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What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of My Name

    Every name has a spiritual meaning, and it can help you gain a better understanding of your spiritual self. The spiritual meaning of a name is a reflection of the soul. It reflects what is inside of you and who you are as a person. The spiritual meaning of a name can be hard to understand and interpret, but it’s important to remember that God is always with us, and He loves us more than we can understand.

    The meaning of your name may mention innate attributes and qualities you are meant to draw out of your personality as well as offering clues to your nature and your destiny.1 Your name may describe you as “fertile field”, as with Sharon; “endowed with song”, as with Aaralyn; or declare you the “lion of God”, as with Ariel. Your name’s meaning reverberates who you are or are meant to be.

    What Is The Spiritual Meaning Of My Name

    Not only do the syllables of your name hold a resonance of sound that is powerful to the ear, but also your name has a meaning that defines you. While your surname remarks on heredity, your given name is the stamp of your personal identity. There is a treasure in your name and that treasure is its meaning.

    You might wonder what possessed your mother and father to choose the name they did. Unfortunately, many parents recycle names to honor someone else, like a grandfather or grandmother, rather than tuning in as my mother did to honor the child with the name of their soul.

    English names have roots, origins and many versions.

    • Germanic names characteristically convey warlike attributes with such meanings as “strength”, “brightness” and “glory”. The “-bert” a root element common to many Germanic names means “bright”. Examples are Albert and Robert.
    • French names are usually variations of Germanic names. Some examples are: Robert, Charles, Henry, William and Albert. It is common in France to have two given names such as, Jeanne-Marie and Jean-Claude. Traditionally, the French are named after Roman calendar saints as with, Marie for Mary and Bernard for St. Bernard of Clairvaux.
    • Slavic names are characteristically of a peaceful quality. The root meanings often convey traits like,” to protect”, “peace”, “to praise the gods”, and “to give”. Many of them, like Miroslav, consist of the word “slava”, meaning, “glory”.
    • Celtic names, like Alan, Brian, and Brigid are anglicized versions of early Celtic forms. Christian saints dominate the list along with Celtic mythological figures such as Bran or Bron. The most common Celtic girl’s names are Lynn, Shannon and Eileen.
    • Greek and Latin names many times are derived from the Greco-Roman gods or from early Christian traditions. Some examples are: Alexander, Andrew, Nicholas, Margaret, Chloe and Zoe.
    • Biblical Names are Hebrew or Aramaic names taken from the Old and New Testaments and are extremely popular amongst those of Christian faith. To be named after a prominent biblical figure is to be honored with a God-given name. Examples are: Isaiah, Ophir, David, Ruth and Mary.
    • Nature names usually derive from the elements of nature such as, the names of flowers, birds, colors or gemstones. Names like Violet, Rose, Jasmine, Daisy, Dawn, Crystal and Sparrow are all examples and denote special qualities and attributes. If you possess a nature name you may want to research the metaphysical attributes and properties that are associated with the particular element of nature to gain further insights into the power of your name.
    • Trait names often remark on Christian virtues and principles and are normally used as feminine names such as, Faith, Hope, and Charity. It is believed that a girl possessing a trait name will embody that virtue throughout her life and grow to be an inspiration to others.
    • Diminutives are sometimes used to distinguish between two or more members within a family. In English, Robert may be changed to “Robby” or “Bobby” and “Danny” is frequently used for Daniel.
    • Shortened Names are generally nicknames of a common longer name, but they are instead designated as the given name of the person. For example, a person may simply be named “Bob” for Robert. Other examples are: Jen, Liz, Dan, Pete, Bill, and Steve.
    • Feminine variations exist for many masculine names. Examples are: Alexandra, Marka, Josephine, Paula, Danelle, and Victoria.

    Meaning of Names

    Spiritual Baby Girl Names

    1. Abigail: It comes from Hebrew and the Bible and means “brings joy”
    2. Adna: It is a Biblical name meaning “pleasure, delight”
    3. Aisha: A Muslim baby name meaning “life, Vivaciousness”
    4. Amana: Hebrew origin name meaning “loyal, faithful”
    5. Anani: A Biblical name meaning “a cloud”
    6. Angela: Spanish girl name meaning “angel”
    7. Angelique: French girl name meaning “like an angel”
    8. Athena: Greek mythology origin name derived from the city name, Athens
    9. Batya: Hebrew girl name meaning “daughter of God”
    10. Bliss: English origin name meaning “perfect joy” is a beautiful name for baby girl
    11. Celeste: French name meaning “heavenly”
    12. Cielo: Pronounced as Cheh-loh, it is Spanish origin name for “sky, heaven”
    13. Eden: It is an attractive name of Hebrew origin meaning “place of pleasure, delight”
    14. Elisabeth: It’s a Greek baby name meaning “Devoted to God”
    15. Emma: English origin name meaning “whole, complete”
    16. Faith: A Christian virtue name popular in the 16th century meaning “confidence, trust, belief”
    17. Genesis: American baby name meaning “beginning”
    18. Gita: Sanskrit origin name meaning “song” that evokes the beauty of Bhagavad Gita. It has special significance in Hinduism
    19. Grace: Irish baby name meaning “God’s favor”
    20. Gwyneth: Welsh name meaning “blessed”
    21. Halo: Derived from Greek origin, it means “circular aura of light depicted above the head of the holy angel”
    22. Isabelle: American baby girl name meaning “Devoted to God”
    23. Joanna: Derived from Hebrew, it is a biblical name meaning “ God is gracious”
    24. Kezia: This biblical girl’s name of Hebrew origin means ‘cinnamon’. It has great spiritual significance.
    25. Lux: Latin origin name meaning “light”
    26. Naomi: Biblical origin name meaning “beautiful, agreeable”.
    27. Maria: Hebrew origin name meaning “mistress or lady of the sea
    28. Priscilla: The ancient name of Latin origin meaning “ancient, classic”
    29. Rumi: Japanese origin name meaning “beauty”
    30. Ruth: This Hebrew name means “companion” or “vision of beauty”.
    31. Shiloh: This Hebrew name originates from ancient Israel and means “peace”
    32. Uma: Hindu Goddess name meaning “bright”
    33. Vashti: It is a unique Hebrew name meaning “beautiful”
    34. Veda: Sanskrit origin name meaning “knowledge”

    Spiritual Baby Boy Names

    1. Aaron: Hebrew origin meaning “exalted”
    2. Adam: Hebrew origin name meaning “man from the red earth”
    3. Apollo: Greek mythology name meaning “God of medicine, music, and poetry”
    4. Bardo: This name of Tibetan, German and Aboriginal origin means “water”
    5. Bodhi: Sanskrit origin name meaning “awakening, enlightenment”
    6. Christmas: Derived from an English origin, this name suggests “festivity and fun”
    7. Clement: Originating from Latin, this baby boy name “mild, merciful”
    8. David: Originating from Hebrew, this traditional name means “beloved”
    9. Dharma: Sanskrit and Buddhist origin name meaning “religious duty”
    10. Dhruv: Sanskrit origin name that means “North Star” symbolizing reliability and a strong sense of direction
    11. Ethan: Hebrew origin name meaning “solid, enduring”
    12. Ezra: Hebrew origin name meaning “help”
    13. Felix: It is a Latin name that means “fortunate”
    14. Gabriel: Hebrew name meaning “God is my strong man”
    15. Gideon: Hebrew origin means “Hewer, one who cuts trees”
    16. Isaac: Traditionally popular, this is a Hebrew name
    17. Isaiah: Well established Hebrew name meaning “salvation of the Lord”
    18. Jacob: Baby boy name of Hebrew origin meaning “the one who comes after”
    19. Jupiter: Latin origin baby boy name meaning “the Supreme God”
    20. Loyal: English origin name meaning “faithful”
    21. Matthew: English language name meaning “gift of God”
    22. Nathan: Hebrew origin name means “he gave”
    23. Nirvana: This is a beautiful name of Hindu origin meaning “Transcendent state”. It also finds mention in Buddhism.
    24. Pax: It is short for Paxton which is an Old English origin name meaning “peaceful settlement”
    25. Peter: The age-old Greek name means “the stone or rock”
    26. Reuben: This name of Hebrew origin means “behold, a son”
    27. Saint: Originating from the Latin word Sanctus, this name means “sacred, holy”
    28. Salem: Biblical and Arabic in origin, this means “safe”
    29. Salman: Arabic origin name meaning “safety”
    30. Solomon: This Hebrew name means “peaceful”
    31. Theodore: Greek origin name meaning “Gift of God”
    32. Zen: Japanese origin name meaning “peaceful and calm”
    33. Zephyr: Greek origin name meaning “west wind”
    34. Zeus: Greek mythological name symbolizing “the supreme God”
    35. Zion: Hebrew origin name meaning “the highest point”

    English form of the name in the New Testament of two of Christ’s disciples,
    James son of Zebedee and James son of Alphaeus. In Britain, James is a royal name associated with the Scottish house of Stewart: James I of Scotland, a patron of the arts and an energetic ruler.

    2) Mary
    A New Testament form of Miriam, which St. Jerome derives from elements meaning “drop of the sea’” (Latin “stilla maris”). Mary was the name of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, who has been an extremely common name among early Christians and several saints among them. 

    3) John
    Form of the Hebrew name Johanan “God is gracious.” The name is of great importance in early Christianity and was given to John the Baptist, John the Apostle, and the author of the fourth gospel. Many saints and a total of 23 popes also had the name.

    4) Patricia
    Feminine form of Patricius or Patrick, the apostle and patron saint of Ireland (c.389–461), Gaelic Pádraig. As a young man he was captured and enslaved by raiders from Ireland. He is also credited with codifying the laws of Ireland.

    5) Robert
    French name of Germanic origin. Derived from the nearly synonymous elements hrōd “fame” + berht “bright, famous.” Two dukes of Normandy in the 11th century had the name: the father of William the Conqueror and his eldest son. The altered short form Bob is very common, but Hob and Dob, which were common in the Middle Ages and gave rise to surnames, are extinct.

    6) Jennifer
    Of Celtic (Arthurian) origin, a Cornish form of the name of King Arthur’s unfaithful Guinevere. At the beginning of the 20th century, the name was merely a Cornish curiosity, but since then it has become enormously popular all over the English-speaking world.

    7) Michael
    Form of a common biblical name (meaning ‘“who is like God?” in Hebrew). In the Middle Ages, Michael was regarded as captain of the heavenly host (see Revelation 12:7–9), symbol of the Church Militant, and patron of soldiers. He was often depicted bearing a flaming sword. 

    8) Elizabeth
    Made popular by Queen Elizabeth I of England (1533–1603). In the 20th century it again became extremely fashionable, partly because it was the name of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (1900–2002), who in 1936 became Queen Elizabeth and achieved great public affection as Queen Mother for nearly half a century. Even more influentially, it is the name of her daughter Queen Elizabeth II (b. 1926).

    9) William
    Derived from Germanic wil ‘“will, desire” + helm “helmet, protection.” Despite being the name of William the Conqueror, it held favor with the “conquered” population. In the first century after the Conquest it was the most common male name.

    10) Linda
    It is first recorded in the 19th century and may be a shortened form of Belinda, an adoption of Spanish linda “pretty,” or a Latinate derivative of any of various other Germanic female names ending in -lind meaning “weak, tender, soft.”

    11) David
    Biblical name, borne by the greatest of all the kings of Israel, whose history is recounted with great vividness in the first and second books of Samuel and elsewhere. As a boy he killed the giant Philistine Goliath with his slingshot.

    12) Barbara
    Greek for “foreign woman.”

    13) Richard
    Germanic origin, derived from roc “power” + hard “strong, hardy.”

    14) Susan
    Vernacular form of Susanna, a New Testament form of the Hebrew name Shoshana (from shoshan “lily,” which in modern Hebrew also means “rose”).

    15) Joseph
    English form of the biblical Hebrew name Yosef, meaning “(God) shall add (another son).” The favorite son of Jacob had this name, and his brothers became jealous of him and sold him into slavery (Genesis 37). In the New Testament, Joseph is the husband of the Virgin Mary.

    16) Margaret
    From Hebrew margaron “pearl.” The name was always understood to mean “pearl”’ throughout the Middle Ages. 

    17) Charles
    From German karl, meaning “free man,” akin to Old English ceorl “man.” The name, Latin form Carolus, owed its popularity in medieval Europe to the Frankish leader Charlemagne, who in 800 established himself as Holy Roman Emperor.

    18) Jessica
    Apparently of Shakespearean origin. This was the name of the daughter of Shylock in The Merchant of venice (1596). Shakespeare’s source has not been established, but he presumably intended it to pass as a typically Jewish name. It may be from a biblical name that appeared in Shakespeare’s day as Jesca or Iscah (Genesis 11:29).

    19) Thomas
    New Testament name from one of Christ’s twelve apostles, referred to as “Thomas, called Didymus.” Didymos is the Greek word for “twin,” and the name is the Greek form of an Aramaic byname meaning “twin.” The given name has always been popular throughout Christendom, in part because St Thomas’s doubts have made him seem a very human character.

    20) Dorothy
    Usual English form of Dorothea. The name was not used in the Middle Ages, but was taken up in the 15th century and became common thereafter.

    21) Christopher
    From the Greek name Khristophoros, from Khristos “Christ” + pherein “to bear.” This was popular among early Christians, conscious of the fact that they were metaphorically bearing Christ in their hearts.

    22) Sarah
    Biblical name of the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac. According to the Book of Genesis, she was originally called Sarai (possibly meaning “contentious” in Hebrew) but had her name changed by God to the more auspicious Sarah “princess” in token of a greater blessing.

    23) Daniel
    Biblical name meaning “God is my judge” in Hebrew. The tale of Daniel was a favorite in the Middle Ages, often represented in miracle plays.

    24) Karen
    Danish equivalent of Katherine. Katherine is an English form of the name of a saint martyred at Alexandria in 307. The story has it that she was condemned to be broken on the wheel for her Christian belief. From an early date, it was associated with the Greek adjective katharos “pure.”

    25) Matthew
    Form of the name of the Christian evangelist, author of the first gospel in the New Testament. His name is a form of the Hebrew name Mattathia, meaning “gift of God,” which is fairly common in the Old Testament.

    26) Nancy
    Of uncertain origin. From the 18th century it is clearly used as a pet form of Ann (Nan), but it may originally have been from the name Annis, a vernacular form of Agnes. Today it is an independent name, and was especially popular in America in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s.

    27) Donald
    Anglicized form of Gaelic Domhnall. The final -d of the Anglicized form derives partly from misinterpretation by English speakers of the Gaelic pronunciation, and partly from association with Germanic-origin names such as Ronald.

    28) Betty
    Pet form of Elizabeth, dating from the 18th century. In the 17th century it is also found occasionally as a pet form of Beatrice. It is now used as a name in its own right.

    29) Anthony
    Form Antonius, which is of uncertain origin. The spelling with -th- (not normally reflected in the pronunciation) represents a learned but erroneous attempt to associate it with Greek anthos “flower.” Various early saints had the name, most notably an Egyptian hermit monk regarded as the founder of Christian monasticism.

    30) Lisa
    Pet form of Elizabeth.

    31) Paul
    Originally a nickname meaning “small.” Pre-eminently this is the name of the saint who is generally regarded, with St Peter, as co-founder of the Christian Church. He is the author of the fourteen epistles to churches and individuals which form part of the New Testament. 

    32) Sandra
    Short form of Alessandra, from Alessandro/Alexander. Alexander in Greek means “defender of men.”

    33) Mark
    In Arthurian legend, King Mark is the ruler of Cornwall to whom Isolde is brought as a bride by Tristan; his name was presumably of Celtic origin, perhaps from “horse.”

    34) Helen
    English vernacular form of the name borne in classical legend the wife of Menelaus whose seizure by the Trojan prince Paris sparked off the Trojan War. May be connected with “ray” or “sunbeam”; from Greek helios “sun.”

    35) George
    From the Greek Georgios, a derivative of georgos “farmer,” from ge “earth” and ergein “to work.” The name wasn’t used widely until George I came to the throne in 1714.

    36) Ashley
    Originally male but now an increasingly popular given name for girls. Comes from any of numerous places in England named with Old English æsc “ash” + lēah “wood.” 

    37) Steven
    From Stephen, the name of the first Christian martyr whose feast is accordingly celebrated next after Christ’s own (26 December). His name is derived from the Greek word stephanos “garland, crown.”

    38) Donna
    Of recent origin (not found as a name before the 1920s). Derived from the Italian vocabulary word donna “lady” and also used as a feminine form of Donald.

    39) Kenneth
    Anglicized form of Cinaed, probably meaning “born of fire,” and Cainnech, a byname meaning “handsome.”

    40) Kimberly
    Thought to come from Kimberley, the town in South Africa that was the scene of fighting during the Boer War, bringing it to public attention at the end of the 19th century.

    41) Andrew
    Form of the Greek name Andreas, a short form of any of various compound names derived from andr- “man, warrior.” In the New Testament this is the name of the first disciple to be called by Jesus.

    42) Carol
    Not found much before the end of the 19th century. It probably originated as a short form of Caroline. Caroline was used by certain gentry families from the 17th century onwards, no doubt in honor of the Stuart kings named Charles.

    43) Edward
    Derived from ēad “prosperity, riches” + weard “guard.” This has been one of the most successful of all Old English names, in frequent use from before the Conquest to the present day, and even being exported into other European languages.

    44) Michelle
    Feminine form of Michel, the French form of Michael (meaning “who is like God?” in Hebrew). It was popular in the 1970s and 80s, possibly influenced in part by a Beatles song with this name as its title (1966).

    45) Joshua
    Meaning “God is salvation” in Hebrew, it is borne in the Bible by the Israelite leader who took command of the Children of Israel after the death of Moses and led them to take possession of the Promised Land. The name enjoyed a surge of popularity in the 1990s.

    46) Emily
    From the Latin name Aemilia (probably from aemulus “rival”). It was not common in the Middle Ages but revived in the 19th century.

    47) Brian
    Perhaps from an Old Celtic word meaning “high” or “noble.”

    48) Amanda
    A 17th-century literary coinage from the Latin amanda “lovable, fit to be loved,” from amare “to love.” The name enjoyed considerable popularity in the mid-20th century.

    49) Kevin
    From Kelvin, which was first used in the 1920s. Taken from the name of the Scottish river that runs through Glasgow into the Clyde.

    50) Melissa
    From the Greek word melissa “honey bee.” It is the name of the good witch who releases Rogero from the power of the bad witch Alcina in Ariosto’s narrative poem Orlando Furioso (1532).

    51) Ronald
    From Old Norse Rögnvaldr (composed of regin “advice, decision” (also, “the gods”) + valdr “ruler”). This name most used where Scandinavian influence was strong.

    52) Deborah
    Biblical name meaning “bee” in Hebrew. 

    53) Timothy
    Of the Greek name Timotheos, from timē “honour” + theos “god.” This was the name of a companion of St Paul; according to tradition, he was stoned to death for denouncing the worship of Diana.

    54) Laura
    St. Laura was a 9th-century Spanish nun who met her death in a cauldron of molten lead. Laura is also the name of the woman addressed in the love poetry of the Italian poet Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca, 1304–74) and owes much of its subsequent popularity to this.

    55) Jason
    English form of the Greek name Iason, the leader of the Argonauts in classical mythology. The sorceress Medea fell in love with him and helped him obtain a Golden Fleece, but Jason fell in love with another woman and deserted Medea. Medea took her revenge by killing her rival, but Jason himself survived to old age.

    56) Stephanie
    From French Stéphanie, a variant of Stephana, which was in use among early Christians as a feminine form of Stephanus or Stephen (garland, crown).

    57) Jeffrey
    From Geoffrey, of Germanic origin. Notable bearers include the poet Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) and the chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth (1155). Some say it’s a variant of Godfrey; others say it comes from gawia “territory,” walah “stranger,” or gisil “pledge.”

    58) Rebecca
    Biblical name. The Hebrew root occurs in the Bible only in the vocabulary word marbek “cattle stall,” and its connection with the name is doubtful. In any case, Rebecca was Aramean, and the name probably has a source in Aramaic.

    59) Gary
    A short form of any of the names beginning with gar “spear.” One notable bearer was the American industrialist Elbert Henry Gary (1846-1927), who gave his name to the steel town of Gary, Indiana.

    60) Sharon
    From the phrase “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys” (Song of Solomon 2:1). The plant name “rose of Sharon” is used for a shrub of the genus Hypericum with yellow flowers, and also for a species of hibiscus.

    61) Ryan
    From the Irish surname, Gaelic Ó Riain “descendant of Rian.” It began as a boy’s name but is also now well established in North America as a girl’s name.

    62) Cynthia
    From Greek Kynthia, an epithet applied to the goddess Artemis, who was supposed to have been born on Mount Kynthos. Cynthia was later used by the Roman poet Propertius as the name of the woman to whom he addressed his love poetry.

    63) Nicholas
    Form of the post-classical Greek personal name Nikolaos, derived from nikē “victory” + laos “people.” The spelling with -ch- first occurred as early as the 12th century.

    64) Kathleen
    Irish origin; traditional Anglicized form of Caitlin.

    65) Eric
    Norse origin, from ei “ever, always” (or einn “one, alone”) + ríkr “ruler.” It was introduced into Britain by Scandinavian settlers before the Norman Conquest.

    66) Ruth
    Biblical name of a Moabite woman who left her people to be with her mother-in-lawi. It was used among the Puritans in England, partly because of its association with the English vocabulary word ruth meaning “compassion.”

    67) Jacob
    According to Genesis, Jacob was the cunning younger twin of Esau who persuaded his brother to part with his inheritance in exchange for a bowl of soup. The derivation is described as being from Hebrew akev “heel” and to have meant “heel grabber.”

    68) Anna
    From Hebrew: “God has favoured me.”

    69) Stephen
    The name of the first Christian martyr whose feast is accordingly celebrated next after Christ’s own (26 December). His name is derived from the Greek word stephanos “garland, crown.”

    70) Shirley
    From Old English scīr “county, shire” or scīr “bright” + lēah “wood, clearing.” It was given by Charlotte Brontë to the heroine of her novel Shirley (1849). This literary influence fixed it firmly as a girl’s name.

    71) Jonathan
    Biblical name meaning “God has given.” The name is often taken as symbolic of steadfast friendship and loyalty.

    72) Amy
    Anglicized form of Old French Amee “beloved.” It may have had a different, pre-Roman, origin in classical mythology as the name of the mother of the Roman people.

    73) Angela
    A feminine form of the boy’s name Angelus, or Angel. The older form Angelis has been completely superseded by Angela.

    74) Frank
    German name meaning “free,” “trustworthy,” or “Frankish.”

    75) Virginia
    It was bestowed on the first American child of English parentage, born at Roanoke, Virginia, in 1587 and has since remained in constant, if modest, use.

    76) Scott
    Originally a name for a member of the Gaelic-speaking people who came to Scotland from Ireland.

    77) Brenda
    Probably a short form of names derived from Old Norse brand “sword.” Its popularity in Gaelic-speaking countries has no doubt been influenced by its similarity to Brendan.

    78) Justin
    English form of the Latin name Justinus, a derivative of Justus. Various early saints had the name, notably a 2nd century Christian apologist and a boy martyr of the 3rd century.

    79) Pamela
    Invented by the Elizabethan pastoral poet Sir Philip Sidney (1554–86). Later taken up by Samuel Richardson for the name of the heroine of his novel Pamela (1740). In Henry Fielding’s Joseph Andrews (1742), which started out as a parody of Pamela, Fielding comments that the name is “very strange.”

    80) Brandon
    From Old English brōm “broom, gorse” + dūn “hill.” There has perhaps also been some influence from the surname of the Italian American actor Marlon Brando (1924–2004).

    81) Catherine
    French cognate of Katherine, the English form of the name of a saint martyred at Alexandria in 307. The story has it that she was condemned to be broken on the wheel for her Christian beliefs. However, the wheel fell apart and she was beheaded instead.

    82) Raymond
    From German ragin “advice, decision” + mund “protector.”

    83) Nicole
    Feminine form of Nicholas, derived from nikē “victory” + laos “people.”

    84) Gregory
    From the post-classical Greek Gregōrios “watchful” (a derivative of gregōrein “to watch, be vigilant”). The name was a very popular one among the early Christians, who were mindful of the injunction “be sober, be vigilant” (1 Peter 5:8).

    85) Samuel
    Biblical name, possibly meaning “He (God) has hearkened.”. It may also be understood as a contracted form of Hebrew sha’ulme’el meaning “asked of God.” In the case of Samuel the son of Hannah, this would be more in keeping with his mother’s statement “Because I have asked him of the Lord” (1 Samuel 1:20).

    86) Christine
    A form of the Latin Christianus “follower of Christ.” The name of Christ (Greek Khristos) is a translation of the Hebrew term Messiah “anointed.”

    87) Benjamin
    Biblical name. His mother Rachel died in giving birth and in her last moments named him Benoni, “son of my sorrow.” His father didn’t want such an ill-omened name and renamed him Benyamin, “son of the right hand” or “son of the south.”

    88) Janet
    Originally a diminutive of Jane. Jane is a feminine form of John. It is not a royal name. The tragic Lady Jane Grey (1537-54) was unwillingly proclaimed queen in 1553, deposed nine days later, and executed the following year.

    89) Patrick
    From Latin Patricius “patrician,” the name of the apostle and patron saint of Ireland (c.389–461) as recorded in his Latin autobiography.

    90) Heather
    From the word denoting the hardy, brightly coloured plant (Middle English hather).

    91) Jack
    Originally a pet form of John, but now a well-established name in its own right. It is derived from the Middle English Jankin, later altered to Jackin, from Jan (a form of John) and the diminutive suffix -kin.

    92) Samantha
    Of problematic and much debated origin. It arose in the United States at the end of the 18th century, possibly as a combination of Sam (from Samuel) + a newly coined feminine suffix -antha (perhaps suggested by Anthea).

    93) Dennis
    An adjective denoting a devotee of the god Dionysos, a relatively late introduction to the classical pantheon. His orgiastic cult seems to have originated in Persia or elsewhere in Asia.

    94) Carolyn
    Altered form of Caroline. Caroline was used by certain gentry families from the 17th century onwards, no doubt in honor of the Stuart kings named Charles.

    95) Jerry
    A pet form of Jeremy or Gerald. Gerald comes from gar, ger “spear” and “rule.” As a girl’s name it is a variant spelling of Gerry.

    96) Rachel
    Biblical name (meaning “ewe” in Hebrew).

    97) Alexander
    From alexein “to defend” + anēr “man, warrior” (genitive andros). Its use as a common given name throughout Europe, however, derives largely from the fame of Alexander the Great.

    98) Diane
    Form of Diana, who loved hunting and were therefore proud to name their daughters after the classical goddess of the chase. In Greek mythology Diana is equivalent to the Greek Artemis and is characterized as both beautiful and chaste.

    99) Henry
    From haim “home” + rīc “power, ruler.” Eight kings of England have been named Henry. Not until the 17th century did the form Henry (as opposed to Harry) become the standard vernacular form, mainly under the influence of the Latin form Henricus and French Henri.

    100) Frances
    Feminine form of Francis, originally meaning “French” or “Frenchman.”

    what does my name symbolize

    The power of a name and its value has long been immortalized in prose, poetry, and religious ceremony. Everyone recognizes himself or herself by name.

    The question is: What does my name mean and how does a name influence a person’s character?

    Let us consider what a name is. It is the grouping of several letters of an alphabet, or other symbols, which represent the identification of a person or an object.

    The one thing which separates human beings from the animal kingdom is human mind, which has the ability to reason on a conscious level. To think consciously, one must use language. This point is not generally appreciated but it is vitally important. It is impossible to think without language. What allows language to serve in this manner? In the case of languages which have alphabets, letters are placed in a definite sequence in the alphabet, i.e., in the English alphabet, “A” is always in the first position, “B” in the second position, and so on. Any alphabet is an alphabet because symbols are recognized by their form or sound in a definite order–change the order and confusion results.

    There is more than just sound and alphabetical symbols to language. What is it that language expresses? Is it not intelligence? Is not intelligence a mental power? Do we not learn through education–using language–to develop intelligence, which is recognized as mental growth and the individuality of the personal mind?

    The link between human intelligence, mind, language, and the order of the letters in the alphabet is the key to measuring human mind and solving the major problem of mental discord and imbalance.

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