Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night because you saw a dream about murder? Perhaps you killed someone or witnessed someone’s murder in your dream.
Nevertheless, a dream about murder is pretty jarring and gives rise to a number of feelings inside you, and none of them would be positive. It can shake up your daily routine and can disturb your mind for a long time.
However, a dream about murder comes with several hidden meanings, which are not so bad if you consider them carefully. These meanings will help you to understand yourself in a better way and make you look at things differently, with a clear perspective.
To dream YOU are the murderer suggests that your activities in life are not being seen, the worrying dream of a murder shows your subconscious mind that you need to be listened to, especially in a work context. To dream that somebody is killed by you indicates that you’re on the point of losing self-control and you have had enough in life. Things that you would normally “let go” are now bothering you. You have become less tolerant! Consider and ask yourself whether you are feeling anger towards others in life? Your dream could be expressing some anger that is concealed. You could be attempting to kill a part of yourself which is represented by the killer in the dream. Identify the features of the murderer and ask yourself which of those qualities you’re attempting to put an end to. Violent deaths in dreams are never easy to watch. If you commit murder, it suggests that you’re engaging in certain situations where you should not be.
To dream that you murder somebody indicates that you don’t want interference with certain people in life, not that you really wish to really kill others. To see somebody you know killed in your dream means you have been feeling confused or angry in life.

What does it mean when you dream about killing someone and hiding the body
Dream of a Family Member Being Murdered A certain individual portends the mystique, seduction, desire, and allure of the feminine. Individuals or entities are exerting control over you and your environment. You are experiencing a sense of being placed on the spot or exposed. The dream symbolizes optimism, delight, and health. You have a source of humiliation in your past. Dream of a Family Member Being Murdered A person mentions profits and advantages. You are diminishing the significance that others contributed to your accomplishments. Possibly, you have temporarily halted your personal aspirations. The dream signifies your current state of well-being. You are prepared to investigate your emotions.
Dreams rarely conform to their literal interpretation. They are nothing more than a reflection of our present thoughts, emotions, experiences, and mental state.
You should not unnecessarily worry about the prospect of death if you have a dream in which you commit murder; the dream is likely a metaphor for something entirely different.
Subsequently, without any additional deliberation, let us examine several prevalent interpretations of dreams that pertain to the act of murdering.
In contrast to what the overwhelming majority of dream interpretation websites assert in a literal sense, the symbolic interpretation of committing homicide in a dream is not associated with repressed rage or hostility.
The precise decipherment of dreams in which an individual commits homicide is contingent upon the dreamer and the circumstances transpiring in the dreamer’s conscious life concurrent with the dream’s occurrence.
Bear in mind at all times that dreams involving violence symbolize a particular facet of one’s being. They represent an unconscious psychological dynamic that resides within you, rather than a latent maniacal murderer that you may be harboring.
What Does It Mean to Have the Intention of Taking Another Person’s Life in a Dream?
- You Experience Difficulty Abandoning the Past
Experiencing hallucinations in which you either commit the murder or be the victim may indicate that you are harboring resentment for an event that transpired in the past.
Your ongoing negative emotions are impeding your ability to carry out daily activities routinely, as you have not yet fully processed the events that transpired.
You covertly feel as though you could ‘kill’ the person who has mistreated you, despite the fact that you would never do so. You experience a profound sense of animosity toward them.
Before it is too late, this dream is a message from the universe urging you to make restitution with the people and events of your past. Carrying a great deal of resentment that originated from a long time ago can be detrimental to one’s health if it remains internalized.
- Challenges Encountered in Personal Relationships
Certain individuals endure dreadful delusions in which they are responsible for the murder of a close relative or friend.
There is a chance that having a dream in which you murdered a parent, partner, or sibling is an indication that your relationships with those individuals are causing you difficulty in waking life.
There is a likelihood that the two of you hold divergent perspectives. In such a case, the dream might be advising you to recognize the potential repercussions on your relationship and devise a resolution to the predicament prior to its escalation.
A dream in which you commit homicide against an acquaintance or family member may portend an upcoming trial in your relationship with that individual. There is a likelihood that your acquaintance is encountering some difficulty and could benefit from your assistance in resolving the matter.
- An urge arises to eliminate an item or situation that is inducing you stress.
Your subconscious might be communicating with you that you desire to leave a high-stress job or that you need to eliminate a toxic person from your existence. Dreams that depict acts of violence can convey both of these aspects.
This dream serves as a manifestation of your emotions and thoughts concerning your professional existence. You are generally dissatisfied and under a great deal of pressure at work, but you cannot see a way out of the situation at this moment.
What Does It Mean When You Dream About A Family Member Killing Someone
As mentioned above, dreams are a window to your unconscious self. They introduce you to those aspects of yourself that you are not aware of. Perhaps an emotion or feeling, trait, idea, notion, or anything else.
It guides you to discover yourself. Therefore no matter how scary or irrational, you need to make an honest attempt to decipher your dreams. When you hear the word murder, it obviously means something disastrous and dreadful.
In dream lore, murder could signify pent-up anger, aggression, frustration, or resentment towards someone within you. It can highlight your feeling of failure and intense jealousy along similar lines.
It is possible that you are not able to complete the task given to you successfully. If we move ahead, a dream about murder positively symbolizes that you are embracing new things and ending old.
It also means dramatic changes taking place in your life. Lastly, when you think about murder, it suggests a healing process.
1. Symbol Of Aggression –
Dream about murder suggests that you have built-up anger towards a particular person in your life. You feel like ending things with this person, but you don’t know how.
This dream further indicates that you cannot release or handle this feeling of anger constructively, which is why you are dreaming about murder. Subconsciously, you are getting rid of this type of feeling.
However, you need to solve this issue in your waking life to end your built-up rage. Moving ahead, aggression is the feeling of anger that leads to hostile or violent behavior.
This kind of behavior is never considered good. You may be dealing with issues that are affecting your life aggressively.
2. Highlights Jealousy And Failure –
You are harboring feelings of intense jealousy towards a person. It could be a friend, sibling, relative, or colleague. Perhaps you are jealous of their success, happiness, and joy. You want all these things for yourself.
Here, you need to think of all these people’s great things. Doing this will help you change your attitude towards them and make you feel less jealous. Another reason for a dream about murder could be your feelings of failure.
You look at your life and realize that you have failed to achieve your goals. It is possible that you are doing things but are not getting any successful results. Here you need to get a clearer perspective and change your decision-making style.
3. Embracing New Things –
Dream of murder highlights your motivation to never think in a certain way again. You are making sure that changes occur in your life no matter what. Possibly, you are putting an end to an old habit, hobby, behavior, or something else.
You are leaving your past behind and making your way towards a hopeful and better future. It could also be possible that you are ending an old relationship that is no longer good for you or leaving a job where you’re not getting any appraisal.
Maybe you are overcoming your fears of life. This dream simply suggests that you make constructive changes in your life and embrace new things.
4. Undergoing A Healing Process –
This dream suggests that you are undergoing a healing process, which means you are throwing all the problematic things out of your life. It is also possible that you are getting out of a depressing phase.
You are making a genuine attempt to improve your life for the better. By removing all the negative thoughts, you will be able to live a healthy life.
What Does It Mean When You Dream About A Family Member Killing Someone
When you dream of murdering someone, it’s often a sign that you have some deep-seated problems with your relationship. You may be angry with the person in your dream, or you may feel like they’ve wronged you in some way.
It could also mean that you’re feeling frustrated by someone who is trying to control your life. This person might be a parent or an authority figure who is telling you what to do, but not letting you make any choices for yourself.
If this is the case, then murdering them in your dream is actually a very healthy outlet for those feelings. It helps you deal with the frustration without acting on it physically or verbally—and it gets those feelings out in the open so that they don’t fester inside of you until they become toxic and start causing problems for your mental health.
Alternatively, if you have never had any real issues with this person before (like if it’s just a random stranger), then there must be something else going on here—perhaps something related to your own life and relationships?