Gates are one of the most important structures in our lives. They provide protection, safety, and privacy. They keep people out, or invite people in. Gates represent boundaries and limits, but they also represent opportunity and possibility.
The Bible uses gates to symbolize many different things—the entrance to heaven, the Holy of Holies in the temple, a place of judgment or mercy. And it’s not just physical gates that are important; gates also represent spiritual truths—things like faith, hope, or love. Discover the Seven Spiritual Gates and the Seven Spiritual Gates of the Body.
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The Gates of Jericho: Triumph Through Faith and Obedience
The story of the Israelites conquering the city of Jericho is a powerful illustration of the spiritual meaning of gates. In Joshua chapter 6, God instructs Joshua to march around the city for six days, and on the seventh day, they were commanded to shout. As they followed God’s instructions, the walls of Jericho crumbled, and they triumphed over their enemies.
The gates of Jericho represent obstacles, challenges, or strongholds that stand in the way of God’s promises in our lives. Through faith and obedience, we can overcome these barriers and step into the abundance of God’s blessings. Just as the Israelites experienced victory by following the Lord’s instructions, we too can overcome any hindrances by aligning our actions with His word and walking in faith.
Rahab, the prostitute, played a significant role in the Israelites’ conquest of Jericho. She harbored the spies sent by Joshua and declared her faith in the God of Israel. In return for her obedience and trust, she was saved when the city walls collapsed. Rahab’s story reminds us that even unexpected individuals can find favor with God and be partakers of His blessings. The gates of Jericho not only represent barriers, but they also signify the potential for miracles and divine interventions in our lives when we put our trust in God.
What are the 12 spiritual gates?
In the Bible, gates often represent a place of transition or a point of entry. There are different interpretations of the 12 spiritual gates mentioned in the Bible, but one popular view is that they represent the twelve tribes of Israel. In the book of Revelation, it is said that the New Jerusalem will have twelve gates, each named after one of the twelve tribes of Israel (Revelation 21:12). These gates symbolize the spiritual journey of the Israelites and the entrance into the heavenly city.
The spiritual gates are:
- Gate of Reuben
- Gate of Simeon
- Gate of Levi
- Gate of Judah
- Gate of Issachar
- Gate of Zebulun
- Gate of Dan
- Gate of Naphtali
- Gate of Gad
- Gate of Asher
- Gate of Joseph
- Gate of Benjamin
Each gate represents one of the twelve tribes and carries unique spiritual significance. For example, the Gate of Reuben is associated with repentance and the Gate of Judah symbolizes praise and worship.
What are the 7 spiritual gates?
The seven spiritual gates mentioned in the Bible are often understood as aspects of spiritual growth and transformation. These gates represent different areas of our lives where we can encounter God’s presence and experience spiritual breakthroughs. They are:
- Gate of Repentance
- Gate of Praise and Worship
- Gate of Prayer
- Gate of Fasting
- Gate of Giving
- Gate of the Word
- Gate of the Holy Spirit
Each gate represents a specific spiritual practice or discipline that believers can engage in to deepen their faith and draw closer to God. These gates are not literal physical entrances, but rather symbolic representations of spiritual pathways that lead to a deeper relationship with God.
What are the types of spiritual gates mentioned in the Bible?
In addition to the twelve tribes and the seven spiritual gates, there are also other types of spiritual gates mentioned in the Bible. These gates can represent various spiritual concepts and realities. Some of the types of spiritual gates are:
- Gate of Salvation: Jesus Christ is described as the gate to salvation, and only through Him can we enter into eternal life (John 10:9).
- Gate of Blessing: There are gates of blessing mentioned in the Bible, where God pours out His favor and provision upon His people (Malachi 3:10).
- Gate of Deliverance: God is a deliverer, and the gate of deliverance represents the place of freedom and release from bondage (Psalm 118:5).
- Gate of Healing: In the Bible, healing is often associated with gates. The pool of Bethesda, for example, had a gate where people gathered for healing (John 5:2-9).
These different types of spiritual gates highlight various aspects of our spiritual journey and the ways in which God intervenes in our lives.
Spiritual Gates in the Bible
Throughout the Bible, the concept of spiritual gates plays a significant role in understanding the overarching theme of accessing God’s presence and blessings. These gates serve as access points that determine the flow of spiritual power and authority in our lives. By understanding the biblical meanings associated with spiritual gates, we can navigate our spiritual journey with clarity and purpose.
1. Gate of Heaven
The Gate of Heaven is mentioned in Genesis 28:17, where Jacob has a divine encounter with God. Jacob exclaims, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.” This gate symbolizes the entrance to God’s presence and the intersection between heaven and earth.
2. Gates of Jerusalem
In the book of Nehemiah, the gates of Jerusalem are mentioned as a symbol of protection and authority. Each gate served a specific purpose, such as the Sheep Gate for sacrifice and the Water Gate for purification. These gates represent the various aspects of our spiritual journey and the need for protection and discernment.
3. Gates of Hell
Matthew 16:18 references the Gates of Hell, where Jesus declares, “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” This gate represents the spiritual forces of darkness that seek to oppose God’s work in the world. Through faith and unity in Christ, we can overcome these spiritual battles.
4. Gate of Repentance
In the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32, the gate of repentance is illustrated through the son’s return to his father after squandering his inheritance. The father welcomes his son back with open arms, symbolizing God’s forgiveness and grace when we humbly repent of our sins. The gate of repentance is always open for those who seek reconciliation with God.
5. Gate of Thanksgiving
Psalm 100:4 encourages us to enter the gates with thanksgiving and praise. This gate represents the importance of cultivating a grateful heart and acknowledging God’s faithfulness in our lives. Through thanksgiving, we can align our hearts with God’s will and experience His presence in a deeper way.
Gate | Meaning |
Gate of Heaven | Access to God’s presence |
Gates of Jerusalem | Protection and authority |
Gates of Hell | Spiritual warfare |
Gate of Repentance | Forgiveness and grace |
Gate of Thanksgiving | Gratitude and praise |
Spiritual gates in the Bible
An Old Testament account presents an architectural depiction of a fortress comprising fortified gates, a draw bridge, and thick walls. In contrast to the gates that we envision today, the entrances to ancient cities were enormous structures constructed of stone, iron, brass, or timber, often with metal sheets applied. They were both broad and lofty. Acts 3:2 describes “The Beautiful Gate” of Herod’s temple, which was constructed of brass and shut down by twenty men. During the day, these gates were accessible to the populace; however, in order to prevent adversarial incursions, they were typically fortified and locked at night. The city was governed by whoever gained control of the stronghold’s gates.
The significance of a city’s gateways was immense. At nightfall, the gates were sealed down (Joshua 2:5), as they served as the primary entry point for the enemy’s assault (Judges 5:8). At the gates, idolatrous deeds were carried out (Acts 14:13). The gates were confronted with battering weapons (Ezekiel 21:22) and subsequently collapsed and incinerated (Nehemiah 1:3).
Seats of authority occupied the entrances (Ruth 4:11). Wisdom was spoken at the gates (Proverbs 1:21). The gates were where judges and officers administered justice (Deuteronomy 16:18), as well as where the councils of state met (2 Chronicles 18:9). The Word was recited (Nehemiah 8:2-3), and the prophets proclaimed from the gates the message of God (Jeremiah 17:19–20). For the people to venerate the Lord, entrance through the gates was also necessary.
“Proclaim the following message from the gate of the Lord’s house: ‘All you people of Judah who enter through these gates to worship the Lord, heed the Word of the Lord.'”
NIV: Jeremiah 7:2
Gates were observed not only in urban areas, but also in settlements, temples, palaces, and camps (Scriptures). As God’s people, we are referred to as His abiding place. The human body is referred to as the Holy Spirit’s tabernacle or temple.
Numerous Scriptures contain references to the gates. Natural barriers are objects that require passage through. The same applies to the spiritual realm. Each individual possesses entrances to their psyche, spirit, and body. According to the Word, upon receiving Jesus, an individual’s spirit is sealed with the Holy Spirit. Our spiritual gates are shut when our spirit transforms into a new creation.
“Therefore, do not lament the Holy Spirit of God, who was sanctified within you on the day of redemption.”
NIV: Ephesians 4:30
God be praised, for He safeguards our spirits. However, both our physical and spiritual beings possess vulnerabilities that the adversary can and will exploit. Nevertheless, Jesus is our provision; for our redemption, He assumed the crimes of the world and paid the price. He arrived to illuminate the path for humanity, grant us access to God, and empower us to walk in His might and triumph. His atonement established a gateway through which we might enter the heavenly realm of God. By means of Jesus, one may enter the Father; no other means exist.
In biblical times, in addition to serving as a barrier against invaders, city gateways were hubs of activity. Significant business transactions took place, court proceedings were convened, and public announcements were announced from the city gates. As a result, it is unsurprising that the Bible makes frequent reference to “sitting in the gate” or to the events that transpired at the gate. Wisdom is personified in Proverbs 1: “She cries out at the head of the bustling streets, and at the entrances of the city she speaks” (verse 21). In order to disseminate her ideas to the greatest number of individuals possible, Wisdom approached the gates.
The initial allusion to a city entrance occurs in Genesis 19:1. The entrance to Sodom was where Lot, the nephew of Abraham, cordially welcomed the heavenly visitors to his town. Lot was present alongside other prominent citizens of the city, participating in significant civic affairs or deliberating on contemporary affairs.
Deuteronomy 21:18–21 states that in the Law of Moses, parents of a rebellious son were instructed to transport him to the city gate, where the elders would evaluate the evidence and render a verdict. This verifies that community action was centered on the city gate.
Another significant instance can be observed in the book of Ruth. Boaz formally proclaimed his status as kinsman-redeemer in Ruth 4:1-11 through a conference at the entrance of Bethlehem with the city elders. There, the legal issues pertaining to his matrimonial union with Ruth were resolved.
While Israel engaged in battle against the Philistines, Eli, a priest, awaited updates on the status of the ark and the whereabouts of his sons at the city gate (1 Samuel 4:18).
During his reign in Israel, King David addressed his forces from the city gate while standing (2 Samuel 18:1–5). David, accompanied by his people, ultimately returned to the city gate in mourning following the death of his son Absalom (2 Samuel 19:1-8). The king’s reappearance at the gate signified that the period of lamentation had concluded and he was once more occupied with governing affairs.
Additionally, the city gate held significance in other ancient civilizations. Esther 2:5-8 states that some of the king’s attendants devised a murderous plot at the king’s entrance. A prominent Jew in Persia, Mordecai, learned of the conspiracy and informed Esther, who then relayed the information to the king (Esther 2:19-23). It was stated that the Persian court officials were “at the king’s gate” (3:3).
Spiritual Meaning Of Gates In The Bible
Gates in the Bible represent access, restrictions, and transition. When considered as a landmark, gates in the Bible represent boundaries of privacy beyond which others should not go. In general, gates in the Bible are representative of a transition from one state to another. Gates in the Bible are symbolic markers for access—an area entering a new state or territory. Learn about the spiritual meaning of gates in the bible.
The truth is that the meaning of gates in the Bible can be a little bit more complex. So if you want to find out the spiritual meaning of gates, you should start by finding out what they were used for. Gates are massive doors – usually made of wood and/or metal – that are built into or attached to city walls, ornate building facades, or even fences.
Gates in the Bible are often symbolic of protection and safety. The gates of heaven, for example, protect us from evil and sin. Similarly, gates on earth (such as the one in the wall surrounding Jerusalem) can represent a sense of safety and security.
SIGNS AND SYMBOLS IN THE BIBLE (GATE) Doors either allow us to enter or restrict us from entering a room or residence. Gates are typically more imposing and significant. They protect the entrance to vast areas such as cities, estates, and the path to eternal life. Because most cities of any size were encircled by walls in Bible times, gates were a constant element in people’s life. It’s no surprise, then, that the job of gates came to represent other values and ideals.
Gates were mostly used for security. They were open all day but closed at night (Josh 2:5). To keep invaders out, gatekeepers were stationed (Neh 7:1-3). Gates were sometimes imagined as living guardians and municipal representatives: “Lift your heads, you gates. Lift up your heads, ancient doors, so that the king of glory may enter” (Ps 24:7). The opening of a gate represented a regal greeting. In contrast, a city without a gate was the ultimate target: “Attack the peaceful and secure nation, declares the LORD.” It is a country without walls or gates” (Jer 49:31).
Because of their importance to a city, gates were frequently used by leaders to discuss state affairs and settle legal matters. One such instance is the book of Ruth’s climax, when Boaz bargained with another relative over the fate of Naomi, Ruth, and the legacy of a guy named Elimelech. “All the people who were at the gate, including the leaders, said, ‘We are witnesses,” after they struck an agreement. May the LORD create this bride who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, who both built our Israelite family. So demonstrate your moral strength in Ephrathah and build a name for yourself in Bethlehem.” (Ruth 4:11). The exchange of a sandal at Bethlehem’s city gate determined a pivotal juncture in King David’s and Jesus the Messiah’s ancestry (Ruth 4:1-22). Furthermore, the virtuous lady is commended at the city gates (Proverb 31:31), her husband is known there (Proverb 31:23), and knowledge cries out there (Proverb 1:21).The Eastern Gate in Jerusalem had a significant role in the biblical environment.
“Enter through the narrow gate because the gate and road that lead to destruction are wide,” Jesus said of the two primary paths to life. Many people enter through the large gate. However, the narrow entrance and the road that lead to life are fraught with peril. Only a few people make it through the narrow gate” (Matthew 7:13-14). He also described himself as the only way to find salvation: “I am the gate.” Those who enter the sheep enclosure via my portal will be saved. They will enter and exit the sheep corral in search of food” (John 10:9). The gate represents Christ himself; just as one can only enter an earthly city through the gate, one can only enter the heavenly city through Christ’s gate.
The gates of hell were also referenced by Jesus, but he guaranteed that the church that would be born after his death and resurrection would triumph over hell: “You are Peter, and I can guarantee that on this rock I will build my church.” And the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).
While the Old Testament prophecies of future prosperity for God’s people involve secure gates (Isa 60:11, 18; Ezek 40-48), the New Testament book of Revelation depicts the gates of the New Jerusalem in all their majesty (Rev 21:12-25). Although most people associate a gate with the security it provides when it is closed, one of the aspects of the New Jerusalem is that “its gates will be open all day.” They will never close since there will be no night” (Rev 21:25). Gates will be ornamental tributes in the new heaven and new earth, no longer needed for security because God’s presence makes the vast city the ultimate safe place.
Seven Spiritual Gates
There are seven spiritual gates and each one is associated with a certain color.
The first gate is the red gate. It’s located in the root chakra and is associated with survival. The second gate is the orange gate located in the sacral chakra and associated with sexuality and pleasure. The third gate is the yellow gate located at the solar plexus chakra and associated with power and personal identity. The fourth gate is green, located at the heart chakra and associated with love and compassion. The fifth gate is blue, located at the throat chakra and associated with truth and communication. The sixth gate is purple or violet, located at the brow chakra or third eye chakra, where it connects us to our intuition or psychic ability (this can also be called an “open channel”). The seventh gate is white or clear quartz crystal located at your crown chakra, where it connects you to universal consciousness (or God).
7 Spiritual Gates of the body
The spiritual gates of the body are seven key points in the body that are linked to different chakras. Chakras are energy centers that are located along the spine, from the base of the spine (the root or Muladhara chakra) to the top of the head (the Sahasrara or crown chakra).
The seven spiritual gates are:
Muladhara – The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine and is associated with survival, security and basic needs. It’s also linked to your sense of self and ego.
Svadhisthana – The Sacral Chakra is located at about 2 inches below your navel, about 1 inch inside your body on each side. It’s associated with sexuality, creativity, pleasure and joy.
Manipura – The Solar Plexus Chakra is located behind your stomach area and is associated with self-esteem and self-confidence. It also regulates metabolism, digestion and elimination in both physical and emotional ways.
Anahata – The Heart Chakra is located in between your shoulder blades at the center of your chest wall just above where a man’s rib cage comes together under his breastbone but below where it meets
There are seven spiritual gates of the body:
The Gate of Life
The Gate of Breath
The Gate of Blood
The Gate of Nectar
The Gate of Fire
The Gate of Light
The Gate of Grace
In addition to their protective meaning, gates also symbolize transition. The gate to a city was where people entered and exited—and this was often where they were asked to pay taxes or fees. When Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him more than his brothers and sisters, He is asking Peter if he would die for Him—to be born again into His kingdom.
The gates of the bible are a metaphor for the spiritual realm, and God’s presence there.
The gates of heaven are a place where God makes himself present to those who are humble before him.
In ancient times, gates were used as protection from enemies, and so they also symbolize protection from evil spirits.
In Matthew 18:18, Jesus says that if “one of you will suffer as a Christian,” then he will be able to enter through the “gates into the kingdom of heaven.” This is because suffering is a way we can let go of our own pride and ego so we can surrender to God.
When Jesus speaks about his death on the cross in John 10:9-11, he says that he will open up both physical and spiritual gates for all who believe in his sacrifice. This is because Jesus’ death on the cross means that we have forgiveness from sin, which allows us to enter into God’s presence through prayer and worship.
Gates are mentioned often in Scripture, and gatekeepers were an important part of maintaining order in ancient societies. Gatekeepers were guards stationed for protection at various kinds of gates, which could be city gates, palace gates, or temple gates. Ancient cities had high, thick walls around them to keep out wild beasts and invading armies (Joshua 7:5; Judges 5:8; Nehemiah 12:30). Heavy gates were set within those walls to allow entrance and exit. A gatekeeper had to be trustworthy and alert for any signs of trouble. A gatekeeper lax in his duties could bring ruin upon an entire civilization, so the idea of gatekeeping implies alertness and security. The keeper of the gates in Psalm 141:3 is none other than the Lord Himself, as He guards our mouths, preventing us from unwise speech.
David and Samuel appointed 212 gatekeepers for “positions of trust” in guarding the temple of the Lord (1 Chronicles 9:22), and those so appointed rotated through week-long assignments (verse 25). Verses 26–29 speak of the four principal gatekeepers, “who . . . were entrusted with the responsibility for the rooms and treasuries in the house of God. They would spend the night stationed around the house of God, because they had to guard it; and they had charge of the key for opening it each morning. Some of them were in charge of the articles used in the temple service; they counted them when they were brought in and when they were taken out. Others were assigned to take care of the furnishings and all the other articles of the sanctuary, as well as the special flour and wine, and the olive oil, incense and spices.” Temple gatekeepers were in charge of who went in and who went out. They ensured order and reverence for God’s house.
Ezra records that 139 gatekeepers made the trip from Babylon to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:42). When Nehemiah had finished the rebuilding of the wall around the city of Jerusalem, gatekeepers were some of the first positions he appointed (Nehemiah 7:1). This is significant because, before a city can conduct business, it must be protected from outside invaders. The Lord’s house required gatekeepers for the same reason. Before God’s business could be conducted properly, only the prescribed priests and other designated servants could be allowed through the gates. God had given clear commands about temple business (Exodus 25:8–9; cf. Hebrews 9:1–7). Gatekeepers were part of that holy business, and their positions were considered sacred (1 Chronicles 9:26; Nehemiah 12:47).
We can easily see the parallel for our own lives. Our conscience, the fear of the Lord, and the Holy Spirit are “gatekeepers” for our hearts. “Through the fear of the LORD evil is avoided” (Proverbs 16:6). The Spirit desires our sanctification, giving us the power to repel sin. When temptation comes knocking at our gate, the Holy Spirit nudges our Scripture-informed conscience: “That’s dangerous. Don’t go there.” The divine Gatekeeper acts on our behalf to keep invaders from destroying us.
John Bunyan illustrates the need for a spiritual “gatekeeper” in his book The Holy War. In this allegory, Bunyan likens humanity to a city: “This famous town of Mansoul had five gates, in at which to come, out of which to go; and these were . . . impregnable, and such as could never be opened nor forced but by the will and leave of those within. The names of the gates were these: Ear-gate, Eye-gate, Mouth-gate, Nose-gate, and Feel-gate” (chapter 1, p. 62–63). In other words, the five senses are the “gates” by which the human soul interacts with the world through the physical body. These gates must be guarded, and, in Bunyan’s allegory, Mr. Godly-Fear is just the man to do it. Godly-Fear was a trustworthy man of “courage, conduct, and valour,” and the enemy attacked Mansoul in vain, as long as Godly-Fear was the gatekeeper (chapter 15, p. 285).
When we ignore our Gatekeeper, we put ourselves and those we love in jeopardy. But when we, in godly fear, heed the warnings of the Word and the Holy Spirit, we are safe. Our hearts and lives are protected from Satan’s invasive schemes (Ephesians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 2:11).