The Old Testament timeline refers to the entire narrative of events, spanning from the beginning to the end. It is divided by books and further subdivided into story lines paralleling other biblical texts. As such, this timeline is inclusive of the stories in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua and Judges.
The Bible Old Testament timeline is an article that I have been thinking about writing for a while, and it is finally put together. I hope that you enjoy the information. If you have any other comments or suggestions, please let me know.
Bible Old Testament Timeline
The following timeline shows the main events in the Bible, from the Creation to the birth of Jesus. Each event is listed with its corresponding chapter and verse.
Bible Old Testament Timeline
List of Bible Old Testament Timeline:
1. Creation to the Flood
1. Creation of the world – Genesis 1:1-2:3
2. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden – Genesis 2:4-3:24
3. Cain and Abel – Genesis 4:1-16
4. Noah and the Great Flood – Genesis 6:5-9:17
2. The Patriarchs
5. Abraham and Sarah – Genesis 12:1-25:11
6. Isaac and Rebekah – Genesis 25:19-28:9
7. Jacob and Esau – Genesis 25:21-33:20
8. Joseph and his brothers – Genesis 37:1-50:26
3. The Exodus and Conquest of Canaan
9. Moses and the Israelites in Egypt – Exodus 1:1-12:36
10. The Ten Commandments – Exodus 19:1-20:21
11. Conquest of Canaan under Joshua – Joshua 1:1-24:33
4. The United Kingdom
12. Saul, David, and Solomon – 1 Samuel 8:1-1 Kings 11:43
13. Building of the First Temple – 1 Kings 5:1-8:66
14. Division of the Kingdom – 1 Kings 12:1-2 Kings 17:41
5. The Exile and Return
15. Exile to Babylon – 2 Kings 25:1-21
16. Prophecies of the Return – Jeremiah 29:1-14
17. Return to Jerusalem – Ezra 1:1-6:22
Event | Scripture Reference |
Creation of the world | Genesis 1:1-2:3 |
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden | Genesis 2:4-3:24 |
Noah and the Great Flood | Genesis 6:5-9:17 |

The Old Testament timeline is the chronological timeline of events from the beginning of humanity to the end of the Old Testament.
The Old Testament timeline lists all of the significant events in the life of Jesus Christ, including when he was born, when he died, and what happened during his ministry.
The Old Testament timeline also lists other important events that occurred during this time period, including those involving Abraham and Moses.
The Old Testament contains a timeline of events from the creation of the world to the birth of Jesus Christ. It is divided into three parts: the Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy), history (Joshua-Esther), and prophecy (Isaiah-Malachi).
The Old Testament of the Bible is a collection of male-written histories, laws, and stories. The first five books, Genesis through Deuteronomy, are known as the Pentateuch.
Old Testament Timeline Catholic
1. Creation (Genesis 1-2)
– God creates the heavens and the earth in six days and rests on the seventh day.
2. Fall of Man (Genesis 3)
– Adam and Eve disobey God by eating the forbidden fruit, leading to their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
3. The Flood (Genesis 6-9)
– God sends a great flood to cleanse the earth of sin, sparing only Noah and his family.
4. Tower of Babel (Genesis 11)
– God confuses the languages of humanity, leading to the scattering of people across the earth.
5. Call of Abraham (Genesis 12)
– God calls Abraham to leave his home and go to a land that He will show him, promising to make him a great nation.
6. Isaac’s Birth (Genesis 21)
– God fulfills His promise to Abraham and Sarah by giving them a son, Isaac, in their old age.
7. Joseph in Egypt (Genesis 37-45)
– Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers, but rises to power in Egypt through interpreting dreams and saves his family during a famine.
8. Moses and the Exodus (Exodus 2-14)
– God sends Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, performing miracles and giving them the Ten Commandments.
9. Conquest of Canaan (Joshua)
– Joshua leads the Israelites in conquering the Promised Land of Canaan after the death of Moses.
10. Reign of King David (1 Samuel – 1 Kings 2)
– David becomes the king of Israel and establishes Jerusalem as the capital, making plans for the construction of the temple.
11. Babylonian Exile (2 Kings – Ezra)
– The Babylonians conquer Judah and exile the Israelites, leading to the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem.
Timeline Of Old Testament Prophets
The table below shows where in time the prophets fit within the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah.
Period | Northern Kings | Northern Prophets | Southern Kings | Southern Prophets |
United kingdom under Saul, David, Solomon, c. 1030 – 931 | ||||
Divided kingdom | Jeroboam (931-910)Nadab (910-909)Baasha (909-886)Elah (886)Zimri (885)Omri (885-874)Ahab (874-853)Jehoram (852-841)Jehu (841-814)Jehoahaz (814-798)Jehoash (798-782)Jeroboam II (793-753)Zechariah (753-752)Shallum (752)Menahem 752-742)Pekahiah (742-740)Pekah (752-732)Hoshea (732-722) | Elijah Elisha AmosJonah Hosea | Rehoboam (931-913)Abijah (913)Asa (911-870) Jehoshaphat (873-848)Jehoram (853-841)Queen Athaliah (841-835)Joash (835-796)Amaziah (796-767)Uzziah (790-740)Jotham (750-731) Ahaz (735-715)Hezekiah (715-686)Manasseh (695-642)Amon (642-640)Josiah (640-609)Jehoahaz (609)Jehoiakim (609-597)Jehoiachin (597)Zedekiah (597-586) | ObadiahJoel Isaiah Micah JeremiahZephaniah Huldah NahumHabakkuk |
Babylonian exile | EzekielDaniel | |||
Post-exilic prophets | Zerubbabel, governor Nehemiah, governor | HaggaiZechariahMalachi |

Timeline Of Old Testament Kings
The following table provides a harmony of the chronologies of the kings of Israel and Judah following the kingdom dividing after Solomon’s death.
JEROBOAM I | 931/930-910 | REHOBOAM | 931/930-913 | ||
ABIJAM | 913-911/910 | ||||
NADAB | 910/909-909/908 | ASA | 911/910-870/869 | ||
BAASHA | 909/908-886/885 | ||||
ELAH | 886/885-885/884 | ||||
ZIMRI | 885/884 | ||||
TIBNI | 885/884-880 | ||||
OMRI | 885/884-880 | 880-874/873 | |||
AHAB | 874/873-853 | JEHOSHAPHAT | 873/872-870/869 | 870/869-848 | |
AHAZIAH | 853-852 | JEHORAM | 853-848 | 848-841 | |
JORAM | 852-841 | AHAZIAH | 841 | ||
JEHU | 841-814/813 | ATHALIAH | 841-835 | ||
JEHOAHAZ | 814/813-798 | JOASH | 835-796 | ||
JEHOASH | 798-782/781 | AMAZIAH | 796-767 | ||
JEROBOAM II | 793/792-782/781 | 782/781-753 | AZARIAH | 791/790-767 | 767-740/739 |
ZECHARIAH | 753-752 | ||||
SHALLUM | 752 | ||||
MENAHEM | 752-742/741 | JOTHAM | 751/750-740/739 | 740/739-736 | |
PEKAHIAH | 742/741-740/739 | AHAZ | 742-736 728-715 | 736-728 | |
PEKAH | 752-740/739 | 740/739-732/731 | |||
HOSHEA | 732/731-723/722 | HEZEKIAH | 728-715 | 715-697 | |
(Israel destroyed by Assyria) | MANASSEH | 697-642/641 | |||
AMON | 642/641-640/639 | ||||
JOSIAH | 640/639-608 | ||||
JEHOAHAZ | 608 | ||||
JEHOIAKIM | 608-597 | ||||
JEHOIACHIN | 597 | ||||
ZEDEKIAH | 597-586 | ||||
(Judah taken into exile to Babylon) |
This table is adapted from Edwin R. Thiele’s work in The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings with some modifications.