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Spiritual Meaning of Calf

    The reason the calf is associated with spirituality is because of the definition of “spiritual” and the definition of “calf.” Spiritual comes from the Latin word spiritualis, which means “soul.” In common use, a cow is a young bovine animal that feeds off milk from its mother.

    In this article, we are going to shed some light on the spiritual meaning of the calf. The cow is a sacred animal in Hinduism and many other religions and an enduring symbol of sacrifice, motherly love, devotion, patience and austerity. So let us find out more about its spiritual meaning and symbolism.

    The calf is an animal found on Earth.   The word can refer to the young of various non-human mammals: oxen, whales, moose, deer, giraffes, antelopes, gazelles, bison and even elephants.   It is also applied to some similar but unrelated large diurnal birds, such as turkeys.   In Biblical times, the calf was a good sacrifice when the ox was not …

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    Spiritual Meaning of Calf

    The calf is an animal that symbolizes strength, power and vitality. It also represents a youthful spirit, as calves are usually young animals.

    The calf’s significance as a spiritual symbol comes from its role in the Jewish religion. In the Book of Exodus, God tells Moses to speak to the children of Israel and tell them how they should make an offering of two lambs each year on Passover. This offering was called “the Passover Lamb.” The Passover Lamb was a symbol of God’s love for his people—a relationship that would never end. As such, it was often used by Christians as a metaphor for Jesus Christ, who died for all people’s sins.

    In Hinduism, the cow is considered sacred because it gives milk, which is necessary for the survival and sustenance of human beings.

    The spiritual meaning of calf is that it represents your ability to be patient and to wait for the things you want.

    The calf symbolizes the animal that was sacrificed in order for humans to survive. This sacrifice is a sign that you need to be willing to give up some of your own desires in order to make room for others.

    The calf has long been a symbol of sacrifice in various cultures and religions. In many ancient societies, the calf was seen as a sacred animal that was offered up to the gods in order to appease them or seek their favor. In Judeo-Christian traditions, the sacrifice of a calf is often seen as a way to atone for sin and seek forgiveness from a higher power. The act of sacrificing a calf is a powerful symbol that carries deep spiritual meaning.

    Here are 4 spiritual meanings that can be derived from the symbolism of the calf sacrifice:

    1. Sacrifice and Surrender: The act of sacrificing a calf symbolizes the willingness to give up something valuable in order to achieve a greater purpose. In a spiritual sense, it represents the idea of surrendering one’s own desires and ego in order to make room for the needs and well-being of others. This kind of selflessness is seen as a key component of spiritual growth and enlightenment.

    2. Atonement and Forgiveness: In many religious traditions, the sacrifice of a calf is linked to the idea of atonement and seeking forgiveness for past wrongs. By offering up a calf as a sacrifice, individuals are acknowledging their own shortcomings and seeking to make amends with a higher power. This act of humility and repentance is seen as a way to cleanse the soul and restore harmony with the divine.

    3. Gratitude and Thanksgiving: The sacrifice of a calf can also be seen as a symbol of gratitude and thanksgiving. By offering up a valuable animal as a sacrifice, individuals are expressing their appreciation for the blessings they have received and acknowledging the source of their abundance. This act of giving thanks is seen as a way to cultivate a spirit of generosity and abundance in one’s own life.

    4. Renewal and Rebirth: In some cultures, the sacrifice of a calf is seen as a symbolic act of renewal and rebirth. By offering up a calf as a sacrifice, individuals are symbolically letting go of the old and making way for the new. This act of transformation is seen as a way to release old patterns and embrace new possibilities in one’s life.

    One Bible verse that speaks to the spiritual significance of sacrifice is Hebrews 9:22, which states, “Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” This verse underscores the idea that sacrifice is a necessary part of seeking forgiveness and atonement for sins.

    Overall, the symbolism of the calf sacrifice carries deep spiritual meaning that can be interpreted in various ways. Whether seen as a symbol of sacrifice and surrender, atonement and forgiveness, gratitude and thanksgiving, or renewal and rebirth, the act of sacrificing a calf serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of selflessness, humility, and spiritual growth in one’s journey towards enlightenment.

    Spiritual Meaning of Calf Pain

    Of all the biblical examples of what not to do, the one that seems the most brainless might be the one we are most likely to imitate. It’s the story of the Israelites worshipping a golden calf after witnessing overwhelming evidence of the one true God.

    What motivated those people to give their gold jewelry to their priest and have him make them a statuesque god they could worship so they could feel God was near? Some scholars believe they really wanted to honor God, just needed something in front of them to feel like God was in their midst. But God’s response of wanting to annihilate the people for their offense is a sobering reminder and warning of how God views our attempts to put anyone or anything in His rightful place.

    What Happened in the Bible with the Golden Calf?

    Exodus 32 records the incident of the golden calf. After witnessing the mighty wonders of God in delivering His people from Egypt, the Israelites began to feel that their leader, Moses, had abandoned them. For 40 days Moses was on Mt. Sinai receiving the written law from the Almighty God, with smoke and darkness covering the mountain. The same God who brought 10 plagues upon Egypt so that Pharaoh would let the Israelites go, and the same God who parted the Red Sea to let His people walk through it on dry ground appeared to be “far off” so the Israelites decided to create a god of their own.

    They asked Aaron the Priest (Moses’ own brother) to “make us gods who shall go before us.” They gave Aaron all their gold jewelry (the plunder God gave them from the Egyptians when they fled that land) and Aaron melted it down and made a statue of a golden calf. He then built an altar upon which he erected the calf and proclaimed a “feast to the Lord” the next day. The people burnt offerings and then danced and partied before the god they had made in their own image (verses 1-6 ESV).

    God was repulsed at their sin of worshipping a created image as if it were the one True God (and the One who had delivered them from Egypt), and His wrath “burned hot against them.” After Moses begged God to show mercy on His people, God relented, but allowed His sword of judgment to kill 300 Levites, signifying how serious God is about expecting spiritual leaders to be responsible and not tolerate sin in their camp.

    What Does the Golden Calf Symbolize?

    Scholars believe the golden calf may have been modeled after Apis, the Egyptian fertility bull-god. That would have been a symbol the Israelites were familiar with after their years of slavery in Egypt. Although Aaron may have presented the calf as a symbol of the true God – he built an altar for the idol, designated it as sacred, and called for a “festival to the Lord” (verse 5) – God considered it a corruption of themselves and wanted to consume them out of His wrath.

    According to the commentators of the Life Application Study Bible, “even if we do not make idols today, we are often guilty of trying to make God in our image – molding him to fit our expectations, desires, and circumstances. When we do this, we end up worshipping ourselves rather than the God who created us – and self-worship today as in the Israelites’ time, leads to all kinds of immorality.”man looking into broken hand mirror pastor reflecting

    How Can You Find the Golden Calf in Your Life?

    You and I don’t melt down our jewelry and make physical statues and call them God, yet we sometimes give up what is important to us to prioritize the temporary, worthless things of this world. We tend to spend money on precious possessions like expensive cars, high-tech toys, beautiful homes, or name-brand handbags, and then invest our time, energy and more money to keep them safe, secure, and spotless. Anything we love, think about, or serve (with our energy and time) can become a golden calf in our lives. Anything that we raise up in the place of God, revere, desire, or consider more valuable than our relationship with God can become an unknowing golden calf in our lives.

    Our golden calf can be success, productivity, fame, the approval of others, or anything we strive for more than our spiritual growth and our closeness with God.

    Sometimes we make our children our golden calf when they become our no. 1 priority and we stress about their health, their wellbeing and their happiness more than we desire to please God by trusting Him with our children’s lives.

    A husband or wife can put their spouse in that position of worship if they obey their spouse’s desires over God’s, seek to please their spouse more than they seek to please God, or simply desire their spouse more than they desire God. Some wives put their husbands in the position of God, expecting them to meet all their emotional needs and expectations instead of letting God meet their emotional needs.

    At times, work becomes our golden calf because it creeps into the no. 1 spot on our priority lists and consumes our time and energy and we put everything else beneath that. Maybe money is your golden calf because how much you have (or don’t have) determines your security or contentment level or because every ounce of energy you have is going toward making more, paying off debt, or saving up for something you desperately want.

    Here are seven ways to identify and eliminate the golden calf in your life.

    Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/AndreyPopov 

    Prophetic Meaning of Calf

    1. Ask God to show you daily who or what is most important to you.

    Jesus said the greatest commandment was to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37).

    One way to do that is to pray, “God, how is my heart before You today? Are you still my top priority and in the place where you should be?” Then seek to love Him first and foremost and all the other things will fall into place (Matthew 6:33), including being less likely to erect a golden calf.

    2. Assess what you worry about or spend most of your time thinking about.

     Jesus said, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21, Luke 12:34). If your heart and mind are consumed with worry about your children or obsessing over your body image or weight or the number of followers you have on Instagram, that will tell you a lot about who and what you worship.

    Colossians 3:1-3 tells us to set our minds on things above. If you are longing for Jesus, longing for Heaven, and living with eternity in mind, you clearly have God in the right place and there isn’t a chance you’ll be erecting a golden calf and worshipping something temporary or far less worthy than Him.

    3. Acknowledge Him daily through praise and thanksgiving.

    When you daily praise the Almighty, you are reminding yourself that He is God and you are not. First Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Being thankful for all things keeps us in perspective and reminds us that everything we have has been given to us. That humble and grateful mindset keeps us from making, erecting, or worshipping a golden calf out of a lack of contentment or feeling we should have more than we do.woman journaling in coffee shop

    4. Abstain from whatever consumes you, causes you to sin, or competes with God in your life.

    Jesus said if your right eye causes you to sin tear it out and throw it away, and if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away (Matthew 5:29-31). Sounds severe, right? Yet He was expressing that our eternity is far more important than our temporary discomfort or full-on struggle in order to avoid temptation and habitual sin. Addictions can easily become our golden calf. That’s why Step No. 1 in the 12 Step-Recovery Program for AA is that you acknowledge you are not God of your life and surrender to your Higher Power – which is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Only One who can give us strength and power to overcome addictive behavior and He is the only One who belongs in the No. 1 place in our life – not alcohol, drugs, pornography, sex, gambling, shopping, caffeine, or whatever might hold power over you.

    Allow a friend into your life by sharing with them how you might struggle in this area. Choose a friend who will pray for you and hold you accountable. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 tells us: “Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” Bring someone alongside you to help you eliminate the golden calf of addiction in your life.

    5. Absorb God’s Word and let it become what you feast on.

    Romans 12:2 commands us, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

    We make idols of our desires when we become conformed to this world. And we can make God into our own image when we are more familiar with the world and its ways than the Word of God and His ways. The best way to renew our minds and be transformed to the will of God rather than this world is to be fully saturated in the Word of God. A person transformed by the Word of God is much less likely to erect a golden calf and worship a false god in their life.

    Photo Credit: Unsplash/Hannah Olinger 

    6. Adopt the practice of waiting upon God.

    It was the Israelites’ lack of patience and unwillingness to wait on God that caused them to turn away from God and make up one of their own. They got tired of waiting – waiting for Moses to return from the mountain, waiting to find out what they should do next, waiting while it seemed to them that God was silent. Do you get impatient waiting on God, too?

    In Psalm 62, David sang: “My soul waits in silence for God alone; From Him comes my salvation. He alone is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I will not be greatly shaken” (verses 1-2). And in verses 5-6, David again proclaimed: “My soul, wait in silence for God alone, For my hope is from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, My refuge; I will not be shaken” (NASB).

    Those words were penned by a man who waited on God, worshipped God, and earned the description by God as “a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do’” (Acts 13:22 NIV). You can eliminate the golden calf in your life by simply waiting for God and His purposes in your life, not trying to go after them on your own.

    7. Address the people-pleasing areas of your life.

    Aaron obviously feared the Israelites’ response if he didn’t do what they asked of him. But rather than holding to his convictions and principles, and standing for truth and worship of the one true God, this Priest appointed by God caved to the expectations of the people. Do you fear people more than you fear God? Do you desire to please them more than you desire to be obedient to, and thus please God? When people are big in your eyes and God is small, that equates to erecting the golden calf of people (and their opinions and approval) over the God who created people. External pressures by others to take up life on your own instead of depending on God may lead you to adopt your own golden calf that takes the place, respect, service, and time from you that only God deserves.

    As you live by Jesus’ command in Matthew 22:37 to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength you will be ensuring that no one takes His rightful place in your life. And, as you surrender your heart and will to Him daily and make sure the Holy Spirit is on the throne of your heart, you will be ensuring that yourself (or anything else) doesn’t take the rightful place of God and become an object of worship in your life.

    Calf Dream Meaning

    To dream of a calf
    If you see a calf in a dream, it symbolizes gain in real life. You might work a lot in the following period. People will fight over you because you are a good employee, which is why you will have an opportunity to choose who you want to work for and set your own conditions. You will not take advantage of it but be modest like you have always been.

    To dream of a calf running
    If you see a calf running in a dream, it means that you will be happy in your family circle. You always make an effort to finish all your obligations as soon as possible to have more time for the people you love. You feel peaceful and serene in their presence and have a hard time being without them.

    To dream about eating veal
    When you dream about eating veal, it means that you will attend a celebration. You will probably get invited to an important event. You will be amazed by the atmosphere, attendees, and other aspects that you will remember the party by.

    To dream of slaughtering a calf
    If you dream of slaughtering a calf, it means that you have to watch out for injuries. There is a chance that you will have an accident at work. You will need some time to recover and get back to work and your daily obligations.

    To dream of feeding a calf
    If you dream of feeding a calf, it means that you will feel responsible for someone. You might promise to do something for your loved one while that person is absent. That will take away a lot of your time, but you will be determined to keep your word.

    To dream about selling a calf
    Selling a calf in a dream means that your business is going through a rough patch. You will probably feel the results of a crisis, which is why you will start thinking about closing the company. That will be a very difficult period for you because you will not decide about your future only but the future of your employees too.

    To dream of buying a calf
    Dreaming of buying a calf means that you will move. You might leave city life and go to the country and back to nature. You will be afraid of not being resourceful, but you will soon wonder how you could have lived in a noisy environment with polluted air for so long.

    To dream of other people slaughtering a calf
    When you see someone else slaughtering a calf, it means that you will feel sorry for someone’s destiny. You might hear about a family’s or individual’s financial or health issues, and make sure to help as much as you can. You will probably decide to organize a charity event to recruit as many people as possible to accomplish your goal.

    To dream of a wolf killing a calf
    A dream wherein you see a wolf slaughtering a calf doesn’t have a negative meaning even though it is uncomfortable. On the contrary, such dreams symbolize fulfillment of your wishes, goals, and ambitions. What you fantasize about might finally become a reality, and you will be proud of yourself for resisting many temptations on the way.

    To dream about other people feeding a calf
    This dream means that you will depend on someone. A short-lived illness might put you in bed, which is why you will have to count on your loved ones’ help. Another possibility is that you will lose your job, and the only source of income will be your family member or partner. Also, you might not be able to finish one project alone, which is why you will depend on someone else’s will.

    To dream of petting a calf
    Petting a calf in a dream means that you lack affection and love. People who have been single for a long time know well how that feels. However, if you are in a relationship or marriage, it is not natural to be lonely. In that case, it is time for an honest conversation with your loved one. You will either reach a solution together or go your separate ways.

    To dream of other people petting a calf
    A dream wherein you see someone else petting a calf means that your friend will confide in you. That person will tell you something you didn’t know, and you will realize that your support means the world to them now, which is why you will make sure to show your loved one that they can always count on you.

    To dream of bestowing a calf to someone
    If you dream of bestowing a calf to someone, it means that you are empathic. Other people’s misfortune and suffering hurt you, and you would like to have a chance to help everyone. It is great that you haven’t lost a sense of true value in today’s day and age, but your way of thinking often brings you more harm than good.

    To dream about receiving a calf as a gift
    When you dream about someone bestowing a calf to you, it means that you are lazy. You probably wait for other people to help you but don’t do anything to make progress yourself. You are sure that you deserve a lot, but you are not ready to fight for it. You believe that hard-working people are fools, not capable of earning money without hard work and struggle.

    To dream about stealing a calf
    Stealing a calf from a stay or pasture in a dream means that you are too ambitious sometimes. You are ready to burn bridges to reach your goal. In the long run, such behavior could backfire on you. You have to ask yourself who you will celebrate the success with if you achieve it one day if you chase all the good people away.

    To dream of someone stealing your calf
    When you dream of someone stealing your calf, it symbolizes damage or loss. You might invest money into something unprofitable, or your car or one of the house appliances will break down, and you will have to pay a lot of money for the repair or replacement. Anyhow, the following period will be full of financial challenges.

    To dream of taking a calf to pasture
    Taking a calf to graze grass in a dream is a good sign. Such dreams symbolize the fulfillment of wishes. What you fantasize about might finally become a reality. People who want a baby have to know that this dream is their sign that their wish is granted. Those who dream of business success will be satisfied with achieved results.

    To dream of other people taking a calf to pasture
    If you see someone else taking a calf to graze grass, it means that your loved one will make you proud. One of your family members, partner, or friends, will achieve great success. You will tell everyone about it, and there is even a chance that you will throw a party in that person’s honor.

    To dream of a calf with a cow
    When you see a calf with a cow in a dream, it symbolizes spending time with young people. You might spend pleasant moments with kids or people a lot younger than you. It will be your pleasure listening to their stories and plans, which will bring you back into the old times, and you will recognize your old self in them.

    To dream about many calves
    A dream wherein you see many calves is a good sign. Such dreams predict an improvement in your financial situation. You might get a raise or stimulus check, or you will win the lottery on games of chance. Anyhow, that will help you pay off debts caused by a chronic lack of money and buy something you have wanted for a long time.

    To dream of having a farm of calves
    If you dream of having a farm of calves, it means that you have to work a lot more to achieve your goal. Success will not come overnight, which is why you have to be patient and motivated. People whose support you can always count on, like family members and close friends, can help you with that.

    To dream of calves running away
    If you dream of calves running away, it symbolizes financial challenges. Something will not go according to a plan, and you will have to change priorities. That doesn’t mean that you will have to give up on an idea but postpone it for some better times.

    To dream of chasing calves all over the yard
    Chasing calves all over the yard in a dream symbolizes great fun. You might get invited to a wedding, christening, or another celebration where everyone you love will be. You will enjoy good food, drinks, and atmosphere, which is why you will talk about the event for days.

    To dream about running away from a calf
    Running away from a calf in a dream means that you are paranoid. You have started to believe that the whole world has conspired against you and that you can’t make progress or achieve your goals because of it. The truth is a lot simpler – once you start taking responsibility for the mistakes you have made, you will be able to learn something from them, which is why you will experience fewer failures.

    To dream of a sick calf
    A sick calf in a dream symbolizes upcoming challenges. The following period will be very turbulent. Many stressful situations will happen to you, especially when it comes to your loved ones’ health. However, everything will end well, which is why you have to take more care of your mental and physical health so that all of that doesn’t leave permanent consequences on you.

    To dream about a dead calf
    A dead calf is not a good sign in dreams, unfortunately. Such dreams usually predict something bad. That can be a breakup, divorce, or loss of someone you care about. You will need a lot of strength to overcome all of it, but you will get out of such dark times without any consequences if you don’t doubt yourself.

    The meanings of dreams can be a lot more trivial. If you have recently seen, fed, or slaughtered a calf, it has left a strong impression on you.

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