Clavius was not directly mentioned in the Bible, but he was indirectly alluded to 1. As a friend and servant of Herod Antipas, who in turn was a close friend of King Herod Agrippa II. 2. As a man who was commissioned to find and return the three teenagers to their parents (see what actually happened).
The first thing to note is that the name “Clavius” was used by many people in ancient Rome and Greece, so it’s not clear that Clavius the astronomer is the same person as Clavius the soldier or Clavius the politician. But one of those men could have been the character referenced in Luke 2:21-22: Talking about; Clavius tribune in the bible, How did Clavius die.

Was Clavius in the Bible
Claudius Lysias, the tribune
The Greek term χιλίαρχος is said to be used to translate the Roman tribunus militum (following Polybius), and also for the phrase tribuni militares consulari potestate (Plutarch). The responsibilities of a χιλίαρχος were as a “commander of a thousand men”.
The Bible does not say whether this “Clavius” was an astronomer or not—but it does suggest that he lived during Jesus’ time on earth.
The answer to this question is not clear, but there are some indications that he was.
And when eight days were accomplished for circumcising him, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb. And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to God;)
Who is the Roman soldier became the disciple of Jesus?
Cornelius (Greek: Κορνήλιος, romanized: Kornélios; Latin: Cornelius) was a Roman centurion who is considered by Christians to be the first Gentile to convert to the faith, as related in Acts of the Apostles.
Was Clavius Aquila Valerius Niger a real person?
The film centers on Clavius Aquila Valerius Niger (Joseph Fiennes), a fictional Roman Tribune who is tasked to find the missing body of Jesus He is assisted by Lucius (Tom Felton) who is less inspired by the discoveries. The film starts with the crucifixion and ends with Christ’s ascension at Galilee.
Who is Clavius?
The film Risen retells the story of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension through the fictional Roman tribune Clavius, who supervises both Jesus’ crucifixion and the investigation into what happened to his missing body. One might describe this Jesus as “romantic”; he compels faith through the force of his presence.
did clavius become a christian
RISEN, released earlier this month, is a beautifully crafted movie about Jesus, but is seen through the eyes of Clavius, a Roman military tribune that is tasked with the investigation of finding Jesus’ body, three days after His crucifixion. His search for the real truth takes him on a journey that forever changes his life and leads him to the one and only Truth.
1) Before Clavius even knows of Jesus’ existence in the world, God begins to pursue his heart and starts to show him through little ways that He is there. In the very same way, God did that with us while we were still in the dark world of sin. He seeks us out and will show Himself to those who search back. Clavius’ relentless and persistent search for Jesus is at first rooted in a selfish and lost heart, but eventually blossoms into a new and flourishing creation. He sought out Christ in such a manner that we, followers of the risen King, should be doing daily.
It is truly amazing how time and time again, God uses the ones that we least expect to do some of the greatest work for His kingdom. That should give us hope for the ones we deem hopeless, especially in Clavius’ case. God presented Himself, through His son Jesus, and captured Calvius’ curious heart. The God we serve is a God of miracles and working with the least of these to reach the whole world of His great love and mercy.
2) There is a point in Clavius’ search for the truth that his heart begins to change as well as his way of thinking, actions and even outward appearance. He begins to imitate the disciples, who are in turn imitating Jesus. This is a perfect picture of 1 Corinthians 11:1, when the Apostle Paul tells the church of Corinth to “follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” It is impossible to be around Jesus and the people who follow Him and not begin to subconsciously act and think like them. God’s love and peace is overwhelming and contagious to all who really experience it.
One of the sweetest moments of this movie was when Clavius was able to present his biggest concerns and doubts of the resurrection to Jesus. Instead of just pushing his questions aside, Jesus takes the opportunity to listen and show that He cares and is open to Clavius’ doubts. He demonstrates such love and affection towards him and even shows him that He knows the true desires of his heart. In the same way, God knows each of us so deeply and intimately and is always there, with open arms, to answer any questions we may have.
Clavius tribune in the bible
Claudius Clavus was a 15th-century astronomer and cartographer. He was born in about 1420 in the town of Wertheim am Main, which is now part of the city of Würzburg, Germany. He received his first education from his father who was also a teacher. When he was 16 years old he went to Nuremberg to study mathematics at the University of Albrecht Dürer. His studies were cut short by the plague epidemic that swept through Europe during this time period.
In 1448 he joined an expedition led by Nicolo Cuneo, an Italian navigator, who sailed westward along the coast of Africa hoping to reach India. They reached Cape Verde Islands with only one ship remaining out of four ships that had originally set out on the journey. It was after this voyage that Clavius decided to become a priest instead of continuing his studies in mathematics or astronomy.
Claudius Clavus then traveled back to Germany where he became a priest at St. Sebald Church in Nuremberg and later became a canon at St. Lorenz Church as well as being chaplain for Duke Ernest II von Sachsen-W
The movie ends with Clavius taking off his ring, the last thing tying him to the Roman life that he had always known, and choosing to follow Jesus. Plain and simple, God is worth leaving everything else behind, and Clavius finally understood that. He said, “I believe, and can never be the same.” God’s ministry is powerful and is changing lives every day, and we will never be the same from it.
For those whose lives have been changed by Jesus like Clavius in RISEN, we should remember to pursue the Lord always and acknowledge the evidence of his works in the world, and this should result in our desire to imitate and follow Him.
How did Clavius die
The Bible is silent about the death of Clavius. The only mention of his name comes from Josephus’ Antiquities of the Jews, where he is described as a tribune under Titus in Jerusalem during the siege.
According to Josephus, Clavius was at least partially responsible for the deaths of thousands of Jews during the siege. He was ordered by Titus to take possession of a certain tower in Jerusalem called “Phasaelus” which contained a great quantity of corn and other provisions; but instead of obeying this order, he shut up all the passages by which they might have escaped, and destroyed those that resisted him.
The Jews were then driven out of this place by force; so they retired into another castle called Hippicus, whither Clavius followed them immediately with his forces, and encompassed that castle all round with his army also.

What happened to tribune in the bible
A military tribune is both an officer of a Roman legion and an official position of the Roman state. … The tribunes were men of the senatorial rank, and they were chosen by the Senate. To get the position, the aristocratic position of the person in question was more important than his suitability for the position.
Porcius Festus was a Roman procurator, succeeding Antonius Felix somewhere between AD 55 and 60. History describes him as fair and reasonable—much more so than Felix or Festus’ successor, Albinus. In the Bible Porcius Festus is known for sending Paul to Rome to stand trial under Emperor Nero.
The events leading to Paul’s meeting with Porcius Festus are filled with danger. In Acts 21, Paul returns from a missionary journey. He visits James (Jesus’ brother), the leader of the church in Jerusalem, and pays the fee of men who had taken a Nazarite vow (Acts 21:17–26). Less than a week later, Paul is spotted in the temple by devout Jews who condemned his work spreading the gospel. Because of a misunderstanding, they falsely accuse Paul of bringing a Gentile into the temple, and they have Paul arrested. Paul gives his defense to the Jews in Acts 22:1–21, but it’s not received well, and the mob turns ugly. The Roman tribune (commander above a centurion) protects Paul from the mob by hurrying him into the barracks and orders Paul to be flogged. Paul reveals he is a Roman citizen by birth (Acts 22:22–29), which causes the tribune to call off the flogging. The tribune later allows Paul to give his testimony before the Jewish council, including the high priest, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees, who promptly get into a fight about whether Paul is actually guilty of anything. Tempers flare so high that the tribune again extricates Paul back to the army barracks (Acts 23:1–11). The next day, Paul’s nephew warns the tribune that forty men have vowed to murder Paul, so the tribune sends Paul with two hundred soldiers as guards to Felix, the governor in Caesarea (Acts 22:12–22).
The tribune is still curious as to why the Jewish leaders want Paul dead, and he requests Felix uncover the truth. The high priest, some elders, and a hired spokesman arrive in Caesarea five days later to present their case before Felix, but the Jews from Asia are absent, and the governor delays a decision until the tribune can arrive—or until Paul offers a sufficient bribe. The bribe never comes, and Felix leaves Paul in custody for two years (Acts 24).
Festus succeeds Felix as governor, and Paul’s pending case is one of his first concerns. The Jewish leadership meet Festus in Jerusalem and ask that he bring Paul from Caesarea—their purpose was to ambush Paul and kill him on the way. Festus hasn’t even been to his new home yet, and he invites Paul’s accusers to go with him to Caesarea and get things squared away. Festus could see the charges against the apostle were specious but, wanting to have a good relationship with his new people, asks Paul to go to Jerusalem and stand trial. This would benefit Festus in two ways: he would get on the good side of the Jewish leadership, and he could move the venue of the trial so he wouldn’t have to deal with it. Paul politely tells Festus that, as Caesar’s representative, Festus needs to either make a fair decision or let him make his case before Caesar. After conferring with his advisers, Festus agrees to send Paul to Caesar (Acts 25:1—12).
Before Paul can leave for Rome, King Herod Agrippa II and his sister/lover Bernice come to visit Festus. The new governor isn’t as knowledgeable about the Jewish religion as Felix, whose wife was Jewish, had been. But, in his attempt to repair Rome’s relationship with the Jews, Porcius Festus still wants to understand why the Jews are trying to kill Paul. He also knows it’s absurd to send a man to trial in Rome with no official charges, so he asks Agrippa for advice (Acts 25:13–27).
Paul gives his testimony to King Agrippa. Unlike Felix, who wanted a bribe, or Festus, who doesn’t understand much of what’s going on, Agrippa immediately judges that Paul is completely innocent of any official wrongdoing. He tells Festus, “This man could have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar” (Acts 26:32).
Despite Paul’s innocence and Festus’ lack of any real charge, Paul had appealed to Caesar, and Festus must send him. Once in Rome, Paul spends two years under house arrest, chained to a guard, but he is finally in the city where he had longed to be for years (Romans 15:23). And while there he has the opportunity to write the epistles Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon.
Josephus had favorable things to say about Porcius Festus. He recorded that at the time Festus took his position, Sicarii bandits were roaming the countryside, plundering and burning villages. They also mingled into crowds of worshipers and killed people with short, curved swords. Festus learned an imposter had gone to the Sicarii, promising them deliverance from their hardships. The imposter led the bandits to the wilderness where Festus’ forces killed the imposter and his followers.
Paul’s case was not the only time Festus allowed Jews to appeal to Caesar. King Agrippa built a dining area in his palace that, because of the elevation, looked down onto the actions taking place in the temple. In response to this, and to the guard post that also overlooked the temple, the Jews built up the western wall of the temple’s inner court. Agrippa ordered the wall down, and Festus agreed, but then acquiesced to the Jews’ counterproposal that they be allowed to petition Nero about the matter. When the Jews returned with a ruling in their favor (all but the two who had been retained as hostages by Nero’s wife), Festus agreed to let the wall stand.
In a way, Porcius Festus was to Paul what Pontius Pilate was to Jesus. He valued peace with the Jews more than justice and, despite determining his prisoner was innocent, sent him to judgment. In his quest for political control, Festus dismissed Paul’s situation as a “dispute . . . about their own religion” (Acts 25:19). At one point when Paul was speaking before Agrippa, “Festus interrupted Paul’s defense. ‘You are out of your mind, Paul!’ he shouted. ‘Your great learning is driving you insane’” (Acts 26:24). Festus was governor for only two or three years before he died. He was succeeded by Albinus.
Who stabbed Jesus with a spear?
Christian legend has it that Longinus was a blind Roman centurion who thrust the spear into Christ’s side at the crucifixion. Some of Jesus’s blood fell upon his eyes and he was healed. Upon this miracle Longinus believed in Jesus.
Who is Felix in the Bible?
Marcus Antonius Felix (Felix, in Greek: ὁ Φῆλιξ, born between 5/10-?) was the Roman procurator of Judea Province 52–60, in succession to Ventidius Cumanus.
Why did Simon carry the cross for Jesus?
Simon’s act of carrying the cross, patibulum (crossbeam in Latin), for Jesus is the fifth or seventh of the Stations of the Cross. Some interpret the passage as indicating that Simon was chosen because he may have shown sympathy with Jesus. Mark 15:21 identifies Simon as “the father of Alexander and Rufus”.
Where is the spear that killed Jesus?
The Holy Lance in Vienna is displayed in the Imperial Treasury or Weltliche Schatzkammer (lit. Worldly Treasure Room) at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna, Austria. It is a typical winged lance of the Carolingian dynasty.
Who cursed life forever in the Bible?
Wandering Jew, in Christian legend, character doomed to live until the end of the world because he taunted Jesus on the way to the Crucifixion. A reference in John 18:20–22 to an officer who struck Jesus at his arraignment before Annas is sometimes cited as the basis for the legend.
What happened Jesus corpse?
Later, the corpse was sold to the Jewish leaders for thirty pieces of silver, who confirmed Jesus’s death; Jesus’s corpse was then dragged through the streets of Jerusalem.
Who saved Paul from death?
Eutychus /ˈjuːtɪkəs/ was a young man (or a youth) of Troas tended to by St. Paul. Eutychus fell asleep due to the long nature of the discourse Paul was giving, fell from a window out of the three-story building, and died.
What is a Roman tribune?
Tribune was a title of various offices in ancient Rome, the two most important of which were the tribuni plebis and tribuni militum. The military tribunes were responsible for many administrative and logistics duties, and could lead a section of a legion under a consul, or even command one alone on the battlefield