How Many Years Between Old Testament And New Testament? Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on when the Old Testament ends in the Bible, how many years does the old testament cover, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.
The Old Testament and New Testament are the first and second parts of the Christian Bible, respectively. The Old Testament is believed to have been written over a period of several hundred years, while the books in the New Testament were written between roughly AD 50 and AD 100.
The Bible itself is considered to be divinely inspired by God; however, there are many different interpretations about how many years passed between these two sections of scripture. While some scholars believe that there were only about one hundred years between them, others believe that it may have been as many as five hundred years.
In this article, we will explore why there is such a wide range of opinions on this topic and what these differing dates mean for understanding Christianity today.

How Many Years Between Old Testament And New Testament
To understand the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament, we need to start with a brief overview of the Old Testament. It is believed that the Old Testament, which Israel wrote, represents a covenant between God and Israel. This covenant is seen as an agreement, or promise, from God to Israel that He will provide for them if they follow His commands. The New Testament is also described as a covenant between God and Israel, but it comes with some changes. First, the period of time in which this new covenant was written has changed.
Second, there are many more changes in terms of what this new covenant says about Jesus Christ than there are similarities. For instance, whereas in the Old Testament Jesus is referred to as “the Son of Man”, in the New Testament He is called “Son of God”. Also, while both Testaments have accounts on how Jesus healed people through miracles (such as walking on water or feeding five thousand people), only one account tells us that He rose from death and ascended into heaven after three days of being dead and buried (Matthew 28:6). So why does all this matter? If we believe Christians today when they say their faith does not depend upon whether or not these events happened historically, then why should we care about these differences at all?
How Many Years Does The Old Testament Cover
The 400 years of silence between the Old Testament and New Testament are hidden in the Bible. The Bible is a history of the Jewish people. So, what happened during those 400 years?
The answer is found in Genesis 15:13, where God told his friend Abraham that he would return to Egypt after he left Canaan for a while. In Exodus 12:40–41, we discover that Jacob’s family came to Egypt because of a famine in Canaan, but they were not able to stay there because their population multiplied too fast. They soon ran out of food and had to leave Egypt, seeking new land where they could grow crops again (see Genesis 46:1-4).
At this point, let us consider two important points: First, when Jacob said goodbye to Egypt (Genesis 46), he did not know where he was going next; second, when Moses became an adult (Exodus 2), he did not know either! This means that when Jacob died at age 147 years old (Genesis 47:28), Moses must have been 39 years old or less since his father lived 147 years before dying himself, according to verses 18–19 above! Therefore, it seems reasonable that both men shared many experiences together during those early years that are not recorded anywhere else except perhaps some oral traditions from which our earliest manuscripts descend today, if indeed any such records exist at all!
A Timeline of The 400 Silent Years
The Bible tells us that there were 400 years of silence between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
The period between 538 BCE (when Cyrus conquered Babylon) and 330 CE (when Constantine became emperor of Rome) is known as the silent years because there was no written word during this time, except for the Book of Daniel and Esther (both are part of the canon). The Bible was not compiled until after Jesus’ death and resurrection. So, when did it all begin?
Other facts about the 400 silent years

The period of the 400 silent years was a time of spiritual growth, but it also saw persecution and preparation for what would follow. It was during this era that God taught His people many things about Himself, including His love and mercy, as well as His holiness, so that when they returned to Him following their dispersion, they would be ready to serve Him in purity.
The period between the Old Testament and the New Testament is called “the silent years.”. This refers to the fact that there were no prophets during these years who spoke directly from God; however, there were still prophets speaking on behalf of God (1 Samuel 1:1).
The years between the Old and New Testaments were an incredible time of spiritual growth.
The years between the Old Testament and the New Testament were not silent. Rather, they were a time of spiritual growth during which God was preparing His people for what was to come. During this time, many important events occurred that have been recorded by historians, writers and other witnesses. In many cases, these events are documented in both Jewish and Christian writings as well as secular sources such as ancient Roman documents and archaeological finds.
This evidence confirms that there is an accurate historical record of what took place at this time period; however, we must also remember that “history” written during this era may have been colored by prejudice towards certain groups or individuals, especially since some of these texts were written by Jews who saw themselves as Israelites (i.e., descendants of Jacob) rather than Jews (i.e., descendants of Judah).
When Does The Old Testament End in The Bible
The Old Testament ends with the book of Malachi. It is one of the last books of the Bible, and it is a collection of prophetic oracles that foretold the coming of John the Baptist. The book of Malachi is also known as “The Messenger” because it refers to the prophesied messenger who would prepare people for the coming of Jesus Christ.
Malachi’s name means “my messenger.” He was an important prophet who predicted many events in New Testament times, including John’s birth, his ministry and death, and Jesus’ ministry on earth.
We hope you enjoyed this brief look at the 400 silent years between the Old and New Testaments. It is an often overlooked time period but it was very important to the spread of Christianity throughout the world. It is also a time that we can learn from as Christians today! The faith of those living during this time led them to believe in God’s promises despite their circumstances.