The spiritual significance of greenstone has been an important aspect of Maori culture since their settlement in New Zealand. Every family had a greenstone tiki, and the most gifted craftsmen were able to create greenstone items that are an integral part of rituals and ceremonies still carried out today. The use of greenstone also served as a status symbol.
Greenstone is found in two forms: nephrite (known as pounamu in Maori), which is a type of jade, and bowenite, which is harder but paler and not as valued as the other kinds. Usually, the outside of a greenstone item is highly polished, whereas the inside is unpolished. The late 18th century saw a rise in the value of European beads and mirrors, which led to increased demand for greenstone .
For a very long time, Maoris have been crafting greenstone, also known as pounamu or nephrite. It’s been used to make weapons, tools and taonga (treasures), but also adornments like earrings, necklaces and pendants. In the past, greenstone was valued more than gold, but it’s still considered a taonga (treasure) today.
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on spiritual meaning of greenstone.

Spiritual Meaning of Greenstone
Pounamu or greenstone, is regarded as a stone sacred to the gods by the Māori of New Zealand. Its Tāonga (meaning treasured) is said to increase in Mana (prestige) as it is passed on through generations. Each carving embodies a different spiritual gift that is bestowed upon the wearer.
Greenstone is a stone that is often used to signify faith and purity, as well as love and devotion. This stone has been known to represent the earth itself, and it is often associated with the elements of fire, water, and air. It is sometimes considered to be a symbol of new beginnings, rebirth, and renewal.
Greenstone may be worn as jewelry or carried in a pocket or purse to bring about good luck or protection from harm. Some people even use greenstone to ward off negative energy or evil spirits.
Greenstone is a stone that has been used for thousands of years in spiritual practices, and it’s still popular today. The stone has a deep connection with the earth and the people who work with it, and it can be used to strengthen your connections with both.
Greenstone has a lot of healing properties, but it doesn’t just heal the body—it heals the mind as well. It can help those who are grieving over lost loved ones by reminding them that they are still connected to their loved ones, even after death. Greenstone can also help you feel more connected to nature and its beauty; even if you don’t have access to green forests or other natural settings, greenstone will help bring those feelings into your life.
Greenstone is also associated with abundance and prosperity. It helps you see opportunities where others might not see them, making it easier for you to find success in business matters or financial ventures.
Pounamu Shapes And Meanings
Green Gemstones are very much in demand by both collectors and non-collectors alike.
The green color is very beautiful to anyone who sees it, and it’s said to have healing powers and help calm people down.
Green Gemstones come in different shades, including sea green, lime green, Kelly green, forest green, grass green, dark green, light blue-green, and many more.
Why Would You Use Green Stones?
Green Gemstones represent the color of nature and the color of life. They represent renewal, harmony, and balance.
They are known to be great balancers of the heart and the emotions, and they can strengthen the connection between your heart and your mind.
Green is also the color of growth. It’s the color of spring, which will bring you new beginnings and fresh new starts.
Green Gemstones will renew and restore your depleted energies.
They will revive your body with renewed life-force energy.
They will also promote serenity, peace, wisdom, and health. They can also be used to attract wealth and invite more money and prosperity.
Green Gemstones, such as Malachite, will soothe your heart chakra and bring peace to your life and relationships. It will infuse you with transformative energies.
It will also balance your mind and give you relief from feelings of listlessness and restlessness. It will dispel your scattered and unfocused thoughts.
Emerald will promote kindness and compassion. It will encourage you to show people your best side without feeling the need to hide or lie about your not-so-good side.
Green Gemstones like Emerald will also help you achieve successful and abundant love because they will open your heart to giving and receiving all kinds of love.
It resonates with the Goddess Venus and signifies compassion and unconditional love. It will boost your self-esteem and self-confidence as well.
Emerald carries the purest forms of green rays, which make it very beneficial for heart healing. Simply hold a piece of Emerald in your hands whenever you feel your temper flaring up.
Chrysoprase will ease your worries and bring clarity to your heart and mind. It will promote an influx of joy, happiness, and optimism in your life.
Using Green Gemstones like Chrysoprase will help you achieve a more positive outlook.
It will lift your spirits when you’ve hit rock bottom, and it will help you get rid of self-harming thoughts and emotions.
How Will Green Stones Help You?
Green Stones, Healing and Health
Green Gemstones correspond to your heart center and can heal many illnesses of this nature, including heart troubles, irregular blood pressure, headaches, nervous disorders, and physical fatigue.
They’re also known as a beneficial cure for ulcers.
They can even help in the treatment of cancer. They can help relax the muscles and the nerves as well.
Green Stones and Wealth
Chrysoprase, Emerald, Malachite, Aventurine, and Green Tourmaline are just some of the world’s most favorite Green Gemstones.
Green Jade will enhance your wisdom, protect you from harm, and infuse your life with good luck.
It will provide support, especially when you’re starting a new business and need to learn the ropes quickly.
Jade will also help give solutions to your problems and reduce the negative effects when something does not work out in the professional or business aspects of your life.
Aventurine will help you center and focus your intent. It’s known to be the luckiest of all gemstones, especially when it comes to wealth and abundance.
As a gemstone of opportunity, it’s known to increase your favor when it comes to circumstances or competitions where you cannot manipulate or control the outcome.
It will also boost your odds of winning, and it will bring you favorable results.
Green Stones, Love and Relationships
Emerald is known to open your heart chakra and promote love and friendship. It will also ensure a balance between romantic partners, and it will bring about domestic or marital bliss.
It will put emphasis on kindness and cooperation between you and your significant other.
It’s excellent for busy people who spend less time with their loved ones because of the demands of their jobs and other personal obligations.
It will improve your sense of loyalty to the one you love and help you maintain harmony in your love life.
Malachite is another green gemstone that’s said to bring harmony and peace to your relationship.
It’s a stone of transformation that will help draw out negative energies and remove them from your heart.
It will also help you release your hidden or suppressed feelings. It will bring balance and devotion to your relationship, and it will remove the temptations in your midst.
Jade has the ability to relieve your anxieties, fears, and worries in love. It will cleanse your aura and remove the negativity in your heart.
When it comes to love and relationships, Jade will help you connect to your partner on a romantic, sexual, and spiritual level.
Green Tourmaline is also most often associated with love. It’s a gemstone that will help you overcome your emotional problems and survive your emotional struggles.
It will also have an aphrodisiac effect that will intensify your desire and passion for each other.
Having a piece of Green Tourmaline will heat up your relationship and remove anything that’s keeping you emotionally distant.
Chrysocolla will help calm a rocky, volatile or rocky relationship.
It will also help you find resolutions to your problems and overcome your fears when it comes to loving. It will also get rid of your petty jealousy and insecurities.
How to Use Green Stones for the Best Results
Meditating with Green Gemstones will bring you wisdom and inner peace. They will also be beneficial when doing wealth crystal grids.
It’s believed that giving or receiving Green Gemstones will bring health and wealth. They will also promote longevity all throughout your life.
Placing Green Gemstones around you when you’re taking an important exam will calm your nerves and reduce your stress.
This will also help you with your focus, remembering the answers, and composing your thoughts.
Keep green Aventurine stones with you; they will help you benefit from their winning energies.
Keep them on your body during sporting events and competitions so that you will remain energized and focused.
Have a piece of Malachite with you when you lack motivation to finish something. Place it over your heart when you’re hurting emotionally and need to heal and move on.
Keep it on your body, inside your pocket, or inside your purse when you want to enhance the status of your love life or relationship, because it will also work as an excellent love stone!
Use it for meditation so that you will become closer to your inner self.
Also, place one under your pillow if you wish to get rid of your jealousy, resentment, or insecurity, especially when it comes to love and your relationship.
Hold an Emerald stone to calm down when you start to feel yourself losing your patience. Meditate with one to grow closer to your inner self and to increase fertility.
Place an Emerald under your pillow to relinquish feelings of jealousy, especially in matters of love. It will help heal a broken heart and release all your unwanted negative feelings.
Fill the space that you use for meditation with Green Gemstones such as Chrysoprase to create a clear, positive, and uplifting environment.
Wear your Green Gemstones if you want to regain your motivation and pursue a thwarted ambition.
They will keep you determined and balanced, and they will encourage a healthy professional and personal relationship.
The Best Combination to use with Green Stones
Green Gemstones are used to attract wealth, money, and prosperity. They are balancing stones that will also promote fertility and growth.
When you carry, wear, or put them around your home or office, you can also promote growth, change, and balance.
You can always mix and match Green Gemstones according to your mood, emotion, or situation.
Try using Emerald, Malachite, Aventurine, Jade, Peridot, Moss Agate, Chrysoprase, Serpentine, Green Calcite, or Green Tourmaline.
You can also combine them with Dioptase, Prehnite, Infinite Stone, Tree Agate, Bloodstone, Seraphinite, Green Chlorite, Green Sardonyx, Green Irish Blessing Stones, Fuchsite, Epidote, Prasiolite, Moldavite, or even Hiddenite.
Green Stones and Emotional Healing
Green Stones are a representation of the colors of nature.
The energies of Green Stones are most useful in matters of the heart or when you’re seeking a sense of balance and stability in your life.
Green healing stones are used to heal wounded emotions as much as they are physical ailments. These are crystals of unconditional love, and they will similarly see you awash with positive feelings and a sense of peace and nurturing.
These crystals are excellent at alleviating stress or a feeling of despair or panic. If everything in life seems to be out of your control, meditating or just sitting serenely with these stones will help you recognize just how in control you really are.
Likewise, in times of heartbreak or hardship, these crystals are going to prove constant companions to you. They will promote your self-confidence and sense of inner peace and remind you—just as the natural world they often symbolize—that there is a time and season for all things.
All in life is just a constant flow, and no negative feelings need to last forever.
The stones are known to harmonize your heart with your body and emotions by strengthening your inner connections.
The color of Green Stones signifies growth and renewal, especially when you pair them with the February Birthstones.
Therefore, it is safe to say that the energies that exude from Green Stones instigate a kind of emotional healing that enables you to get closure on one chapter of your life and move on to the next.
Additionally, Green Stones will allow you to replenish the energy you’ve lost in the past due to your struggles and setbacks.
It will bring a fresh start for you and make you move on from past feelings of hurt and resentment.
The energies of Green Stones help you heal from past traumas and allow for recovery to happen so that you can renew your life forces and come to terms with the experiences that you have been through.
They also work with your internal energies to establish a sense of serenity within you so that you can focus on all the good things in life.
In addition to doing wonders for your emotional recovery, Green Stones also help attract prosperity, wealth, and success towards you.
The energies of these stones are such that they will guide you towards the path of success by enabling you to work hard to achieve your dreams and turn them into a reality.
Moreover, since Green Stones work with your heart chakra, they will smooth out the issues in your life that have been causing you pain and restlessness and instead infuse you with calming energies.
When you make peace with yourself, you will also find it easier to maintain healthy relationships with those around you.
The transformative energies of Green Stones will also make you a kinder person so that you can be more compassionate to the people you love and show them your best side.
Emerald is one such green stone that will ensure that you don’t feel the need to put a curtain over your true self.
Such stones not only make you comfortable with yourself but also enable you to be comfortable in letting others see you for the person you truly are.
Once you develop an open and healthy relationship with others around you, you will start to invite an abundance of love and positivity into your life.
The stones impact you so greatly that despite all your inhibitions and insecurities, you will start to become more accepting of the love that others send to you as well as the idea of giving love back.
The energies of Green Stones encapsulate you in vibrations of unconditional love, which comes as a huge boost in self-esteem and personal power.
By carrying the purest energies of love, Green Stones will heal your heart in ways that you couldn’t even imagine.