The music of the American Southern Baptist churches is vibrant and alive, centered on congregational participation. In this captivating resource presented exactly as a Baptist songbook, Bill Baker describes the history, theology and musical elements of favorite Baptist songs in a lively, easy-to-read narrative.
Are you looking for the best Baptist Praise And Worship Songs? Then you are in the right place. We have compiled a list of some of the best songs that you can listen to and sing along with. These songs have been chosen based on their popularity, as well as their positive message. We hope that you enjoy listening to these songs as much as we did compiling them!
Baptist Songs Of Praise And Worship
With the recent change in times, we need to come back to our roots. We need to find what makes us unique and be proud of it. With all the modern music out there, I have noticed that there are very few Baptist Praise And Worship Songs available. This is why I have decided to write this article on the topic. I will try to explain why these songs are so important and why they should be more popular than they are today.
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Best Baptist Songs Of Praise And Worship
Church services have a long tradition of singing songs. Today, many churches are including praise and worship songs in their Sunday morning gatherings as a way to connect with the audience and help them feel closer to God. Baptist churches tend to be very traditional in their song selections, and this is no exception when it comes to praise and worship. Here are ten great Baptist praise songs that you might consider including in your own church’s repertoire.
“I Love You Lord” by Larnelle Harris
Larnelle Harris is a gospel singer-songwriter and producer. She has won three Grammy Awards and 10 Dove Awards.
In this song, she sings of her love for God, whom she calls “Lord” throughout. The music video shows her singing in front of an audience dressed in all white, with her band behind her on stage. It was released on May 24th, 2002 as part of Larnelle’s album “Thankful Gospel: A Collection Of Songs For All Seasons” (2002). The track was written by Larnelle Harris herself along with David Hamilton and Billy Smiley. “I Love You Lord” has been performed live at many church events such as Family Festivals and Youth Conferences around the world since 2002 up until present day 2019.
The song lasts 3 minutes 6 seconds which is considered short enough so that people who aren’t too fastidious won’t get bored while listening to it but long enough so that those who are looking specifically for praise & worship songs will enjoy its content thoroughly without getting bored quickly..
“Here I Am To Worship” by Phillips, Craig and Dean
The lyrics in this song are about the Lord, who is worshiped by all people. It was written by Phillips, Craig and Dean. The song has a simple but powerful message that you can use to praise God or encourage others to do so.
“Here I am to worship You Jesus Christ
Here I am to bow down before Your throne
And here I am my Lord and Savior to give You all my love”
This is a great song if you want an easy way of setting aside time with God every day!
“Heart Of Worship” by Matt Redman
“Heart Of Worship” is a song that you can use to disciple others. The lyrics are helpful in getting people to understand what worship is all about and how they should participate. It will also help them grow in their faith, which can be done through singing, prayer and being involved in the ministry of your church.
This song has been used by many churches around the world because it’s easy to understand and teaches people how they can participate more fully when they worship God together with other Christians at their church.
Praise And Worship, Worship Songs
“Above All” by Michael W. Smith
The lyrics to this song are about how we should always be thankful for God, no matter what. The song is very uplifting and inspiring, so it’s ideal for any praise and worship service. It also has a great rhythm that makes it easy to sing along with.
It was written by Michael W. Smith in 2003 on his album Gather at the River, which won him a Grammy Award for best Southern Gospel Album of 2004.
“Your Grace Is Enough” by Chris Tomlin
Your Grace Is Enough is a praise and worship song written by Chris Tomlin, Joel Houston and Jonas Myrin. The song was released on their album, Passion: Awakening the Worship in You, which was in February 2011.
The meaning of this song is that we should praise God for who He is and what He has done for us through His grace instead of relying on our own works to bring us closer to Him. This message can be applied to any person’s life regardless of their religious beliefs because everyone deserves to know how great God truly is!
“Blessed Be Your Name” by Tree 63
The song “Blessed Be Your Name” by Tree 63 was written by Matt Redman, who also wrote the worship song “Nothing But the Blood.” The song itself is a classic example of contemporary praise and worship songs that use elements of rock music; it has an upbeat tempo and a strong beat.
The lyrics include lines such as:
My soul will sing when you rise up on my behalf. Soothe my heart, I won’t be afraid; You are holy, You are perfect in all your ways”’
“Every Move I Make” by Phillips, Craig and Dean
“Every Move I Make” is a song about God’s love. It is sung in a slow tempo and has a great sound that is great for singing in church, at home or work and while driving. This song has been used by many people to help them praise God throughout their day.
“Open The Eyes Of My Heart, Lord” by Paul Baloche and Lincoln Brewster
“Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord” is a song written by Paul Baloche and Lincoln Brewster. It was first released on their album, “Come to the River” in 2006, but it’s also available on compilation albums like Passion: God of This City and WOW Hits 2014. The lyrics are inspired by Psalm 119:18: “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”
This is a worship song with lyrics that speak to our desire for God to fill us with His presence, both individually and corporately as a church. It’s great for personal devotions or corporate worship; you can use it in private meditation before bed or sing it as part of an opening prayer during church services!
“He Knows My Name” by Tommy Walker
This song is a great example of what praise and worship songs are supposed to sound like. It’s a song that has a chorus and verses, but it also has an instrumental bridge in between the two main parts. The lyrics make it clear that this is about God and how He knows everything about us.
The first line states: “He knows my name/and I know that He’s aware/and if I should fall down/He will be there for me.”
The second line continues: “His love abides with me/and His mercy will never leave.” These lines show how much God loves us and cares for us, always being there when we need Him most.
The chorus repeats these words again so people can sing along: “He knows my name/and I know that He’s aware/and if I should fall down/He will be there for me.”
“Come Now Is The Time To Worship (Brian Doerksen)” by Brian Doerksen
Come Now Is The Time To Worship (Brian Doerksen)
- Come now and worship, come now and bow down,
To the Lord of heaven, the King of kings.
- Come now and worship, come now and bow down,
To the Lord of heaven, your God almighty!
Praise And Worship Songs List
This is a list of ten Baptist praise and worship songs you can use in your church.
The Bible tells us that we all have a unique gift(s) from God. We are all different, yet the same in Christ Jesus, who is the head of the body and without whom nothing can work properly. As a pastor I want to ensure that you have access to praise and worship songs that will help you express your love for God through music. Here is a list of ten Baptist praise and worship songs:
- “Holy” by Beckah Shae
- “Your Love” by Hillsong Worship
- “What A Beautiful Name” by Hillsong Worship
- “How Great Is Our God” – Chris Tomlin (Lyrics)
# You can use these songs in your church: Use these during your Sunday School classes or prayer meetings, during Christmas celebrations or Easter services, during baptisms or other special events at your church.
Christian Song Lyrics
As a minister, one of my biggest concerns is ensuring that we worship God with all our hearts, souls, and minds. And I believe that our church has done just that. We have chosen songs which are recognized by the whole congregation and which are appropriate for every member to sing. In fact, we find ourselves singing louder for each song as worship increases throughout the service. We’re so thankful for such songs and would love it if more churches would pick them up!