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Spiritual Meaning Of A Glass Of Water

I know that you might have come across tons of videos on social media about praying with a glass of water. Yes, it’s one of the most active spiritual means for breakthrough in every area. We decided to write the most detailed guidelines on how to pray with a glass of water and the spiritual meaning of a glass of water here after the video of the glass of water prayer we posted on our official social media accounts benefited thousands of people in so many ways. Once upon a time, there was a person who used to give seminars and speak on various topics. This particular person went about this task with passion and religious zeal.

His talks were spellbinding, his insights were new and revolutionary and his audiences were in awe of the way he presented himself. He never used notes; he spoke coincidentally with every bit of information that came to his mind (no matter how unrelated it was) and never missed a point. His talks won him a lot of fans and disciples who started worshipping him and believed in everything he said.

With time, however, one of his students noticed that when the speaker talked about a glass full of water, he did not mention ever having seen the water actually touching the glass or see it being poured into the glass; all he mentioned seeing was an inch gap between the water and the glass. The student mentioned this to the speaker, who dismissed her, saying she had misunderstood him and challenging her to look at things a little more deeply in life.

You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and most updated information on spiritual meaning of water in the house, water and spirituality, and water in African spirituality. Read on to learn more. We at churchgists have all the information that you need about the spiritual meaning of a glass of water.

Spiritual Meaning Of A Glass Of Water

Water, a symbol of purity and wisdom, allows the human body to function, embody its true essence and heal. Enjoy water’s energetic power by creating a transformative experience that heals the soul, nourishes the body, and awakens the spirit.

Everyone knows that water is a source of life but do you know what it means to see it every time, even in your dreams? Besides inspiring you, do you think it could mean something bad will happen to you?

Well, it’s time for you to know. Here, we’ll cover all about water’s spiritual meaning.

Water is among the four things in the world that link you with the heavens. The meanings come from the look of the water in real life or in dreams.

Mostly, water as a spirit speaks a lot about your feelings. Also, water shows what will happen to you today and in the future. So, read on to learn about these meanings.

What Does A Glass Of Water Symbolize

1. Purity

Water is something that people use to clean themselves and other things. Even if it’s dirty, there are many ways to make it clean before it also cleans you.

Today, many people can get and use clean water. It helps clean anything that comes in touch with it. Remember, it includes the floor and even our hearts.

So, it means that you can use water as a spirit to cleanse yourself of the wrong things you’ve done. The Christians use it as a sign of God’s care to make them pure.

You can relate it to your job or even your business. Maybe you were doing something that wasn’t right or legal.

So, it’s time to use water and believe that it will make you a new person. Remember, once you have a pure spirit, it’s time to be great again.

2. Being Calm

When you are beside a calm ocean or sea, it shows that your life is smooth. Also, it speaks a lot about your peace of mind.

Sometimes, you might be going through things that take away your peace. It can be in your marriage, family, or workplace. The calmness of water shows that these things will end soon, and you’ll have peace.

Meanwhile, you should also do things that bring peace to your life. Ensure you avoid any worries, even if you have problems.

Also, water being calm shows that the soul is calm. Remember, your soul will be calm if you have peace and joy in real life.

3. Your Life changes

The sight of water in dreams or real life shows the ups and downs you face in real life. Your life will always face positive and negative changes. So, you should be ready for anything.

You can relate these changes to the strong waves and calm water. These waves demonstrate how sometimes the things that happen in your life will trouble your soul.

But when the waters are relaxed, it shows that things are going well in life. Well, it’s time to enjoy yourself.

Your business or love life can be the best example. Sometimes, the love or job will treat you well, but it can even break your heart at other times.

It’s because, like water, your life events will always move and change. Ensure you treat everything with much joy, whether in good or bad times.

4. Share Your Feelings

Water will always show a bigger picture of your feelings. In this case, it means that you are hard on your emotions, so it’s time you let them out.

When you keep spilling water accidentally, your spirit says that you are blocking your emotions. It can be that you love someone, but you keep hiding your feelings.

So, it’s time to let the person know how you feel. Also, you never know; the person might also be having the same feelings as you.

Sometimes, it can be that someone annoys you with what they do to you. Please let the person know how you feel, and the person can apologize.

You should also be ready for any bad outcome once you share your emotions. Prepare to clean yourself like when you clean a place after water spills.

5. You are moving away from Your Past

Sometimes, the sight of water speaks to your spirit that it’s time to move away from that bad past. Water will wash away your past issues and help you prepare a room for new good thoughts.

This event can be in your job, relationship, or even family. It can be the losses you got or the chances you missed to make it grow in your business. In your love life, it can be that your partner cheated on you or broke your heart.

Water tells your spirit that these bad memories will fade, so you should move away from the past. Give yourself a chance to make your life better again. But this time around, ensure you are careful with every step you take.

6. Control Your Emotions

Water overflowing from a tank, cup, or place shows that you don’t know how to control your emotions. Also, it can be about floods or when water leaks from any place. Remember, you can see these things in your dreams or real life.

This failure to control your feelings can come from handling your anger. It means that you have a short temper when someone hurts you.

If you fail to control your anger, you’ll get many problems. But if you control your anger, you’ll get peace and save yourself from many problems.

Also, the water overflow, leakage, or floods show that something is a burden on your life and spirit. Look back on your life and see what bothers you.

7. You Care about Yourself

The act of you drinking clean water, whether in large or small amounts, shows that you love and care for yourself. You can see this spiritual meaning in your dream or in your real life.

It shows you what your body needs and at what time. Also, when you drink clean water, it means you care about what happens in your life.

Also, it means you are always careful with the choices you make in your career or business. If you delay or take a wrong step, it will cause you too many problems.

When you dream that someone is drinking water, it shows that the person needs some emotional care in real life. Mostly, it will be someone that you know.

8. Protection and Healing

In many religions, water is a sign of protection for your soul and real life. The best example is the Catholic Church, which has holy water in its churches.

So, to purify themselves, these people use water to draw a cross on their foreheads for protection. Remember, they dip and draw using the right hand.

Also, Eastern Orthodox Christians drink their blessed water during morning prayers to protect their spirits. Sometimes, they can cook with a small amount of this water.

Besides protecting them, they also believe the holy water will heal their spirits and bodies. These people have some water springs that they believe have healing powers.

Remember, water is among the four parts of the earth. So, it has the power to heal and protect.

9. Good Luck

In real life or even in your dreams, you can see yourself spilling water. Well, you should smile because it’s a sign of good luck in life. Also, be optimistic that life will excite you in the coming days.

Sometimes, you might not see success coming because of your problems in life. But this spiritual meaning of water says that you shouldn’t lose hope.

It can be that you want to do well in your academics or workplace. Keep achieving the goals you set for yourself, and things will favor you.

There will also be challenges that you’ll face in the way. Well, you shouldn’t fear anything because you have good luck.

10. Flexible

Water also spiritually tells you to be flexible in real life. It’s the best way for you to grow and survive. Remember, water can move anywhere at any time.

Well, like Bruce Lee said, free your mind and let it have no form or shape, like water. When you pour water into a mug, it takes on the shape of that mug. If you place it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.

So, it would be best if you were like water and succeeded in many areas of your life. Don’t be so hard on yourself but be ready to adapt to different events in life.

Also, let your spirit be conscious and flexible, like water. It will save you from many heartbreaks and problems. Remember, it can sometimes be hard to fit into every change in real life.

How to pray with a glass of water

I remember a few months ago asking my friend, who was in town for the week, if she wanted to attend church with me. She said no at first because she is not a churchgoer, and without fail, I end up going every time anyway. But then I started explaining how it is not social for me; it is what I know to be true, an experience that has helped me grow so much over the years. I explained how each week I just sit there and soak up all of the knowledge that comes my way. She had never thought of it like that before and to make a long story short, she ended up going with me that weekend.

What do you need for glass of water prayer?

For a glass of water prayer to be effective, you’ll need four things:

  1. Extremely clear and clean glass.
  2. Get water from a tap or a spring that is free of contaminants.
  3. Purchase authentic sea salt.
  4. Take out your Bible and turn to Psalm 35.

What Is The Bible Or Spiritual Meaning of Water?

It’s no secret that water is important. Without it, all of us would die within a few days. Because of this, then, water often takes on pretty strong literary elements. Many times, in the form of rain, it can foreshadow something bad or ominous that is going to happen. At other times, it could imply a type of baptism in which a character undergoes some type of change to his character, usually for the better. But does this hold water (pun intended) when it comes to the spiritual or biblical meaning of water? What, exactly, can water mean when it is found within the Bible? A good way to find out, like usual, is to look at some passages and glean from what they have to say.

Genesis 7:17 “Now the flood was on the earth forty days. The waters increased and lifted up the ark, and it rose high above the earth.”

According to the Genesis story, humankind’s sin was so heinous that it deeply grieved God. As a way of purging the evil, He sent a flood to wipe out the wickedness from the earth, except for Noah, his family, and two of every kind of animal. Most of us know this story by heart, as it’s depicted in many children’s books and in a famous movie starring Russell Crowe. However, there is some insight into what water means in the Bible when one reads the passage. Water is used here to purge or cleanse. It appears to be negative since it is so destructive, yet it was used to literally cleanse the earth away from all that was evil and unholy. Throughout the Scriptures, water often takes on that meaning.

John 4:14 “but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

In addition to symbolizing some type of cleansing, water also points to satisfaction and life. This is precisely why Jesus is called the “living water,” which is noticeable in this passage. He tells the woman that when people come to Him, they will have complete satisfaction and never thirst for anything else in life. In contrast, when someone drinks physical water, they always need more to sustain their life. With Jesus, though, completeness is given. So, water can point to satisfaction and life, which is just another way of saying that is symbolizes Jesus!

Acts 8:36-38 “Now as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, ‘see, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?’ Then Philip said, ‘if you believe with all your heart, you may.’ And he answered and said, ‘I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.’ So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him.”

Water is the medium through which baptism is performed, and it’s extremely fitting. Since water can symbolize cleansing and life, it is perfect to use in baptism. When someone gets baptized, they are submerged under the water for a second and then come back up. The whole process shows an outward expression of a true inner value; the person is publicly declaring that they have new life in Jesus Christ. All of the past sins and mistakes are dead (symbolic in the act of submerging the person in water) and then raised in the newness of life (symbolic in the act of raising the person back up from the water). It is an expression of what has taken place within the heart—a full cleansing and new life.


So, water points to Jesus in many ways. It symbolizes a cleansing that only Jesus can give, a new life that Jesus offers, and is used in baptism to showcase the acceptance of Jesus and the denial of self. The Old Testament shows this, too; it is not exclusive to a New Testament theology.

The point to take away, however, is that water does an excellent job at revealing Jesus, who claims to be the Living Water. It is He, and He alone, who can quench the thirsty souls in this world. The fact that water is used symbolically and powerfully in the Scriptures just aids in showing us how beautifully written it is and how amazing Jesus is!

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