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What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of A Hexagon

    The hexagon shape has been used in spiritual practice to hold and contain energy. When used in conjunction with a triangle, it can intensify and raise the level of vibration within a room, such as when incorporated into a sacred space. In sacred geometry and ancient sagas, the hexagon represents the potential for life. It is found in sacred shapes like the Flower of Life, which is seen in ancient architecture around the world.

    The Hexagon as a Symbol of a Symbolic, Meaningful Universe

    First and foremost, the hexagon is a symbol.  Its usual appearance in equilateral, symmetrical form suggests a humanly relatable touch, and its nearness to circularity while still possessing angles makes it all the more perfectly emblematic.  It’s a collection of lines, angles, and blank and filled space.  It’s aesthetic, geometric.  It’s a nexus at which matter and consciousness converge and intersect.

    What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of A Hexagon

    All symbols are arrangements of some matter, material, or image (and therefore energy) which correspond with an idea, concept, or meaning, and therefore are literally a connecting point between matter and consciousness.

    As long as consciousness exists anywhere, the entire universe is suffused with it by the fact that all perceived matter is interpreted by consciousness.  All matter is potentially, and thus inevitably symbolic.

    Thus the hexagon is a recursive symbol, a symbol of symbolism, of the universe’s inherently symbolic order.  This serves as a reminder of the inherent mental properties of all matter which allow for the existence of conscious organisms, as described in the Hexagonal Doctrine.

    Honeycombs, snowflakes, the compound eyes of various insects, benzene and other cyclic compounds, and certain types of minerals are among the most well-known examples of hexagonal structures in nature.The hexagon is a naturally-occurring shape and is most commonly found in honeycomb. By default, we associate the shape with bees and their teamwork and cooperative nature. Community, creation and balance are just a few of the feelings evoked by this geometric wonder.

    It doesn’t, however, end there.  Symbol is deeply tied with the question of meaning.  (What is a symbol?  A symbol is something that has meaning.  What is meaning?)  The hexagon is not only a symbol that the universe is arranged aesthetically, but also that life itself has meaning.

    Hexagon Symbol

    A symbolic shape that still carries a great deal of tradition and cultural heft. By Michael Olmert. Six is the number of creation, and perfection, symbolizing divine power, majesty, wisdom, love, mercy, and justice.

    The natural occurrence of the hexagon has led many religions to adopt it as a symbol of peace and unity. The hidden significance of the hexagon, however, reaches back to the very beginnings of our species.
    The hidden significance of the hexagon is revealed in this article. Very comprehensive. The symbolic significance of hexagons is summarized here if you don’t have time or motivation to read the full explanation.

    The hexagon is considered one of the most significant sacred geometric shapes. fascinating, to boot. Numerous religious symbols, from the Star of David to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the ancient northern European Hagal Rune, feature the same six-sided geometric shape.

    The Star of David, or Seal of Solomon, is one of the world’s oldest continuously used symbols. Although its origins are unknown, this idea was probably in use before Jewish thought adopted it.

    Secrets Of The Hexagon

    The natural occurrence of the hexagon has led many religions to adopt it as a symbol of peace and unity. The hidden significance of the hexagon, however, reaches back to the very beginnings of our species.
    The hidden significance of the hexagon is revealed in this article. Very comprehensive. The symbolic significance of hexagons is summarized here if you don’t have time or motivation to read the full explanation.

    The hexagon is considered one of the most significant sacred geometric shapes. fascinating, to boot. Numerous religious symbols, from the Star of David to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the ancient northern European Hagal Rune, feature the same six-sided geometric shape.

    The Star of David, or Seal of Solomon, is one of the world’s oldest continuously used symbols. Although its beginnings are lost to history, this concept was likely in use long before it was adopted by Jewish thought.

    Six Symbols of the Esoteric
    The center of the Star of David is where you’ll find the hexagon. It is the sacred geometry formed by two interlocking triangles, one of which points upwards and represents masculine, or positive, energy, and the other, which points downwards and represents feminine, or negative, energy.

    That doesn’t mean men are always optimistic and women always pessimistic. It’s just a way of expressing the positive and negative charges that exist in electromagnetic energy and atoms (protons and electrons, respectively).

    Protons (male energy) and electrons (female energy) are the two types of subatomic particles that make up an atom (female energy). To maintain equilibrium, each atom has the same number of electrons as protons.

    Electrons and protons can also form couples. This is sometimes called the “chemical union” in alchemy.

    The scientific interpretation of the hexagon as a symbol of equilibrium is, unfortunately, not very practical. When viewed from a psychological point of view, the esoteric significance of the hexagon reveals the honey within.

    At times like these, symbolic meanings can serve as useful navigational aids.

    When you strike a good balance between your emotional intelligence and your rationality, you tap into the forces governed by the laws of nature. If you learn to focus your energies, you can manifest whatever you can imagine for yourself.

    Hexagon Meaning Psychology

    The Kabbalah is a sophisticated framework for understanding the significance of sacred geometry in human existence. The Sephirot, or “tree of life,” is the simplest representation of this system of mathematical and geometric shapes.

    However, the flower of life is the final product that emerges from the tree of life. The key to accessing higher states of consciousness is said to be concealed within the intricate web of circles. A beehive, turtle shells, snowflakes and even flowers have the hexagon shape. This shape is associated with longevity. The hexagon shape in feng shui is consider auspicious. You can add a few hexagon shapes to your décor for a boost in positive chi energy.

    The flower of life contains 13 concentric circles, which together form the fruit of life. This design is identical to the Nordic Hagel Rune.

    The number 13 is also associated with oneness and crossing over from the material to the spiritual worlds.

    For this reason, many ancient cultures represented the number 13 as 12 surrounded by 1.

    • Jesus Christ and the 12 disciples
    • King Arthur and the 12 knights of the round table
    • 12 signs of the zodiac around the sun
    • 12 Imams follow Muhammad
    • 12 stations of life in the wheel of dharma (13 is the centre)
    • 12 tribes of Israel, disciples of God

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