Santa Muerte is the patron saint of protection against enemies, as well as people looking for protection from career changes. Many come to Santa Muerte for health and financial stability, too.
Saint Death is a saint known to many around the world, but it is not often that her name is spoken in households. In Mexico, and other countries in Latin America, her worshipers are particularly devoted as they pray to Santa Muerte for protection against enemies, family feuds and even for justice regarding unsolved murders or crimes.When visiting a Saint Death devoteant’s home or business in Mexico, one will notice hundreds of Santa Muerte figurines, paintings and other objects of devotion representing the venerated saint.
Santa Muerte Prayer For Protection Against Enemies
Santa Muerte Prayer For Protection Against Enemies
- Dear Santa Muerte, I come before you seeking your protection from enemies who wish to harm me. Please surround me with your divine shield of love and light, so that no harm may come to me. I trust in your power to keep me safe from all harm. Amen.
- Holy Death, I call upon you to protect me from those who seek to bring me down. Shield me from their negativity and ill intentions, and guide me towards peace and safety. I place my trust in you, knowing that you will keep me safe from harm. Amen.
- Santa Muerte Negra, I ask for your divine protection against my enemies. Keep me safe from their evil intentions and grant me the strength to overcome their attacks. I trust in your power to deliver me from all harm. Amen.
- Beloved Santa Muerte, I pray for your protection from the enemies who seek to harm me. Surround me with your love and light, and keep me safe from all evil. I trust in your divine power to shield me from harm. Amen.
- Santa Muerte Blanca, I call upon you for protection from my enemies. Keep me safe from their malice and guide me towards peace and security. I place my trust in your divine protection, knowing that you will keep me safe from harm. Amen.
- Holy Lady of Death, I ask for your protection from enemies who wish to do me harm. Shield me from their negativity and ill intentions, and grant me the courage to face their attacks. I trust in your power to protect me from all harm. Amen.
Bible Verse: Psalm 91:1-2
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

Offering prayers to Santa Muerte must be done following these processes:`
- Your desire must be clearly stated out. This is common in every religion. Therefore, if you are going to offer prayers to Santa Muerte, your desires must be stated out in your mind. This desire will help you to become more focused as you channel your spiritual energy in prayers to Santa Muerte.
In addition to this, your desire will open up your imaginative powers to create the image of how you desire your life to turn out while praying to Santa Muerte. Therefore, the most important step in this section is a strong desire. Once you have gotten your desires sorted out, the following processes will follow. - Light candles according to your desire. What you desire will lead you to light the perfect color candle. You must ensure that the color of the candle agrees with your desires.
- Have an image of the Santa Muerte and begin to chant your prayers to the image with the candles burning and releasing smoke. You can also burn incense.
The following process will invoke the spirit of the Santa Muerte, which will grant you all the desires of your heart.
1) Santa Muerte’s Prayer for Protection from the law
“Holy Death, hear my prayers for your help to come to me, I ask for your protection in this difficult situation I’m going through.
You know the pain I’m in! I have a very difficult problem (talk about the problem with the law), I know you will solve it.
Blessed Holy Death, I ask for your great support, I sincerely ask you, don’t leave me alone now because that’s when I need you most.
My white girl, guide me along the way!
Go ahead of me so I can put aside all the evil, now all doors will open for me thanks to your mighty hands! You can help me, keep bad vibes away from me and my problems will disappear.
Holy Death, free me from the problems that afflict me, for the love I have for you, help me at this time. It’s a very difficult situation, but I trust you, I know this will fix it.
Holy Death, come to me with your strength and wisdom, grant me with your power the solution of this problem, (talk about the problem with the law).
So be it.”
You can become invisible to the law through this prayer. Whenever you are on the wanted list of the law, it is time to look up to Santa Muerte for protection.
To achieve this, you must have a strong desire to be free from the clutches of the law. Your desire must encompass your business deals, clients, families, and all of your workers or employees. You must include all of these factors into your prayer against the law.
It is believed that the Santa Muerte will protect you from the clutches of the law if you offer prayers to her in the right manner. While offering this prayer, you can bring an offering to her temple, or burn black candles as a spiritual camouflage, which will blind the eyes of the law from becoming fixated on you.
2) Santa Muerte Prayer for Self-Protection: for beginners
“Dear Death of my heart, don’t forsake me from your protection.
Oh Most Holy Death, I invoke you so through your image you may free me from all danger, material or from bewitch- ment and through this sacred flame you may purify my body from all disgrace and malediction and that in turn love and abundance may come.
So be it.”
There are times to be defensive. This desire will come when you have a premonition of a potential threat coming at you in the future. If anyone has come to threaten you at one time or the other, it is time to protect yourself.
As a Santa Muerte devotee, you have an advantage because the Santa Muerte is a very strong defensive spirit, which protects its worshippers from harm. Therefore, by offering self-protection prayers to Santa Muerte, you will invoke her spirit, which will create an aura of black spiritual cloud around you for protection.
It is believed that this cloud cannot be seen with the physical eyes. However, it will shield you from harm, and also instill in you the courage to fight back at anyone who tries to come against you.
Therefore, you should expect to become bold against danger whenever you offer the Santa Muerte prayer for self-protection.
3) Santa Muerte Black Candle Prayer
“Santisima Muerte, La Blanca, with your very presence you can break all hexes and evil spells.
We ask, oh Holy Mother, that with your scythe you separate from me (or for whom you are praying) that which crosses, that which causes illness, and that which is unclean.
Purify me (or him/her), oh Miraculous Muerte, by the great power, which God has given you. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The black candle prayer is used for protection against enemies. Therefore, you can combine this prayer with the Santa Muerte prayer for self-protection. The black candle is believed to release a strong protective aura around you, which will make you invisible to the evil eye.
This is strong protective prayer. The Santa Muerte spirit will be invoked as you burn the black candle while praying. Therefore, you should never doubt the power of this prayer. The Santa Muerte is believed to be very protective of her devoted worshippers. This is why the black candle prayer is an effective prayer for protection.
Whenever you feel confused and scared because of the dangers at work, in your relationship, or in your business, it is time to offer the Santa Muerte black candle prayer. This prayer will refresh your soul and shield you from every harm that has been targeted towards you.
In addition to this, it will make you invincible to attacks; that is, you will not be affected by the attacks of negative people.
4) Santa Muerte Prayer for Strength against Enemies
“Ladyof de ath
Skeletals pirit
Most powerful and strong,
Indispensable in the moment of danger,
I invoke you certain of your bounty.
Beg to omnipotent god,
Grant me all I am asking for.
Make repent all his life
The one who harmed me or gave me the evil eye
And may it turn against him right away.
For the one who deceives me in love
I ask that you make him come back to me
And if he does not listen to your strange voice
Good spirit of death,
Make him feel
The power of your scythe.
In games and in business
My best advocate I name you
And anyone that comes against me
Make him a loser.
Oh, Lady of Death, my protecting angel, amen!”
When you feel overwhelmed because of the attacks from various angles, it is time to offer the Santa Muerte prayer for strength against enemies. The Santa Muerte prayer for strength against enemies can be offered alongside every other prayer in this article.
Therefore, there is no need to separate these prayers whenever you intend to offer all of them.
Finding the strength and courage to face your enemies is possible by offering prayers to Santa Muerte for strength against the enemies in your life. Therefore, it is time to become spiritually sensitive and take action.
It is time to offer prayers for protection and it is time to offer prayers for strength. It is time for you to spiritually prepare yourself for every attack that will be staged against you in the future. Whenever you begin to feel the sting of defeat, it is a sign from the universe that you are under spiritual attack, and you need to pray for strength against the enemies around you.
It is time to look up to Santa Muerte for strength by offering prayers to her.
5) Santa Muerte daily prayer for spiritual protection
“Santa Muerte, La Blanca,
Most Holy Death of the White Robe, eldest of the Three, you who sit at the right hand of God, hear our prayers.
You who grant the peaceful death of old age and heal the sick, through the great power, which God has given you, we ask you to remove all sickness from our lives.
Niña Blanca, with your holy scales, bring balance to our bodies, minds, and souls and protect us from all illness.
Santa Muerte La Blanca, Holiest of Archangels, cover us with your pure robe, we pray.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
If you are going to enjoy spiritual protection from the goddess, you must practice the habit of praying to her daily. This is what several devotees of Santa Muerte practice, and you must incorporate it into your devotion as a beginner.
Learning the simple basics of prayer might be difficult at first, but as you constantly offer prayers to Santa Muerte, it will become easy for you to do it the right way, and get the best result.
The daily prayer for spiritual protection will constantly keep you away from danger zones, which might hurt your life, business, or relationship. In addition to this, the Santa Muerte prayer for spiritual protection will protect your soul from becoming possessed by negative influences.
Everything that needs to be protected in your life will be positively affected by offering the Santa Muerte daily prayer for protection.
Do you need daily protection because of your job?
The daily Santa Muerte prayer for protection will keep you off danger zones, and protect you from becoming a victim of negative situations and circumstances.
It is time to pray.
Secrets Of Santa Muerte
A deeply informed and practical guide to working with Santa Muerte, the “Saint of Death.”
The Secrets of Santa Muerte is a practical handbook on how to connect with the mysterious Mexican folk saint. Drawing from authentic Mexican sources and traditions, it details secret, esoteric knowledge that will foster a deep connection with the Saint of Death.
The book covers the fascinating history of this revered folk saint as well as practical tips on how to:
- Create an altar to Santa Muerte and keep it cleansed of negative energies and free of demons.
- Interpret the acceptance of offerings and signs from Santa Muerte.
- Use the moon’s power to heighten your work with her.
- Work with her saint through candles and statues.
- Use color combinations in your spell work to achieve your desires.
Prayers, spells, and rituals are included for a wide range of needs: love, sex, money, good health, aid with legal matters, as well as hexes against and protection from enemies. For novices who wish to begin working with Santa Muerte as well as for more advanced practitioners who want to fine-tune their practice, discover new spells and rituals, and take their work with Santa Muerte to a deeper level.
About the Author
Cressida Stone is a Doctor of Religious Studies whose life mission has been to learn and record spiritual traditions from across the world. Over the last twenty-five years she has traveled to Europe, the Far East, India, Africa, and Latin America working closely with religious practitioners to learn a variety of spiritual traditions to find new ways of empowering herself and others through the medium of spirit. Cressida has spent the last six years studying with Santa Muerte curanderos (“folk healers”) in Mexico.
Praise For…
“I really appreciate Cressida’s point of view on Santa Muerte and I like the way she writes about our spirituality. I hope everyone will like this book whose content derives from the writer’s lived experiences sharing so much with our people and learning of our rich traditions. I wish Cressida Stone every success.” —Arely Vázquez, leader of Santa Muerte, Queens, New York
— Reviews
“I very rarely endorse non-academic books but this grimoire by Cressida Stone is hands down the very best and most complete of the spiritual guides on devotion to Santa Muerte, the fastest growing new religious movement in the West. Secrets of Santa Muerte is grounded in the prayers, rituals, and spells developed in Mexico where Holy Death originated. Unlike so many other grimoires and even some academic texts, this devotional road map features the Lady of the Shadows in every single one of her cloaks of many colors – red for love and lust, gold for prosperity and abundance, and even relates how Mexican devotees combine colors for added potency. Penned in captivating prose that engages the reader on every page, Stone’s grimoire belongs on the top shelf of both neophytes and seasoned devotees seeking to develop their relationship with the Bone Mother.” —Dr. R. Andrew Chesnut, author of Devoted to Death: Santa Muerte, the Skeleton Saint
— Reviews
“I am pleased to endorse the publication of The Secrets of Santa Muerte: A Guide to the Prayers, Spells, Rituals, and Hexes by Cressida Stone. This publication is a well-written book about a belief system that is found in Mexico, as well as many parts of the U.S. The history, prayers, rituals, etc. of la Santa Muerte are well-written and offers information that many will enjoy.” —Dr. Eliseo Torres, Professor of Traditional Medicine courses at the University of New Mexico
— Reviews
“Cressida Stone is an incredible writer who is very intelligent and knows a lot about Santa Muerte; she goes into the fine details very well. I admire her as a woman and as a writer who is dedicated to explaining with great clarity and without hiding anything, the themes pertaining to Santa Muerte. Her words transmit light, darkness, healing, power, happiness and gratitude.” —Soraya Arredondo Hernandez, bruja, curandera. founder, and leaderof Templo Altar Angel de Alas Negras (Angel of Black Wings Temple Altar), Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico
— Reviews
“I confirm and attest that Cressida Stone has deep knowledge of the spirituality of Santa Muerte. She has traveled across Mexico where the roots of devotion to the Saint of Death truly originate. She honors our faith and shares the teachings of Santa Muerte clearly, aiding people to respectfully venerate and learn correctly about Santisima Muerte. This is because Cressida has been to those special places where devotion to Holy Death is deep and true.” —Yuri Mendez, Bruja of the Three Virtues and Spiritual Guide of Santa Muerte, leader of the Templo y Recinto de Sanación Dulce Madre, Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico
— Reviews
“Secrets of Santa Muerte offers a positive look at a culture — one that many outsiders do not understand or know about, yet feel a great attraction toward. In this culture, magic is powerful, raw and real, just like Santa Muerte. This book reveals a series of mysteries, secrets, traditions, beliefs, magic, and spells deeply linked to this ideological current. We know that, just as light is born in darkness, death gives way to life. Living is arriving; dying is returning; and returning is continuing. This is the eternal lesson of the Santa Muerte.” —Martha Ileana Moran Gonzalez, founder and director of WITCHMART, high priestess and proud bruja
— Reviews
“Secrets of Santa Muerte is the most complete workbook I have found in English on the subject. After reading it, you will be well equipped to navigate the botanica for supplies, and have a solid understanding of how to use those supplies in your spells and witchcraft. Stone goes beyond the well-known color systems and reveals the secrets of lesser-known powders, oils, and candles and how they are used. Anyone interested in the fastest growing religious movement in the world should have this book on their shelf.” —Jason Miller, author of Consorting with Spirits
— Reviews
“Cressida Stone’s Secrets of Santa Muerte is the Santa Muerte book we’ve all been waiting for: a brave, blood and guts master class in how best to bond with the Queen of Death. Part personal journey and part history, it focuses mainly on how to work with the Bony Lady. If you are curious about Santa Muerte or want to deepen your devotion to her, then you need this book.” —Aliza Einhorn, author of The Little Book of Saturn and A Mystical Practical Guide to Magic: Instructions for Seekers, Witches, & Other Spiritual Misfits
— Reviews
“A thorough and illuminating introduction to Santa Muerte, the ‘Mexican female folk saint of death.’ Stone covers the practices and concepts central to the Santa Muerte folk faith and asserts that the figure has the ‘key to all life and creation” with the power to ‘infuse life and luck into all your creations.’ The author describes how to connect with Santa Muerte by setting up an altar that features a statue of her, a glass of water, incense, liquor, flowers, and such foods as bread, fruit, or candy to represent the delights of the world. Drawing from Mexican prayer books and the wisdom of curanderos (Mexican folk healers), Stone shares prayers for protection and thanks, as well as spells for healing, love, and warding off one’s enemies. An invaluable primer [that] is nearly one to die for.” —Publishers Weekly
— Reviews
“VERDICT Readers of occult practices, Mexican culture, and goddess studies will find this title to be a comprehensive and respectful guide to all aspects of the folk saint.” —Library Journal
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