In the Bible, there are many people named Joseph. Jacob’s son Joseph, who his brothers sold into slavery and later rose to the position of vizier (or chief minister) of Egypt, is the most well-known of these. One of the other important Josephs in the Bible is Joseph of Arimathea, who was a disciple of Jesus and one of his first followers. He also provided a tomb for Jesus after his crucifixion. The third notable Joseph in the Bible is Joseph’s father, Jacob, who was also known as Israel. He had 12 sons: Reuben (the eldest), Simeon, Levi, Judah (the eldest), Issachar, Zebulun, Dan and Naphtali (the youngest). These three men were all part of a great family that has been influential throughout history.
Dutripon’s Latin Bible concordance (Paris 1838) identified 16 people named Joseph in the Bible, 9 of whom are featured in the New Testament: Joseph I. Joseph (Genesis). Eleventh son of the patriarch Jacob from his wife Rachel, and the brother of Benjamin.
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How Many Josephs Are In The Bible

Two Josephs were the most famous dreamers: Joseph of Nazareth and Joseph, the son of Jacob. … Joseph of Nazareth is the hero in the New Testament books of Luke and Matthew. OT Joseph is perhaps best remembered as the next-to-youngest son of the patriarch, Jacob/Israel, while NT Joseph was the stepfather of Jesus.
How many different Josephs are in the Bible?
Three: (1) A son of Jacob (Genesis 30: 22–24). (2) The adoptive father of Jesus (Matthew 1:16). (3) And Joseph of Arimathea (Matthew 27: 57–60, Mark 15:42–46, And Luke 23:50–56). Originally Answered: How many people named Joseph are in the Bible?
Do we have two Joseph in the Bible?
In the Biblical account, Joseph’s other son is Ephraim, and Joseph himself is one of the two children of Rachel and Jacob, the other being Benjamin.
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Who are the Josephs in the Bible?
Joseph was one of Jacob’s 12 sons. His father loved him more than any of the others and gave him a coloured cloak. His brothers were jealous of him and sold him into slavery. He was taken to Egypt and eventually became steward to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officials.
Why isn’t Joseph mentioned more in the Bible?
The Gospels describe Joseph as a “tekton,” which traditionally has meant “carpenter,” and it is assumed that Joseph taught his craft to Jesus in Nazareth. At this point, however, Joseph is never mentioned again by name in the Bible, although the story of Jesus in the temple includes a reference to “both his parents.”
Is Joseph the son of Jacob the father of Jesus?
Jacob’s son was Joseph. Matthew’s gospel, which traces the family tree of Jesus, says that Jacob was the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom Christ was born. The second parallel is that both of them were royalty. The first Joseph was a patriarch, following the great line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Is Joseph in Genesis the same Joseph as Mary?
Consequently, all the names between David and Joseph are different. According to Matthew 1:16 “Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary”, while according to Luke 3:23, Joseph is said to be “the son of Heli”.
Is Joseph in Genesis the Same Joseph with Mary
No, Joseph of the Old Testament in Genesis and Joseph, the husband of Mary, in the New Testament, are not the same person. Though they both share the same name, they are from different time periods, and their stories and contexts are distinct.
Joseph in Genesis is the son of Jacob and Rachel, while Joseph in the New Testament is the husband of Mary and the earthly father of Jesus. Despite their different roles and stories, both Josephs play vital roles in their respective narratives and are considered important figures in biblical history.
Who Are the Josephs in the Bible
List of Selected Josephs in the Bible:
1. Joseph, the Son of Jacob
Joseph, the son of Jacob, is one of the most well-known Josephs in the Bible. He was the favorite son of Jacob, which caused jealousy among his brothers. He was sold into slavery by his brothers but eventually rose to power in Egypt, where he played a key role in saving his family from famine.
2. Joseph, Husband of Mary
Joseph, the husband of Mary, is another important figure in the Bible. He was a carpenter who was chosen by God to be the earthly father of Jesus Christ. He played a crucial role in protecting and caring for Jesus during his childhood and adolescence.
3. Joseph of Arimathea
Joseph of Arimathea was a secret disciple of Jesus who boldly went to Pilate to ask for Jesus’ body after his crucifixion. He provided the tomb where Jesus was buried and is often remembered for his act of kindness and courage in the midst of great sorrow.
4. Joseph, Son of Mattathias
Joseph, the son of Mattathias, was a prominent figure in the New Testament. He was a Levite from Cyprus who was given the name Barnabas, which means “son of encouragement.” He played a significant role in the early church, particularly in supporting the apostle Paul in his ministry.
Joseph in the Bible | Significance |
Joseph, Son of Jacob | Rose to power in Egypt and saved his family from famine |
Joseph, Husband of Mary | Chosen by God to be the earthly father of Jesus |
Joseph of Arimathea | Provided the tomb for Jesus’ burial |
Joseph, Son of Mattathias | Played a key role in supporting the apostle Paul in his ministry |
The Two Josephs in the Bible
There are two significant figures named Joseph in the Bible. The first Joseph we encounter is the son of Jacob and Rachel, also known as Joseph of the Old Testament. He is famously known for his colorful coat and his dreams that foretold his rise to power in Egypt. The second Joseph is the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus. This Joseph appears in the New Testament, primarily in the birth narrative of Jesus and his role as a father figure to Jesus during his early years.
The story of Joseph in the Old Testament can be found in the book of Genesis, chapters 37-50. It is a tale of jealousy, betrayal, and ultimately, redemption. Joseph is the eleventh son of Jacob, and his father clearly favored him, which caused resentment among his brothers. This sibling rivalry leads to Joseph being sold into slavery by his own brothers. However, Joseph’s unwavering faith in God and his ability to interpret dreams eventually make him a powerful figure in Egypt. Through divine intervention, Joseph is able to save his family during a severe famine, and the family is reunited.
The story of Joseph, the husband of Mary, can be found in the New Testament, specifically in the books of Matthew and Luke. Joseph was a carpenter and was engaged to Mary when she became pregnant with Jesus. Initially, Joseph plans to divorce Mary quietly, but an angel appears to him in a dream, assuring him that the child is from the Holy Spirit. Joseph obeys the message from the angel and takes Mary as his wife, becoming the earthly father of Jesus.
How Many Jacobs in the Bible
The name Jacob appears frequently in the Bible, and there are several individuals named Jacob throughout its various books. The most well-known Jacob is the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham. He is also known by the name Israel, which was given to him after he wrestled with an angel. Jacob’s twelve sons became the twelve tribes of Israel, resulting in a significant lineage that heavily influences biblical history.
Aside from this main Jacob, other biblical figures bear the name. There is Jacob, the son of Simeon, who is mentioned in the book of Genesis. Another Jacob is mentioned as the father of Joseph and the grandfather of Joshua. These additional Jacobs may not have the same level of prominence as the main Jacob of the Bible, but they serve as important links in the genealogical chain.
Is Joseph in the Old Testament the Same Joseph in the New Testament
No, Joseph in the Old Testament and Joseph, the husband of Mary, in the New Testament are not the same person. While they share the same name, they lived in different time periods and were distinct individuals.
Joseph in the Old Testament, son of Jacob, plays a vital role in the story of the Israelites’ descent into Egypt and eventual redemption. Joseph in the New Testament is primarily known for his role as the husband of Mary and the earthly father of Jesus. Though their stories are unique and separate, both Josephs exemplify qualities of faithfulness, righteousness, and obedience to God’s will.
How Many Josephs Are There in the World
As an article focused on the biblical context, it is impossible to determine the exact number of people named Joseph in the world. The name Joseph is of Hebrew origin and has been popular among various cultures and religions throughout history. From biblical times to the present day, countless individuals have been named Joseph, each with their own unique stories and backgrounds.
In the Bible, we encounter multiple individuals named Joseph, each contributing to the broader narrative. However, when discussing the number of Josephs in the world, it extends beyond the biblical context and encompasses a vast array of individuals from different cultures, languages, and traditions.
Full Story of Joseph in the Bible
The full story of Joseph in the Bible can be found in the book of Genesis, chapters 37-50. It is a captivating tale that highlights themes of family, forgiveness, and divine providence.
Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob, had a special relationship with his father that aroused jealousy and resentment among his other siblings. In a fit of envy, Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, leading him on a journey that would ultimately shape his destiny. Through a series of trials and tribulations, Joseph’s unwavering faith and God-given ability to interpret dreams elevate him to a position of power in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh.
While in this position, Joseph encounters his brothers again, who have come seeking food during a famine. Instead of seeking revenge, Joseph displays forgiveness and reconciles with his family, warmly welcoming them and providing for their needs. This story of forgiveness and restoration serves as a powerful example of God’s faithfulness and redemption.
Joseph’s story in the Bible showcases themes of resilience, integrity, and the fulfillment of dreams. It is a story of hope and the triumph of good over evil. Through his trials and triumphs, Joseph’s story serves as an inspiration to all who read it.
Which Joseph Married Mary

Joseph in the Bible
The Bible Story of Joseph, from the Book of Genesis, is one of heroic redemption and forgiveness. Joseph was the most loved son of his father, Israel, given the famous robe of many colors. When Joseph reported having dreams of his brothers, and even the stars and moon, bowing before him, their jealousy of Joseph grew into action. The brothers sold him into slavery to a traveling caravan of Ishmaelites who took him to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh’s guard.
In Egypt, the Lord’s presence with Joseph enables him to find favor with Potiphar and the keeper of the prison. With God’s help, Joseph interprets the dreams of two prisoners, predicting that one of them will be reinstated but the other put to death. Joseph then interprets the dreams of the Pharaoh, which anticipate seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Pharaoh recognizes Joseph’s God-given ability and prompts his promotion to the chief administrator of Egypt.
Shortage of food in Canaan forces Jacob to send his sons to buy grains from the Egyptians. Benjamin, Joseph’s younger brother remains at home as Jacob fears losing him, as he did Joseph. When Joseph finally encounters his brothers again, he deliberately conceals his identity. He accuses them of being spies and tells them to return with Benjamin or he will not sell them grain. The ongoing famine forces Jacob to reluctantly send his sons back to Egypt with Benjamin, and they are unexpectedly invited to dine at Joseph’s house. Joseph then tests the character of his brothers by placing a silver cup in the sack of Benjamin and falsely accusing him of theft. When Judah offers to stay in place of Benjamin, Joseph knows that his character has changed and reveals that he is their brother. Joseph explains they need not feel guilty for betraying him as it was God’s plan for him to be in Egypt to preserve his family. He told them to bring their father and his entire household into Egypt to live in the province of Goshen because there were five more years of famine left. Joseph supplied them with Egyptian transport wagons, new garments, silver, and twenty additional donkeys carrying provisions for the journey. Jacob is then joyously reunited with his son Joseph.
Joseph In The Bible
Jacob loves Joseph, but his brothers despise him. In Joseph’s history, we see something of Christ, who was first humbled and then exalted. It also shows the number of Christians who must, through many tribulations, enter the kingdom. It is a history that has none like it, for displaying the various workings of the human mind, both good and bad, and the singular providence of God in making use of them for fulfilling his purposes. Though Joseph was his father’s darling, he was not bred up in idleness. Those who do not truly love their children, who do not use them in business, labor, and hardships.
The fondling of children is, for good reason, called the spoiling of them. Those who are trained to do nothing are likely to be good for nothing. But Jacob made known his love by dressing Joseph finer than the rest of his children. It is wrong for parents to make a difference between one child and another unless there is great cause for it, such as the children’s dutifulness or undutifulness. When parents make a difference, children soon notice it, and it leads to quarrels in families. Jacob’s sons did that when they were under his eye, which they would not have done at home with him, but Joseph gave his father an account of their ill conduct so that he might restrain them. Not as a tale-bearer to sow discord, but as a faithful brother.
Joseph’s dreams. God gave Joseph the prospect of his advancement to support and comfort him through his long and grievous troubles. Observe: Joseph dreamed of his preferment, but he did not dream of his imprisonment. Thus, many young people, when setting out in the world, think of nothing but prosperity and pleasure and never dream of trouble. His brethren rightly interpreted the dream, though they abhorred the interpretation of it. While they committed crimes in order to defeat it, they were themselves the instruments of accomplishing it. Thus, the Jews understood what Christ said about his kingdom. Determined that he should not reign over them, they consulted to put him to death, and his crucifixion made way for the exaltation they designed to prevent.
Jacob sends Joseph to visit his brethren. They conspire his death. How readily does Joseph wait for his father’s orders? Those children who are best beloved by their parents should be the most willing to obey them. See how deliberate Joseph’s brethren were against him. They thought to slay him from malice aforethought and in cold blood. Whoever hateth his brother is (1 John. 3:15) because their father loved him. New occasions, as his dreams and the like, drew them on further, but this laid rankling in their hearts till they resolved on his death. God has all hearts in his hands. Reuben had most reason to be jealous of Joseph, for he was the firstborn; yet he proves his best friend. God overruled all to serve his own purpose of making Joseph an instrument to save many people. Joseph was a type of Christ, for though he was the beloved Son of his Father and hated by a wicked world, yet the Father sent him out of his bosom to visit us in great humility and love. He came from heaven to earth to seek and save us, yet then malicious plots were laid against him. His own not only received him but crucified him. This he submitted to, as a part of his design to redeem and save us.
Joseph’s brethren sell him. They threw Joseph into a pit, to perish there with hunger and cold; so cruel were their tender mercies. They slighted him when he was in distress and were not grieved for the affliction of Joseph (see Amos 6:6); for when he was pining in the pit, they sat down to eat bread. They felt no remorse in their conscience for the sin. But the wrath of man shall praise God, and the remainder of wrath he will restrain (Psalms 76:10). Joseph’s brethren were wonderfully restrained from murdering him, and their selling him as wonderful turned to God’s praise.
Jacob was deceived, and Joseph sold him to Potiphar. When Satan has taught men to commit one sin, he teaches them to try to conceal it with another, to hide theft and murder, with lying and false oaths; but he that covers his sin shall not prosper long. Joseph’s brethren kept their own and one another’s counsel for some time, but their villany came to light at last, and it is here published to the world. To grieve their father, they sent him Joseph’s coat of colors, and he hastily thought, on seeing the bloody coat, that Joseph was rent in pieces.
Let those who know the heart of a parent imagine the agony of poor Jacob. His sons basely pretended to comfort him, but miserable, hypocritical comforters were they all. Had they really desired to comfort him, they might at once have done it by telling the truth. The deceitfulness of sin strangely hardens the heart. Jacob refused to be comforted. Great affection for any creature prepares for so much greater affliction when it is taken from us or made bitter to us: undue love commonly ends in undue grief. It is the wisdom of parents not to bring up children delicately; they know not to what hardships they may be brought before they die. From the whole of this chapter, we see with wonder the ways of Providence.
The malignant brothers seem to have gotten their ends; the merchants, who care not what they deal in so that they gain, have also obtained theirs; and Potiphar, having gotten a fine young slave, has obtained his! But God’s designs are, by these means, in train for execution. This event shall end in Israel’s going down to Egypt; that ends in their deliverance by Moses; that in setting up the true religion in the world; and that in the spread of it among all nations by the gospel. Thus the wrath of man shall praise the Lord, and the remainder thereof will he restrain.
Meaning of Joseph’s Bible Story
The life of Joseph is a testament to the sovereignty and grace of God for those who live faithfully and righteously. Despite having his brothers sell him into slavery, Joseph remained steadfast and trusted in God to deliver him from suffering. Additionally, this story shows how God’s plan may not be obvious to our limited perspective but indeed “all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Let the biblical story of Joseph serve as an example for us to have faith in the face of adversity and trust that God will deliver us in the splendor of His justice.
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” ~ Romans 8:18
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” ~ Romans 8:28
Genesis 37
1 Jacob lived in the land where his father had stayed, the land of Canaan.
2 This is the account of Jacob’s family line. Joseph, a young man of seventeen, was tending the flocks with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives, and he brought their father a bad report about them.
3 Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made an ornate robe for him.
4 When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him.
5 Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.
6 He said to them, “Listen to this dream I had:
7 We were binding sheaves of grain out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered around mine and bowed down to it.”
8 His brothers said to him, “Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us?” And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said.
9 Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.”
10 When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?”
11 His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind.
12 Now his brothers had gone to graze their father’s flocks near Shechem,
13 and Israel said to Joseph, “As you know, your brothers are grazing the flocks near Shechem. Come, I am going to send you to them.” “Very well,” he replied.
14 So he said to him, “Go and see if all is well with your brothers and with the flocks, and bring word back to me.” Then he sent him off from the Valley of Hebron. When Joseph arrived at Shechem,
15 a man found him wandering around in the fields and asked him, “What are you looking for?”
16 He replied, “I’m looking for my brothers. Can you tell me where they are grazing their flocks?”
17 “They have moved on from here,” the man answered. “I heard them say, ‘Let’s go to Dothan.’ ” So Joseph went after his brothers and found them near Dothan.
18 But they saw him in the distance, and before he reached them, they plotted to kill him.
19 “Here comes that dreamer!” they said to each other.
20 “Come now, let’s kill him and throw him into one of these cisterns and say that a ferocious animal devoured him. Then we’ll see what comes of his dreams.”
21 When Reuben heard this, he tried to rescue him from their hands. “Let’s not take his life,” he said.
22 “Don’t shed any blood. Throw him into this cistern here in the wilderness, but don’t lay a hand on him.” Reuben said this to rescue him from them and take him back to his father.
23 So when Joseph came to his brothers, they stripped him of his robe—the ornate robe he was wearing—
24 and they took him and threw him into the cistern. The cistern was empty; there was no water in it.
25 As they sat down to eat their meal, they looked up and saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead. Their camels were loaded with spices, balm and myrrh, and they were on their way to take them down to Egypt.
26 Judah said to his brothers, “What will we gain if we kill our brother and cover up his blood?
27 Come, let’s sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him; after all, he is our brother, our own flesh and blood.” His brothers agreed.
28 So when the Midianite merchants came by, his brothers pulled Joseph up out of the cistern and sold him for twenty shekels of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took him to Egypt.
29 When Reuben returned to the cistern and saw that Joseph was not there, he tore his clothes.
30 He went back to his brothers and said, “The boy isn’t there! Where can I turn now?”
31 Then they got Joseph’s robe, slaughtered a goat and dipped the robe in the blood.
32 They took the ornate robe back to their father and said, “We found this. Examine it to see whether it is your son’s robe.”
33 He recognized it and said, “It is my son’s robe! Some ferocious animal has devoured him. Joseph has surely been torn to pieces.”
34 Then Jacob tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and mourned for his son many days.
35 All his sons and daughters came to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. “No,” he said, “I will continue to mourn until I join my son in the grave.” So his father wept for him.
36 Meanwhile, the Midianites sold Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officials, the captain of the guard.