch with them?

    According to Loewenberg, that outstanding quality or fault is a trait that you may have or want.

    According to Cheung, no. “Their appearance in your dream scene is a metaphor for some neglected or forgotten aspect of yourself that you’d like to reconnect with or could benefit from reconnecting with,” she wrote. Think about the person that you once knew and the traits they have that stick out to you the most.

    What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone You Haven’t Seen For A Long Time

    Dreaming about other people can be a way for you to gain a better understanding of yourself and your behavior. If there’s something that needs to be worked through and addressed in your waking life, it might show up in your dream in some way.

    Many times, it will show up in the form of a person in your past or present, even if you are no longer friends. Before you rush to conclusions, here’s what dream experts have to say.

    Where to go from here with this dream and the phrase 

    There are likely many more references to dreams throughout the Bible; what’s crucial is that we learn how we’re supposed to respond to them. To determine whether our dreams are from God, we must compare them to what we learn in the Bible. 

    It is imperative that we use discernment and compare all claims with the Bible. The “dreamers” who teach Israel incorrect doctrine are warned against in Deuteronomy 13:1-3. Instead of following their example, we will seek God’s will via prayer and careful examination of Scripture (1 James 1:5). Furthermore, God may or may not use dreams to guide us in making choices, therefore we shouldn’t rely on Him to do so. God typically speaks to us and directs us today via the Bible.

    What the Bible Says About Our Kind of Dream

    There are a few allusions to dreams in the Bible, but most of them are concerning specific dreams God has given to a certain individual (see above).

    Many Christians will see visions in the latter times, according to Acts 2:17. Despite the lack of detail, it is likely that they would be shown a vision of Heaven, Christ, or the future.

    Ecclesiastes 5:7 appears to caution against putting all one’s faith on one’s dreams. It’s been said that “much dreaming… (is) meaningless.” Rather of relying heavily on dreams, we should read the Bible to get insight into God’s will for our lives.

    Jeremiah 29:8 says that we shouldn’t put our hope in other people’s fantasies. To influence God’s people, false prophets may sometimes recount dreams that did not really happen. Christians must use caution anytime someone discusses a dream and should compare any interpretations to the Bible.

    What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone You Haven’t Seen For A Long Time

    Dreams can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and understanding. When you dream about someone you haven’t seen for a long time, it can mean that there is something about their personality or character that needs to be addressed in your waking life.

    To better understand what the dream means, you should consider the following questions:

    1) What was happening in the dream?

    2) Were there any other people involved? If so, who were they?

    3) What did the person look like? How did they act toward you?

    4) What was your relationship with this person before he/she disappeared from your life?