Introducing a new theological dictionary for students, general readers, and clergy alike, Kittel’s Theological Dictionary of the New Testament offers peerless biblical scholarship from a distinguished international team of more than 200 contributors. The original German edition has long been regarded as the most reliable reference work in its field. Now, thanks to this outstanding English translation, the English-speaking world will have access to this indispensable resource.
Kittel’s Theological Dictionary Of The New Testament is a standard reference work for scholars and students alike. Its 4,000 articles describe every aspect of early Christian thought and practice: biblical texts, Greek philosophy, Jewish religion, Church history and literature. The original German edition was published in 1928–67 in 14 volumes; this English translation contains all the same information in a single alphabetized volume.
It is an essential tool for all students of the New Testament, whether undergraduates or scholars.

Kittel Theological Dictionary Of The New Testament
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Kittel Theological Dictionary of the New Testament Download
The Kittel is a theological dictionary that includes the word of God. The Kittel Theological Dictionary Of The New Testament PDF is a complete summary of the Bible, and it provides a comprehensive study of various passages in the Bible.
Kittel Theological Dictionary Of The New Testament 10 Volumes is an authoritative reference book on theology or religious studies. It contains more than 8,000 entries related to all aspects of Christianity, including church history and other religions such as Judaism, Islamism, Hinduism and Buddhism. This book has many benefits for both clergymen as well as laymen who want to know more about their faith because it comprises everything from basic concepts such as “sin” to specific topics like “soteriology.”
kittel theological dictionary of the new testament 10 vols
The Kittel Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Kittel: TDNT) is a lexicon of the New Testament, originally published in German by Walter de Gruyter and now published by Brill. It was produced by Kurt Aland, Gerhard Friedrich, and others under the direction of Konrad Helwig with further contributions from Eduard Lohse.[1] Initially published in 1937 with 25 volumes covering general words on biblical themes up to Jesus’ trial and crucifixion (volume 1), religious words from Jesus’ ministry until Paul’s conversion (volume 2), legal words from Pentecost until Paul’s conversion (volume 3), political/social words from Pentecost through Acts 28 (4), medical terms used about Jesus’ body after death (5), technical terms for miracles performed during His lifetime and their results on earth afterwards; this system remains in use today although some volumes were divided up into multiple books depending upon how many entries could be fit into each volume; for example his discussion on the significance of prayer was split between volumes 5 &6.[2]
Kittel Theological Dictionary of the New Testament Zondervan
Kittel Theological Dictionary of the New Testament is an invaluable resource for those studying the New Testament. It was compiled by a team of scholars led by Gerhard Kittel and it is considered to be one of the most comprehensive theological dictionaries in existence. The electronic resource includes 10 volumes, each with its own comprehensive set of entries on topics related to Christianity and Judaism during Jesus’ time period. This collection provides detailed information about all major books, individuals and groups mentioned in the New Testament, along with an explanation of their significance at that time.
The work was originally published as a two-volume set in 1934; since then, it has been revised several times by various editors who have added additional material over time (the latest edition came out in 2009). Today, there are several different online versions available, including one from Zondervan that allows readers access to any device connected through either WiFi or cellular data network connections, like 3G or 4G LTE signals, depending on where they happen to live.”
Kittel Theological Dictionary Of The New Testament
As a personal reference, Kittel’s Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT) is an excellent resource for researching many theological terms and topics. As a student who is studying Greek and Hebrew at university, I find this resource invaluable in my studies.
It includes over 4500 entries on the words of Jesus, Greek literature from all periods, and references from Jewish literature up until 200 AD. This enables us to put many of these words into context with regard to their historical usage before Christians later used them.
I have found that this dictionary makes it very easy for me as a beginning student of NT Greek or Hebrew because it gives me a solid foundation on which I can build as I progress through my studies into more advanced texts like Strong’s Concordance or Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary Of Old And New Testament Words (Vine’s).
I found this to be a great resource for my own personal study as well as an excellent tool in helping others who may have questions about the meanings of certain words from time to time. When it comes to their own personal growth process, it is also something that anyone who is interested in learning more about their faith or trying new things can use.